After I Stopped Sponsoring, the Female Leads Began Obsessing Over Me chapter 166

166 - The Prince and Emilia

166 – The Prince and Emilia

— Tsuzzzzzzzz!

The leader of the assassin group barely escaped the attack.


His cheek was torn later.

Fresh blood flows down from the torn cheek.

The situation did not stop there.

Thump. Coo!

The three assassins standing behind fell down at the same time.

The boss’s eyes widened.

Isn’t it amazing?

I was also surprised by the attack I came up with.

This is the first ranged skill I came up with, but at this level… Maybe I’m a genius?

With those foolish thoughts in mind, I rushed straight towards the boss.

— Wooow!

This time, a melee skill [Shield Headbutt].


The leader raised his dagger to block, but was unable to withstand the force of my impact and vomited blood.

“Yes… You! Aren’t you a wizard?!”

“You’re a wizard, right?”

“What kind of wizard is this…!”

Why are you so embarrassed?

This is a simple and classic battle strategy?

Main deal melee attack that confuses the opponent with a long-distance attack and then plunges in.

If the guys who came to assassinate the emperor are embarrassed, this can be used like soup.


Assassins are, after all, people who make a living off of ‘unexpectedness’.

Their surprise attack failed, and since I had taken away the ‘unexpectedness’, the game was clearly tilted.

“This bastard…! What a meticulous plan it was!”

“Huh. Is the plan to weaken two barriers and break in by breaking the window? I think I can set it up with that much.”

One thing I felt after going through several fights after being possessed.

In the end, the one whose ratings collapse loses.


The guy took out a dagger and threw it during the bridge dance.


It is not difficult to block.

A raid is only meaningful if it is a raid.

The war situation is gradually tilting.

The knights who guarded the emperor’s residence also began to actively participate in the battle, maintaining guard in front of the door.


From Noble mtl dot com

In between fights with the boss, I supported them with long-distance attacks.

And finally.

— Wow!

I succeeded in disrupting his steps using dirt.


I caught the ankle of the guy who was trying to escape by transforming the ether into a noose.

“Why… Why are you like this!”

The guy shook his feet as if he was embarrassed, but it was no use.

It is colorless and odorless ether. How can it be seen?

Just in time.


The off-duty knights flocked to join.

Among them was the commander of the Knights of the Royal Guard.

“Are you Lord Ian Black Angus, who had an audience with the Emperor today? Thank you for your hard work. We will now take care of this place.”

“Thank you.”

“No. I should thank you.”

After saying that, the knight commander quickly overpowered the assassins.

No. To be precise, it would be correct to say that the assassins committed suicide.

They committed suicide by sticking something like a small ballpoint pen into their thighs.

“Damn it!”

The same goes for the boss I was fighting with.

But I immediately used transformation and captured his entire body. So much so that I can’t even move my tongue.


It’s no use looking at me unfairly like that.

There is no benefit in killing the assassin, right?

First, let them live so we can find out who sent the assassination.

Interrogation seems to be the specialty of the Knight Commander of the Royal Guard, who is looking over there with a twinkle in his eye.


The door to the emperor’s quarters was opened.

The captain of the royal guard and the emperor walked out from within.

“Is everything finished?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

He quietly looked around.

The emperor’s eyes glanced at the corpses of the masked men, the bound leader, and the injured knights, then stopped on me.

“You were right. Thank you.”

“I apologize.”

“As promised, I will give you a passage ticket. And.”

The emperor entered and came out of his residence.

There was a small badge in his hand.

“I will praise your merits.”

I knelt down, put my hands together politely, and accepted the badge.

The material is not a great badge.

It’s just a badge made with very finely processed pure gold, platinum, and several luxurious gems.


—「 Title: Person who has been awarded a special medal 」—

Authority increases.

Dignity increases.

Respect increases.

People who know the value of the badge will begin to look up to you.


The additional effect is great.

Especially when dealing with ‘higher people’.

“I am devastated, Your Majesty.”

I would have received appropriate compensation.

Now there is only one question.

… Who was the culprit who sent the assassins?

The surviving masked person was roughly dragged into the interrogation room.

The second prince’s birthday banquet hall.

Because the events at the main palace were kept secret, the banquet was still in full swing.

“I want to catch some wind for a moment.”

Silvia, who was active in the expansive banquet hall, walked out into the garden to cool off for a moment.

— Ttogak ttogak.

Unlike her tired appearance, her steps were full of energy. Her eyes were also full of life, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

“Phew. Now finally…”

Her goal, the goal she thought she could never achieve, is starting to come into view.

“I’m starting to see the tail end of Raymond’s top.”

Silvia quietly closed her eyes.

And she took a deep breath.


Ten years ago.

I remember something from when I was young.

The background is the Laurent family’s guest reception room.

Sylvia, who was still a cheerful child, opened the door to her drawing room.

And through the thin gap in the door, she could see her father kneeling at someone’s feet.

Her father was praying with his back constantly shaking.

Please look at me just once for the sake of my family.

Hearing his father’s plea, the other person raised his head.

Then, looking at Sylvia, who was peeking through the crack in her door, she smiled and raised the corner of her mouth.

Her laughter was so scary that Sylvia ran away.

It was after that day.

The Laurent family’s fortunes declined for a while.

Until we stand up once again, I know what happened to the Laurent family at the hands of Raymond’s matriarch.

So Sylvia had one goal.

“I will become strong enough to never kneel in front of anyone for the person I love…”

Silvia chuckled.

I know it well.

The point is that ordinary women do not aim for this.

But that’s just Sylvia herself.

She leads the best and becomes a person who can have a power that cannot be defeated by anyone.


Wise and wise.


Becoming that kind of person.

“I thought I couldn’t achieve it.”

I tried really hard, but a part of me thought that way.

Raymond’s goal in mind was strong and merciless. Compared to them, Laurent was nothing more than a corner store that could only use a little power in Liechten.

But now I can see it.

In Sylvia’s eyes, in her head.

More than a dozen ways to beat Raymond Sangang came to mind. Even though the probability is small, it is enough to make you feel confident.

And that’s not because Sylvia herself did well.

“… hehehe.”

As she walked through the garden, Sylvia smiled lightly.

Whenever she remembered that person’s face in her head, she would suddenly smile like this.

Sylvia was able to come this far because she met that person.

“In some ways, it might be a coincidence of fate.”

At the beginning of the academy semester, the alley was soggy due to rain.

If only Sylvia hadn’t slipped there and mud didn’t splatter on her clothes. If she hadn’t met ‘the man’ who purified her clothes.

She couldn’t have come this far.

So it was pure luck.

She was lucky enough to meet Ian Black Angus.

— Boom. Thud. Thud.

My heart is racing.

At first she thought it was just a heart problem, but Sylvia now knows that this phenomenon is lovesickness.

She heard it from the best doctor in the continent, so there is no doubt about it.

She even heard how to fix it.

— Confess it to him, girl. Hold her hand and press your lips together. That might be the best solution.

Silvia looked up at the sky.

She looked at the moonlight hidden by the clouds and imagined the prescription.

Hold her hand.

— Boom. Thud.

Touch her lips…

— Coo! Coo! Coo!

Her heart is pounding as if her heart will break.

“As expected, that doctor is a quack…”

Did you say the name was… Hoa Ta?

What kind of doctor will be remembered in history?

Sylvia pursed her lips and calmed her racing heart.

Anyway, I’m thinking of Ian again.

When she sees him offering help when she really needs it, Sylvia relaxes her tight tension without even realizing it.

‘If it’s Ian… It might be okay.’


Her meeting with Ian began with him purifying her mud-soaked clothes.

That meeting suddenly became the most precious relationship for Sylvia that cannot be replaced by anyone.


Sylvia calmed her pounding heart with this sensation.

She then glanced down.

A see-through dress that barely conceals the silhouette of the body.

Hair and nails carefully organized.

Her eyes come into view as she prepares herself diligently for her church.

“Wouldn’t it be difficult for Ian to endure this today?”

Sylvia placed her hands on her own upper body.

Her breasts held in one hand.

“… This is a bit of a disadvantage, though.”

She was confident enough in the remaining places.

That moment.

— Jerk!

A sign of popularity was heard on a nearby trail.

When I peeked out, I saw an attendant hurriedly taking steps.

The servants in the imperial palace never walk quickly.

Because their basic goal is to erase their presence, as if they exist or not.

That means one of two things.

It was someone else disguised as an attendant.

Or maybe the servant is running because something really urgent has come up.

‘… It looks suspicious?’

The servant walked around looking around as if there was something that should not be caught.

Silvia followed him carefully.

The place where he stopped was a pavilion in the garden.

A woman who seemed to have been waiting for him turned behind her.

It is a familiar silhouette.

Sylvia narrowed her eyes to examine the figure of the woman shrouded in shadow.

‘… Emilia?’

Why is Emilia here?

The attendant was muttering something in an inaudible voice, and although Emilia’s expression was not visible, her arms seemed to be shaking.

But the questions did not end there.

From Noble mtl dot com

— Jerbeok

Even the second prince joined them.

The servant muttered something to him again.

— Wow!

The servant was slapped roughly.

“… I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

The servant’s voice is heard vaguely.

When the prince waved his hand, he disappeared into the darkness.

‘.. What on earth happened?’

There is too much information I don’t know.

The only thing that is certain is that something bad has happened to them and that the relationship between Emilia and the prince seems to be close.

At that time.


The silhouettes of the prince and Emilia overlapped as if they were kissing.

— Rustling

In shock, Sylvia unconsciously made the sound of her footsteps.

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    95% Emilia the culprit

    1. simplethrone says:

      I personally still think it’s a red herring though. I bet the real culprit aren’t among these 4 and actually a different person altogether.

  2. simplethrone says:

    Is it her or is it just another red herring? We knew that one of the mastermind, the one who pushed MC to the death is the non-virgin. I almost forgot that detail due to everything that’s happening,

    1. Gahar says:

      My theory is that they are not kissing but one of them is sucking blood from the other one. My money is on her being a cultist and the prince being her blood bag.

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