After I Stopped Sponsoring, the Female Leads Began Obsessing Over Me chapter 35

35 - Full Moon Night (1)

35 – Full Moon Night (1)

──『Act 1: Full Moon Night』──

▶ Open conditions:

1. Survive the prologue.

▶ Clear conditions:

1. Defeat the Shale Cultists who seized the 1st and 2nd floors of the dormitory (Bonus: Hostage Protection)

2. Secure the identity of the final villain on the 3rd floor of the dormitory.

3. Purification or elimination of infected persons.

※ Complete the above conditions before the moon sets.

※ Contains production intended for fear. Please be careful when playing.


The girls’ dormitory at Lichten Academy.

The lounge on the first floor of Median House.

“Did you hear that story? Karina from the Reconnaissance Department and Isaac from the Knights Department… Well…!”

“Oh, oh, how stupid.”

Among female students gathered in groups of three to five, various love gossips are the main topic of conversation, as is the case with children of this age.

Even if they are cadets attending prestigious schools, they are all in their prime age.

Of course, dating is a kind of privilege.

Not everyone enjoys the privilege of dating.

On the contrary, considering Lichten’s somewhat tight schedule, it was common not to be able to date.

For example, the corner of the break room.


Like Mercy Aniston sighing while holding the Kirtos terminal.

Wave Jeans Her plain dirty blonde hair sways along the terminal as she stirs.

“When are you going to give me an answer?”

The phrase displayed on Mercy’s Kirtos terminal was as follows.

【 Free today only. A well-recognized prophet predicts your future for free. (3 People) 】

And what she wrote in that post.

[ Mercy Aniston ] : I’m a freshman and I live in Median House. Constellation is Virgo. I want to fall in love, but it’s not easy. I’ve been confessed to by one person, but he’s the kind of guy who swears by anyone ㅠㅠ When will I be able to date?

“Oh really. It’s already been a day. Why don’t you answer me?”

Merci grumbled and eagerly clicked the refresh button.

Could it be that the Kirtos terminal is broken?

Come to think of it, Kirtok doesn’t come today either.

The possibility that the magic network is out of order…

Mercy’s shoulders twitched as she was shaking her terminal.

‘Oh that’s right, I don’t have any friends.’

Mercy leans on the sofa in despair.

At that time.

─ Ugh!

Her terminal vibrated.

A reply from the self-proclaimed Great Prophet.


[ To Mercy ] Love. That’s a good story. But don’t be too revealing. Rather, if there is someone you care about, avoid it. You have to be more careful when the full moon rises. If you hide, they will follow you, so I recommend running away.

Her eyes shake as she slowly reads each line.

“… What is this?”

Mercy Aniston.

She is a loyal customer in the field of tarot and astrology. For Mercy, this answer was something strange.

Of course, the tone gives off the feeling of an astrologer or a fortune teller who reads tarot, but it’s common sense in this industry to usually insert one or two positive words.

But this person tells you to be careful.

Be careful, run away rather than hide.

“…Is it real?”

There are often such people in this industry. The type who believes in their abilities and is unkind to customers. Also known as ‘real’.

Mercy doubted that perhaps this human was such a real person.

Then you should ask.

What to be careful about, what to run away from.

From noble mtl dot com

– Tadadak

I quickly wrote a comment and clicked the submit button.

“What? Why are you doing this?”


Button does not work.

Is the writer set to not leave comments? I don’t think there was such a feature.

A rather strange situation.

Mercy tilted her head and clicked Back.

[ Connection is closed due to unstable magic network. ]

– Tiff.

Suddenly, the Kirtos terminal turned off.

“Oh really!”

The network is broken at such an important moment. Mercy, who was fiddling with the terminal, sighed.

– Uh suddenly Kirtok doesn’t work.

– Hey, you two?

– Today isn’t even an inspection day.

Looking at the reactions around me, it seems that the overall taste has changed.

It’s been quite a while since the Kirtos network went down.

‘Come to think of it, something happened every time the network went down.’

Infatuated with her psyche, she clearly has some relationship.

Mercy put her arm around her chin.

Adequate posture for trouble.

─ Took

Someone hit her arm like that.


She got hit in the face by her chin in a pretty weird position. Strange moans are a bonus.

The moment Mercy raised her head and was about to fire at her opponent.


A girl looking down at herself came into her eyes.

Dreamy black hair. And bloodshot eyes.

Mercy flinched instinctively.

She’s a girl who still looks down on herself.

Her red eyes are ominous.


Then, without a word, she turns her body and walks away.

Only then did Mercy’s breath burst out.

“…What the heck. No apology.”

I pouted at her lips, but in fact I was scared rather than angry. Because her bloodshot eyes don’t look human.

‘Come to think of it, there are a lot of red-eyed kids walking around today.’

Which faculties have important exams?

At that time.

─ Susasasak.

A feeling of uneasiness ran down Mercy’s back.

The Kirtos network has gone to taste.

Children with red eyes.

The prophet’s warning.

Signs that something is sure to happen.


Mercy swallowed her saliva and stood up from her seat.

“Mo, I don’t know.”

What is it that makes you think so scary?

Anyway, he looks tired.

Mercy moved her steps to her own room, intending to go and lie down on her.

The incident happened about an hour later.

─ Wow!

The dormitory building shook greatly.

Mercy, who was lying on the bed in a daze, hurriedly got up.

“What is it?”

The moment I approached the window to assess the situation.

Suddenly, the outside of the window was stained red.


An infinitely ominous color.

I suddenly recall what an anonymous prophet said.

Beware the night of the full moon.

Rina slowly raised her head.

The red full moon was beating down on me.

Goosebumps running down the spine.

I have to run away.

I felt it intuitively.

─ Cooung!

The dormitory hallway ran out quickly.

The scenery was the same as usual.

It’s just empty.

That is more unrealistic and bleak.

“What the heck is this…”

Screams can be heard intermittently in the distance.

Mercy cautiously approached the central entrance.

That moment.

─ Kiririk.

A room next to the hallway she passed through suddenly opens.

“Gulp. Gulp”

And then the sound of something being inhaled.

Turning her head toward her voice, Mercy hurriedly covered her mouth.


A cadet with bloodshot eyes was sticking his teeth into another cadet’s neck.

It’s a Shalam cult.


A guy’s head turning toward the hallway.

Mercy hurriedly hid her body.

‘Dae, what the heck is this for real?’

I don’t know what’s going on.

For now, we must run away.

If the Shalamists are right, the opponent is absolutely impossible.

‘Let’s run away quickly.’

Mercy quickened her steps.

A little further is the central staircase.

This is the second floor, so you can escape by going down one floor.

At that time.

A creepy aura felt from behind.


Mercy slowly turned her head.

Her eyes were tinged with fear.

Away at the end of the hallway.

A black shale cultist was coming this way to the top of her head.


Swallowing the bursting screams, Mercy ran.

Central staircase.

Jumps down the stairs almost as if falling.

Now I can clearly hear the screams all around me.

If you go a little further like this, you will find the main gate…

“That’s it.”

A half-black Shale Cultist is blocking the way.

A perfect dilemma when you think of the guy chasing you from behind.

In Mercy’s eyes, a storage box for storing large items came into view.

‘Hey there!’

‘Just a little more! Just a little more!’

Dada Dada Dada!

Mercy hurriedly ran and stood in front of her cargo box.

─ Clack clap clap!

A storage box that does not open easily because it has not been used for a long time.



I shook it with all my might and only then did the loading box open. Mercy threw her body into her without looking back.

And then, a clap.

“Huh uh uh uh uh.”

It was only after I closed the door that my breathing came belatedly.

But she hurriedly had to put up with it.

─ Jeopardy.

─ Jeopardy. That buck

Audible footsteps.

Mercy looked outside through the small gap in the toolbox door.

A blurry view of the outside.

Perhaps sensing Mercy’s presence, some of her Shale followers are searching around her.

However, it seems that she has not been able to find it because it is a special locker.

The Shalam Christians who came close.

They seem to have weak reason, probably because they are blackened.

Wandering around endlessly, one disappears

The second disappeared.

It looks like they are leaving to find another victim.

‘Good, good. If I just hold on like this for a little while longer until support arrives.’

Someone must be coming. Since this is Liechten Academy, someone must have grasped the situation. Let’s hold out a little longer.

That’s what I’m thinking.

─ Jeopardy.

─ Jeopardy. That buck

The sound of footsteps is clearly getting closer.

In a straight line without worrying about that either.

A prophecy that springs to mind.

─ It’s better to run than hide.


Mercy closed her eyes tightly.

What should I do?

─ Jeopardy.

The footsteps stop right in front of the door.

If you get caught, you will die.

Mercy held her breath with all her might.

How much time had passed like that?

─ Jeopardy. That buck

The sound of footsteps receding again.

‘…Lived. But this time, the opponent seems a bit unusual.’

Mercy looked at the opponent through the gap.

The back view slowly receding.

You can see the red back hair through the gap.

And relatively long ears.

Infinitely white skin.

Mercy muttered involuntarily.

“… Lina?”


Inyoung, who had been moving away, stopped.

Kiririk, looking back this way.

The vision through the gap was blurry, but Mercy was sure.

From noble mtl dot com

Lina is right.

There is no reason that Lina Roswell is a member of the Shale Church.

Apparently Lina, who was outside the dormitory, brought her support.

Mercy clenched her fists.

And he shouted at her.

“Lina Roswell!”

The redhead looks around in search of a sound. Certainly Lena Roswell is right.


Mercy let out a sigh of relief.

Lina came nearby and looked around.

“Lina, here it is, here it is. I’m here.”

Let’s shake her toolbox, and then Lina looks this way.

The corners of Lina’s mouth went up as she met Mercy’s eyes.

– Jeobuck. That buck

Lina is slowly approaching.

“Can you open the door? It won’t open in this one!”

― Kiki!

The cargo box opened with a creepy sound.

Lina’s face was finally put into sight.

Mercy muttered involuntarily.

“… Lina?”

Half of the hair dyed blue.

White teeth greedily gritted between the slightly raised lips.

And above all,

Horrifyingly red bloodshot eyes.

Lina met Mercy’s eyes and smiled.

“So you were hiding there?”

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