Academy Pure Love Prison Guard chapter 41

Academy Pure Love Prison Guard 41

41 – Special Exam (6)

The result of the confrontation is, of course, my victory.

All of these nobles are clutching their necks and surrendering.

Even thinking about it again, it was a sight that made me laugh.

“Then let’s move on to the next game!”

Usually they give you time to take a break here.

The game continued immediately, perhaps because they intended to push the team without stopping.

Anyway, even if they ask me to rest over there, it’s okay because I plan on going ahead with it.

I feel very uncomfortable because I feel like I am falling for their tricks.


The next opponents slowly enter the training ground.

Five beauties approaching wearing flowing skirts.

I was even proud of the fact that they all came from the noble union.

“As expected, men are useless. “We’ll be dealing with you next, so let’s give it a try.”

The drill-haired female student, half covering her face with a fan, spoke smugly.

Lily’s expression looking at us from afar is unusual.

-Ha! Ji! Mind!

Lily speaks only with the shape of her mouth.

But even though I understood, I shrugged my shoulders and pretended not to notice.

No matter how much my favorite character asks, no one can stop my desire!

If anything, I should be hated, so I plan to commit it properly.

“Then let’s start the second game now!”


This time, the game started with an ear-piercing whistle.

Did the opponent learn from the last game?

As soon as the whistle sounded, we immediately went into battle stance.

The first thing I noticed was the drill-haired girl who spoke first.

Holding a sword in one hand and a shield in her other arm.

It took the form of a typical one-handed sword and showed a sharp edge.

That type of person is often good at combat.

It doesn’t look dangerous on the outside, but in reality, it is more threatening than any other weapon.

It may not cause much damage, but

Block the opponent’s attack with a shield and slowly inflict wounds with a one-handed sword.

If you do that, you can definitely defeat the enemy even if it takes time.

‘It would have worked if the other person wasn’t me.’

I licked my lips and looked at the other person.

As expected of an aristocratic daughter, she has a high-quality appearance and body.

Probably everything they use is high-end.

“Prepare for an attack!”


The opponent is very wary when he suddenly runs in place.

Do they know?

The fact that what I’m trying to do now is not an attack.


Let’s move quickly with the increased speed for a moment using reinforcement magic,

A gust of wind blew throughout the training ground.

It probably seemed to the other person to have disappeared for an instant.

When she soon reappeared, she tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

“Hot! Did you just call that an attack? “It’s really funny.”

They are in good condition without any injuries.

So, it is plausible to think that the attack failed.

“That is up to me to decide.”

As I said that, I put my palms together and took a praying posture.

I tilted my head at the incomprehensible behavior,

When I dropped my palm, shock appeared on her face.

“Well, that is!”

“The gift was well received!”

A thin, flowing fabric.

It is normally a forbidden area that others cannot see.

When she saw that it was in my hand, she hurriedly pulled down her skirt.

“Go on, how dare you take my underwear!”

Light blue underwear with lots of lace.

Her underwear is caught between my fingers and blowing in the wind.

“You pervert! “You think you can steal Beatrice’s underwear and get away with it!”

“Beatrice. “We will take down that pervert.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter if you move.”

With a slight wave of my hand, the colorful underwear immediately grew into five pieces.

Other female students who saw this also pressed down her skirt in the same way as Beatrice.

“Do you think you’ll be safe?”

“Seo, no way. “All of our underwear.”

“Such shamelessness!”

“Scream as much as you want. Instead, I’ll take these underwear. Or not….”

I glanced at the audience.

Some of the male students in Class S who were looking this way gave envious looks.

It’s not a bad choice to take this and enjoy it.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to put this to good use.

“It will go on sale later, so come back later if you want!”

“What, what!”

The other person’s face was filled with astonishment,

On the other hand, the faces of the male students who were watching turned bright red.

Of course, we have to deal with it as secretly as possible, but that’s for now.

Right now, the priority is to deal with the female students who are giving me harsh looks.

“Please return it immediately!”

“If you return it now, I will show you great generosity!”

What an arrogant attitude, with your skirt pressed down and your bright red face.

This is good as is.

But this is just the beginning, so wouldn’t it be a waste to end it here?

“You guys. “Do you know that?”

“… “What are you planning to do again this time?”

Beatrice, with narrowed eyes, asked in a voice full of worry.

“It’s nothing special. “It’s just that I have some talent for magic.”

“No way!”

The wind blowing from below at that moment.

This is the wind that I created.

Girl students’ skirts are an appropriate size that covers approximately above the knees and thighs.

If the wind blows under such a skirt, the result is as obvious as fire.

They must have realized this and took action immediately.


Female students holding the front and back of their skirts with both hands.

The fighting spirit I felt just now has disappeared,

It makes me smile to see their hearts filled with shame and regret.

“Well, now that we’ve taken the bottom, shall we take the top as well?”

“Ha, surrender! “I will surrender, so please stop!”


It’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t matter since we won?

Still, they won’t give you your underwear back.


The second game ended very poorly.

However, Lily, who came after the game, was stimulating.

“What on earth were you thinking like that!”

“No, I can’t control my s*x drive these days.”


Eyes as if looking at dirt.

Yes, you can just hate me like that!

As she cheered inside, Lily suddenly blushed, put her hand under her skirt, and opened her mouth.

“Well, then if I give you mine, can you give me back the underwear you took instead?”


I never thought of this development.

No way, she asked me to return other kids’ underwear in exchange for her own underwear.

I never raised such a shameless child!

In the first place…

“I already sold everything….”

“You sold everything?”

Lily’s eyes widened as if she hadn’t expected this.

Then he grabbed me by the collar and asked in an angry voice.

“Who is it? “What kind of person would dare buy someone else’s underwear?”

From Noble mtl dot com

“That’s right….”

I said that and turned her head to look at the girls who had just fought with me.

Colorful underwear in their hands.

When the game was over, she immediately gave each of them 3 gold and took them back.


Lily, seeing that, let out a short exclamation.

Despite this, she still gave me a harsh look, as if she was still angry.

“If you do something like this again, I know you won’t stay silent. Okay?”

“Ah, okay.”

Yes, this is an event that I absolutely cannot refuse.

She nodded, saying she understood.

Still, Lily’s expression did not relax, but she kept nodding her head because she knew it would be terrible for her if she refused.

“But this test. “Did you do this on purpose to provoke a fight with the Noble Alliance?”


Lily suddenly asks seriously.

Since you were blatantly harassed, it would be even weirder not to know.

After nodding her head in affirmation, Lily sighed and shook her head from side to side.

“No matter what I say, you won’t listen?”

“That’s fine.”

I know very well what she will say.

I’m sure they’ll say it’s foolish and tell you to stop right now.

However, she has already crossed the line and reached the point of no return.

In the first place, he is an enemy that must be defeated by the Noble Alliance someday.

It was just brought forward a little.

“… If you need help, let me know. “Because I can help, even if only a little.”

“Looking at the situation.”

Even if you blindly ask her for help, nothing good will come of her.

He may be a hero, but he is still immature,

Because even her Bright family cannot support her unconditionally.

She gave an ambiguous answer, but Lily seemed to be satisfied with that and agreed with a smile.

‘Well, that won’t happen.’

She wouldn’t ask for her help unless it was something she was truly capable of.

While thinking that, I waved at Lily as she was leaving the training ground.


After the second game,

Thanks to Dumbin, a member of the Noble Alliance from the very beginning, her first goal was easily ended.

The remaining two players were mixed in the third game, but they reached the same ending without much performance.

Of course, I dealt with the other students seriously and there were no major problems.

The fourth game in a row.

Do you have any thoughts this time?

Excluding Line and Lily, the remaining 8 people came out at once.

And the female student who claimed to be their leader.

She was also a female student I knew well.

‘Cecilia Nelson.’

She is one of the most popular heroines along with Kana.

Green hair reminiscent of emerald.

A chest as rich as Kana.

Above all, thanks to that sharp impression, she is also a heroine with many fans.

‘Just looking at the internet, they say they want to be stepped on by Cecilia.’

Honestly, I don’t understand,

If you can get stepped on by Lily, you are welcome.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Cecilia Nelson. “I am the second daughter of the Nelson family.”

“… It’s Ron. “She is a commoner with no last name.”

Like Cecilia, who values courtesy differently from other people,

I started from the very beginning with a self-introduction.

The other guys say they are arrogant and that they will definitely kill him.

She showed her courtesy by showing her noble side.

So how can I treat her harshly?

“I would like to apologize first.”


“Yes. At first, I thought you were arrogant and made a foolish decision. But no. “You are truly someone who can fight everyone in Class S, and you are not arrogant at all.”

Hmm, you are serious.

I’m so serious that I don’t know what kind of expression to make.

Cecilia cleared her throat for a moment, then pointed her sword and continued her conversation.

“But your solo performance ends here. This time, we will fight with all our might.”

“Wow, that’s not a very good story.”

“And I will tell you in advance. “Your trick won’t work on me.”

“What is that…?” .”

At that moment, the wind blew and lifted Cecilia’s skirt.

Then you see a green field.

It would normally be an invisible sight because it is covered with cloth, but

For some reason, the piece of cloth that was supposed to be there was not visible.

“I took off my underwear beforehand! Come on, let’s compete in a battle of true swords!”


Now that I think about it, she had forgotten.

The fact is that Cecilia is a physical character whose brain and muscles are all the way down to her head.

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