0.01 Second Sword Master chapter 20

0.01 Second Sword Master 20

1 Second Sword Master Episode 20


There was only heavy silence in the shock-swept palace.

Everyone was staring at Minuel, me and Minuel, who was slumped against a pillar with a startled look on his face, as if his eyes were about to pop out.

‘Such beauty, crazy…’

It really happened in the blink of an eye.

Minuel pointed the knife at me, and I flicked it lightly with my finger.

With just that one shot, Minuel flew far away!

‘If I were going to hit it, I should have hit that cheekbone, not the knife!’

That level of power should have been enough to instantly kill Minuel.

What the hell is this guy’s bravado?

‘Will it happen now?’

If you look closely, you might be able to get out of here with words.

Isn’t it difficult to run a meeting anyway?

But just then


I saw Minuel, who had been slumped to the point where the pillar caved in, getting up while gnashing his teeth.

Blood flowed from his chewed lips,

“Aslan… you bastard…”

In his eyes, a terrible life was mingled.

Because the momentary strength has just been used, the cooldown remains for more than 200 seconds.

In other words, I had no more weapons to fight him.

What’s left is

“I appreciate the fact that you didn’t let go of the sword until the end, Minuel.”

It was just a bravado.

“I was caught off guard for a while, but this time I won’t just get caught! Did you just think that I would fall over!?”

Of course, there was no time to let go of the sword.

As soon as I hit the tip of the knife with my finger, it flew away in an instant like a bullet.

“Just lie down.”

“Why? Do you think I will suffer from the same thing again?”

“If you cross the line any further than that, you will risk your life.”

I thought Minuel would back down a bit if he was bluffing like this, but he spat the blood flowing from his mouth on the floor and said,

“Where do you kill me? You should have killed me with that blow just now. An opportunity like that will never come again.”

As Minuel said, it was an opportunity that would never come again.

But wouldn’t Aslan’s bluff count on that?

Even if a knife is put in his throat, he will die by playing with his tongue until the end.

“You’re foolish and don’t realize, Minuel. What does it matter whether you are vigilant or not?”

Indeed, it was the same this time.

“Even now, I can decapitate you and dismember you whenever I want. You will die without even knowing your head will fall to the floor.”

“This is bullshit until the end…!”

“Then, where do you raise that knife? I’m not sure. The moment the knife comes up over your neck, it will be your last.”


It was pure bullshit until the very end.

It was shameless and infuriating bullshit.

It was such a ridiculous bluff that anyone who heard it would immediately know that it was absurd.

“Raise your sword, Minuel.”

But, unfortunately,


Minuel couldn’t even lift his sword.

That mad dog, Minuel, the fifth sword master on the continent, had been completely fooled by Aslan’s bravado.

‘This works?’

It’s too early to rejoice.

Because it was like setting fire to a powder keg.

The powder keg of Aslan’s bluff.

“Still, I tried to treat you cutely if you acted funny, but I can’t even do that. A pitiful bastard.”

This crazy bravado touched Minuel’s nose hair, which had barely calmed down.


Minuel, who had his head down, gritted his teeth.

“How dare you guys like me…!”

I feel Minuel’s anger that has exploded like an active volcano.

The terrifying speculation made my skin sting.

He glared at me as if he would run at me at any moment.

“OK. I’ll give you the sword as you wish. I will kill you here no matter what, Aslan!”

The moment Minuel likes to raise his sword and emit strong energy.

“Go there, Minuel.”

A heavy voice split the hall.

Even a mad dog knows how to tell the difference between up and down.

“Lord, Lord. I’m still fine. If you give me a chance, I’ll cut Aslan’s head…”


He shuddered at the irresistible voice of Karman.

“How can a knight who lost his sword fight?”



Minuel slowly lowered his head and looked at his sword.

He could find crack marks on the tip of the sword.

And the crack


spreading out,


Finally, the entire sword was shattered.


Minuel froze on the spot, staring blankly at the fragments of the sword scattered on the floor.

“Oh, the sword is broken!”


The people in the venue were frightened and hummed.

Karman hammered a nail into it.

“Be grateful that you did not lose your life today. If Aslan hadn’t put the emotion in his hand, your body, not the sword, would have been like that.”


Minuel fell to his knees on the spot.

His devastated face was clearly visible.

Wouldn’t that guy run rampant now?


But when one goes, another will come.

Karman gently raised his head and spoke to me.

“If you have done this, I think you have sufficiently demonstrated your capabilities. Why don’t you just sit down again?”

I want to do the same, but Aslan’s bravado has not cooled down yet.

Still maintaining that thrilling heat, I dared to look directly at Karman.


“It’s a competency-.”

At the Round Table of Swords, which gathered all the monsters on this continent, in front of Karman, who is said to be the strongest on that continent, I

“You haven’t seen even a fraction of my power yet.”

He pretended like an asshole.


A quiet silence passed.

It was such a long time that one second felt like a year to me.

But morbid bravado and infatuation prevent their attention from being focused,

to focus their attention,

I felt and enjoyed it with my whole body.

It was that I, too, assimilated into those feelings, enjoying their awe and fear in their eyes.

“I will go.”

I walked towards the entrance of the venue.

yes. rather this is better

It was very natural.

Tumble- Tumble-

Inside the venue, I could only hear my footsteps on the floor.

please don’t catch anyone


When there were only a few steps left to the entrance like that.

“Are you sure you want to go?”

Karman caught me.

The bravado, which seemed to be slowly sinking, fluctuated again.

“yes. I was foolish to expect that I could share something with you, even for a moment.”

“How dare you say such a thing?”

There was anger in his voice.

“Are you worthy of that, who did not take a single step out of the shadows and only watched from behind?”

The feeling of intimidation he radiated oppressed his body.

It seemed to choke my breath and cut my throat.

Is this the power of the strongest man on the continent?

But strangely,

“You know nothing about me.”

Even he didn’t feel afraid of me.

“What am I looking at, what am I living for, and what am I finally raising my sword for?”

I look back at Karman and the people gathered in the congregation,

“You don’t know.”

I blew my last bluff.

“What do you guys who can’t look at the forest and only look at the trees know?”

Then I turned my back on them and walked toward the entrance to the venue.

Then someone shouted from behind.

“If that’s the case, then why are you here?”

I answered someone’s voice.

“It was because of a request from someone who values this meeting.”


“I hope you are satisfied with this.”

After that answer, the entrance to the venue opened.

and at the same time

[Quest Completed]

-You get 10 gold as a reward.

The long-awaited quest has been completed.

* * *


“Did you really go away?”

The shock that Aslan threw at the chairman was by no means light.

The tremendous power he showed made Minuel, who was called the mad dog, kneel.

He, too, could not stand up in front of the fragmented sword, as if the shock was great.

“Tsk. Very self-indulgent.”

Karman raised his glass and drank it.

Then Carpal, who was next to me, said.

“Didn’t you give a big scolding?”

“I was going to. I was trying not to make fun of that cheeky tongue. By the way······.”

He vividly recalled Aslan staring straight at him.

“It didn’t break until the end.”

“Does that mean you used your powers?”

Karman raised his glass without answering.

Silence is affirmation.

His reaction surprised Carpal.

‘Did he withstand Karman’s coercion?’

The reason Karman was able to firmly hold the position of the first sword master was because of his abilities.


Like a dragon’s peer, it is an ability that instills strong fear into the opponent’s mind and further suppresses the body.

Karman’s power is also powerless, but his coercion subdues opponents so that they cannot even lift a sword.

Carpal was well aware of the destructive power of that ability because he had experienced it once before.

‘But what about Aslan?’

How many people on this continent would be able to say something like that even by looking Karman in the eyes? It will be hard to find even among the people gathered in this venue.

“Aslan. I’ve underestimated him too much.”

“Yes. It was the same for me too. But looking at it now, it reminds me of the first time I saw Karman-sama.”

Karman frowned and glared at Carpal.

“What does that mean?”

“Ahh. Of course, that doesn’t mean that Aslan is on the same level as you. But, like you, didn’t Aslan give these people a fresh shock?”

I could tell just by looking at the reaction of the people gathered at the venue.

They keep talking about Aslan.

Even after the meeting, I will continue to talk about Aslan.

No matter how shocking the agenda may be brought up during the meeting, they will only talk about Aslan until the end and end with Aslan.

The strong impression Aslan left behind was not something that could easily be erased from his mind.

“Aren’t you curious about Karman? What is Aslan talking about?”

Why did he take up the sword, and despite having such formidable power, why did he stay behind?

Then why did he finally reveal himself to the world?

He was a man who left only question marks as the days went by.

“I can’t proceed with the meeting like this.”

Karman, who decided that the meeting could not continue, raised his hand and said.

“Today’s roundtable will end here. We will announce the schedule again later, so then…”

But before he finished speaking,

Kwajik-! Kwa-kwak-!

The Round Table began to crack with a loud noise.


Before long, the round table was split into several pieces and scattered across the floor.


“Whoa, is the Round Table broken?”

“How can a round table that has been preserved for 200 years…!”

“I’ve never had anything like this before!”

round table of swords.

A symbol of peace that has been preserved for 200 years.

This isn’t the first time a fight has taken place inside the venue.

There were many times when a great fight took place, where several sword masters lost their lives.

But even then, the round table was always fine.

However, the round table collapsed.


Karman also stared blankly at the collapsed round table.

Is it because of that?

When Aslan snapped his fingers and blew Minuel away.

The waves that arose at that time distorted the round table, and eventually broke the sacred round table that had been in use for 200 years.

yes. It means that he made the round table, which had endured countless adversities with just one finger, to this point without applying force directly, Aslan.


He couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into laughter.

“Ka, Karman?”

Karman laughed for a while and shook his head.

“Here comes a great giant. The future will be interesting.”

Then he got up from his seat.


Karman felt his heart pound and his blood boil.

This feeling I haven’t felt since becoming the strongest on the continent.

For the first time, I felt that I wanted to risk my life and fight fiercely with someone.

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  1. MrPojsomnoj says:

    “I’ll risk my life with this move”
    – I have big D!
    And then he died. What he did expect?

  2. nverthles says:

    he’s risking his entire life with that move 💀💀💀💀

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