A Famous Traitor and Treacherous Genius chapter 51

51 - Orphanage Princesses (9)

51 – Princesses of Orphanage (9)

About a week has passed since the imperial orphans, the crown prince’s illegitimate sons, arrived.



A word referring to newly arrived orphans.

‘My hair is a bit gray.’

Astasia, of course, as well as numbers 9 to 81, were all named that way because their hair was white.

‘It actually started as a derogatory name given by the existing daycare workers.’

We haven’t met in person for a week.

Whites still lacked the language to allow them to live together.

‘He’s the same orphan, but he’s from the empire? ‘You tend to look down on them and think lowly of them.’

Although not directly involved, the children of the canyon despise the whites.

At first glance, it seems like the children of the canyon are calling themselves orphans from the empire to differentiate themselves.

In fact, it was an expression with such an intention.

‘Still, it’s better than openly calling me an orphan or an illegitimate child.’

So we decided to officially call it White.

Even if children call them derogatory terms in the first place, they are still children-

‘Boys pretend to hate something on the outside, but are shy on the inside, wondering how they can talk to each other.’

From Noble mtl dot com

It’s just at the level of wanting to bully the girl you like.

‘If I get a chance to meet him, I’ll definitely giggle. Clearly.’

Since no direct contact has been made yet, we can only watch from afar.


“Master. The meal is ready.”

“Mine or the kids’?”

“The children’s food was prepared first. Master’s meal…”

“Bring it to my room separately.”

Because I am currently staying in this white orphanage.

“Master. The head table is….”

“Leave it blank. I have something to talk about after dinner.”


The maid who had been dispatched to the orphanage bowed her head and left her room.

‘You don’t have to be so nervous.’

The maid was dispatched here from her mansion.

She would be paid much higher and more comfortable working here than at the main mansion, but for some reason, the Sunji maid is still afraid of me.

‘Is it because of the room structure?’

This room is my temporary home in the orphanage, but it looks a lot like her father’s study.

To be exact, the structure is similar to ‘traitor Gray’s office’.

The basic idea of interior design is to have the most comfortable and comfortable structure for people.

This room has a shape as similar as possible to the structure I mainly used in the future.

A space just for me.

It would have been-

“The meal is here~~”

The door burst open, and a white-haired girl wearing a maid uniform entered the room carrying a bowl full of food.

“Eat breakfast! Master!”

“…Why are you a master?”

“That’s right, because you’re a master!”

The maid who left the room and the maid who came in are different.

Of course.

This girl is not a maid, but Astasia.

“Why are you wearing a maid uniform?”

“The person who serves next to you, Master, wears clothes like this, right?”


That expression.

Those eyes.

“Actually, isn’t it because you just want to try it on?”

“Oh, I got caught!”

I thought so.

“Do whatever you want. Thank you for bringing the meal… Wait. Why is it for two people?”

“I have to eat too, right?”


“Well, hehehe….”

After putting down her bowl on her table, Astasia wiggled her fingers and smiled sheepishly.

‘Well. I guess it would be burdensome to eat together there.’

The Whites in the restaurant and Astasia are not equal.

No matter how good a person he is, it would be uncomfortable to laugh and spend time with 9 people who all see him as their enemy.

“…If it’s really difficult, would you like to become an exclusive maid?”

“Uh, really? It’s exclusive to you, Master, right?!”

“Of course. A week or so will suffice.”

One of the 10 people liked Gray Gibraltar, so they decided to take it to the mansion.

‘Nothing bad.’

Astasia is glad to be out of her uncomfortable place, and I’m glad to have moved her to her safer mansion.

And for the whites….

‘It will be perceived as a way to elevate one’s status.’

Instead of being confined in an orphanage, he was chosen by me and entered the mansion.

Whether it’s a maid or something, you’d think it’s a higher status than being in this orphanage.

“Okay. Come here.”

“Wow! Thank you. hehehe.”

Astasia sat right in front of me.

“Thank you always, Master.”

“Nothing to say. Eat a lot.”

You have to feed them well and raise them well so that they don’t get caught by Chairman Erwin in the future.

‘At least we should do better than the imperial palace.’

What was she like when she was 17?

She is 17 years old and it is hard to believe her age. She has shown tremendous growth.

She grew up eating only good things in a place called the imperial palace, so it must have been combined with the talent of her lineage to grow up that way.

‘It should be at least that much, but we should aim for more than that.’

You can’t raise it in vain.

I’m not raising children, but I know the knowledge of future nutrition and human growth, but I can’t let them grow up with ordinary meals at an orphanage.

‘This is a battle of pride.’

17 Years old.

The first time we met her at the academy, that is, the first time she was raised purely by the current crown prince.

‘We need to raise it better than before.’

Just because the current crown prince looks at him, he cannot be compared to the future emperor, but if he cannot win even in this aspect, how can he defeat him?

‘I grew up much prettier and more beautiful after growing up in Gibraltar for 4 years than growing up in the imperial palace for 13 years. ‘I’ll show you that.’

Astasia must grow well.

This is a kind of proof of my victory to the emperor.

‘I will raise you thoroughly.’

In that sense.


“Hmm, yes?”

“Chew the peas without pulling them aside.”


Picky eating cannot be tolerated.

“Even if you don’t want to eat it, you have to eat it all. It’s a diet designed with balance in mind.”


“Didn’t they eat things like this often in the imperial palace?”


Astasia answered with her eyes sparkling.

“Then what did you usually eat a lot of?”





“Orange juice!!!”

Meat, desserts, etc.

“Did you not eat any vegetables?”

“I learned that grass is not something to eat, but a decoration that makes meat stand out!”

“From whom?”



That is correct.

I remember that the current emperor was famous for being a very physical person when he was young.


“If you only eat meat, you will get fat.”


“Unconditionally. Unconditionally.”

I know.

Mirae, how hard did this woman have to change her eating habits?

Personally, I don’t think that kind of body is bad, but-

“For the sake of the future, chew your teeth thoroughly. Otherwise, there will be no story for today.”

“Wow…. It’s torture….”

“It’s not torture.”

Astasia started to eat peas with a fork while crying.

“Instead, when we return to the mansion, I will do her mother a favor and ask her to make me some homemade pudding.”

“Uh, really?!”

“Of course.”

My mother is quite good at cooking.

She is especially good with fire, and she makes desserts incredibly well.

“Is it the same as the one I brought last time?!”

“It’s different this time.”


There is a rumor that even my father, who would never eat dessert, was tempted by it.

“Compared to the desserts you ate at the imperial palace, doesn’t it taste a little less sweet?”

“Hmm, yes, but it’s actually better! I can keep eating without getting bitten!”

“Then I’m glad.”

Most of the food in the Empire is oily, salty, and spicy.

Although I told the maids to prepare food as much as possible according to the eating habits of those coming from the empire-

‘That’s just one week.’

If you continue to maintain that eating pattern, it will be very difficult to stay in Nostrum, let alone Gibraltar.


A person cannot change the eating habits they have been eating for 13 years in an instant.

“Hey… at least, if there’s some ketchup…”

“What is ketchup?”

“Ah! You don’t know ketchup! Ketchup is a sauce made by crushing tomatoes, adding sugar, boiling it, and then cooling it down….”

Astasia gets excited and talks hard about what ketchup is.

‘I know very well.’

Why don’t I know?

The person who changed my tastes to imperial style is now in front of me.

“I have some good news for you, Your Highness.”

“What is it?”

“I heard that in the south, a meeting is being held between the empire and the kingdom.”


“Yes. This is a formal meeting between countries.”

I quietly picked up a pea that had spilled to the side with my fork.

“If the war ends and an armistice agreement is signed, maybe we can import something called ketchup.”

Astasia’s face brightened in an instant.

“Wow! Then… When the canyon gate opens later, we can deliver the news?!”

“It’s not just news. If the empire’s top tier settles down near here, you’ll be able to buy imperial industrial products there.”


“Still, Your Highness, you should calmly eat what’s here.”

“Uh, why!”

“Of course, I have to grow up well so that I can be respected by the imperial family and Chairman Erwin, right?”

I picked up a thin fork.

“You can’t eat too much and your wrists get thin like this, or you can’t eat too much and end up like a pig, right?”

“It’s okay! I’m-“

Astasia paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

“Chairman Erwin said so! Everything I eat goes to my heart!”

“…Are you saying that in front of me?”

“What’s wrong?”

He spoke so confidently that I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Have some shame, Your Majesty.”

“A woman was taught that her breasts were something to be proud of!”

That’s true, but I wish they could make some adjustments.

“So, my wish is to grow up to be as big as my mother!”


“Ah, um, uh, ugh!”

While Astasia cleared her throat, I silently finished the remaining food in her bowl.

“How big do you want it to be?”

“Of course, just like my mother!”

It’s strange.

Even though Astasia is just pure, she is not the kind of person who repeats her mistakes.

“…Are you talking about my mother?”

“Yes! Countess Charlotte, I want to be as big as he is!”


Take a moment to remember.

‘I think it felt similar when I just saw it with my own eyes.’


Is Astasia bigger?

‘But that’s Astasia from the past.’

The Astasia I grow will be whatever you want it to be.

“We will do that. We will help you as much as we can.”

“Oh, really?!”

“If you eat all of that.”

“…I can’t help it.”

Astasia slowly lifted the peas loaded onto her fork.

“Master, huh?”

Handed it to me.

“A gift from me to you, Master-“


“Uh, uh…?”

“This is my first time.”

“Uh, uh, that, that….”

“I thought I would finish the meal and have dessert.”

After chewing and swallowing all the peas, I took out the somnus flower lying next to me.

“Eat this. As a snack. It’s Gibraltar’s special dessert.”


“It’s good for your health. Are you saying that it can fulfill your wishes?”


Astasia held a somnus petal in her mouth with a deathly expression.

“If it’s a lie, Master, he will chatter in your ear every time you sleep….”

“That’s good. But, isn’t that a lie?”

When you eat somnus flowers, magical power accumulates in your body.

And in the case of women, magical power is mainly concentrated in the chest.

“I will feed you as much as you want other than somnus flowers, so please trust me and follow me.”


The meal with Astasia ended lightly.

* * *

While Whites, including Astasia, are taking Kingdom language classes.

“Sir Robert, why?”

“I have two questions: Where has Lord Mente gone?”

In the morning, Robert came to me as if he was going to daycare and asked carefully.

“Escort the whites behind the class.”

“Sir Mente, it seems like the mission has changed.”

“It’s natural to protect someone more important than me.”

“…Hmm. As expected.”

Robert immediately noticed who Sir Mente had left behind to protect White.

Between white and blonde hair.

“Young Master, please be careful. The servants are whispering that you are out of your mind these days because you are bewitched by girls from the Empire.”

“Should I be careful about that?”

“If there is a girl you like, you need to take action! That Master Gray has a crush on you? How pretty is she? Isn’t everyone talking about that?”

“If that’s the case, it’s quite possible. Thank you for the warning.”

Because they all inherited the crown prince’s blood.

Because the imperial blood flows through my body.

And the mothers they were born with were also quite beautiful.

“When they all grow up, if the County establishes a ranking of beauties, they will all be in the top 30.”

Beauty is guaranteed.

If her future had not been guaranteed, she would not have come to Gibraltar alive in the first place.

“Especially, who is that girl that you took as your exclusive maid…?”



“If you think you will grow up to be the prettiest, then of course I should protect you by your side. Isn’t that right?”

“…Ha. What are you really trying to do?”

Robert pounded his chest with his fist in frustration.

“It’s good to have an imperial wife, but considering it’s Gibraltar, I won’t take another wife!”

“Kyung’s hypothesis is absurd, but it’s interesting, so let’s keep listening. So?”

“If you marry an imperial wife, the earldom will immediately pass to Master Noir!”

“Ah, you were worried about that. It’s not wrong.”

Marrying someone from the empire is literally treason itself.

Moreover, if the blood of the Earl of Gibraltar is like that, his wife will soon become a great weakness when it comes to inheriting the Earldom of Gibraltar.

“If relations with the empire improve in the future, that is also something to think about.”

“Young master…! If you make a mistake, you will be called a true imperialist traitor?!”

“Then it’s better. It’s okay.”

I patted Robert on the back and reassured him.

“No matter what happens to me, my position as a nobleman will be guaranteed.”

“Young master!! Ha, really! If this continues, my clothes will explode!”

“It’s not the clothes that should explode, it’s something else-“


With the sound of horses’ hooves, a knight rushed towards us.

“Master Gray!”

“What’s going on?”

“It exploded!”


“Ma’am, your amniotic fluid!!”


I didn’t expect this to explode now.

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  1. Kingshand says:

    I genuinely wasn’t expecting that ‘joke’ at the end. This story is as weird as it is loveable.

  2. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    Wow isn’t this story pretty good xD?

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