0.01 Second Sword Master chapter 70

0.01 Second Sword Master 70

0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 70


I stared at the paladins and priests scattered over the cliff.

‘It was really the biggest crisis of my life.’

It was a really fleeting moment, and a fleeting judgment.

At first, he tried to spread the shield of the guardian god after seeing arrows and magic raining down from the sky.

But in the end he changed his mind.

It’s because I can’t face this many troops alone just because I survive alone.

‘It’s a shame because I gained practical experience in the rappies’ habitat…’

A counterattack of this magnitude would not have been possible if the power’s telekinesis had been mishandled even a little bit.

the problem is,

‘There is no skill left anymore.’

15 seconds to block the pouring down attack.

15 seconds to turn them around again.

After using two skills already, I no longer have the strength to deal with them.

Of course, I was drunk on this guy’s bluff and came up here well.

‘If Luminaire pulls out a sword over there…’

With this weak Aslan’s body, he wouldn’t be an opponent for even a second.

But look here.

The church’s army reached the level of destruction with a single counterattack.

Me looking down at them from above.

And even those frightened eyes.

The perfect stage was prepared here.

I just

“You are foolish. Dogs of the Church.”

All you have to do is step your foot forward.

“Your disgust makes me sick.”

Slowly, step by step, I descended from the air and approached them.


“This, such a monster…!”

Then, the priests and paladins who had barely survived the previous attack trembled and took a backward step. The fear that flowed from their eyes stimulated my bravado.

Have I already been deeply stained by Aslan’s bravado?

How can I be more pretentious,

He instinctively knew how to terrorize them further.


Instantaneous strength cannot be used during cooldown, but light telekinesis can be used infinitely.

I telekinetically raised the sword and made it fly around me.

As if it were escorting me of its own accord.

“That’s a sword!?”

“What is that-!”

I very carefreely crossed my arms and slowly raised the tip of the flying sword.

and said to them

“I, Aslan, are here.”

Intoxicated by the seething bravado, I raised my voice even more.

“If you know the honor of a knight, raise your sword and face me.”


But no one dared to appear before me with a sword.

Not even that common magic bullet could come close to me.

felt there

that they had already lost their will to fight.

“Are you their leader?”

Luminaire was where my eyes could reach.

He, like his subordinates, was shaking his hands while holding onto the sword that had fallen to the floor.

“Then take up your sword. If you are the captain who leads them, protect the knight’s honor by risking your life.”

If I had to fight Luminaire now, it would have been my defeat, but I trusted my intuition.

I believed in my bluff data that had accumulated enough to accumulate.

Luminaire never stands up to me.

No, you won’t be able to face it.

How could he point a sword at me after seeing such a tremendous sight?

Indeed, as I expected,


He couldn’t get up from where he fell.

Rather, the posture of holding the sword seemed to be a preparation movement to get out of here, not to confront me.

I called his name with arrogant eyes.



“I know who you are.”

I need to make sure he never raises a knife on me again.

“I know what you are going to do. Are you trying to get out of here like this?”

Luminaire’s hands froze.

“Do whatever you want. However, leave all of your knightly honor and pride here. These are things that don’t suit you. no. It’s too much for a knight of the Order.”

Luminaire’s face convulsed at my insult.

I slowly sent the sword that was hovering around me to the luminaire.

“Choose. Will we die together here, defending the knight’s honor? Or should I preserve that humble life?”

Of course, if Luminaire attacks me here, I will be dead.


“It seems that the answer has already been decided.”

I encouraged him not to worry any further.

“Get out of my sight.”


“A guy who truly knew the pride of being a knight wouldn’t have set up an ambush like this. Even to be stained with the blood of a guy like you is a disgrace to me.”

Luminaire stares blankly at me,


He twisted his sword and stuck it into the ground.

Then, heavenly light poured down over my head.

“Lu, Luminer-sama!!”

“no way!?”

Seeing the light, the Paladins and Priests shouted.

They know what that light means.

“Ooh, don’t abandon us!”

“Please take us with you too!”

Luminaire’s special ability.

It is a teleport ability that the church calls that the call of light.

It was a fraudulent skill that allowed him to move anywhere he wanted.

It is even possible to transfer an entire army.

But the reason I can’t take them with me right now is because magic assistance is essential.

Without the help of magic, an army could not be teleported at once.

“Forgive me. Someone has to inform the church about this.”

Luminaire’s lips trembled.

Then he stared at me.


It wasn’t a look of vengeance or a look full of murderous intent.

His eyes were stained with fear that he would never want to face me again.

“Let the church know what I mean. If you provoke me again, then I will personally lead the army to the church. Then that day will be the last day of the church.”

After my words, the light that descended on Luminer disappeared.

That’s how he got out of this place with the light.

“Ah, Lord Luminere.”

“Uh, why us…”

The paladins and priests left on the cliff were in despair.

I turned my attention to them.


“Do, run away!”

Seeing no more will to fight back, they struggled to get away from me.


“Standby Division Commander!!”

While I was wasting my time, my knights, who had been riding up the hill, arrived at the top of the cliffs on both sides.


“Hey, we’re all dead now.”

They had no will to fight, and now they have lost even the will to run away.

“You filthy bastards!”

“Ambush and kill us!”

“I will slaughter them right here!”

The knights’ anger reached its peak.

Didn’t he almost get annihilated in a sudden ambush attack?

In particular, Hariel, who was accompanying us, seemed to be in great shock.

But killing them all here was just to relieve the mood, it wasn’t cost-effective.

“Do not insult your sword and honor by killing those worms.”

“Ha, if you do…”

“Keep me captive. You can’t give them a sweet death.”


If you hold on to these guys, you will have a lot of things to write about.

It can be used as labor force, or it is a good way to send it back to the church after imprinting more fear on me.

This is because one of the strategies is to instill fear in our kingdom endlessly when we capture prisoners, and then send them back to demoralize the enemy nation.

These will soon become my arrows and shoot towards the church.

* * *

The elders of the Church of Reyes sat peacefully today, waiting for the news of victory to come.

It is the best sword the Church has, and it is the Luminer that has never failed in its mission. They had no doubt that they would do the job faithfully this time as well.

“It must have been decided by now.”

“Since Luminaire said they would launch an ambush, Aslan must have already lost his life after being judged by Rahal.”

“Whoops. I guess so. Isn’t the opponent Luminaire, our pride?”

It was a time when I was drinking tea and relaxing to the fullest.


They put down the tea cups they were holding at the pillar of light visible outside the hall.

“I think Luminaire is here.”

“The knight who brought the news of victory.”

“Let’s give him a warm welcome.”

The elders of the Senate directly went out to see where the pillar of light fell.

It was to directly praise Luminaire who made a very big contribution.



The elders noticed something strange about the haggard appearance of Luminaire, who looked 10 years older.

“The Great Star Knight Commander, Luminere. Did you perfectly carry out the mission given by Rahal as an oracle?”


It was Luminaire, who did not answer and stared blankly at the empty space.

Then the elder raised his voice and called him.


Only then did Luminaire respond.

“I’m sorry… I have failed to fulfill the sacred mission that Rahal has entrusted to me.”

“What, what!?”

“What about the Knights? What about the Templars, did you come here alone?”


Even though he poured out questions here and there, Luminaire couldn’t say anything.

The elder shouted as if he was frustrated by that appearance.

“We need to see what you saw. Open your eyes, Luminaire.”

Luminaire nodded without saying a word and knelt down with his arms outstretched.

The elder stretched out his hand and activated the church’s magic implanted in him.

Then, the memories Luminaire had seen and felt began to unfold over his head.


It was turbulent from the very beginning.

It wasn’t enough to put the runaway monsters to rest with the ridiculous ability of the spirit of the tongue, and they wiped out the knights who were in ambush in an instant without knowing what power it was.

And the last word he left pierced their hearts with a dagger.

[If you provoke me again, then I will personally lead the army to the church. Then that day will be the last day of the church.]

As if hearing that heavy voice right in front of their eyes, the vivid memories of Luminaire were projected and embedded in their heads.

“This, this is…”

“How can a human being have such power?”

It is amazing to have such a mysterious and little-known power of the word, but what the hell is the power that wiped out so many paladins and priests at once-.

In the meantime, the church has been steadily collecting information to measure what abilities Aslan has and how far his strength is, but each time he made their hearts flutter with his ability beyond imagination.

“That’s why the leader of the Great Star Knights of the Order, the one who served Rahal’s great will, just returned with the target in front of him!”

In response to the shocking shouts of the elder, Luminere put his sword in front of him.

“Please kill me. I lost my qualifications to become a knight of the Order.”

“What, what?! Even if you stand up right now and say that you will definitely cut the enemy’s throat, don’t put your hat on!”

“As Aslan said, I have no pride or honor as a knight, I just ran away in fear. How can I fulfill Rahal’s will?”

Seeing Luminaire’s drooping head, the elders were at a loss for words.

Luminer, which is the pride of the church, has done the will of the light without fear at any moment. But now he was completely terrified and was unable to properly hold a sword.

“This, what should I do with this….”

The completely unexpected development made the general’s eyes dark.

* * *

‘The church is completely cut off now.’

I didn’t know that these dogs could attack like that.

Still, there must be at least an omen, but this was a surprise attack by ambushing with the call of light, and the game was almost over.

This is probably also due to the difficulty.

‘I hope they don’t get involved for the time being.’

However, if you want to continue the game, you will have to face the Church at some point.

While there are people of the Order who have already succumbed to the devil, there are also Knights and Priests of the Church who follow the true will of light and value good will.

According to the original story, they set Alexander up as the hero of the continent, get a mark in front of the gods of light, and announce it throughout the continent.

In other words, in order to present Alexander as the perfect protagonist, the ties with the church had to be reconnected.

“If you really don’t want to do it, we’ll have to proceed without them.”

Of course, it was almost impossible to completely exclude the church and play, so it seemed like we had to wait and see how things would go.

“Still, if you want to keep the cult guys from rampaging for a while, you have to make good use of the prisoners, right?”

He entrusted the captives he had already captured to Aaron and Hores.

It was to instill fear in me and then send it back to the church to terrify the knights within it as well.

If that happens, the church will not be able to attack us easily for the time being.

“Would you like to see where you are doing well?”

I left the office and moved to the place where Aaron and Horace were actively brainwashing.

But something was strange.

“His greatness is difficult to express in words. You must have felt the power that even the devil fears from the cliff that day!”

Apparently, I told them to instill fear in me, but it didn’t sound like fear, it sounded like a speech encouraging Templar resources.

“Until now, you have lived without knowing what the honor of a knight is, but if you follow the great Aslan, you will understand. And before you know it, you too will find yourself becoming an honorable knight!”

Could it be because of Aaron’s characteristic that he can raise the morale of the army that is hitting the bottom?

Or are those paladins just stupid?

“Oh oh!”

“We want to become honorable knights too!”

“The Cult, and the Luminaire, have abandoned us!”

Frightened and weeping, those who had to return to the church had their eyes shining, let alone tears.

“Even though the Church and Luminere abandoned you, Grand Master Aslan did not abandon you. that will be the case in the future Therefore, do not sacrifice your life for nothing and be born anew for our Aslan!!”


I stared blankly at them, blinking my eyes.

Aaron what is that doing right now?

I tried to send them back to the Church to spread the fear, but instead they were increasing their mouths to feed.


Aaron, who met my eyes belatedly, quietly set the example of a knight to me.

It was as if he had done his duty very well, and he asked for a quick compliment.

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  1. strong sia says:

    Meant church

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