0.01 Second Sword Master chapter 96

0.01 Second Sword Master 96

0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 96


After the banquet hall doors were closed, people could barely breathe.

“Bah, what the hell was that just ago…”

“It was not a lie that Aslan had a power comparable to Karman.”

“handwriting? No matter how you look at it, Aslan seems to have overpowered Karman.”

“Shh! Your voice is too loud.”

The people gathered in the hall were staring at Karman, who was standing in a daze while whispering.


Karman couldn’t hear their voices like that.

‘What was that just then?’

It was the first time in my life that I experienced overwhelming power.

Karman saw.

May the tremendous fighting spirit overflowing from Aslan’s body and live.

An illusion unfolded before my eyes, as if the energy of a gigantic demon was creeping up from within.

I had no choice but to admit it.

That moment, Aslan overpowered him.

‘Was Aslan like that?’

Even when I saw it at the round table of swords, I didn’t think it had that much power.

Could it be that he has grown stronger in the meantime?

That meant that, unlike Karman, who had already reached the pinnacle and stopped growing, Aslan was still growing.


Karman loosened his stiff posture and looked towards the entrance where Aslan had left.

If you hold the author with your own hands.

‘I’ll have to risk my life.’

It seemed that a presence that made him sweat cold after a long time had appeared, and Karman’s cold blood began to boil hotly.

* * *


Natasha clicked her tongue in interest.

Read at noblemtl.com

Gudora of Karman and Aslan.

but. Anyone who lives on this continent can’t help but wonder about the confrontation between the two.

But just now, it seemed to be Aslan’s advantage.

What would have happened if Karman had drawn the sword there?

Did Aslan really defeat Karman, who is said to be the strongest on the continent?

“hehehe. Is this why you like Aslan? It adds tension to such a boring party so that it is unpredictable even for a second.”

“But isn’t that too rude?”

“Yes. Starting with Natasha-sama’s behavior, it completely ruined the party that continued in a good mood.”

“What a party Natasha-sama put so much effort into preparing…! Aren’t they all messed up in those two men’s childish fights?”

Then Natasha burst out laughing.

“Don’t you really know that that was what Aslan was aiming for?”


“Is that what Aslan was aiming for?”

“yes. What do you think of Aslan? A knight who only knows how to wield a sword? no. He is a politician.”

Her subordinates tilted their heads at her words.

“He wields unbridled power in the Kingdom of Eli. And his subordinates also treat Aslan almost like a king. No, they are worshiping them almost like gods. Even the people regard Aslan as a higher being than that Rahal.”

Natasha always kept her ears open and listened to what was happening all over the continent.

Of course, everyone has heard how Aslan runs state affairs and influences the Kingdom of Eli.

“Aslan is a very thorough person. Even his slightest movement has meaning. Is it really luck to build the kingdom of Eli, which is all crumbling? He drew the plotting political opponents to his side and gathered strength to create the current Eli Kingdom. Would a person like that have fought a battle simply out of a childish mind?”

“Then Natasha-sama said that Aslan’s actions just before were all calculated…”

“yes. Look at this banquet hall now. Listen to their stories. What is everyone talking about?”

The subordinates looked around for a moment before replying.

“It’s all about Aslan.”

“hit. It’s all about Aslan. It was the same at the Round Table of Swords. By deliberately provoking the opponent to show his power, for several days that day, there was a lot of talk about Aslan. As a result, his reputation rose and people’s perception changed. It is the same here.”

At the banquet hall, people debated whether Aslan was superior to Karman or not.

Could it be that Aslan was really aiming for this?

“Since the Round Table of Swords, many have said that Aslan has power comparable to Karman. But how is it now? The two of them didn’t even clash swords, but isn’t everyone talking loudly that Aslan is on top of Karman?”

“… that’s amazing. I never thought that Aslan would have such a thorough temperament.”

“He is the one who shook a country and made the people there on his side. How clever and sophisticated would that be? I wonder how different he will look in bed.”


Natasha murmured sadly.

“But it doesn’t go over well. Maybe I’m not pretty? tell me Does my face look too old?”

“Oh, that can’t be! This is absurd!”

“Yes. There is no one on this continent who can match Natasha’s looks!”

“Ho Ho. yes. If you say so, you are right.”

However, no matter how pretty her face was and how she radiated intense lust every time, Aslan was immovable.

Rather, they even send contemptuous glances.

That made Natasha even more excited.

“Come to think of it, Hariel came with me…”

Could it be that he still has feelings for Hariel?

The fact that Hariel is by Aslan’s side must mean that she also has feelings for him.

“I don’t think I’ve heard that the two of them developed into a relationship.”

Are you looking at each other’s liver while looking at each other?

I want it because it’s frustrating.

“Hmm- In that case…”

Natasha let out a sinister laugh as she thought of something funny.

* * *

“Ugh. Fuck.”

It wasn’t until after I entered the designated accommodation and closed the door that my back and legs, which had been standing upright, relaxed.

“I almost got into trouble.”

Not with anyone else, but with Karman, of course.

It could have been a good thing, but this guy’s bravado went wild, and it only got worse between them.

“If you fought then-”

Bona Mana, the result was obvious.

Even if I slashed Karman on the spot with my momentary strength, I did not defeat him.

The scary thing about Karman is not simply because of his high military power, but because of his fraudulent traits.

He can absorb fatal damage once with his ability of indomitability, and even if his body is cut in half on the spot, he has the ability to be an alter ego.

“It’s not the strongest on the continent for nothing.”

So, when the old people recommend this game to newbies, they advise them to choose Karman if they want to shoot unmatched with Munchkin characters from the beginning.

“What kind of a monster Alexander is, who later becomes stronger than that Karman.”

So, in this game, the characteristics of the character were more important than the numerical power or intelligence. It’s not like I’m looking for an item with a skill just because I’m upgrading my specs.

“It came out just fine.”

The reason why I quickly left the banquet hall was because, like Karman, I could get into a fight and make things worse.

Aren’t I playing on the extreme difficulty right now?

I always have to be careful because I don’t know when and where something that threatens my life will happen.

That’s why it was only natural for him to leave the place infested with names.

“Isn’t it a bit like just sitting here?”

The magic festival was not simply a festival for the rulers, but a festival for all wizards.

Wizards from each kingdom, or wandering wizards, gather in Shana Kingdom to show off their magical powers and reveal the magic tools they have created and developed.

If there is a wizard you like, there are authorities who take you to their kingdom, or you like a tool made by a wizard and invest money in it.

In other words, it meant a festival that was no different from a great opportunity for wizards.

“If there are any useful wizards, I’d like to take them.”

Players also focus on getting various items by participating in magic festivals or scouting wizards to increase national power.

I couldn’t just miss this farming opportunity.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to buy something that catches your eye while looking at the sights in moderation.


I said after clearing my throat.

“Is anyone out there?”


It was Alexander who came in.

“I’m going to go to the place where the festival is held.”

“Yes, let me guide you.”

Outside was Alexander and some knights.

It seemed that Aaron had gone to his lodgings to rest because he usually takes turns taking care of me during the day and night.

By the way,

“Standby division commander~! Are you going out to look around?”

It wasn’t just them who were waiting for me, there was also Raphael.

“I’m coming too!”

“… that’s right.”

Raphael was also a wizard, so of course he would have no choice but to expect a festival like this.

“What about Hariel?”

“ah! Hariel unnie stayed at the dorm for a while and then went out after being called by someone.”

“Somebody’s calling?”

“I don’t know who it is, but isn’t it the guy who fell in love with Hariel unnie? Ho Ho. This has not happened once or twice.”

but. If you look like Hariel, you’ll be able to seduce a man.

However, since Hariel is not an ordinary person, no average man would be able to embrace her.

Besides, she’s the sword of the church, and she doesn’t even get close to men.

“i get it.”

“oh. Are you worried about Hariel?”

“If you don’t want to go out with me, just stay here.”

“Oh no! I want to go with you!”

I went out of the palace with Raphael.

Magic shows were taking place all over the festival, which was held like a market, and there were people eagerly advertising their magic tools.

“ruler! Speaking of this broom, it can be said to be a magical broom that minimizes the consumption of mana and maximizes speed at the same time!”

“With this cloak, I can hide my whole body with light magic!”

“If you use this sleeping bag, you can withstand any cold…!”

There will be tricksters among them, and there will be really useful wizards.

As I was walking along the road watching them quietly, Raphael pointed out a place.

“ah! Would you like to go over there?”

The place she pointed to was a bar with particularly splendid magic lights.

“There they sell liquor made from Luong fruit, a specialty of Shana Kingdom! You must try it!”

If it is Luong fruit wine, I know it.

I heard that it tastes as sweet as kissing a lover…


I was suddenly curious.

I tried to go into the bar with Raphael.

However, the voices of the men clamoring inside were resounding.

“Wow. I am not here to fight you.”

“But didn’t you just make fun of our king!”

“I was just telling the truth. Isn’t it true that Grand Master Aslan overpowered King Karman at the banquet hall today?”

“what?! This guy to the end!”

Why is that guy messing with the Karman knights who are still over there?

Aaron and some knights were in the bar.

“Don’t be angry. Isn’t the skill of the two of us recognized by all of us? Judging from today’s events, it seems that sooner or later the two of you will decide who has the upper hand. Can’t we go check it out then?”

what to cover

Aaron, who is that guy going to kill?

“huh! Do you think our king will be defeated by the lieutenant commander of the grand division of your kingdom?”

“what?! Are you just lying?”

“How dare anyone say that!”

The knights of the kingdom were furious at the provocation of the knights of the kingdom of Kala.

Then Aaron interceded with them.

“Ahh. stop all Again, I’m not here to fight. When will the knights of different kingdoms share a drink again? But what kind of lies are we perpetuating? Can you tell me?”

“Aslan destroyed the dragon’s lair and killed the dragon that was there. And to invade hell and directly judge the great devil. Also, the incarnation of Rahal created holy water! If all this is not a lie, what is it?”

“Hmm······. There’s definitely something a little out of whack. But the thing about the holy water is absolutely not a lie.”

“What, what? It’s not even a substitute temple, so how do you make holy water?”

Aaron grinned and climbed onto the table to show the bottle to everyone in the bar.

“Here is the holy water that you are so curious about. We drink this like water every day. Remembering Aslan’s blessing. Because in our kingdom of Eli, this holy water springs up like a waterfall.”

“It’s a lie!”

“Where are you telling lies that are obvious to you!”

A knight stepped forward in the booing crowd.

“If it’s real, it can heal this wound!?”


“This is a wound from the battle with the devil a month ago. Although he is barely holding on with the power of magic, his flesh is slowly rotting due to demonic energy. They say you can get rid of this demonic energy with holy water?”

“Ah- that’s nothing.”

Aaron poured holy water on the wound on the knight’s shoulder.


Then, black smoke erupted from the wound, and soon the smoke began to turn golden.

“How is it?”

The knight, who suffered for a while, looked at the wound on his shoulder at Aaron’s words.

“Oh, it can’t be. Wounds that could not be healed even with magic…”

The Magi that made the flesh rot had disappeared without a trace, and the flesh was gradually healing.

“Do you think I’m telling lies?”


Aaron took another drink there and took a drink.

“Look closely at the wine in this glass.”

A few drops of holy water were added to the clear glass, and the color of the liquor turned golden and glistened seductively in it.

“Wow, whoa-.”

“You were really a holy beast, right?”

The knights of each kingdom gathered in the bar were naturally surprised.

“This is a drink made from holy water.”


As Aaron gulped it down, the knights gulped.

“Keu- After all, it’s a heavenly taste that can’t be tasted anywhere else.”

“Me, give me a sip too!”

“me too! I want to taste it too!”

The attitude of the knights, who were full of doubts just before, had completely changed.

They clamored and begged for just one drop.

However, Aaron said as he closed the cap of the bottle containing the holy water.

“Only those who follow Aslan and serve him can drink this holy water. Unpurified unclean people like you dare not speak of it. So, if you want to taste this holy water, come to Eli Kingdom. If you swear allegiance to Aslan there, and swear to follow him with all your life, you might be able to taste it.”

“Oh oh-“

“Are all the rumors true?”

“yes. It’s all true. Rather, it seems to have been implied by rumors. He is greater than you think! Let me tell you about his achievements here all night long!”


The knights were responding to Aaron by hitting the table with their glasses.

Read at noblemtl.com

Just as he did in the Kingdom of Eli, he was agitating them hard here as well.


For some reason, it seemed that Aaron was gradually becoming the leader of a pseudo-religion.

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  1. Menma says:

    No, He is a pope

  2. MrPojsomnoj says:

    Aaron return to Jews!

  3. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    Archbishop Aaron xD.

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