Became a Dark Merchant in the Academy chapter 26

26 - Yeon Eun-ryeong_1

26 – Yeon Eun-ryeong_1

Usually, the subsequent actions of a mana-captain who has suddenly gained tremendous power are divided into two types.

The first is wielding power.

Infatuation with power, improvement in self-esteem, revenge, etc. Each person has a different idea and environment, so there are many reasons, but if you look at it simply, it doesn’t deviate from wielding power.

The second is not to wield power.

There are many things such as fear, belief, despair, etc., As each person’s thoughts and living environment are different, but if you look at it simply, it does not deviate from not wielding power.

Of course, most of them are like that, and sometimes there are existences that are far from the common sense of the world, so there were cases of choosing to throw away or giving power to others.

But most ordinary mana powers have a thirst for power.

When such an ordinary person suddenly gains power, the person who gains power makes a choice between wielding power or not wielding it.

‘It was real…’

And Yeon Eun-ryeong could not escape from the frame of mediocrity.

After a lot of thought and consideration, I took an unknown pill thinking that if I tried to get a stomachache, I took it.

It could be poison or a strange substance, but the number of gambles that an unknown entity who introduced himself as a merchant wanted to sell such a thing.

The gambler succeeded splendidly.

Amount of mana that fills the whole body.

A sense of omnipotence as if you had the whole world.

There is a strangely heightened sense.

‘Is this the power of the supernatural realm?’

Even with my eyes closed, I could see the world more clearly than with my eyes open.

I could see the flow of mana scattered in the air that ordinary people couldn’t see.

“I lost…”

In addition, it was possible to subdue even the upper class cadets, who were thought to be impossible to defeat in normal times, as easily as twisting a child’s wrist.

Yeon Eun-ryeong stared at Class C cadet Oh Seong-jin, who raised both hands in front of her as a sign of surrender.

“Yeon Eun-ryung said he couldn’t win even once against a class K cadet?”

“I’m not lying, even though I’m a classmate right now, I beat a C-class cadet…”

“Could it be that the rumor was a lie, or even if it was…”

“Did you take the elixir or not?”

“Then the story of that merchant—”

A sign of reverence from those watching the duel in the outfield.

Surprise and astonishment.

Self proof.

Confirmation of existence.

As the gaze that had been ignoring her so far turned into a gaze expressing awe, Yeon Eun-ryeong’s body was excited with a sense of exhilaration.

But you can’t show off.

He coughed and held out his magic sword.

You must not forget the reason for the duel.

“Hmmm, I heard you spread malicious rumors about me to the community, is that true?”

“That’s… I’m sorry, I just did it because I wanted to pull some aggro.”

Then Oh Seong-jin slightly lowered his head as if he was sorry.

“…Is it true that you planned it? You weren’t there at the time?”

“It’s true what I did, I just heard the story when I was passing by the J class classroom… I’ll apologize to the community right away for what I did, and if compensation is needed, I’ll do it somehow…”

“Ha… Just for that reason… I’ll decide on your punishment later. Go away.”


Oh Seong-jin left the arena without looking back.

Yeon Eun-ryeong stared at his back.

‘Resolve… Is…’

It is true that the original article of the rumor written in the community was written with the ID of Seongjin Oh.

How Lee Seong-hyun identified it, so he went to Oh Seong-jin and questioned him.

‘Ha, what are you talking about, stop talking nonsense and go away’

But he denied it, and after a lot of fuss, it ended up being a duel on the condition that the losing side should answer the winning side’s words.

A very smooth flow.

However, as soon as he lost the duel, Oh Seong-jin so meekly told the truth about the war that I was slightly suspicious.

Of course, in the case of a certified duel with a condition, there was an academy reader’s rule that must be followed, but…

‘Is this a bad idea?’

I was suspicious after hearing rumors from the K class, but when the party involved in the case said this, I felt something strange, but the problem was that the story wasn’t strange either.

He is the source of malicious rumors in the first place.

‘Then did I have any doubts until now?’


It’s not 100%, but it’s true that even within the K class, I read the community posts and slandered myself.

However, with the help of Lee Seong-hyun, such trivial stories have been erased, and now the root of the rumor has been resolved.

Compared to the days of suffering, there was no feeling that the solution was too easy, but with this, the rumors will subside.

In addition, since he showed the image of beating the upper class cadets, his stock price may go up even more.

“I had a hard time”

After the duel was over, Lee Seong-hyun greeted him with a smile.

Come to think of it.

If class K spread such malicious rumors from the beginning, it is absurd that class representative Lee Seong-hyun would help her.

I wonder if it was a pointless suspicion.

Of course, there were some appearances of bullying himself by jumping on the rumors, but that was nothing he couldn’t do if he was insulting himself and his teacher.

It has been resolved.

The rumors will subside and you will be able to find your original place.

Everything will be fine.

No, with this power, the A class and the S class that I only longed for will be possible someday.

“Thank you, thank you for helping me”

I really wanted to give up when rumors circulated in the community that I was able to enter the academy because I sold my body to the examiner, and that I was admitted illegally.

Even when I denied it, no one believed me.

The same class J cadets I was close with also turned away as if they couldn’t see the situation they were in.

That’s why, at the last place I walked.

There was a request for help, but if it wasn’t for his enthusiastic help, who helped others as if it were his own, if it wasn’t for the man who said he believed in this side with just one word when everyone turned away, I could have shut myself in my room and given up.

And if the day had continued, I might have dropped out.

“No, it’s your strength. All I did was search the Internet and sort out the trash.”


The meeting might not have been so good.

But if it hadn’t been for him.

“Thank you…”

“Huh? What did you say?”

“No, no. More than that, I’ve helped you so far, so I-“

Thank you very much.


After that, things were also going fast and winning.

It was so easy to regain my place in Class J through a duel with Class C cadets.

I was able to get an apology from the cadets who were talking behind my back.

Is that all?

I received recognition from the professor for my remarkably improved skills, and I received an assurance that if I keep my form as it is, I will be able to go to the upper class.

Of course, going straight to class A is unreasonable, so they said that class C was the limit right now, but going from class J to class C is straight away.

It was a remarkable achievement.

Since it is a whopping 7 steps up, this case is equivalent to Lee Seong-hyun’s promotion to class D, so it was drawn in the eyes that it would become a topic of conversation often in the academy.

“It’s Cadet Yeon Eun-ryeong’s turn. Come out.”

And today is the evaluation day at the end of the month.

If you finish today’s evaluation with good grades, the path to promotion will be even closer.

Yeon Eun-ryeong took a deep breath and moved her body to the space where the magic tools were installed following the professor’s guidance.

“Are you ready?”

The professor’s question.

Yeon Eun-ryeong nodded.


“Then let me explain. This month’s end-of-month evaluation is for the two orcs that often appear in the lower gate—”

The ensuing explanation and the magic tool starting to vibrate.

Due to the magic tool, mana began to gather on the other side of Yeoneunryeong.

And the influence of the light that piled up on it created the shape and color of the light.


It was clearly an illusion, but as if faithfully recreating its true form, a screaming green monster came into sight.

It gave me goosebumps just to see the bloody ax he was holding in addition to his tall, muscular body.

‘Let’s not be nervous’

There was nothing to be nervous about.

They were orcs who had no problem if they paid attention and took their time even before taking the elixir of awakening.

By the way, what about now that you have taken the Elixir of Awakening and gained the power of the supernormal world?

One minute?

No, it didn’t take 30 seconds, so it was clear that it could be processed.

This is not a vague reasoning.

It was a predetermined future and outcome.

“Then please start”

At the same time as the word to announce the start, an orc charged with an axe tightly gripped.

Yeon Eun-ryeong raised her mana with her confident smile.



In an instant, my eyes spun.


When do you think you feel despair?

When you couldn’t achieve your goal by a single point in front of your eyes? And when what you’ve been trying for is denied?

That’s all right.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The despair that each person feels is different.

Then let’s change the story.

At this point, when the world turned into this 100 years ago and the origin of the world returns to mana.

In this world, everyone deals with mana, except for some with special diseases.

In the world of mana fundamental.

A place where mana is said to be proof of being human.

When are those people with mana powers most desperate?

“What do you think, Yuri?”

“Hmm… maybe it was when I couldn’t use mana?”

“That’s right.”

At Yu-Ri Han’s words, I stroked her hair as if I had done well.

Then it was Han Yuri who leaned next to me like a cat and accepted my petting, probably getting used to it now.

“Then, what will a mana nerd do when he is unable to use mana?”

“…I don’t know. But wouldn’t it be very despairing?”

“Well… You can tell by looking at that.”

What would you like to show?

How will it break?


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  1. Mila says:

    Now I wonder what MC has been doing in the original world, or if his personality now is not the original one but belongs to the body possessed by mc.

  2. Broken Doll says:


  3. Well, it’s definitely not very fun to be in the shoes of someone whose future was destroyed simply because they didn’t happen to cross paths with the main character. However, don’t people often die simply because they “didn’t get lucky”? Someone didn’t get lucky and got hit by a car, someone didn’t get lucky and ended up under a falling vase from a balcony, someone didn’t get lucky and got cancer, someone didn’t get lucky and ended up in a disaster zone. Essentially, she just didn’t get lucky like everyone else.

    Okay, I’ll be honest, it’s just a great way to justify what you did to someone. Honestly, I find it quite amusing to watch other people’s lives get trampled on, and I wouldn’t mind having some fun like that myself if there weren’t appropriate consequences for it. And every time someone’s life comes to an end, it’s very convenient to think that it happened not because someone (like you) did it, but because that person just didn’t get lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

  4. time traveller says:

    should ruin someone’s future, just because of a small collision

  5. D F D F says:

    Mc is devil lmao

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