Wipe Out Everything With a Counter Attack Power of 10000000000 chapter 7

7. Train (2)

7. Train (2)

The person surprised at Count Benosetian’s sudden behavior was not Yuma but the old man who had guided Yuma and Clone to the meeting room.

The old man was the sword expert who was a bodyguard of Count Benosetian and the captain of the Halo Security Force.

The old man, who didn’t know when his lord would kneel, also hastily kneeled before Yuma.

Upon seeing the two excessively courteous elders, Yuma opened her mouth.

“Please stand up.”

Count Benosetian rose, releasing his knelt knee with the intention of offering utmost courtesy.

Of course, Yuma didn’t notice his intention of courtesy.

It was just somewhat overwhelming.

Yuma nodded.

“It’s nice to meet you, Count Benosetian.”

Benosetian watched Yuma’s words and actions very closely.

‘Is this… really a plebeian?’

The leisureliness in her words.

The natural elegance flowing from her body language, it was hard to consider it as that of a commoner.

Yuma remembered Yumir’s words, the mercenary who had gone to the princess’s palace at his command.

He said Yuma had an unusual vibe, one that wasn’t common among people.


Yuma naturally sat down in the chair at the reception room, making a space for Clone beside him.

Venosetian sat across from Yuma.

An old man was standing rigidly near them.

“Why did you want to see me, Count of Venosetian?”

Yuma wasn’t particularly curious about how his identity had been found out. It was obvious that the ticket office worker reported him to her superiors.

“As the representative and sword of Princess Bridget, it’s to inform you, Yuma, about my position as an imperial official.”

Wait a second.

Something strange was mixed in with those words.

And Yuma wasn’t the only one who was bothered by it.

Clone, who was beside him, widened her eyes.

“The sword of Princess Bridget…?”

Yuma replied to Clone’s surprised words.

“Is that something you made up just to stir me up, Count?”

Venosetian shook his head vigorously.

“No! How could I dare to do something so reckless! It’s clearly written in the urgent communiqué that came this morning.”

Venosetian hurriedly took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Yuma.

“Please read it.”

Yuma read through the envelope.

“It is Astes Bridget, the princess of the Astes Empire, notifying the nobility across the empire.

I’ve appointed today an agent who, on my behalf, will wield my will across the empire and foreign nations.

The man who is my agent and my sword will bear three golden slits sprouting to the sky. The one who possesses it will receive the same respect as me, being treated with the decorum given to our noble lineage.]”

‘My sword.’

Yuma furrowed his brow at this part.

‘Princess Bridget, are you reading a romance novel?’

He thought he would need to look at the bookshelf when he visited the princess’s palace again.

Venosetian took the notice back from Yuma with a smile.

“Mr. Yuma. Just after you purchased your boarding ticket, a call came in from Prince Schubert.”

In that smile, there was no sly implication. It just appeared as a smile indicating he was about to speak in earnest.

“The Prince knew you would be using our Halo train wherever you were going, so he reached out in advance.”

Yuma silently listened to Venosetian’s continuous explanations.

“I heard the Prince’s words to report to him once you are discovered, but I plan to refuse. I brought you here to ensure your commute on the train is smooth and to guide you through an emergency entrance.”

I’m acting in your interests.

Yuma felt since the Count was so persistent in making him feel this way.

“Just spill the conclusion already.”

Yuma never appreciated indirect approaches. He happened to be someone who preferred clear-cut solutions.

“Whether you’re going to join Princess Bridget’s side or not.”

Venosetian swallowed hard.

“What makes this a commoner’s perspective? An audacious request for a clear stand in front of nobility.

On the surface, I intended to remain neutral. But I couldn’t voice that thought.

“…I shall support Princess Bridget.”

Things had come to this not because of Bridget, but a pull towards Yuma’s impressive aura and power. I didn’t have confidence that Bridget could triumph over Schubert. However, Yuma, standing before me, did not seem like he would be defeated by anyone else.

“Tell the Princess yourself. She’d be pleased.”

Yuma spoke coolly before rising from his seat.

“Let’s go, Clone. It’s departure time.”


The old man moved with dignified grace.

“I will guide you through the emergency passage, which leads to a special cabin.”


The old man pressed a button.

A magical device similar to modern elevators.

Clone felt the unique sensation of the slow descent, sitting with his mouth agape.

The elevator doors opened. In front of them was a long, black magical train.

Blue magical steam flowed out eerily.

All but the driver’s compartments were special compartments for vip.


The door of the special compartment opened.

“Please take a seat anywhere you’d like.”

The old man respectfully guided Yuma and Clone to the very end.

The special compartment had 30 seats. 15 of them were already taken. Ivan and Clone went to the very end of the right side.

Clone, who was seated by the window, stared outside.

“Master Yuma, Master.”

Then he looked at Yuma, who was sitting to his left, with sparkling eyes.

“Master Yuma, have you ever been on a train before?”

He had never been on a train here. But there was a similar train in ‘Loop Blood’. Of course, it’s a rather realistic implementation, but it was only a train in VR.

The reality wasn’t quite so strong.

“This is my first time, too.”

“Oh, then you can be a bit more excited!”

Clone puffed his cheeks in embarrassment. Yuma gave a light chuckle. This innocent curiosity would dispel Yuma’s slight tension as well.

Chugga chugga

The wheels resonated evenly as they rolled over the train tracks.

They had a view of the dense forest on the city outskirts. In the window, they could see trees in their summery green. The sun was setting in a brilliant red.

Clone took a keen note of the scenery.


Like the brilliant sunset. He wanted to kindle a fire so intense. Wanted to become stronger. Strong enough to not need the protection of Yuma and the Princess.

Not in a one-sidedly protective relationship, rather one of mutual dependence.

From noble mtl dot com

A faint voice of Yuma permeated Clone’s ear, fueling his budding ambitions.

“Anyway, once we pass Akan and arrive at the Count of Rubert’s house, we won’t have a moment to rest. We have to carry out the princess’s command. So for now, just enjoy the view.”

The darkness falling slowly over the landscape was like a painting being drawn in real time.

“Yes, Yuma.”

Clone gave a slight smile. As Yuma suggested, she decided to put away her magical achievements and her desire for power, and simply experience the landscape and heal herself.

‘I should heed Yuma’s words.’

Because she had to be a good girl.

Ironically, even Yuma, who gave such advice to Clone, was unable to completely shake off her own distractions.

‘The Blueheaded Swordmaster.’

If she was in the middle of the ‘main story’ of this world, he would be sitting on her right, performing the role of a hero who saves the world with Clone.

A wizard and a hero, along with a confirmed princess next in line for the throne.

Quite a plausible combination.

It was more rational and justifiable for these three to save the world than a warrior who couldn’t kill the enemy without pairing.

‘I must find him in two years.’

The whereabouts of the Blueheaded Swordmaster.

Its identity must be confirmed in two years. The only clue is the blue hair. What a long journey it would be.

Seven o’clock.

As the full night arrived, a flight attendant in a neat sky-blue uniform approached her.

He replied with a bright, business-like smile.

“I will prepare dinner for you, madam.”


Clone wasn’t that hungry, but she was so fascinated by the idea of being served a meal on the train that she brightened up and opened the tray on her seat.

A nicely browned, soft toast was served. Along with a yellow omelette and well-done premium sausage.


The moment Clone reached for a fork with her eyes gleaming —

A loud explosion that made their ears humming echoed throughout the carriage.

Boom! Boom!

Figures, dressed in a uniform as black as a military uniform, strides ahead out of the gray smoke.

Four out of five people guarded the door to the compartment. Only one came forward.

A man in a black uniform walked past Yuma and Clone without a glance. His full-faced iron mask was prominent.

He held a heavy, spiked mace in his right hand.

“Count Bynens.”

“What the hell are you?”

The count with red hair.

Pynens frowned at the man in the iron mask.

Out of the masked man’s mouth came words as heavy as the iron mask he wore.

“Your crime. The crime of bullying the commoners using your noble position. Raping the wife of an innocent peasant. Killing a peasant with a raised flag. Numerous sins are exposing behind you.”

“What bullsh*t is this madman talking about… Rackan.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The young man named Rackan drew out the longsword that was attached to his waist.

And from that longsword, a brilliant aura erupted.


Awe flowed from the mouths of the 10 nobles sitting in the special carriage. A knight slashing the iron-masked villain.

They were certain that the scene they were expecting was unfolding before their eyes.


Rakan’s brilliant sword energy was swung down towards the armor. Diagonally. Yet, the sword stopped just before it hit the shoulder.


Rakan failed to notice the mace held in the iron-masked villain’s right hand swinging. By the time he realized what was happening, half of his head had already been smashed in.


Blood scattered throughout the specialist carriage.

Rakan’s lifeless body sprawled unceremoniously onto the floor.

“Die, repenting for your sins, Byness.”

“Wa, wait…!”

The iron-masked man did not hesitate.

He swung his mace imbued with a blue aura again. The skull of the Count of Byness burst, spewing brains and blood simultaneously.

The iron-masked man swung his mace in the air to shake off bits of flesh and blood.

“For the glory of the empire.”

Silence fell in the carriage.

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  1. Noobsama says:

    Blue hair man is MC when he can used Aura… Aura shine on his hair become blue.
    That what i think it is lol.

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not work with dark mode