The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 57

57 - Hanna's Second Proposal

57 – Hanna’s Second Proposal

The student council room in the academy.

The executive members of the student council were seated around a round table, sighing deeply.

Charthia, the student council president, was sighing deeply.

Mikhail, who was called in as a witness, was present as well.

And even Ruin and the Crown Prince, who were in a bad mood.

The student council was gathered in this room because of the incident that occurred during the final evaluation.

Charthia was not in a good mood. She had a lot of tasks to do. She had to come up with a plan for the interrupted exams, and she, the princess, had to conduct an investigation for verification. There was no reason for her expression to be good.

– Crash!

“This damn academy never seems to function properly.”

Sharitia was angry at the thought of having to write a letter to reassure the parents after the meeting.

She calmed her anger with shaky breaths, realizing the need to think rationally for a proper meeting.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at Mikhail in front of her – a Mikhail with a face full of scars. His expression showed the lingering impact of the attack by the heretics; it seemed the shock still haunted him, even after a week.

Surprised to see him struggling to regain composure even a week after the incident, Sharitia felt awkward as she observed Mikhail, who had always been confident and composed.

“Mikhail, could you tell us about what happened then? You need to speak for the meeting to proceed.”

Mikhail nodded slightly, standing up to share the events of that day with the executives.

“It all began with the sound of a man’s groans.”

He went into detail, explaining how they ended up in a deeper dungeon, why they tried to rescue him—Mikhail was honest without holding back.

But when the story reached its climax, Mikhail fell silent.

“We were almost killed, and at that moment…”

Mikhail couldn’t continue.

Sharitia sighed deeply.

She knew why Mikhail couldn’t speak further. The fact that he had received help from someone he disliked must have been holding onto Mikhail’s pride.

Sharitia gestured for Mikhail to sit back down, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“Alright, you did well. Let’s discuss the rest while going through the report.”

Sharitia pointed to a section of the documents on the desk—a report summarizing the testimonies of the journalists who had fallen victim to the heretics.

Mikhail lowered his head upon seeing the part Sharitia indicated. It contained information he didn’t want to verbalize.

He could talk about being attacked by the heretics and Uria being in danger, but speaking about that specific part seemed challenging for him.

Was it shame or embarrassment?

Mikhail kept his head bowed, unable to speak.

Sharitia addressed him, “Ricardo rescued you guys, right?”



Frustrated, Sharitia wiped her face.


Does he only show up at times like this?

Considering the situation, it was difficult to believe that Ricardo was involved with the heretics. No, if Ricardo had sided with the heretics, it would have been right to kill Mikhail.

And Sharitia knew that if it was the Ricardo she knew, he wouldn’t bother getting involved with the heretics; he was too lazy for that.

“Is the student council room your living room? Sigh… What brings you here this time?”

“A fellow student was assaulted!”

“…How about controlling your anger a bit?”

“If I suppress my anger, I’ll get sick. Longevity without illness is my dream…”

Although he was always a suspicious character involved in strange incidents, every time he was connected to those incidents, the worst was avoided.

Even when the academy was on fire.

Even when he caught the heretic disguised as a student.

And the incident when Uria was bullied, although Ricardo was involved, it brought positive results.

As much as Sharitia was glad to see Ricardo’s name in the report after a long time, it also made him sigh deeply.

“Are you sure it’s Ricardo?”


Mikhail shook his head.

Sharitia, touching his throbbing forehead, sighed deeply as well.

“The information about Ricardo will be discussed by someone I’ll send, so be aware of that.”

Certainly, saying, ‘You were lucky,’ was apparent, but even that was something Sharitia considered fortunate.

One casualty. Thirty injuries.

All achievements of Ricardo.

If Ricardo hadn’t appeared, there would have been not just one heretic dead but dozens of casualties.

Sharitia sighed and handed over the documents to Mikhail, who was silently bowing his head.

“Mikhail… it’s not fun anymore.”

Mikhail, who always brought fun with his righteous actions. He was a lively presence in the dull school life.

Maybe it was because of meeting Ricardo, but Sharitia’s liking for Mikhail had diminished.

Feeling stifled and frustrated, Sharitia didn’t like the naive and ignorant things.

In the past, there was some admiration for Mikhail, who didn’t cower before nobility. However, perhaps it was because he saw Mikhail, who, when bored, threw gloves at the nobles, now Sharitia couldn’t see any good in Mikhail.

Honesty, reading through the report Mikhail had painstakingly written, Sharitia felt a twinge of irritation at Mikhail’s seemingly suffocating demeanor. If it were him, he’d probably phrase it as, “Got my ass kicked and retaliated.”

Suppressing a chuckle, Sharitia flipped the page.

– Thud.

This page contained a report on the cultist who had perished in the dungeon.


[Age: 32]

[Affiliation: Cultist]

[Criminal Record: Yes]


– Murder of 3 adventurers in Selena Village.

– Killing of 2 civilians in Rubin Village.

– Estimated 11 adventurer deaths in Selena Dungeon.




Sharitia muttered, “Insane bastard.”

Robbery, kidnapping, murder. No crime seemed to have escaped him. Whether he was aiming for a criminal record or not, Sharitia couldn’t find gentle words for the densely filled criminal history.

The realization that such a person shared space with students made Sharitia’s heart sink, but simultaneously, knowing the root could be eradicated brought a sense of relief.

Sharitia read the report loud enough for everyone to hear.

As the executives seated at the table began to read the criminal details, their faces displayed a range of emotions.

Some wore expressions of horror.

Others furrowed their brows in apparent disgust.

Various expressions, from execs taking on a dreadful look to those wrinkling their foreheads in aversion, met Sharitia’s gaze.

Among them, Mikhail seemed to take it the most seriously.

His face turned deathly pale.

From Noble mtl dot com

It seemed as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sharitia, thinking Mikhail must have been shocked at the notion of battling such a criminal, offered some comforting words, but Mikhail, the actual party involved, was lost in complex thoughts.

Mikhail thought to himself, “A murderer?”

The rumor that the heretic was an evildoer was heard through gossip, but I thought it was a distorted rumor.

He tried to deceive himself by attributing it to an unfortunate misunderstanding or a gloomy background, but at that moment, if Ricardo hadn’t appeared and saved him, the problems that Mikhail could envision unfolding in his mind afterward were freezing his face pale.

Mikhail thought to himself, ‘Was I wrong…?’


After all the stories concluded, the student council executives were discussing the events of that time with tired expressions, exhaling sighs.

– It could have been a real disaster. They said he was a murderer… Wow.

– Thank goodness. If it weren’t for Senior Mikhail, we might have lost our lives too, right?

– Right, right!

Among the students laughing and discussing Mikhail, Hanna stood up from her seat, slamming the documents onto the desk.

Hanna, as she went to retrieve the minutes she had written as an essay, glared at each person who had been gossiping about Mikhail.

The female students were surprised.

Hanna muttered as she looked at them, “Is your hearing blocked?”

Hanna, who was not well-liked, had the final agenda written mainly about Mikhail’s actions.

Mikhail rescued a student in danger. There was some assistance from someone else in the process, but it was a minimal help. Mikhail, along with Uriah and the helper, won the battle, but he committed an inevitable murder in the process.

The conclusion was this: Give an award to Mikhail.

Mikhail is a hero.


Hanna, who recorded everything from the meeting as the secretary, was annoyed.

As the third party, she did not know the details of that day, but one thing was certain: the butler helped Mikhail.

Hanna had a gut feeling that the foolish butler was sponging off something, sucking it up and being discarded.

Hanna started to get angry.

It was unfair.

There was a hero who resolved the situation, but it angered her to give an award to an inexperienced person.

Hanna raised her hand and looked at the student council president.

“May I suggest something?”

As Shartia’s tired eyes turned towards Hanna, she sternly glared at Mikhail and confidently spoke the words she had been thinking during the meeting.

“I believe Ricardo senior played a significant role in this matter.”


“Hey, shut up and sit down.”

Ruin glared at Hanna and spoke.

Ruin spouting profanity, words that didn’t even sound like they were words.

Hanna didn’t flinch. If she wanted to instill fear, she had to possess the ability to do so.

Ruin’s threat of retaliation, after Hanna had eliminated her in the previous ranking selection match, was less frightening than a passing cockroach.

Hanna coldly disregarded Ruin, but Ruin, angered by the disrespect from her underclassman, looked at Hanna with fierce eyes and uttered.

“Senior said to shut up.”

“You should shut up too. You’re annoying as hell.”

“…Ah, you b*tch!”

Ruin tried to rise from her seat.

Hanna clenched her fist, ready to strike, but upon hearing a loud bang and seeing the fierce eyes of Shartia staring at her, she released her grip on her clenched fist and spoke.

“What a place to quarrel in the sacred conference room….”

Jolt. Ruin had a lot to say, but it was Shartia’s intense gaze that made her kick the chair and leave the conference room.

Shartia looked at Hanna.

“What do you want to say?”

Hanna confidently replied.

“Please allow Ricardo and Olivia seniors to return to school.”

Shartia sighed deeply and said.


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  1. Munu says:

    do it princess MC doesn’t need to go to school because everyone at that school is just a noob

  2. I am hoping for the next punch to reach Ruin please

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