After I Stopped Sponsoring, the Female Leads Began Obsessing Over Me chapter 3

3 - Abandoned the growth of the heroes.

3 – Abandoned the growth of the heroes.

There are two ways to get around the problem.

“One is the right way”

The act of solving problems step by step through fair procedures.

“The other is the black road”

The position is that whatever it is, it just needs to be resolved.

In martial arts novels, it is the way sapas usually solve problems.

And for a while, Ian seriously contemplated whether to walk the black path instead of the right path.

“Isn’t it just a matter of physically checking whether the heroines are non-virgin?”

Hint from the developer. He found out the hard way…

[ The culprit was a non-virgin. ]


It seemed easier to dig into this point.

Well, if you just think about the process, it’s easy, right?

After somehow securing his safety, he undressed and removed his legs…

“Calm down, Ian Kim.”

Ian hit his own ball.

It was right.

The opponents are the heroines.

It is a story that the back is strong.

Lina has reputation, Sharon has family and skills, Aria has a church, and Emilia has a rank.

The body of an unpopular pompong.

If you push it wrong, it will just click.

Going to jail for checking whether a heroine is a virgin or non-virgin because she doesn’t want to die?

There is nothing more stupid than committing a crime to prove your innocence.

“As expected, a person should walk the right path. It is correct to carefully collect evidence against the criminal.”

Ian nodded his head.

And until we get solid evidence, it was wise to be cautious about the heroines.

All heroines are stronger than Pongpong.

Actually, because it’s the main fighting force, it’s also the one that was chosen as the heroine of Panta X Arc.

So the way to deal with them was simple.

Ian drew a large circle on a piece of paper.

Then, the word sin was written in it.

Pongpong’s crime.

The reason why one of the heroines decided to kill Pongpong is obvious.

[ Sense of burden ]

It is just too much interest.

He gave too much attention to the heroines he wasn’t close enough with and rushed into confession.

So lucky to be alive now.

“Never. No matter what. I don’t pay attention to the heroines.”

Ian promised that.

What. To be honest, Pongpong’s interest was helpful to the heroines.

Actually, it seems that the heroines also had feelings of gratitude.


Because he filled the heroines’ deficiency like ghosts.

It was said that there was no big difference in the character growth rate depending on whether or not Pong Pong was used in the actual game.

But there is no such service anymore.

“Your life is at stake, so you have to be sure.”

Lina was in trouble because she had nothing to prepare or eat.

Sharon was frustrated because she couldn’t grow anymore.

Aria was in despair because she was eliminated as a candidate for the saintess.

As Emilia was unavoidable, she was in need of herself.

No matter what desperate reasons the heroines seek for themselves, they completely ignore them.

If you want to live a little longer.

That’s how the first iron rule of action was confirmed.

“You guys are no longer heroines.”

At least for Ian himself.

Ignore the heroines.

Ian came out of the dorm, pledging to a new code of conduct over and over again.

The destination is a large vacant lot near the inn.

Why are you coming out of nowhere?

“Actually, this side is more important.”

This is the ‘strength’ of the physical body.

This is Ian, whose rumors and reputation are going to be the worst.

It is said that it will not be easy to lean on anyone.

In the end, you have to protect yourself.

I needed to be strong.

Sharon Pierce.

A heroine with infinitely cold blue hair, the end of Panta X Arca’s performance.

She should be at least as strong as the strongest heroine.

‘I don’t know who the culprit is, so I assume the worst.’

So I went outside.

To start training right away.

“Because Pongpong is a Soil Master.”

The Soil Mage.

To be precise, an earth type mage.

From noble mtl dot com

‘Panta Aca’ has various attributes, but it is a very rare attribute among them.

To be precise, it was close to a dead attribute among players. Not only is it difficult to learn, but the location of the ‘Power Blessing’, the most important performance maximization factor in the game, has never been revealed.

‘There were rumors that the elemental performance itself would be the final boss as much as the difficulty.’

But it turned out that this Pompong guy has a pretty good talent for the earth attribute.

“The problem is that the talent is activated in a rather strange way.”

The magic he learned was like this.

[Extraction] Extracting certain metals from the surrounding environment.

[Transformation] Maintains the extracted elements in a specific form using magic.

And [ Restoration ], Which returns elements that have been randomly extracted or transformed.

Recalling the magic imprinted on his body, Ian had no choice but to ask.

“What kind of heavy equipment is this bastard?”

I don’t know why each learned magic is so optimized for chores… No, wait a minute.

No way.

Did you learn to do chores at Emilia’s Merchant?

Ian recalled the contents of Emilia in Pongpong’s ‘Dating Journal’.

‘…That’s right.”

I remembered the image in Pongpongi’s notebook that said he extracted a rare substance from a mountain of soil.


What a great guy, really.


“The important thing is how to use it.”

How can I become stronger by using abilities like these construction equipment?

It’s been awhile since I’ve been wandering around the empty lot like that.

A good idea came to my mind.

One way or another, Ian is a famous person among the deceased people in Fanta X Arc.


First of all, [Extraction].

After a few hours like that.

Drenched in sweat, Ian looked at his arm with emotion.

“This works.”

Bundle Bundle, an arm that shines with a brilliant silver light like armor refined by an artisan.

[ Extract ] To extract ‘iron’ from the surrounding ground.

[Transformation] Was wrapped according to the size of the arm and fist, and the joints were reinforced.

“True talent makes the heart magnificent.”

A result achieved only with the magic that Pompong’s body memorizes thoroughly.

Ian swung his mechanized arm toward the log on the floor.

– Cooung!

With a harsh noise, the tree was cut in half.


This is the Land Master (Physical).

Pongpong’s talent.

I have the confidence to bloom properly.

It’s already dusk in the evening.

Returning to the dorm, Ian fell face down on the bed.

As soon as you possess it, it feels like your body and head do not remain.


Still, this is enough to properly lay the foundation for living at the academy.

If you go to the academy tomorrow, you will be able to adapt without panic.

“It’s already this time.”

Ian checked his watch and suddenly became curious.

[ Growth Blessing Ceremony ]

A ritual that uses one’s magical power to help others grow.

According to the journal, Pompong performed this ritual every night around this time.

‘This is probably the EXP buff applied to the heroines in the game.’

So I was curious.

How the hell does that ritual work?

“The book… Is here.”

Looking around the room, Ian always found the book Pongpong was reading before the ceremony.

“…The basis of black magic?”

Was there anything like this in the game?

With doubt, Ian turned a page in the book.

The introduction continued.

[ All things come from the earth and return to the earth. ]

[ Soil cares for and nurtures the things that come out of itself, so this kind of benevolent magic like a mother is called ‘soil magic’ ]

[ Things that have reached time are embraced and returned to their original nutrients in the dark, which is called ‘black magic’. ]

[ The property of soil covered in this textbook is the latter. ]

“… This.”

Ian had a hunch.

This is not an ordinary book.

Among the various types of book items in ‘Panta Arca’, this is the highest quality book, a kind of header that is only described in [Second Level].

In the first place, I have never heard of a book related to black magic while playing Panta Aca.

“Where did you get these?”

A man like an onion the more you peel it.

That was Pong Pong.

First of all, let’s check how the growth blessing goes in.

As I was flipping through the book, a particularly burnt page caught my eye.

[ Share ]

[ Although black magic is due to sucking up the nutrients of the target, the essence of the soil lies in giving. Therefore, he briefly describes how to share his magical power, mana, and vitality. ]

The moment you open the page like that.

I felt a strange sensation in my body.


Is this the flow of mana?

Ian closed his eyes and focused on a different sensation from when he used magic in the clearing.

The energy that starts near the heart and flows through the body continues to flow out.

There are four strands of mana that escape to the outside.

That means that the ‘Growth Blessing Ceremony’ has already begun. Was there a trigger condition related to time or books?

“I need to stop it… Let’s calm down.”

I thought that I shouldn’t give the heroines any more growth buffs, but I hurriedly made up my mind.

He seemed to be doing more harm than good if the mana circuit was turned upside down while he ran rampant to stop.

It’s not like you’re going to die just because you lose one more day of magic to the heroines.


I caught my breath and opened my eyes.

I checked the part where the procedure was written in the book.

When I searched for related items, this phrase was written.

[ * Never forcibly interrupt transmission. It can cause catastrophic damage to the circuit. In case of transmission interruption, perform unlinking in the following way.]

“I almost got into trouble.”

Fortunately, there was a specific method related to unlinking.

Ian quietly closed his eyes.

And I concentrated on feeling the flow of mana.

Sight, hearing, smell. Although not affected by any of the five senses, I could feel the magic power that was clearly present.

A bunch of magic power that stretched from Danjeon to an inexplicably long length.

‘It’s vivid.’

Certainly, Pongpong’s talent is not common.

As I focused on each bundle, I immediately felt its nature.

The direction in which mana is directed to each heroine.

I cut it off as described in the book.

“Heo Eok!”

A feeling of mana flowing backwards for an instant.

But the awkwardness didn’t last long.

As expected, following the manual properly is the answer.

Ian let out a light sigh.

The moment I turned my gaze back to the book like that.

“Ah. What is it?”

I realized that I forgot a part.

[ * Anonymity must be maintained even when transmission is interrupted. If it is not an anonymization spell, there is a possibility that the information of the caster will be found out by the masters of the peak close to 5 stars. ]


Write this kind of thing early.


Does it matter?

There won’t be any children who have grown up to 5 stars anyway.

Instantly, a sense of refreshment enveloped his body.

The connection with the heroines was cut off.

Now I didn’t have the magic to keep counting, and I didn’t have the heart to hurt myself.

“I’m looking forward to the academy tomorrow.”

The corners of Ian’s mouth went up slightly.

Sharon Pierce, the heroine that Ian is most wary of in terms of skill.

She was meditating with her eyes closed in her neatly decorated accommodation.

A breeze from beyond the moon rustles her blue hair.

It was ticklish, but Sharon didn’t even move her body.


It’s always at this time that her head pops up and she has an epiphany.

Sharon knew better than anyone else that it was a precious time that helped her grow so much.

At this time, as she entrusted her body to the mysterious energy that warmly surrounded her, she would suddenly come to a realization.


Sharon’s pale pink mouth twitched for a moment.

It was because I felt something in the aura that was supposed to be colorless and odorless.

A faint sign.

“… I’ve felt it somewhere.”

Muttered Sharon.

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  1. Shiin says:

    Non virginvHeronie i think Aria..
    Because he saintes, and y all know,
    to be a saintes you must be a Virgin right …?

    1. LuxX says:

      Things won’t be that easy. Imagine god was a yandere girl, and she drugged him and did that, then got mad and killed Mc because she didn’t want him to go with other women… My gosh..

  2. A person who lacked the courage to be a yandere, or the determination to crush their feelings. This is the person whose body the main character now possesses. Well… Honestly, I would have liked to see the original story where this person, desperate, decided to take revenge on everyone. It would have been a fairly canonical version of how something like this usually ends. The one who was willing to give up everything for others ended up with nothing and realized that he now desperately wants to fill that “nothing” with something. So much so that he can trample even those for whom he did it all. Well, okay, honestly, I’ve gone pretty far in my musings about how this character expressed his feelings, and I can only say this: that’s why you need to know when it’s time to let go of your own feelings. There’s no need to love someone who doesn’t need that love. Instead, find a sad, lonely, cute girl who no one pays attention to, and love her. That way you’ll be happy too, because your feelings will be appreciated, and the girl you love will think you’re the only one for her.

  3. zarph zarph says:

    bro has matal bending from avator

  4. Still I wonder which heroine is the one who pushed him off the rooftop.

  5. Ohh i remember now, I had read this one before. I had the Epub file of it and dropped it at around chapter 20 or something cuz it’s mid with a op Protagonist with talent in everything. Bland as hell.

  6. BH says:

    I pity pong poing original MC a bit, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy although I do think he is an idiot. You got to be able to care and love yourself before loving others. At the very least if he was going to simp he should have simped for only one heroine. Aiming for four and confessing feelings makes you look bad objectively speaking even if you do give them lots of nice stuff. He went about his romantic pursuits the wrong way.

  7. Zzz says:

    Or a tomboy knight

    1. Constellation of Dietznatch Onyourchin says:

      Incredibly based. W.

  8. I can’t find any sympathy for simps, you honestly deserve to get assassinated for simping. Of course that would be different if it were a white haired lady, now then I can understand it.

  9. Sup Colors Sup Colors says:

    Goddamn this mc has intuition as his cheat…

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