Adventurers Are Obsessed With My Cooking chapter 6

Episode 6. Attribute List

Episode 6. Attribute List

What is this absurd message?

God’s Blessing is one of the few party skills that I, a half Priest, can use.

Of course, it is a skill that any priest can invest in, but it is characterized by the fact that additional attributes are unlocked in large quantities only when you go through the Resurrection skill tree.

So, I was in charge of this skill, not Hyesu, the main healer.

‘So I spent a lot of money filming all the characters… I still haven’t filmed all of them.’

Anyway, this skill is Priest’s original skill.

Other classes cannot be used.

By the way.

But why did this skill suddenly pop up in the chef class?

I hurriedly uploaded the system log again to check the message again.

[For 1 hour, the skill ‘God’s Blessing”s attribute ‘Movement Speed Enhancement Lv.94’ Is maintained in the form of a buff. However, the cooking maker’s class level is insufficient, so the effect is reduced to Lv.6.]

Certainly my characteristics are right.

I have no money, so I have only reached level 94 yet.

And it applies to level 6.

‘This must be the chef class level…’

Then, when the chef level reaches 100, does that mean that all of those attributes are applied as they are?

“You’re crazy!”

Yeah, honestly, level 100 might be tough.

But what about level 50?

That would be enough.

Now my priest class level is 84.

Of course, chefs don’t gain EXP by hunting monsters, but didn’t you see that just now?

When I registered a new recipe, I leveled up four times at once.

“Isn’t this really great?”

Then a disturbing thought flashed through my head.

“But… Wouldn’t it be better to just get the Priest buff?”

Of course, some attributes can only be activated by taking the Resurrection skill.

However, the basic Blessing Buff is a skill that any Priest can learn, and Priests are naturally noble among nobles who occupy a place in the party.

“I liked it for nothing.”

But I don’t know, so I tested it.

[Skill ‘God’s Blessing Lv. I cast ‘Max’]

A huge number of messages are uploaded in an instant.

Because I invested all the existing secondary attributes, I got 16 different buffs at once in addition to the basic buffs.

“Increase speed… Enhance speed… Here it is!”

– Attribute ‘Move Speed Enhancement Lv. 94”S effect greatly increases movement speed.

First of all, there was no change in the buff message.

I immediately opened the detailed stat window.

– Basic movement speed: 50 (+15 +6 +94)

“I can’t believe it…”

The basic movement speed of the Priest class is 50.

There are 15 effects from equipment

Effects added with God’s blessing 94

And +6


This was the movement speed effect I ate as a dish.

“It overlaps with God’s blessing… Doesn’t it?”

Then, in theory, if you take the attributes to 100 and raise the cooking class level to 100.

+100 From Cooking Buff, +100 from God’s Blessing Speed Enhancement Attribute.

It was said that it could increase movement speed by as much as 200.

“Legendary shoes with 50 speed were worth a house in cash…”

Coming to this world, its value jumped to the ceiling.

Money is not a problem in the yard of living and dying even with a difference of one or two speeds.

Rather, for that reason, there is almost no trade.

“But you can increase your movement speed by an additional 100 just by cooking?”

From noble mtl dot com

Assuming that the priest’s buff exists, as far as I know, there is no way to increase movement speed by 100.

Fortunately, the 50 increase in Legendary Shoes was the only one.

‘I can’t even get it right now because it’s an Abyss product.’

Then how much is my dish worth?

“Huh… Heh heh…”

Although I’m still level 6, I laughed out loud as I looked into the distant future.

“Besides, this isn’t everything, is it?”

[Skill ‘God’s Blessing’ Attribute List]

1. Movement Speed Enhancement: Movement Speed Increase

2. Accelerate regeneration: Increases the effect of recovery skills and health recovery potions received.

3. Received Damage Reduction: Received damage reduction

4. Saint’s Prayer: Increases the recovery amount of recovery skills only for Priests

5. Saint’s Patience: Increased buff skill duration only for Priests

6. Kiss of the Holy Grail: Increases Max HP

7. Goddess’ Protection: Increases maximum mana

8. Heretic Inquisitor: Increases damage when attacking immortal and demon type enemies

9. Book of the Gospel: Increases the effect of mana potions.

10. Angel’s Song: Protection skill duration increased. Decrease upkeep mana

11. Cross of Resurrection: Restores health and mana only once when health is below 10%.

Excluding the five basic skill buffs for speed enhancement, there are ten more characteristics.

No. 4, 5, And 10 are exclusively for Priests, so even if you exclude them.

“Isn’t every attribute missing?”

That’s why I was frantically wasting money.

Anyway, Sam was able to double the effect of the money he had spent on cooking.

‘No, not that much.’

Cooking is available for sale.

There is no fear of damage in the inventory.

Even if there were no Priests in the party like me who had fully invested in their attributes, they could receive additional buffs just by eating food.

“Isn’t my… Value… Skyrocketing?”


I slapped both cheeks.

You need to be alert.

Not yet.

Nothing has actually been done yet.

It’s just an assumption.

The chef class is only level 6, and there is only one recipe added.

‘In order to become real, we must first increase the number of recipes.’

I turned on the light in my eyes and stood in front of the stall again.

Then I started cooking.

* * *

[Registered. The name of the new dish is ‘Pajeon’.]

[Cook class level has increased.]

‘Oh! Level 7 with this.’

The recipe was registered after frying about 10 pieces of green onion, probably because of the dozens of failed chives.

The point was to eat the green onion protruding from the dough without burning it.

“Keu… This is green onion pancake. It smells like green onion.”

I immediately sampled the green onion.

Disappearing into the ship was an instant.

[You have become the first person to eat the newly registered dish ‘Pajeon’.]


Unfortunately, the buff effect was the same as that of Leek.

Increases Stamina and Intelligence by 5 for 1 hour.

The slightly different part is that the movement speed buff has increased from level 6 to level 7.

It was thanks to the chef class level increase.

‘In the end, all pancakes made with flour and vegetables have the same effect, right?’

It is unknown why the speed enhancement attribute was chosen.

Currently, there is no way to confirm whether it is the effect of a specific material or whether it is attached randomly.

However, it is not that there is no way.

‘I just need to make a new dish other than before.’

You can check if the dish has the same or a different attribute effect as it does now.

I immediately started thinking about what to cook next.

“Think with your head, move your body.”

First of all, I will use all the vegetables I received and fry them from before.

Because I have to level up the chef class.

“Next is the onion!”

I don’t remember hearing about onion pancakes.

But it didn’t matter.

If you keep making it, whether it exists or not, maybe the first real recipe that didn’t exist on Earth, let alone Korea, be born.

“Is this getting more and more fun?”

Perhaps my vocation was to be a cook.

* * *

“Moo-moo… Do you too?”


The two girls had no appetite.

“Ha… I wish I had eaten that whole chicken one more time…”

“I asked the people at the adventurer’s guild earlier, but he didn’t come to the dungeon today. That man.”

I didn’t think that the whole chicken I ate at that time would leave in my head.

I didn’t want to eat anything else.

“I’m sure it’s in this town…”

“Then what are you going to do? Go and ask them to serve you meat? Then they hate you. They’re just taking a break today. They said they’ve brought back all the supplies we delivered.”

Melissa muttered, pursed her lips.

“Isn’t that guy going to party with us?”

“What would you do if you were like me? With a beginner like us?”

“But our party needs a healer. He says his job is a priest.”

“That’s what we need.”

“Do you hate mumu?”

“When did I say that? It’s just that the odds are slim.”

Melissa widened her eyes and approached Mumu.

They got close enough that her noses could touch.

“Thin? Doesn’t that mean it’s not zero?”

“Oh, go away, fool.”

“That’s right! Mumu thinks there’s a way, right?”


“Tell me. Hurry up!”

“It’s just… Since he always works alone, I thought if we could go and help out at the store, we could become friends. Then maybe we could go to the dungeon together once in a while.”

Melissa shrugged her shoulders, asking what it was.

“What is that?”

“Then what can I do? Beginners like us. And I’ve only thought about it, but I didn’t intend to actually do it. It’s a complete nuisance.”

“You know what?”



Melissa ran away, sticking out her tongue.

She then suddenly closed her eyes and stuck her nose out into the air.

She sniffed her sniff.

“Mumu! This smell… You can smell it too, don’t you?”


“This smells absolutely delicious.”

“Let’s see if they have dinner somewhere. The sun is losing.”

“No! Not that kind of smell! It smells absolutely delicious.”

Mumu looked at Melissa with an insect-like expression.

“It’s not a dog, what the hell does it smell like?”

“Oh really? Come here!”

Mumu also blew her nose.

“Huh…? Really?”

“Is this the old man?

“Ah, no way…”

But I thought Mumu could be like that too.

Because it was the first delicious smell I had ever smelled.

The first delicious thing for the two girls was already imprinted as ‘that street vendor’.

“This way!”

“Melissa! Where are you going!”

“This way! It’s coming from this way.”

“…That idiot.”

The two girls were on their way to the gate of the village before they knew it.

“Huh? What is it? Why do people…”

And there were already a lot of people gathered in front of the gateway when they arrived.

It wasn’t just the girls who were intoxicated by the delicious smell and unconsciously dragged out.

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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    I mean, jeon does taste good kekekekeke

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