Became a Munchkin Skill Thief chapter 38

Episode 38 The victory of the weak

Episode 38 The victory of the weak

Krashu’s breath came out of his mouth.

Blood dripped from his nose and wet his cheek.

Because he was overusing his sixth sense, the veins stood on his face.

“Kong kong kong kong!”

The barking of dogs from around me kept disturbing my head.

The sight that turned red made me feel like sh*t.

This is the first time in my life that I have used my sixth sense.

It’s not long.

At this rate, my sixth sense would also be cut off.

Limits slowly began to weigh on his body.


But Krashu broke it and bumped into it.

‘f*ck you.’

I felt my own limitations in the early evening.

I am weak and have no talent.

So it was impossible to crush the opponent with overwhelming strength like geniuses.

Bergmann is stronger than himself.

So until the last moment when the opponent can be sure of complete victory.

Krashu deliberately hid his teeth.


At that moment, the limits of my sixth sense were finally revealed.

At the time Krashu’s sword, which had accidentally cut through the illusion, was staggering, Bergman’s eyes flashed with vigor.

The seal of his ax was scattered in an instant.

His ax poured with aura revealed its presence more than ever.

The air around the area was sucked into Bergman’s ax like a backflow.

With a terrifying roar, his ax slashed through the air and struck at Krashu in an instant.

Only the sight of Krasch’s head flying filled Bergmann’s mind.

And that moment.

Get it!

The flames that started from the inside of Krashu’s body spread all over his body.

Ignis ignited the power of world erosion that had been dwelling inside his body.

Combustion is like the driving force of power.

And so was world erosion.

The power of world erosion was violently burned by Ignis.

Kude deuk!

At that moment, the power generated by burning the world’s erosion was fully contained in Krashu’s body.

A storm of strength strong enough to deform muscles and change bones forcibly broke through Krashu’s limits in an instant.

The intensity of breathing has changed.

The momentum of the body has changed.

All the information coming into my eyes led to an instant acceleration of thinking.

In that instant, Krashu felt as if the world had stopped for a moment in his accelerated thought.

The expanded senses were such that I could even feel all the signs of snow slowly falling from the trees in the distance.

At that moment, the heat that boiled in his body touched the phantasmagoric bondage.


The sound of windows breaking resonated loudly.

In the blazing heat, even though the phantasmagoric bondage disappeared, Krashu’s eyes were stained red with heat.

Accordingly, bloody tears and nosebleeds burst out of his eyes at the same time.

It was an aftermath that started as a reward for breaking through the limits using the power of world erosion.

Krashu’s original combination technique using Ignis and Extreme Blood Poison.

Destruction and erosion

‘Three seconds.’

I realized by feeling.

Only 3 seconds to maintain extinction and erosion at your current level.

‘I will put an end to it.’

At that moment, black flames raged above his sword.

With the power infused into the staggering sword, Krashu climbed up between Bergman’s ax in reverse.

Krashu was faster than his ax could reach.

Like a hound dog biting the scruff of the neck to hunt its prey.

Krashu’s sword rushed towards Bergman’s neck.

Until Krashu’s sword approached his neck, Bergman obviously did not recognize Krashu’s sword.

That’s how fast Krashu’s sword was.

In the meantime, Bergmann’s dog-like mouth suddenly opened.

It is safe to say that this was purely a conditioned reflex.

It is a conditioned reflex behavior in which the body moves first before information reaches the brain.

Only then did Bergman’s eyes belatedly recognize Krashu’s sword.

‘When? Die. Die!’

Originally, the sword would have already pierced his neck and killed him by the time he recognized it.

In this instant, an opportunity was created with one of his conditioned reflex actions.



At that moment, an inaudible explosion from his mouth shattered Krashu’s eardrums.

What was brought about by a single conditioned reflex was the creation of variables like Bergman’s lifeline.


Along with the ringing in the ears, Krashu’s vision was distorted.

Stand up!

And the aftermath of the shock turned the game upside down in an instant.

It was because the sword of Krasch, whose senses were distorted by the shock of bursting his eardrums, cut through and pierced the right shoulder of the pitying Bergman.

Krashu’s sword, which burned through flesh and bone, was clearly terrifying.

However, the sword embedded in his shoulder was originally meant to slit his throat.

The result of Bergman’s conditioned reflex completely reversed the situation in an instant.

At the same time, the flames in Krashu’s body were slowly fading.

The effect of annihilation and erosion was fading away.

The only thing that will come after that is a long retirement.

Joy and sorrow crossed between Bergman and Krasch.

The situation changed in an instant.

Bergmann endured the pain in his shoulder by biting his lip, then swung the ax at Krashu.

The ax was reflected in Krashu’s blue eyes.

My sixth sense spoke.

That ax would slit his throat and blow him high into the sky.

In the aftermath of extinction and erosion, his body was drained of strength, and it was impossible to pull the sword from Berkman’s shoulder and block his axe.


Of course it was impossible.

However, that is the story of the sword.

I still had other moves left.

Krashu removed his right hand from his grip.

Then, he struck all the remaining flames of extinction and erosion into his right hand.

He was beaten so hard that it pierced his muscles and skin, and the flames soared.

Without hesitation, Krasch swung his arm toward Bergman’s ax with all his might.


At that moment, the ax blade pierced Krashu’s right arm, which collided with the axe.

Even though the arms were strengthened by extinction and erosion, the muscles and bones were cut in two by the axe.

The ax will eventually sever Krashu’s right arm and cut his throat.

But that moment.

The right arm stuck in the ax bought a few seconds.

Krashu’s eyes burned bright blue this time.

In this extreme situation.

Krashu’s mind instantly fell into the realm of being one with the other.

His mental strength was such that even Crimson Garden burst into admiration.


Drops of water that fell from his mental power caused ripples in Krashu’s lake and spread all over his body.

The waterspout that soared from the lake of spirit rode on Krashu’s arm and eventually reached the sword.

Krasch’s sword embedded in Bergman’s shoulder.

In an instant became one with Krashu.

Only Bergman, who witnessed this, put on a dejected expression.

Despite the occurrence of the lucky factor of conditioned reflex, Krashu persisted in biting the opportunity until the last moment.

That tenacity made even Bergmann, who was called a slaughter dog, sick of it.

‘I lost.’

Realizing that all his bets had been lost in the end, Bergmann closed his eyes.


One Sword


With the sound of the bones of Krashu’s remaining left hand breaking, Krashu’s sword cut in both ends from Bergmann’s shoulder.

Qua gag gag gag gag!

In the aftermath of the sword, the sound of the forest splitting echoed.

Berchmann’s body, split in half, leaned past Krasch.

Seeing that he died from a single sword, Krashu let go of the sword.

It was because his left hand, which could not withstand his strength, was broken.

Tuduk, tuk-

But there was something more serious.

Krashu’s right arm, where the ax had been stuck, was empty.

His right arm was lying in the snow far away from him.

His right arm, which was burning thanks to the extinction and erosion, seemed to say goodbye to Krashu.

In the blood dripping from his right arm.

Krashu turned around, barely breathing.

Crimson Garden was silently looking at such Krashu.

Even though she knew he had given up her right arm, she couldn’t stop it.

The strong overcome the opponent unscathed.

However, the weak can defeat the opponent only when they are covered with such scars.

That was the only victory Krashu could have.

“…… Are you satisfied?”

That doesn’t mean the victory was right.

A sigh flowed from Crimson Garden’s mouth.

It was because he knew Krashu’s desperate need to take it even if he knew it was only a wound.

But I won.

From noble mtl dot com

He was the first to defeat a real strongman whom he thought he could not defeat.

“Man, the tribe is a dog horn, Lee.”

So, when Krashu said that, a twisted smile hung on his lips.

Seeing that, Crimson Garden just shook his head, saying that it was a poisonous species.

At that moment, Krashu’s body collapsed.

His mind, which was the limit, was cut off.


Then Ebel Ask appeared and hurriedly supported Krashu’s body.

Seeing him with his right arm cut off and his left hand smashed, Ebel Ask bit his lip.

I wonder if it’s a victory that has to be earned even when it’s all messed up like this.

He was speechless when he saw the soft smile hanging on his lips.

‘What kind of life did he live?’

Was Krache able to smile even in such a messed up victory?

“Go back.”

Crimson Garden spread its wings and soared lightly.

Ebel Ask, who saw that, rose from his seat with his body wrapped around Bianca and Krache.

It was time to clean up.

* * *

In the slow-moving field of view.

Krashu looked at the unfamiliar ceiling.

After staring blankly at the ceiling for a while, Krashu felt pain all over his body.

‘It hurts.’

When was the last time you felt this much pain?

Even he, who is strong against pain due to his curse, could not help himself with this serious injury.

I had no feeling in my right arm.

It must have been because he was cut off then.

That’s it.

About the right arm, it’s not that there isn’t a way.

It’s not like he hasn’t had parts of his body cut off before.

He got up slowly.

It was because I was worried about the white chick that popped into my head.

At that moment, he saw white hair on the side of the bed.

Seeing her face down on her own bed gave her a moment of stupor.

Because of the distress, his body was weak and he was also injured.

Krashu held up his bandaged left hand.

Fortunately, the pain wasn’t too bad, probably because he used good medicine.

With that hand, Krache fed the chestnut directly onto Bianca’s sleeping head.


Bianca quickly lifted her head with a short sound.

She shone with her sapphire eyes.

From the look on her face, she seemed to be all right anyway.

“If you want to sleep, go to bed and sleep.”

Hearing Krache’s words, the dazed Bianca slowly looked at his empty right arm.

Krasch thought that Bianca would feel that it was because of her, so she twisted her body to cover her.

“…… Sick?”

At that moment, Bianca threw her question.

Because of her eyes doll, her face without emotion was very expressionless even at this time.

“Not really.”

When Krache said curtly, as if not to mind, Bianca squeezed the duvet in her hand.

Then, opening her lips and closing hers again, she seemed to choose what she wanted to say.

But Bianca couldn’t open her mouth even after a long time.

Because she didn’t know what to say now.

Krashu, who was staring at it, opened her mouth instead of her.

“Why did you go into the mountain?”

The Lokal Mountains are rugged mountains.

It was crazy to go into a mountain like that in Hardenhartz, where it snows all year round.

Hearing Krashu’s words, Bianca put her hands on the floor as if she remembered something.

Then, she lifted up her medicine bottle, and there was snow white febrile bacteria.

Seeing that, Krashu noticed.

Bianca says that the reason she went to the mountain was to find snow white fever bacteria.

‘This idiot.’

A small sigh leaked from Krashu’s mouth.

Should she scold this guy, or should she praise him for doing a good job?

I don’t know why she went to find snow white fever bacteria herself. She

She was Hardenharz, so she knew something had happened to her.

You should listen to it gradually.

So Krashu searched his pockets.

Fortunately, Bianca’s snowflake pin was well in her pocket.

Krashu took it out with his left hand.

Krashu, who was about to put a pin through Bianca’s head, kicked her tongue out.

“I’m sorry. I can’t plug it in.”

The moment Krashu said that, Bianca grabbed Krashu’s hand as he was about to release her.

Then he moved Krashu’s hand and inserted his own pin.

Krashu, who was watching the scene, raised his hand as it was.

Then he put his hand on her head.

“Well done. Thanks to you, I can complete the elixir.”

Bianca, who had heard Krache’s praise, was silent.

Seeing that, Krache, stunned, tried to remove his hand, but Bianca grabbed his hand for a moment.

“Mr Krashu.”

Hearing that call, Krache looked at Bianca.

She was still expressionless, but for some reason, Krasch seemed to be sad at Bianca today.

“…… I can’t feel emotions.”

Bianca looked at his empty right arm.

There, Bianca felt a sense of responsibility.

But it was only guilt, not anger or sadness.

I just really had no sense of responsibility.

“…… I can’t make a face, I don’t cry, my face doesn’t blush. I can’t be happy, angry, or sad that Krashu-nim has become like this and saved me.”

For the first time, Bianca felt her own curse.

“So, that’s why my heart is so stuffy right now. My face right now is in so much pain.”

For the first time, she knew how painful it was that she couldn’t feel any emotion even though Krashu, who had saved her, had become like this.

A curse was originally like that.

Something that exists to make the affected target suffer.

For the first time, Bianca felt the bullying of her so terribly.

It’s painful.

She couldn’t even show emotion to him who worked so hard for her.

Krache silently looked at Bianca.

It was because she remembered Bianca from the past in his memory.

「I’m envious. You.”

Her voice came to mind as she stared at her expressionless face.

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  1. Tabibito says:

    I like this couple.. pure love banzai…!

  2. (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ says:

    Good now he can make elixir that can regain his hand

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