A Reincarnated Person With a Sub-Dimension chapter 2

A Reincarnated Person With a Sub-Dimension 2

Episode 2


I woke up to the sound of chickens crowing in the morning.

The cold air that filled the house brushed his nose.

I looked into the fireplace and saw the embers of the fire giving off a faint glow.

‘I’ll have to catch me and fix it.’

My house is a half-timbered house with mud and bricks on a wooden frame.

Even if the management was neglected a little, there was no heating due to the permeating wind.

The rooster crows again.

The first rooster had just crowed, so we had about an hour to spare before the sun rose.

Feeling the chilly energy, I pulled the blanket that was down to my chest.

Then Carly, who was sleeping in the futon, dug into my armpit and curled up.

Callie is a shepherd dog who turned 5 this year.

The Earldom of Stoke, where I was born and raised, is cool enough to wear long sleeves even in summer.

Now is the time to transition from winter to spring.

It was common here to snuggle and sleep with small animals such as dogs and cats to survive the cold.

The time I patted Carly’s ass.

Along with the sound of the bed creaking, I heard the thick voice of my eldest brother.

“Alan, wake up. We’ll have to hurry a little today.”

“Ugh, it’s sore. Hyung, why don’t we share everything next year? Now we can just eat and live.”

The third brother got up from the bed, turning his arms around as if his shoulders were sore.

“Have you already forgotten how hard it was after your father passed away? Let’s work hard for a few more years.”

The eldest brother patted the third brother lightly on the back and put the tea leaves in the water kettle hanging over the fireplace.

After licking his lips awkwardly, the third brother walked over to the table and cut the hard bread and dried meat into bite-size pieces.

After a while, the older brothers finished eating and put on thick clothes and packed farming tools.

My older brother stood at the door and told me.

“Ian. Don’t forget to pay your taxes.”

“Okay bro. Don’t worry.”

“Yes. I believe.”

The older brother nodded and opened the door and left the house.

“Ian, I’m coming too.”

“Oh, brother. Go and come.”

The third brother left and the door closed.

In the meantime, the cold air that entered the house made me sleepless.

I got out of bed and went to the table.

While enjoying the meal leisurely, the dawn rooster crowed twice more.

“I think the sun will rise by this time.”

After feeding Carly, I prepared to go out.

I changed my socks and put on leather shoes with studs on the soles.

He wore a scarf and hat, and wore a sheepskin coat.

After tightening the coat with the leather belt, he put the hatchet into the leather sheath attached to the left side of the belt.

Carly approached as she picked up the iron staff she had parked by the door.

“Shall we leave?”

Carly’s tail wagged violently at the word departure.

Unlike my brothers who farm, my main job is to look after livestock.

Our family raises sheep, goats, chickens and ducks.

Sheep and goats were easy targets for thieves, as they were expensive enough for a serf to buy just one if he saved up money without eating or spending for a month.

There are many dangers involved in tending livestock, so at a young age, some people were concerned about me caring for them.

However, the hyungs who knew my specialness trusted me and entrusted me with the work.

Arriving at the barn, I unlocked the lock that had been locked overnight.

I opened the barn door and Carly jumped in quickly.

After a while, sheep and goats, led by the head sheep, came out of the barn one after another.

“Carly. We’re going far away today. Do you know where it is? Let’s go!”

At my words, Carly sprinted up and started herding the cattle.

‘Let’s try swinging an ax today.’

Following the herd, he took out a hatchet and raised it.

He quickly swung the hatchet he had raised above his head.


A ferocious sound echoed through the air.

Swing from top to bottom, then from left to right and right to left.

All movements were steady, as if measured with a ruler, without any disturbance.

After being killed by mutants.

I was reborn with the memories of my previous life.

The Kingdom of Blanton, where I live, is divided into priests who serve God, nobles with noble blood, and commoners who are in charge of labor.

I belonged to the lowest class, the commoner, as a freedman.

Freemen are obliged to pay taxes and serve in the military.

Usually, military service tax was paid instead of military service, but depending on the situation, they were unconditionally conscripted.

So the freedmen spent their own money, equipped with basic armaments, and trained in preparation for conscription.

That is why I am wielding an axe.

It took about 2 hours to reach the meadow.

There is a common grazing land an hour away from home, but I deliberately took the long way to feed the sheep and goats good grass.

After letting the sheep and goats graze, they climbed a low hill with a view of the pasture.

Looking around, there was nothing that could pose a threat.

fresh morning air.

Bright sunlight illuminating the blue sky and meadow.

When I thought of my previous life, where I was threatened with death every day, it seemed like heaven.

‘But what you see isn’t everything.’

A monster that is hostile to all living things, and especially covets human blood and flesh.

Due to monsters constantly invading human territory, soldiers guarding the border are still fighting a life-and-death battle.

Military service is imposed on adults.

I became an adult at the age of 16 this year.

The survival rate of conscripted freemen is less than half.

Every freedman who had just come of age trembled with the fear of conscription and the fear of death.

But I was different from them.

This is because I have a special ability, a pocket watch, from my previous life.

The pocket watch has two abilities.

One is a miraculous healing ability and the other is a gradual body strengthening ability.

A space that is transferred through a pocket watch.

Spring water springs up in the center of what I call the Sub-Dimension. Drinking this water strengthens and maintains the overall abilities of the body.

My brother was born with a bigger physique and stronger stamina than the others, but I, who drank spring water, was several times stronger than my brothers in terms of simple strength.

The unfortunate thing is that there is a limit to the reinforcement, and I have hardly felt the effect in recent years.

However, because of the effect of keeping the body in the best condition, he is constantly drinking spring water.

Although my physical abilities were at a standstill, my heart was full of expectations rather than worries.

‘Uncle Herbert will be coming soon.’

Uncle Herbert is a regular knight who serves the Earl of Stoke, and is a friend who is like a brother to his father.

To become a knight, professional training is required from a young age, and this process costs a lot of money.

Few of the freedmen could afford it, not to mention the busy serfs.

However, there are geniuses who go beyond common sense in the world.

When they learn one thing, they realize ten, and achieve higher achievements than others even if they do the same training.

Occasionally, freemen with outstanding talents made meritorious deeds and became knights, but this was the case with Uncle Harbert.

When I was 6 years old, my father passed away while serving in the military.

And the mother who heard the news also suffered from shock and left within a year.

My siblings, who lost their parents when they were young, lived a hard life with only glue in their mouths.

Then, when I was 10 years old, Uncle Herbert came to visit me.

Uncle Harbert apologized sincerely to us, telling us that his father had lost his life trying to save him.

Even after hearing the reason for their father’s death, the older brothers did not resent Uncle Herbert.

Rather, he seemed to be proud of himself.

This world believes in karma and reincarnation.

That is why a meaningful death was valued more than a meaningless life.

My father sacrificed himself to save others.

The older brothers firmly believed that they would live a happier life in the next life as much as their father accumulated good deeds.

I also didn’t resent Harbert, but the reason was different from my brothers.

I know reincarnation is real, but what is it?

I put more value on living in the present life than in the next life.

The reason I don’t resent Uncle Harbert is that my father’s death was my own choice.

My mother’s death was a pity, but I couldn’t blame it on Uncle Herbert.

Uncle Herbert left for the battlefield in less than an hour after coming to town.

Even though it was a short meeting, the uncle left us a lot.

It was thanks to the gold coins that Uncle Herbert gave us that our brothers and sisters became wealthy freemen today.

The older brothers, who live in their home village, dream of marrying the girl they like and having children and living happily ever after.

The gold coin left by Uncle Herbert was a sufficient addition to fulfilling that dream.

However, having gained a new life, I wanted to travel the wide world and live freely.

To do so, I needed the strength to keep myself safe and not be swayed by external forces.

There are various powers in the world, such as money, power, and intellect.

However, as he experienced in his previous life, only force can protect him until the very end.

A knight is an existence that represents armed force.

I turned to Uncle Harbert for help to make my dream come true.

In this world, a mysterious power called mana exists.

Priest Philip said that this world was a test bed to train the soul in order to ascend to the heaven where the Lord resides.

He said that we must wholeheartedly trust and rely on Teres, who first came to heaven, and through Teres, we can accumulate mana, the source of all things and proof of salvation prepared by the Lord.

The main god is an absolute god who created the universe and is not an object of direct faith as an ideal being.

Our kingdom serves the demigod Teres, who was a nobleman recorded in the kingdom’s history books.

Teres, who has an absolute talent for mana, is said to have transcended humans and become a demigod after writing numerous myths and legends.

Most people can’t even feel mana.

Normally, one person in a hundred feels mana, but fortunately I belonged to one of them.

However, feeling mana and handling mana are separate issues.

In order to deal with mana, a mana simbeop was needed to accumulate mana in the soul.

Being obsessed with mana, I looked for ways to obtain mana simbeop.

As a result, I learned that martial arts academies in large cities receive money and teach mana simbeop.

However, such mana simbeop was usually at the lowest level, and the amount to be paid was absurdly expensive.

It is an amount that is difficult to afford even now, but it was nothing to say at the time when I was extremely poor.

Uncle Harbert, who became a knight, came to the car when he had given up on mana simbeop due to a realistic problem.

From noble mtl dot com

Mana handling is the basics of a knight.

Just in case, I put forward the innocence of a child and asked him to teach me the mana simbeop.

‘I bet on the honor of being a knight, but I won’t break my promise.’

As a result of checking with Father Philip several times, my talent is below average.

It was a level where you could barely feel mana.

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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Maybe in terms of skill? Like, you can’t really use a sword properly if you don’t have the skills for it

  2. Silver says:

    ????? He strengthened his body with that water and the knight is saying he has the lowest talent????

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