Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 43

43 - The night roads are scary today

43 – The night roads are scary today

It’s Saturday, the day I decided to meet Soyi.

The current time is 5:30 PM. I’m waiting for Soi by the bus stop in downtown.

I wondered if it would be burdensome to come out far from Korea University, but Soi readily accepted. Well, there was a good reason.

Soyi, who had spotted me from afar, arrived in front of me with quick steps.

“Lee Han-sol! Have you been waiting long?”

“Well, I waited a long time. I waited for 15 minutes.”

“What is that? Not at that time, I just arrived too. I have to tell you this.”

“I am a person who hates pretense.”

Soyi gave a small smile after leaving the joke.

After we stopped talking, our conversation became somewhat easier. As expected, lowering the formality of words seems to reduce the sense of distance.

I looked at Soyi, who seemed to have come secretly, and pretended to be indifferent.

“You’re wearing a skirt.”

“Ah, yes. That is… “

“Since he had an appointment with you today, Soyi has been thinking about what to wear since yesterday? I picked out some. It’s the first time she’s dating a guy.”

Soyi wasn’t the one who answered me. Another woman who followed her next to her. She is the president of Soi Snack Food, and her name is Kwak Joo-hee.

Yes, the reason Soyi promised to meet me this far was because he was accompanied by a guardian.

I heard in advance from Soi that she was coming with me today… When I heard that shameless statement, a word automatically jumped out.

“If the two of you meet, why do you two meet? Aren’t you hitting the boss?”

“Think of me as Kim So-yi’s makeup. Don’t worry, the two of us can play together.”

“… How are you again?”

As expected, this woman named Kwak Joo-hee seems to have a tendency to be quite overprotective of So-yi. She’s talking about her 20-year-old kid.

To the extent that the store closes early and follows.

Well, my first impression was a bit dubious, so I have nothing to say.

I think the fact that she didn’t object to our meeting outside can be seen as her wariness has softened considerably.

In addition, she had something she wanted to hear from Kwak Joo-hee, so maybe it was a good thing for her.

“By the way, don’t you compliment our Soy clothes? After all, she came out paying attention because of you.”

“Ah! Sister!”

“It’s pretty. The clothes are pretty and everything is pretty today.”

“… Lee Han-sol You’re not going to force yourself to say that either. I don’t like to fall down and receive me.”

Soi muttered in a small voice as her face went slightly red.

She was so shy when I said she was pretty. She said this is she’s a 20 year old cow. It feels very fresh.

Kim So-yi at the age of 23 felt more relaxed. Every time we met she asked where she was pretty today.

“I told you earlier. I’m a person who hates pretense. It’s really pretty.”

“Uh, that, yeah… ?”

Soi could no longer raise her head at her embarrassing words.

Kwak Joo-hee clenched her arms as if her chicken skin was growing.

Why are you like that? While she did it herself.

I led the two of them to the store where they had made a reservation. A gopchang restaurant that Soyi and I used to go to when we were lovers. It is the only one of our regular stores that is still open 3 years ago.


“My first time eating giblets.”

“… Really?”

“Yes. I’ve heard a lot that it’s delicious, but the shape was so strange that I had to eat it.”

Soyi looked at the beef tripe sizzling on the grill as if it were strange. His slightly tense voice seemed a little afraid to challenge the giblets.

But 20-year-old Kim So-yi has never eaten giblets… As far as I know, the first time Soyi ate gopchang was when he was in middle school.

Gopchang has become one of Soi’s favorite foods ever since her father first suggested it, she said herself when she first came to this store with me.

She said, but she never ate… After all, what happened to Soi’s house?

“But this store is a bit expensive, is it really okay? I didn’t know it would be like this, but I’ll pay for it too.”

Kwak Joo-hee looked at the price tag on the wall and made a slightly embarrassed face.

I told you in advance that I would pay for the first round today, but somehow the price was a bit too much for me to just get and eat.

“I don’t have much money to spend. And I’m the one who made an appointment at this store today. I will pay for the first car.”

“Still, it’s a bit like getting eaten by a cow and a boy of the same age as hers.”

“Only today. Even if I want to come to a place like this next time, I really can’t.”

To be honest, this store is a bit too expensive for me. Even when I was a member of society, it was difficult to come several times a month, but now that I am a college student, it’s even worse.

Still, the reason I came to this store is that it’s the first time I’ve been to this store with Kim So-yi in this life. I really wanted to come to the store we used to go to often.

Kim So-yi may not be in her memory, but… Because i remember

I opened a bottle of soju and poured it into two glasses.

Kwak Joo-hee doesn’t know how much she drinks, so half a drink. And she to Soi Kim…

“What is this? Her sister follows me as much as I do and why am I only this?”

“You are perfect for that. I will continue pouring Kim So-yi’s four glasses, so eat only as much as I give you.”

Soyi expressed her displeasure by holding the glass I poured her close to her eyes.

Enough to see the bottom of the glass when tilted slightly. Considering Kim So-yi’s drinking capacity, this is just right.

Soi pouted and poured her liquor into her mouth.

“What is it that I am not a child? Wow… ! Write! This beer is completely different… “

“Now, the giblets are all baked here. Dip it in this sauce and eat it with chives.”

“This is delicious! Savory and chewy!”

She makes her eat giblets the way Soyi used to eat, and her eyes sparkle and she likes it.

I guess so. Because she’s the one who always asked me to come here on her payday.

I feel that it was worth coming to this store on purpose.

“… He takes good care of our Soi.”

“Ah, the boss eats too. Here.”

“I’ll take care of it. And can I talk to you? Because I am a bit older.”

“Oh, sure.”

I wonder if he liked me a little. Kwak Joo-hee’s expression as he looked at me became a little more comfortable.

As I slowly emptied her glass at Soyi’s pace, I talked about Soyi’s favorite celebrities and her favorite movies.

Soi was chatty with her eyes twinkling.

For me, who was her boyfriend, it’s easy to pick a topic she’ll like.

After eating all the offal, the three of us barely finished 3 bottles of soju, Soi got up from his seat.

“Uh, I need to go to the bathroom for a minute… “

“It’s over there in the bathroom. It’s not a public bathroom, so it’ll be fine.”

“Yes… “

Soi’s face flushed slightly, but her gait was stable. She still looks fine

Still, I watched her back until I entered the bathroom in case I bumped into her.

Kwak Joo-hee, who was staring at me like that, asked me.

“Stop watching. Soi, he looks fine.”

“Ah, yes… It looks like it.”

With the two of them left, a bit of an awkward air flowed.

Kwak Joo-hee’s eyes looked a bit hazy, probably because he drank three bottles of soju almost exclusively with me. Maybe she’s not on the strong side of her drink either.

“Honestly, I thought our Soyi was telling me how to knock him down.”


It was a sound that Kwak Joo-hee suddenly spat out.

Well, since he was openly wary of me, I expected him to think that way.

Because I approached Soi in an unusual way.

“Honestly, a kid who looks like you, and a kid who goes to Korea University would be misunderstood. In the comics, a kid who looks like you plays with an innocent kid like Soyi.”

“… I never thought of that.”

“It seemed like that. You say that hair is also hereditary? I give him a little bit of alcohol in case he gets drunk, and he keeps taking care of each and every time he eats. In addition, I can see in my eyes that I care for Soyi, should I? I think I may have misunderstood the person.”

“hahahaha… You look good on me now?”

“Judgement still pending.”

Kwak Joo-hee must have been a bit drunk as expected.

I decided to use this opportunity to ask her what I wanted to ask.

“Shop, isn’t it difficult? Because it’s just two women.”

“It’s hard, then. Even though it’s less than where I used to work part-time, there are truths. Even on the college campus? It’s too much work to do, so it’s just us.”

“I guess so. How did you two run a store? Among young people.”

“Well, originally we were a little close, but… Since Soyi’s school lunch, I said let’s go together when we grow up. I rob the money I saved, and Soyi also robs his father’s legacy.”

“Yoo Sanyo… ?”

My father’s legacy… Soi’s father died?

I can’t even remember her face, but I’m sure she was still alive when Soyi was 25 years old.

Why did that person die when Kim So-yi was 20 years old?

I tried to ask more questions, but Joo-hee Kwak made a face of embarrassment.

“Oh, I even said useless things. I guess I was drunk… “

“Hey, you mean Soi’s father passed away? Then… What about your mother? Don’t you live with your mother?”

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“Sorry, I can’t say more. You shouldn’t talk like this without the permission of the person in question. You haven’t even heard of this with Soy yet.”

While saying that, Kwak Joo-hee pointed to my back. She turns around and she sees Soi coming back from the bathroom.

It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t ask any more.

It became ambiguous to order more here, so we left the store.


I returned to the vicinity of Hankook University and drank at a cheap bar.

I dissuaded Kwak Joo-hee’s suggestion to go to a more expensive store than I paid today and I chose it.

Hearing that Soyi started her business with her father’s inheritance, she was a little inclined to give them money.

It was a little past 10:00 p.M., And Joo-hee Kwak, who was running with her shoes on, was getting quite drunk, so her boyfriend came to pick her up. Soi called on the phone.

He took her drunk, Kwak Joo-hee on his back, and greeted me politely.

“Hey, Kwak Joo-hee. What do you do when the kid who says he’s following you because he’s worried about something happens gets drunk alone! … Sorry. Didn’t my girlfriend excuse me? She must be excited because it’s been a while since he’s been out drinking with anyone other than me.”

“No. I had fun too. Rather, I’m sorry that I was so drunk that I couldn’t control my pace.”

“No. It’s the fault of a much older kid who couldn’t control himself. We’ll go. Oh, cow Thanks for contacting me. Are you okay?”

“Yes, my brother too. Sister, give me a little scolding. I dried it up a lot, but when I was excited alone, it was very… “

“hahahaha, yes.”

Kwak Joo-hee’s boyfriend, who smiled kindly, was as well-behaved as he had a very gentle face.

He waved his hand at him and let him go, leaving us alone on the road at night.

“Thank you for today. He buys me something delicious, and it’s my first time drinking alcohol, but you keep controlling it so I drink it in a good mood. Not only that, but you continue to take care of me today… “

“That’s what I suggested. I need to tidy that up.”

“But… How much money did you pay in the first round today?”

“Uh… No, that’s about it. It’s also the store I asked to go to.”

Thinking about it again, was it a little burdensome? Why are you bringing up this story again?

Still, if you say you will return the money, I have no intention of accepting it. Let’s flatly refuse.

However, the words that came out of Soi’s mouth were different from what I expected.

“Speaking of which… Now, let’s stop being friends for the night. If you think about what you earned or owed, it’s already enough.

“Why, why suddenly… What did I do wrong today?”

I let out an anxious voice, so Yi quickly continued.

“Oh no! It’s not like that. So that’s… We’re already just friends. I mean, don’t talk like a night mate, don’t come so obligatory every night, that… If you want to come, come, if you want to contact me, contact me.”

“Ah… “

Then, in the end, what Soyi Kim wants to say is…

“Then we… Can you think of getting a little closer?”

“Yes… ji?”

Soyi was not sure if she was shy, but she affirmed without making eye contact with me.

I had felt her and her atmosphere once. Something… My heart tickles.

“Uh… Me, I’m going home now! It was too late… Uh, go, store preparations… ah! I can’t do it… Uh, bye anyway!”

“Oh, wait… !”

Soy walks away from me at a quick pace.

She wasn’t completely drunk, but wasn’t Soyi a bit drunk? Since we’ve gotten closer to her, wouldn’t it be okay to say that I’ll take you home today?

Should she or should she not, she pondered, following her with her vague gait.

You won’t be able to catch up with Soyi at this pace… She caught up

Soi, who had been moving away as if she was running away, stood still, staring at me.

When she arrived in front of Soi, her cheeks were flushed and she mumbled softly.

“I-I’m a bit drunk today, so I’m afraid of the night road… Joe, would you like to talk for a bit?”

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  1. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    Isn’t it fairly obvious? Main Characters mother must have become a home wreaker and fukked Soy’s dad. Brown up the marriage and maybe killed him for the inheritance? Or just dumped him or cheated on him after he divorced or something. Lol

  2. My guess is that it must be something related to the mother, since that was the most relevant thing that has changed. At least from what I remember.

    Also, yes, please get married. Ara was fine, but Soyi has the absolute advantage in just a few chapters

  3. Get married.

    Btw I’m curious. I wondered if Soyi was a regressor too but it doesn’t seem like that. Did Mc’s past life changes affected Soyi’s current life?

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