Academy’s Weapon Replicator chapter 269

Academy's Weapon Replicator 269

Chapter 82: Flash (3)

The Minotaur turned from the wall and looked at Aster.

At this moment, their attention completely disappeared from the barrier.

It was natural. If we leave it like this, we won’t know who will be split in half next.

thud! Coo!

The cows’ weapons shot up and down, and their feet flew out. They moved without any hesitation to eliminate the threat that suddenly appeared.

Despite their huge bodies, their movements were agile. The ground shook with a single stomp, and cracks cracked as the weapon struck.


Aster dodged between their legs and drew his sword.

The blade certainly did more significant damage than the game, but it couldn’t cut off the cow’s leg like the technique just did.

The cows noticed.

You can’t generate that much power if you don’t have the perfect posture!

Stop them from getting into position!

bang! bang! bang!

The Minotaur’s attacks rushed in without any gaps.


Although Aster lost his balance while avoiding the barrage of attacks, he somehow moved his body and swung his blade. Instead of keeping the distance between them and the cow, they ran wild within it.

Boom! Suddenly!

Even if it is not a proper technique, a huge blood line is drawn every time Aster’s Auror cuts them.

It was not a wound to be taken lightly, and the pain was unbearable. Nevertheless, the Minotaur brightened its eyes even more and moved to catch Aster.

The Minotaur is also desperate to kill a single human.

“Ha, ha, hot!”

Rough breathing, death spraying from all directions, dust rising.

The son-in-law is dizzy and the ground is shaking, and he moves forward by maintaining a thinner balance in the lost balance.


At that moment, one of the cows yells.

The sound of a cow uttering for the first time after being seen by a human.

At one point, his feet rose up,


The kick that hit the ground hard spreads as an aura and pushes everything that touches the ground like a wave.

“… … !”

If you get hit by that, your feet will be tied up. Knowing this, Aster jumped into the air.

The cows’ eyes sparkle. It was difficult to chase it when it was on the ground, but it was easier to catch it when it floated upwards.

Aster seems to have thrown himself into greater danger in order to avoid a brief danger. You idiot, hit the ground like a fly like this,


When the cows were ahead of their expectations and raised their respective weapons into the sky,

Aster performed the ‘interruption tax’ again in the air.

One island.


Aster passes their group once more,


Another one of them pinned his body to the ground.


The cows were startled and saw the carcass that had been standing next to them a while ago.

Aster landed quietly on the ground and looked at them again.

“This technique was learned from the continent’s greatest swordsman genius.”

Aster’s technique, Ilseom, is his version of Elin’s ‘Ilsa (一絲)’.

This technique, which extends in a straight line no matter where you are, can of course be used in the air as well.

“Do you think a clumsy prank like that will work?”

While the cows stopped moving for a moment, Aster took a break again.

This time, the Minotaurs knew what he meant and raised their weapons to their faces. Prepare for a sword strike from above with your instinctive aura.

“It’s soft.”


Once again, Aster passed them by, and this time, one of the guys’ upper and lower bodies were separated.

“If there is a vertical cut, then of course there is also a horizontal cut.”

Ilseom begins from the middle posture, which is the basic posture of Aster. The countless movements that begin there can theoretically be applied in one piece.

… … Of course, this is true in theory.

As of now, Aster can only use two cuts, vertical and horizontal cuts.

Of course, those two things alone are enough to be threatening, but the fear that the Minotaurs may have more moves than these is effective enough.

‘I’ve never used bluff before, so I don’t know if it’s working.’

Aster thought for a moment as he watched the cows rush to block the next attack.

Ilseom is not a simple technique. Elin only uses the original skill ‘Ilsa’ once or twice per battle.

This may be due to the fact that Elin’s total amount of Aurors is insufficient, but everyone, even if she is not one, finds the amount of Auror consumption burdensome.

Aster gave strength to his sword. I felt like my hands would shake if I didn’t do that.

When I saw my dark-haired colleague bragging, I just thought it was amazing.

It was very frustrating to do it on my own.

* * *

While Aster engages in a bloody battle with the Minotaur.

Notker, who hid in the forest again, watched the situation at the wall.

“… … .”

Notker was distracted by Aster’s fight. He forgot that he was an enemy and watched Aster’s movements as if he were fascinated.

Aster’s skill cannot be traced with the eye even from this far away.

When I first saw it, I first assumed it. Would you really be able to stop that? Can you react?

If I had known about it in advance, I would have prevented it from being used. If it was too late and the skill was activated, if you were lucky, his weapon and auror would have blocked it for you.

While thinking about that, Notker realized something.

‘You can’t win.’

In essence, a skill cannot be considered separate from the strength of its owner.

Technology is established because that power is expressed.

In his fight with Aster, he felt unbearable humiliation. The feeling that Aster was matching his skills and watching him did not leave him throughout the fight.

Aster said that it was because he was wary of all Noteker’s sources.

no. His intuition was right.

No matter what Aster’s beliefs were, there was an unbridgeable gap between Notker and Aster.


At that time, a voice seemed to wake him from his thoughts.

Commander Berengar spoke to him.

“It’s an opportunity.”


“Look at those guys on the wall.”

At that, Notker raised his head.

Just like Notker, the soldiers on the wall were preoccupied with Aster’s bloody battle.

The troops on the barrier looked at him blankly, forgetting what kind of situation they were in, as if they were witnessing a hero.

“We can cross the barrier now.”

“… … .”

Notker hesitated for a moment at Berengar’s words.

Berenga’s judgment was excellent. The monsters outside only stepped back for a moment to avoid being swayed by the Minotaur’s movements.

If the fight between Aster and the Minotaur continues, they will attack the barrier again. In addition, the barrier was damaged by the pile of minotaur corpses thrown earlier, and casualties occurred, creating a chaotic situation.

If Mangot joins the monsters’ attack and overcomes the barrier, there will be some bleeding, but it is quite possible.

Above all, if you pass up this opportunity, it will be easy, but it becomes even more difficult after Aster defeats the Minotaur.

‘… … ‘Ugh.’

But Notker hesitates.

My pride as a warrior held me back. If we carry out the operation now, no matter what the outcome is, we probably won’t be able to fight Aster again. I will carry this humiliation on my back until the moment I die.

But he is neither a mercenary nor a warrior.

“… … Okay, let’s go!”

He is a shepherd.

A shepherd who leads the sheep into the fiery pit.

Notker’s cries are relayed to Mangot’s personnel, who conceal themselves even more closely in the forest. All people living in dangerous areas outside the walls have excellent hiding abilities.

“Once we leave this forest, we will never meet again.”

They nod their heads with determination at his words.

Mangot did not come to win the war. It will oxidize along with the empire.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Okay, without hesitation, head towards the barrier.”

With those words, Notker tried to advance ahead of everyone else.

“W-what is it?”

The feet did not leave the ground.

It wasn’t really a figurative expression of hesitation or anxiety. I was literally stranded.

He looked at his feet.

Something that looked like a vine was tying his feet.

“What is this! Suddenly!”

“Notker! “I’m stranded!”

“It’s an enemy trap!”

That wasn’t all. All of Mangot, hidden in the forest, were stranded.

‘trap? Who on earth set the trap?!’

Did those guys on the wall predict that we would be ambushed here?

No, it is impossible to know our path in advance in this vast forest on the wall.

Above all, wasn’t Hector embarrassed when Notker himself appeared in front of the barrier? The surprised look of the soldiers on the wall was definitely not smoke.

It was then.


A butterfly passed among the people at Mangot.

Blue butterflies with beautiful black markings fluttered around them with their unique wings.

Notker looked at the butterfly for a moment.

There was a strange silence. For some reason, everyone’s attention was caught by a butterfly that was nothing special.

Notker soon found out why.

‘… … Was there a butterfly like that?’

The Mangots, accustomed to life outside the wall, are of course entered into their minds, including their natural environment.

However, the beautiful butterflies passing by them draw such pretty patterns that they are difficult to forget.

It’s completely unfamiliar, yet unfamiliar.

“… … !”

At that moment, Notker looks around.

Suddenly, somewhere, I realized that the shape of this forest had changed little by little.

‘What is that tree, this blade of grass, and the flower over there! ‘I don’t know anything about it!’

An overly decorated nature that is more bizarre than you may know.

Before they knew it, they were in a fairytale-like landscape with higher saturation than the actual forest.

[It would be difficult to step forward now.]

The voices heard from them at that time.

Mangot looks around in confusion.

Was it there from the beginning, or did they get there from the moment they saw it?

An old man appeared from behind a tree.


“Who are you?”

Mangot lets out a threatening voice, but he still can’t move his feet.

[There is no name to reveal to an old man like me.]

The older man waved his hand once.

[But I can’t leave it alone.]


The tree trunk grew even further, tying up the entire bodies of the Mangot personnel.

[Because the moment a hero is born cannot be tainted.]

No matter how excellent Cape Mangot’s concealment is.

You can’t disappear from this forest.

This is already his territory.

It’s in his dream.

* * *

Aster believed that this battle was ultimately a physical battle.

To be more precise, when he runs out of energy, he loses.

Even if you can’t use Ilseom easily, it’s obvious that if you just save it, you’ll be crushed by the cows’ attacks.

Just as Aster can kill them in an instant, if Aster is hit even once by one of their attacks, he will be finished.

So, his only way out is to not get hit by any of their attacks and kill them all before his aurors and stamina run out.



The variable happened somewhere else.

“… … !”

Aster’s sword was broken.

Aster’s strength and skill were sufficient to cut through the Minotaur’s tough hide and hard body, but the sword was not.

In the most perfect posture, he performed neat swordsmanship that did not put any strain on the sword.

It only slightly increased the lifespan of the sword.


The cows bleated once again.

As the attack struck from above, Aster did his best to run away.

After realizing that the weapon was broken, there was no hesitation in the cows’ attack. Aster almost rolled over due to the indiscriminate bombardment.


Aster’s aura rose again. The aura condensed as if filling the empty space of the broken sword.

Aster tried to cut the cows’ skin with it, but


The cut cut, but did not cause any meaningful damage.


As soon as Aster confirmed it, he jumped up. It is difficult to hurt an auror without a blade. Aster was not the only one who realized this, so he moved right away.

bang! Quaaang!

The cows were excited and ran wild. The little human’s attack turned ugly. It’s not so much that it tickles, but the previously threatening blade has disappeared.

You can kill it any minute now. The cows’ eyes turned red as if that fact had been imprinted in their eyes.


Aster, who was trying to escape in a hurry, lost his balance due to the earthquake created by the cows. Their hands were stretched out.

Aster rolled his body on the ground to avoid them,


He stuck the broken sword into the ground and used it as a lever to throw his body away.

Aster, who flew in the air, barely managed to distance himself from them, but he was left with bare hands, even losing his broken sword.


Aster stood up again.

There is no sword. An Auror without a sword cannot kill them.

The personnel on the barrier cannot do more damage to the Minotaur than Aster, and Aster has no other way.

Death approaches. It takes shape, turns into a blade, and strides towards him.

Aster looked straight at it and kept the same expression until he got tired of it.

“I haven’t collapsed yet.”

tell them guys

“I would have said you had to knock it down to get over it.”

This time, it was an absurd provocation. The Minotaur approached him with long strides. There was no sign of relaxation in them anymore.

Aster’s entire body was covered with aura.

How many seconds can I last? Did the barrier realize this situation?

If we abandon Tavern and go on the defensive again, we will need as many people as possible—

Water magic formula 3

Growing Up, Rejection, and the Call of the Fairy


That moment.

A faint sound came from Aster’s feet.

“… … ?”

At first, Aster couldn’t tell what the sound was, but when he realized that it was the sound of water drops falling.

The water droplet advanced towards the Minotaur as if it was rolling, right in front of Aster’s feet.

And in an instant it swells, like a stream, like a lake, like a river.

Soon it will become as big as the sea.

“Swallow it up.”

As if obeying someone’s soft voice.

A wave exceeding the height of the Minotaur crashed down on them.

“Whoa, this is it.”

Someone said something in a displeased tone, and Aster turned around.

“You said you would come to the sacred forest, but you made me come here.”

After all, no matter who says it, things that resemble prophecies cannot be trusted. The woman grumbled.

Of course, Aster had no idea who it was, so he just tilted his head.

“Are you her?”

“… … “Who am I?”

“The guy who said he would come to the sacred forest someday. “The guy who said he suited him better than him.”

“… … man?”

“Didn’t you hear anything? To Frontier.”

At that one word, Aster was momentarily dazed.

Aster thought for a moment to understand the situation.

“… … “That bastard.”

Immediately, I let out a sigh and smiled as an unknown emotion rose up.

“You know, you can’t defeat them with waves. “It just makes me stop for a moment.”

“Then what should I do?”

“… … I guess I really didn’t hear anything. I don’t even notice. “I can’t even understand the atmosphere.”

Aster pulled his mouth shut.

People I meet for the first time often say rude things, but I have heard so many reviews from people around me that I have nothing to say.


In that way, the woman showed Aster what she had been hiding behind her back.

“The time has come to keep your promise.”

What the woman held out was a sword.

“It’s the hero’s turn.”

What Frontier asked them to do,

This is the second Excalibur.

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not work with dark mode