Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 44

44 - Identification

44 – Identification

“So, I can go alone. There is… Today is my first time drinking… No, I drank beer with you last time, but uh… Anyway, it’s the first time I’ve felt drunk, so… “

“Yes, yes.”

As Soyi walked beside me, he stuttered his excuses.

Anyway, he asked for it with his mouth, but thinking about it again, he must have been embarrassed.

Don’t be like that, feel free to use me. I’m used to it because I often drop him off at the dorm while we’re dating.

By the way… Isn’t this road a bit dark? Considering that today is Saturday, not many people go there.

“Did you go this way every day after work?”

“Huh? Uh right? Some length, right? I found a house with low rent and signed a contract, but this trap was hidden. Ha ha ha… “

“…… “

Soyi laughed and said, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

I’d really be helpless if something happened to some crazy guy at night in a place like this.

Did they choose a house like this because of how different the moon is? Am I living so tight?

“What about the boss? Why don’t you live with your boss? They said they were cousins.”

“Juhee unnie lives with her boyfriend. Did you see that brother? I can’t even sit down in a house where lovers live, it’s uncomfortable.”

“But… “

“Look at this over there. Joohee unnie was worried about me, so she just took care of me? Well, even if you meet a strange person, as long as you have this, there will be no problem.”

Soyi took out a small anti-crime buzzer or tear spray from her arms and showed it.

What if you are suddenly attacked from behind? What if you get hit without a chance to take out something like that?

Things like that become meaningless.

On the contrary, the fact that Kim So-yi, who is bold in everything, prepared such self-defense items on purpose, made me anxious because I could tell what kind of fear she had on her way home.

“And I didn’t have a bag today, so I only brought a security buzzer and spray, but I usually have a stun gun in my bag… “

“Isn’t that also a weak voltage anyway? If the clothes are a bit thick, it won’t work at all. I know you can’t get a proper stun gun if you don’t get permission from the police department.”

“Huh? No, still… “

“Kim Soi.”

“… Huh.”

“Night friend, let’s not quit. Instead, I will take you home every day instead of buying you a drink.”

“What… ?”

Soi stopped walking. Having gone ahead a little, I looked back.

There was a look of bewilderment on Soyi’s face when she and I met her eyes.

“Why do you do that… ?”

“… Because we are friends. How can you stay still when your friend is walking down such a dangerous road? To be a man.”

I didn’t add the word ‘man’ in front of the word friend. Well, to be more precise, I should have added ‘before’.

She shook her head in disbelief when I said that she was like that because Soi was a friend.

“I don’t know. Even if you’re a man, do you usually go that far between friends… “

“Think simple. Do you hate me taking you I won’t do it if you don’t like it.”

I didn’t say that it was burdensome on purpose. It’s okay to feel burdened.

But what if you ask me if I don’t like it? Of course, it would be difficult to say to your face that you dislike my favor.

“No, I don’t hate it. Just a little… “

“Okay then…. Would you like to wait here for a second?”

I cut off Soyi’s words so that I wouldn’t be arguing about this anymore, and I went into a nearby convenience store.

Soyi did not wait long and quickly picked out the items. One hangover drink and one ion drink, two ice creams.

After checking out, I handed Soyi the entire package from the convenience store.

“Drink hangover cure right away. Originally, it’s good to drink before drinking, but if you drink now, you’ll feel better. Eat ice cream now, and drink ion drinks when you wake up tomorrow and feel thirsty.”

“Uh, thank you… “

I tore off the wrappers of two ice creams and handed one to Soyi. It is a square-shaped melon-flavored ice cream.

“Oh, I like this.”

“I bought it because it looked like it.”

“What do you see? It’s completely stupid.”

“Just kidding, most people like all of this. I bought it because it was the most comfortable.”

I was looking around, but of course I bought it knowing that Soyi likes melon-flavored ice cream the most.

Standing in an alley in front of a convenience store, we ate ice cream in silence.

In between munching on the ice cream, looking at me and licking her lips, it seemed like Kim So-yi had something to say to me, so I waited without a word.

Soyi’s mouth opened when we started heading back to her house after she finished eating the ice cream.

“At first, I was very reluctant about you.”

“… Why? Is my impression that bad?”

“No, nothing like that. The impression is rather… It’s good. Uh, a bit too good.”

“Then why?”

It’s a little hard for me to say, but I’ve never had a bad first impression with women in this life. Contrary to his previous life, there were only favorable gazes.

But at first I was hesitant. Kim So-i, who had lived with that face in her previous life, approached me without prejudice.

Certainly, when I first met Soyi, I might have acted quite awkwardly.

It might have been a bit unnatural for her to offer to make friends for the night in response to thanking her for picking up her wallet.

Uh… Now that I think about it, it’s a bit suspicious.

“To be honest, when I first saw you, I didn’t really know why I was reluctant. You know, but Lee Han-sol is a bit, no… Are you very handsome? But why did I feel that way when I saw you, I didn’t even know myself.”

“… However? Do you know now?”

“Yes. You are someone I know… Looks a bit like So it was.”

“Who is that person? Are you someone you don’t like?”

“… Huh. I hate it a lot. I don’t know how I live now, but I hope I haven’t lived well.”

“…… “

Amazing. That Kim So-yi is the kind of person who expresses things like that.

In the three years I’ve been dating Soyi, I’ve only seen heinous criminals from time to time on the news who she would hate that much.

But a person you hate so much, you believed me? No way…

“… Are you talking about your ex-boyfriend?”

“What~? No, no. I never had a boyfriend That person is a woman.”

“Then why? Why does she hate that woman?”

“… There is something like that.”

Soi hit her wall as if she couldn’t tell me any more.

But I can guess a little. According to the story I heard from Kwak Joo-hee, So-yi’s father is now deceased. Maybe someone contributed something to it?

A person like that resembles me. Of course, it seems that he has no choice but to turn away from me.

Soyi laughed bitterly, saying that the atmosphere had subsided.

“But I don’t feel that way anymore. Rather, he is too much of a friend for me. Don’t you know why you’re so nice to a kid like me?”

“Why do you say that? What are you doing?”

“Anyway, she’s a woman who runs a snack bar at the age of 20 with money she doesn’t have because she doesn’t have any talent. She has no friends, and her only cousin is her sister. But you’re a student at a prestigious university, and you have a good-looking face… Do you have many friends?”

Why? The only person she can rely on is Kwak Joo-hee, is So-yi’s mother also deceased? Or are there other circumstances?

Why don’t I have friends? She was such a bright cow, but she was the kind of person who was loved by everyone.

“… Why don’t you have friends I’m with you. And how about a snack bar? There are people my age who have to do manual labor and have their tops all chipped, so they can’t even see people in their eyes.”

“Yes… ? So you’re worse off than everyone else, even if you’re unhappy? Nothing is really right for me.”


“… Sorry. Did I just say something very unpleasant?”

It’s like seeing myself before returning to the past, shrinking while talking about myself. I don’t want to see Kim So-yi looking so downcast.

It seems she needs to close the gap between her and her a little bit.

“I am an orphan.”

“… What?”

“I have no parents. That doesn’t mean they’re both dead, her father is a white man who’s never seen her face, and her mother is alive, but she doesn’t know what she’s doing now.”

“… What happened?”

“Because he abused me. We broke up when I was 6, I saw her once more when I was 14, and I haven’t seen her again since.”

Soyi’s mouth opened slightly. I shrugged her shoulders as if it didn’t matter.

“Still, I met good people and was rescued, so I was fine.”

“… But it’s different from living with your real family.”

“… To me, they were real family.”

“…… “

Soyi’s eyes at me shimmered in pity. With her sad smile, she told her story.

“My father died. But I didn’t even see him die. I’m divorced. I had an affair with a woman and left me and my mom. But it turned out that her mother also had another man. Marry that person again, and I’ll be left with her grandmother and never see her mother again.”

“The woman I mentioned earlier is that woman.”

“… Huh. I wondered what my family was like. And then, a few years later, when she heard the news that her father had died, she saw the woman who had remarried her father and shared her legacy… You opened a store with Joo-hee.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Then your grandmother… “

“Last year… Originally, you were a bit older. You were very pretty, but you really wanted to see me become an adult… “

Soi couldn’t stand it any longer and shook her head.

She wanted to hug her, but now she felt that I didn’t deserve it, so she stood quietly in front of her and waited.

After crying for a short time, she raised her head and smiled hard.

“Sorry, it took so long because of me. My house is over there now. Thanks for taking me today.”

“… It’s close to my room.”

“Really? … Good that It’s good, because you’re nearby.”

“Call me if you need me.”

“How do you do that again? So, am I going now?”

Still sniffing her nose a little, Soi headed for the studio entrance.

If I were your boyfriend, I would stay with you in your room until you feel better.

Now I can’t do that. I have no qualifications, and I am not proud.

Still, I want to do what I can in my current position.

I made up my mind and called Soi.

“Kim Soi!”


“Aren’t you looking for a part-time job at your store?”

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  1. rob z rob z says:

    Yeah, the inversion is a nice twist. And I am not sure I am reading this right, but did the MC’s mom break up Kim Soi’s parents marriage (i.e., a woman who looks like MC)?

  2. I can’t help but notice how their lives were reversed from priveous timeline. She was a winner in life with parents but somehow in this life they turn out to be trash and etc. I don’t know…

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