After I Stopped Sponsoring, the Female Leads Began Obsessing Over Me chapter 169

169 - Aria (2)

169 – Aria (2)

Only one day a week.

Aria woke up early on the day she met Ian.

It was because I wanted to decorate her body.

Unfortunately, Aria didn’t know how to take care of her appearance.

However, she knows that the children around her age are particularly interested in her. Things like cosmetics and clothes.

She pretended not to be Arya, but she was interested. There was a time when she secretly brought samples that were distributed by merchants in front of the school.

But she looked very awkward when she was decked out in cosmetics and accessories. Her immaturity caused her a small inner wound that made her give up trying to improve her appearance.

That’s why Aria’s grooming was simple to explain in her own words.

Taking more time than usual to clean her body.

Washed her long bangs that covered her eyes and her shaggy back hair, one by one.

She slowly and firmly washes off the soap that she usually just wipes away.

Because today is a day when I can stay with Ian all day long.

“.. I think I washed it well.”

She stands in front of her mirror and looks at herself.

Bangs that are always shaggy and blocking the view.

Aria used to sweep her bangs here and there for no reason.

Would it be better for her to show a little more eyes?

Wouldn’t this be prettier?

Thoughts like this.

Then she eventually returns to square one.

Gloomy-looking bangs that cover the eyes.

This is the most appropriate. It’s convenient because it covers people’s eyes once. This level is perfect for my insignificant self.

‘…And look a little more depressed.’

Because Ian looks at him more.

That’s how she met Ian.

Whenever I meet Ian, I always say the same thing.

This happened at school.

It seems like everyone hates me.

I don’t know what to do.

If you talk like that, Ian always answers like this.

“It must have been difficult.”

“Uh, yeah…”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

He doesn’t make any judgments.

He doesn’t even give advice.

Just always, coo.

Hug yourself like this.

“…Uh, yeah…”

Ian’s hug.

She refused at first.

The very fact of coming into contact with someone was something that was extremely scary and frightening to Aria.

Moreover, she thought that Ian had other intentions.

I wonder if he will attack me if I hug him like this.

So I tried to run away.

She tried to escape from his embrace.

But Ian did not loosen his hands.

He just hugged himself as he tried to run away.

I realized it only after being held for a while.

The sound of the other person’s breathing felt as a hug.

Thump, thump. The sound of a heart beating softly.

Human smell.

These things make you feel comfortable.

That Ian truly wants to comfort himself.

It was a hug that had become a habit.


At some point, I started to like touching each other like this.

My body and mind felt as if they were about to flow out.

I felt happy when I was in his arms.

It was as if all the pain I had experienced during the week disappeared.

Aria was hugged by Ian and listened to his breathing.

His heart moves with her own sorrow.

It was so warm.

Like the only light in a world full of darkness.


Ian was Aria’s only light.

Only when she feels his warmth can Arya feel the world.

That’s why.

Aria gradually became addicted to Ian’s warmth.

I couldn’t say it was a good thing.

It’s like I can’t do anything without him.

I became dependent on it.

‘… What if you get tired of me like this?’

To the point where I suddenly had this thought.

That thought was the problem.

The thought that Ian might leave him.

Aria became anxious.

“You know, Ian…”

At times like that, Aria poured out everything to Ian.

Because I couldn’t stand it otherwise.


“It’s okay, Aria. I’m here. It must have been very difficult.”

Because Ian always looked at me warmly when I cried.

That warmth made Ian even more embarrassed.

I figured out a way to catch Ian.

‘Should I give something?’

Face, body, fun?

She was Aria who thought herself unattractive.


She came up with another method instead.

‘If I despair even more…!’

Aria, who was smart, had already noticed. She said that the more she cried, the more worried Ian looked at her.

There was no way to avoid missing Ian.

That was her opportunity.

Aria’s expression became more intense.

Scratching her wrist.

Pretend to hang her.

She acted like she was going to fall off a cliff.

To catch Ian.

She did it even more on purpose.

Please keep looking at me.

Please don’t leave.

From Noble mtl dot com

It was a kind of addiction.

‘I know.’

I know the look on his face that breaks down every time he hurts her body.

She knows she’s giving him a hard time.

He knows he is selfish.

Still, I couldn’t stop.

Because I can’t live without Ian.

Because Ian is the only light in her gloomy life.

Because I wanted to catch him like this.

Because for Aria, there was only Ian.

I know.

She says she is trash.

I am obsessed with Ian beyond dependence.

The more she tumbles into the abyss, the more Ian tumbles down with her.

The end of this relationship will never be good.

Because that is addiction.

Our ending will definitely be a bad ending.

Then one day.

A miracle occurred in Aria’s life.

“You are the one chosen by Deus.”

I was given the opportunity to completely change.


The people who came to visit her were people dressed in her priestly clothes.

Among them, a young man knelt in front of Aria.

He is a man with blond hair and a long sword.

It was a man who looked exactly like the miniature hero that Aria cherished.

“Gloomy has the qualities of a saint.”


“Yes. It means someone who can spread Deus’s will and save the world.”

“Oh, I can’t believe it. It’s suspicious.”

Nodding her head lightly, the man put his hand around Aria’s neck.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Without time to react, the man’s hand flashed white.

“What are you doing!”

Aria belatedly widened the distance.

She then hung her neck.

There was nothing particularly strange about her.

“I have given you my blessing. You will no longer stutter.”

“That can’t be possible… Are you really not stuttering?”

The man smiled kindly and said.

“Lord Deus is omniscient and omnipotent. If you become a candidate for a saint, you will be able to achieve even greater things than this.”

“Something great?”

“Yes. Anything you want.”

“Then, can I change myself?”

In response to Aria’s question, the man smiled and pointed to her neck.

“You’ve already changed. With divine power.”

… He is right.

Arya herself has already changed.

White light shining softly from his hand.

It is called divine power.

“Me too…?”

“Of course. You can use this power too. Better than anyone else. Would you like to put your hand here?”

The man held up a wide glass made of gold.

“What’s inside is holy water. If the color turns white, it means you have the qualifications to become a saint. Dan.”

The man continued speaking with a serious expression.

“If you turn white, you cannot go back to the way you were before. That is, until you become a saint or are eliminated.”

It was a moment of choice.

Hope is scary.

Hope to become a better version of yourself.

Hope that you no longer have to rely on Ian.

Aria put her hand to her glass.

Seongsu turned whiter than anyone else’s.

She thus became a candidate for sainthood.

The world changed like magic.

There was no need to go to the boring school anymore.

— Are you now ignoring the will of Holy Constantine the Pope?

The principal who was holding Aria’s ankle couldn’t even squeak.

Everything was as the priests said.

The more you pray, the more you pray. The more she was exposed to divine power, the more Aria changed.

— After all, you are a candidate for sainthood!

— Beautifully overwhelming divine power!

Everyone looked up to him.

Everyone praised themselves.

He was even given the name by the Pope.

— Aria Lumines Belle

I gained confidence.

It can change.

No. It’s already changed.

‘I am not Gloomy. I’m Arya.’

Hope was coming true. I was full of confidence. No, it could even be called arrogance.

At that time.

Ian came to visit.

— Ian? Why did you come looking?

— I was worried about whether you were okay.

— It’s okay. And I’m busy. Stop now.

Aria decisively cut her off.

Ian collapsed.

— Please Gloomy… Please.

Aria ignored her request as if she was begging.

Because I am no longer Gloomy.

Because I felt like the past would come back to me when I was with Ian.

… Because our ending will be decided.

— B. I don’t need you anymore.

Let’s all live happily together.

I thought this was right.

At some point.

Until people around him started criticizing him.

Those who praised her scattered.

Her envy of her turned to her loathing.

Divine power comes from people’s beliefs.

As faith disappeared, divine power also faded.

After that, Aria collapsed.

More than ever before.

More than the days when Ian was by my side.

It was a side effect of being addicted to false hope.


Reminiscing over dozens and hundreds of times was always bitter. Aria let out a strange sound that was almost like a moan and curled her body even further.


What remains at the end of every recollection is Ian’s face.

The day she was elated after receiving her new name from the Pope.

This is the face of Ian who came to her house and confessed.

— Please Aria… please… …. Don’t you remember this? You couldn’t have done it without this.

— There is no need for this.

I looked down at her hand. In the center of her palm was the warrior miniature that Ian had brought with him at that time. This is what Aria herself resolutely threw onto the dirt floor.

I think of Ian kneeling on her dirt floor, looking for this.


Looking at it dirty with dirt, Ian’s face, carrying all kinds of despair, comes to mind.

“No. No. No. No…”

It’s in Aria’s hands again.

Everywhere the dirt is gone, it’s all cleaned up.


A corner of her heart was torn apart.

“Ah… Ah…”

Tears flowed from Aria’s eyes. She bit her lip, but her tears wouldn’t stop. Tuk. Tuk. Her fallen tears soaked the miniature.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry.”

She shouldn’t have done that.

I shouldn’t have relied solely on the warmth you gave me for everything.

I shouldn’t have been selfish.

I chose a different path to get away from you.

I shouldn’t have been so proud of myself.

I was stupid.

He was an idiot.

It was trash.

Everything was my fault.

… Even though I regret it so much.

Even though I know it’s shameless.


I want you again.

Because I don’t know how to overcome this darkness.

Because I don’t know how to walk out of a room where I’m alone.

So I wait.

Wouldn’t this prison-like door open and you come in?

Wouldn’t that window like an iron bar be opened and you would come smiling brightly like you did when you were young?

“That… that can’t be possible.”

My heart feels like it will break.

The moment when she gave up the name Gloomy and chose to become Aria. I know that all relationships are broken.

The sun came out before we knew it, but Aria couldn’t feel the brightness.

It was necessary.

Ian was needed.

Because the only light for him is Ian.

He was the only one who needed it.

“I’ll go back to Gloomy… So please…”

Give me just one chance.

I will apologize or anything.

Please just this once…

— Squeak

The visit has been opened.

As if my earnest wish had been reached.

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  1. Ayato says:

    I hope Ian just ignore her

  2. Adore says:

    She’s the top contender of who’s most likely getting NTRed. The damage has been done, Aria job now is just to sit on the cuckolded chair staring at the bed

  3. Ninja says:

    Why so stupid LOL

  4. so she was essentially brainwashed with all those praises that she forgot that the only praise she wanted was not from them
    drunk from that she got stupider

  5. IME says:

    ian and that btch past is somehow toxic. but that btch aria is more fcked up, she is the worst case,
    emilia better she just straight used ian no more no less.

    1. Dootdeedooterson says:

      Aria who was ignored was found and polished by Ian, then everyone wanted to be around aria.

      Ian was never toxic and from what’s gathered probably tried to ground her. Her depression got worse when her powers faded slightly and she realized how bad she was to Ian.

      Ian was probably the ML of this world and somehow everything got screwy.

  6. Zeenii ‎ Zeenii ‎ says:

    I really really want to slap/punch this Aria just once

  7. ACYNED says:

    So Aria is very self centred. I’d say she shouldn’t even be helped because she had no regard for Ian after being chosen as a saintess. What makes matters worse is that the childhood Ian already died and its her and emillia’s fault mainly.

  8. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    Holy sh*t!! I kind of understand now.
    Aria/Glumi was the one on their childhood made Ian before possession. Or should i say, Ian has been inflicted with mental illness of need to take care someone.

    Maybe that’s the reason why he made confession to all girls, if rejected, then go to the next one hoping someone can accept his caring attitude.

    This is just my opinion, feel free to take or ignore it

    1. ACYNED says:

      Hmm plausible. I thought it was more like him knowing the dangers and key role they’ll play as the Heroines somehow and trying to take care and raise them well so they can be successful.

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