Academy Student With 999 Speed chapter 10

Academy Student With 999 Speed 10

10 – I’m sorry, please save me.(2)

As I grabbed my messy head and thought about it for a while, the door opened again.

“Eh~, with that kind of reaction, I’m a bit sad here too…”

I have already taken the precedent of my body, and I know that even elements that were fun in a game become real.

“What, was I in a hurry? Didn’t you introduce yourself yet?”

And this guy can definitely be said to fall into that category.

“Then, let me introduce myself from now on! My name is Taki Miyashima. You can call me Mya-kun as a nickname. Let’s get to know each other from now on.”

Taki Miyashima.

He’s the kind of guy with the description bug that chatters around in the game.

In reality, the setting is that my parents are working in Japan to collect information.

Unexpectedly, while playing the role of the main character’s friend, it’s quite popular.

Always smiling brightly, it seems to have been set up that there are grievances hidden behind it, but what is my part-time job?

It’s not like I’m digging up a girl and taking that guy’s route.

“Actually… You said you were the only one who caught that crazy doppelganger? It really gave me goosebumps! How did you avoid that charge at the end? Are you usually the type to make battles so close-knit? Training in that way? I’ve always had a romance with that fighting style! Keuuu007u really cool you!”

In that sense, that guy is nothing short of a disaster.

You really have a lot to say. How the hell is Arhan dealing with this guy?

I looked around and saw that several other kids had tired faces, as if they had already been beaten.

And what about that cheesy line? What is romance?

“Not really… I don’t have any particular romance. It’s not the fighting style I want. It’s just… I couldn’t help it,”

I am sincere. I’m not doing this because I want to.

In that guy’s eyes, I look really cool.

From noble mtl dot com

It was just an ugly struggle to survive.


“hehehe. I see. … Well, I get it! That’s a very interesting answer. It makes me want to stick with it even more.”

What did you just do? I think that ‘Hee’ was a very low voice?

Did I just touch something? Is it very strong?

Anyway, it’s not a time like this, but I have to somehow establish a justification for refusing that duel.

While I was thinking of what to say, I suddenly grabbed my arm from behind.

“….. No… Kim Ga-sok won’t accept that match…..”

“…….? Ah! Chunhwa Yoo! What is it… You didn’t listen to me when I told you earlier… Both of you… Are you hurting me?”


It was Yoo Chun-hwa who grabbed her arm from behind.

Looking back, Yoo Chun-hwa was also very uncomfortable with Miyashima’s style, so she hid behind me, glaring at me with extremely dead eyes.

Oh my God, he knows my heart and helps me! As expected… You’re the only one! Reliable! Chunhwa Yoo!

“So… What’s the matter between you two? Why are you saying no?”

“… Kim Ga-sok… Decided to stick with me… First…”

Yes… I guess…..

To be honest, I didn’t expect much.

In the first place, I haven’t been in contact with you properly since the monster incident, but now there’s no way I can understand my feelings all of a sudden.

“What… Have you already scheduled a duel? Besides, that stylish Yoo Chun-hwa and Kim Ga-sok will stick together?”

“What? Already scheduled a duel? Who?”

“Where where? When are you doing it? Yoo Chun-hwa and Kim Ga-sok stick together?”

“Wow… Aren’t they both flashy style melee traits? It’s crazy… I have to go see this…!”

“Oops… I can’t help it! If it’s a prior arrangement, I’ll have to give in this time. But the next one is me… You should know?”

And those words of Yoo Chun-hwa caused a great storm.

On the contrary, the situation got worse.

Now everyone in the class knows about the duel between me and Yoo Chun-hwa.

The promise that was meant to be made and passed has turned into an open duel for the entire class to watch.

How the f*ck did this happen.

I keep going crazy, as if things will never go my way.

“So? When will the duel take place?”

“When did you two meet? Why did you promise a duel?”

“……. (。Ŏ﹏ŏ)。 “

Questions keep coming.

The culprit who actually created this situation held onto his arm, probably feeling uncomfortable with them. Standing behind your back without saying anything.

No, where the hell did the concept of cool beauty go? Ms. Yoo Chun-hwa. Haa… Well, he already brings a talking spirit with him.

“That’s not it…”

“Hey! I’m sorry. I’m a little late. The principal suddenly called me. You guys understand. ……? So what are you all doing there?”

The moment I was about to say something, I opened the door and Lim Yeon-woo, the homeroom teacher, entered. Nice timing.

At that, all the students gathered around me went back to their seats.

Milk-colored Lim Yeon-woo! National-Ga(Dian) One-Top Lim Yeon-woo! Who called our teacher Yeonwoo Lim a psychopath?

Thank you, Professor. Really, I will live hard.

Yeonwoo Lim immediately came out to the lecture hall and called attendance.

“… Lastly, Kim’s acceleration.”


“Well, like this, I called all the attendance, and since today is Thursday, there will be no classes until today and tomorrow. The curriculum will start from next week. According to the results of the test this time, you guys who are now in Class A are of course excellent. But, among them, the benefits change depending on the rank of 30. Also, whenever there is an exam in Class B, I will always come up to take a seat in Class A. Even during breaks, shouldn’t we neglect training?”


“Then, the delivery is over now… Is there anyone I can ask? Shall we talk about the situation from before?”


Something goes wrong.

Where have you seen this pattern?


Please shut up. Miyashima.

“Hey? What… Do the two cadets know each other? More than that, it’s interesting that they’ve already promised a duel. When did you schedule it?”

That’s right, there was no way Lim Yeon-woo, who was a psychopath and hedonistic unlike me, let this fun situation go unnoticed.

Please… Please stop…


“You are still silent. Kim Ga-sok, can you tell me?”

“Hey… I haven’t decided anything yet.”

Like this… I’m the only one dying!!!!!

I’m… Scared…

“Really? Then, the horns were also sweet. Let’s schedule it for this Saturday. Since it happened like this, it wouldn’t be bad for the entire A class to watch it.”

Stop it!!!!!!

My life is already 0!!!!!!

“Professor, is it really necessary for the entire class A to watch? I want to focus more on my training.”

I turn my head at the unexpected voice. Yoo Jung-min… You…!

Yeah, Jung-Min Yoo had a family problem with Yoo Chun-Hwa.

It must be very awkward to deal with each other.

If you push forward just a little bit more…!

“Hmm, there’s definitely a point in what you’re saying. But, except for exams, duels don’t happen easily. Besides, it’s a duel between cadets ranked 1st and 17th. You guys get something just by watching closely. I’ll be able to go. Maybe it’ll be a better experience than training.”

“What the professor said.. There is a point. All right. Let’s attend.”

It was sunk immediately.

Why are my expectations always betrayed?

As Yoo Jung-min agreed, an atmosphere was formed in which the entire class went to see the duel scene.

Ha. Life.

“Then, the time is Saturday at 11 o’clock. Let’s get special permission to use the arena in the central hall. So everyone can gather at that time. Then everyone can spend the rest of the time training. Enough!”

In this way, the turbulent inquiry ended with the incident escalating out of control.

It’s checkmate. Is a general There is no retreat. It’s a perfect outing.

I can’t get out of here.

It’s hard to believe that all of this happened in just 3 hours.

Grabbing his throbbing head, I left the hallway and headed for Class A’s dormitory.

“……. I…!”

There was a sound like something calling from behind, but I was too tired to hear it properly.

Seeing that he didn’t call again, it must have been someone else, not me.

Go into the dormitory and take the elevator from the top to the bottom floor.

This whole floor is my room, so the chief’s room is definitely different.

I was already exhausted and headed straight to the bedroom.

“Haa… Already… It’s rough…”

I collapsed and laid down on my back, and the incredibly soft bed wrapped around me.

As I added a fluffy pillow, blanket, and bed to my already exhausted low-quality stamina, I felt tired.

“Ah… No… Eat… Later… Train… I have to… Do… But…”

I couldn’t think anymore.

I just wanted to rest on this bed for now.

Like that… Slowly… I passed out.

————————————————————————- —

‘Things are getting pretty complicated. Did he induce this situation?’

“Ah.. No.. Oops…. It’s uncomfortable to draw attention to it like this…”

‘You’ve set the stage quite wide for that kind of thing, Yu Hwa.’

“……. He was quite reluctant… He didn’t even answer at the end… Did he… Hate me…?”

‘My eyes are dying again… If it’s about Kim Ga-sok, I don’t have to worry too much.’


‘No matter how you look at it, he is an outstanding person in terms of his skills. Besides, seeing as he didn’t particularly throw you out when we met before, it certainly wasn’t for that reason.’


‘Perhaps he went to set up training or strategies for the duel with you. I’m not really kidding about this part. So don’t worry too much.’


‘(You’re such an easy woman… The owner…)’


I was very depressed when I came back, but I felt like I suddenly felt better.

Come to think of it, he was that kind of person. Rachel’s words were more credible.

My face naturally relaxed as I felt a little floating, which I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“I should also… Prepare hard…”

It was Yoo Chun-hwa who thought completely contrary to Kim Ga-sok’s wishes.

As each of us spends the day,

The incident was getting bigger and bigger in a part that the two never thought of.

[Celtic Academy All Cadet Board]

[By Mya Khun]

[Title: Breaking news! The current 1st year freshman also said that 1st place and 17th place will duel!]

[Content: ㅇㅇ They say the two of them are going to stick together soon! The first place, as everyone knows, is the hot prospect, Kim Ga-sok, and the 17th place is Yoo Chun-hwa of the Yu family. Both of them are close combat, and their fighting styles are cool, so it feels exciting while watching.]


00- ㅇㅇ? Where are you?

ㄴMya Khun : My class talked about it directly. It is said that Professor Lim Yeon-woo is directly leading it.

01 – Wow… Both of them are watching the test video, but it’s a shame. Especially, that number 1 is overwhelming?

02 – Where is the place and time?

ㄴMya Khun : The venue is the central arena. The time is 11:00 on Saturday.

03 – Can we spectate?

ㄴMya Khun: First of all, I said that I would watch all class A, but I asked.

ㄴMya Khun: It is possible. Professor Lim Yeon-woo gave permission directly.

ㄴ03 – Wow, that’s awesome. Absolutely go see

ㄴ04 – 22 Excursion

ㄴ05 – 333 Go unconditionally. Just like that~

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  1. oh boy the hole academy gonna come not just his class

  2. Dagonsuznyx says:


  3. Nothing irks me more than a heroine who decides to do sh*t on her own. Because f*ck other people’s opinions amirite?

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