Childhood Friend of the Zenith chapter 192

192 - Two dragons?

192 – Two dragons?

Two dragons? (One)

Speaking of Xi’an monument, it is a representative Sega of the Xi’an region.

It is a family that does not stand out very much even though it is treated as a prestigious family belonging to a political faction.

Not to mention the Yongbong Branch, which most of the latter members of prestigious families participate in.

It doesn’t even come out on the wire.

It was a Sega without a sense of existence that did not dare to step out in relation to the demonic scriptures unless it was in a dangerous situation.

It was like that for the past ten years or so.

If you ask if there is no postscript or unmanned person who deserves the rain, that was not the case again.

When it comes to selecting warriors from Seo Anbi, there are a lot of people with great achievements right now.

Just thinking that Pajon Biju, who is said to be the best master of the political faction at the time and one of the Three Lords of the world, was from Xi’an Biju, the status of Biju was sufficient.

Moreover, Tu-ryong (鬪龍), who has now changed from Oh-ryong to 6-ryong, and belongs to the Dragon and Feng, also came from a family of secretaries, so it was not a lack of family history.

Just a calm lake so deep.

It’s just that you can’t see the dragons swimming beneath it.

Many people say, this is also the reason why there is a joke that if the rain moves, the midfield will fluctuate.

‘… Anyway, isn’t this too much?’

It started raining in Xian, and the quiet streets were filled with only the sound of rain.

The man spilling the soup through the pouring rain was Chuong, who lived in an open road in Hanam.

In the past few months, Chuong has been able to get from Henan to Xi’an by running until the leather on his feet is on fire.

Frankly, it was crazy.

It would have been enough to just send a message, but he dared to drag his heavy body and come all the way here himself.

‘They say that if the head is empty, the body suffers. Ugh, you incompetent bastard.’

Having lived as a beggar all my life, there was no way I could have had anything in my head.

Even so, this was too impulsive.

‘What’s the catch then? Hey rot… .’

I came all the way here, enchanted by the card of the ark Jinryong showed me and the subtle eyes I felt in the atmosphere.

At that time, it looked like a rope sent down from the sky.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if Jinryong didn’t think much of it, but he didn’t move too needlessly.

‘Tsubeol… .’

However, it was already too late to return.

Of course, he had already come all the way to Xi’an, and he was running around collecting information.

Xi Anbi, the information that Jin Ryong requested, especially about Tu Ryong.

Frankly, Chuong thought everything would be settled once he reached Xi’an.

It’s been three days since I arrived in Xi’an, and there is definitely openness in Xi’an, but since Chuong’s influence is not weak, I thought that the information I wanted would be easily obtained.


‘How did this happen… ?’

There was too little information.

The information on the rain was not much different from what was written in the opening ten years ago.

Excluding the guild operated by Sega itself, what they are currently doing.

There was no information about how Sega was operating.

To the extent that it feels like it is blocking itself within the opening.

‘Is there a need for that?’

If you don’t even know it at your own level, it means that the top line is blocking it.

At least if that’s the case, two.

Or should be higher than that.

‘Something seems to be messed up… .’

Let’s just grab a line ourselves! It was something I came to with a light heart.

I had a feeling that I was involved in something very twisted.

‘Should I just jump right now?’

It was a sense of being unmanned, and this was a survival instinct.

Chuong, who is quick to notice, is the past.

No, from the first day, I could feel something strange from wandering around a little to gather information.

‘Current Xi’an is strange. Especially when it’s raining.’

I can’t point out what to say. Chuong’s senses said so.

There is something strange about the current rain.

Especially when I asked the open branch in Xi’an for information about the obituary, I felt a subtle reluctance.

In Xian now, rain is strange.

Chuong regretted it now.

By the time I thought about this, I should have run away.

“It’s a raccoon I’ve never seen before.”

Then you wouldn’t have suffered like this.

“I heard that someone has been curious about me lately. Are you?”

“… Kkeuk… .”

Chuong was crawling on the floor, holding his stomach.

Without even feeling how or when it was right.

At the same time as the extreme shock hit, I was spitting out vomit on the floor when I barely came to my senses.

‘when… ? When did you come?’

I didn’t notice at all.

When I gasped and barely lifted my head.

Chuong could see the one who attacked him.

At first glance, he was a boy who did not seem to have exceeded the terms and conditions.

Wouldn’t it be similar to a brain dragon?

You seem older than the Jinryong I met a few months ago. It felt like I was still lacking in maturity.

Chuong knew the boy. His face changed over time, but he was definitely the same boy he saw years ago.

‘… Fighting Dragon.’

Tu-ryong Mystic Jin.

only once.

It was a late Ji-soo who appeared at the Yongbong Branch, imprinted himself in the memories of many people, and disappeared.

“Who are you?”

Tulong calmly leaned down and met Chuong’s eyes.

Her brownish hair was tightly tied, and she was wearing a black uniform.

There was an unknown weight in the eyes that seemed insensitive to the world.

Chuong remembered seeing those eyes recently.

‘It looks like Jinryong.’

Unlike Tu-Ryong, who has a rather soft impression, Jin-Ryong has a fierce wolf-like appearance, which is very different.

The eyes of the two of them were strangely similar.

It felt like an unknown weight weighed down Chuong just by looking into his eyes.

“Are you not going to answer me?”

When Chuong did not answer, Tulong slowly stretched out his hand and placed his palm somewhere on Chuong’s body.

Around the time I wondered what the two dragons were trying to do.

“… !!”

Chuong screamed for the surroundings to leave.

Unbelievable pain started pouring through my body.

I screamed in agony for a long time.

As soon as the two dragons let go, the intense pain subsided.

“Huh… Heo-eok… .”

“Are you ready to tell me now?”

Chuong knew.

It means that the screams that were so loud didn’t leak out at all.

At that moment, the Tu-Ryong hit the air curtain and prevented the sound from leaking out.

It was an overwhelming betting application.

“Where are you from?”

“Now, wait… .”

“Well… .”

When Chuong does not answer again, Tu-ryong extends his hand again.

Seeing that, Chuong immediately exclaimed.

“Ha, I’m from Hanam.”

“Ha Nam?”

Tu-ryong made a questionable expression at Chuong’s cry.

“Yes, yes! non-negotiable. My name is Chuong, who works as a land beggar in Hanam.”

“Right. Is it Hanam?”

Turyeong nodded as if he understood.

Apart from that, Tu-ryong’s hand naturally squeezed Chuong’s neck.

“ruler… ruler… for a moment… !”


“That I would like to ask… ! Why are you holding my neck… ?”

Until Tu-ryong casually grabbed Chuong by the neck.

Chuong never resisted.

Perhaps because of the previous blow, his body was not moving at will.

This meant that he shook and paralyzed the bet inside his body with just one blow.

To Chuong’s words, Tu-ryong replies.

“I still have a lot to ask.”

The dragon’s voice was calm.

However, Chuong felt it was like a threat to kill him if he didn’t answer correctly.

Maybe that’s what it actually means.

‘… Severe… .’

How did you find out?

Chuong, just in case, hadn’t even made a direct approach.

Rather, he was careful not to approach the radius of the rain’s action.

No matter how quietly Segara hides its presence, it was easy to get caught if something went wrong as it was a famous family.

In that sense, Chuong thought that no matter how much he thought about it, he hadn’t done anything to get caught.

Then all of a sudden

One thought passed through my mind.

-It’s a raccoon I’ve never seen before.

This is what Tu-ryong said to himself just before.

The word raccoon itself meant openness.

Tu-ryong’s words were mixed with a strange tone.

‘Unseen raccoon… . The Xi’an beggars looked somewhat wrinkled… .’

Even the unknown atmosphere that pervaded this branch.

Somehow, Chuong wondered if all of this had something to do with the rain.

Or, rather than rain, it was that fighting dragon.

If that happens, what you have been caught will also fit.

If the reason Tu-ryong heard his story was because Chuong requested information about Tu-ryong from the Xi’an branch.

‘… These bastards are not pure traitors!’

If it was right, it was a big deal as it was right.

Because it was like saying that the branch of openness was only tightly held under the late index.

‘Though it’s not something the idiot who ran all the way here at the behest of the blood clot would say.’

Her own appearance was no different from him, so it was messy, but anyway, it was a problem.

Tu-ryong, who had been watching Chuong for a while, spit out a word.

“You must be quick-witted.”

“… !”

Tu-ryong smiled, as if he had noticed that Chuong had noticed something.

It was as if he didn’t care if he found out about it.

… Does it mean that I will kill you if I find out?

Or are you saying that now that you know it, you want to kill more?

Whatever it was, it was a desperate crisis for Chuong.

“It was called Chuong.”

“… That, yes.”

“Right. Now that I look at it, it looks like a face I’ve seen somewhere… .”


At Tu-ryong’s words, Chuong twisted his head.

True to his words, Chuong had seen Tu-ryong before.

There was no direct connection.

The first and last time Turyeong came to the Dragon Peak branch.

All I had to do was watch from afar when dealing with the latter index, which was arguing unbecomingly.


The memory of that time was not a very good memory from Chuong’s point of view.

Just thinking about how the two dragons dealt with them made my 5 limbs tingle.

“You seem to be curious about me. May I ask why?”

It seemed like he was talking politely.

The situation was not so.

How can a question asked while lying on the floor and held by the neck is a question?

It’s a threat.

“… that, that.”

What should I answer?

Do I have to answer in the first place?

Jinryong is curious about you.

It was too strange to say.

In the first place, even Chuong didn’t know why Jin-ryong was curious about T-ryong, whom he had never met before.

Chuong chose to remain silent, but Tu-ryong did not urge him.

I just put more pressure on the hand holding my neck.

‘This is a rush, f*ck… !’

Anyway, these days, it seems that the gore has no respect for adults.

In the eyes of the misogynist who seemed insensitive as if he would not give a second chance.

“group… Pazon!”

In the end, Chuong hurriedly let out a sound out of his mouth.

Did such a cry work?


The power in the hand of the two dragons, which had been getting tighter, loosened.

By the time I wondered if the sound of shouting was helpful.

“What did you say?”

Chuong had to withstand the pressure pouring in from all sides in an instant.

The fierce speculation became a weight and pressed down on Chuong’s back.

“her… Huh… !”

Was it a problem to say the name of the pae-jon in front of the family of the obituary?

The fighting spirit emanating from the dragon’s body was too harsh.

But Chuong could not stop here.

As long as it was already out of my mouth, I had to spit out something to live.

“Pa, Pazon’s apprentice… . You wanted non-negotiable information… !”

To be precise, it was a disciple (presumption), but Chuong first spit it out and saw it in order to survive.

Then, the suppressed speculation disappeared like a lie.

Tu-ryong, who was holding Chuong by the neck, retrieved his hand.



The dragon started to laugh loudly.

‘Why are you here… . I’m scared.’

Chuong had to be scared to see him giggling and laughing as if he was having so much fun.

Tu-ryong, who had been laughing while holding his stomach, asked Chuong, holding back his laughter.

“Pazone… . Yes, Pazon’s apprentice is curious about me?”

“Yes… It is.”

Although Jinryong said he was not a disciple of Paejon.

It’s like carrying a letter of recommendation from Pazon.

The martial arts he uses is Baktu, and he expresses a superior presence compared to his peers.

Rumors were circulating that people were really being suggested by Pazon.

Of course, Jinryong said he was using evil to please erase the rumors.

‘I’m sorry… . Jinryong.’

It was an inevitable choice for Chuong to live.

“Ah, that’s right. You are a disciple of Pazon.”

With a squeak, the two dragons raised themselves.

Then, he asks Chuong for a word.



“A disciple of Paezon who says he’s curious about me.”

I was just thinking about what to do, wondering if a troublesome flying fly had been caught.

It turned out that something interesting was going on.

‘Who is it?’

Tulong looked down at Chuong and thought.

I wondered who it was.

The one who dares to pretend to be a disciple of Fae-Jon.

‘I want to see your face.’

When he disappeared, it seemed that rumors like this would spread.

When he was active, if something like this had happened, he would have gone to the mound and put out a harpoon.

‘He said he would take good care of it, damn old man.’

It was my mistake to trust him.

It’s a piece of shit to deal with, rumors like this have already spread, but what will you do?

Like that, Tu-ryong, who had been laughing for a while, looked at Chu-ong and said.

“Let’s have a listen.”

“Yes? what are you talking about… .”

Tu-ryong lightly lifts Chuong up and lifts him up on his shoulder.

It was quite embarrassing for Chuong, as if he were being treated like a rice bag, but he was in no situation to think of rebellion.

“Go ahead and think about it.”

Tu-ryong took Chuong with him and moved on.

To hear about the guy who is said to be ‘their’ disciple.


When Chuong is experiencing bad things in Xian.

Yangcheon Gu had just arrived at his family home.

At the time of the attack, everyone moved with a keen sense of tension. It was a much tougher return than expected.

By the time many people are tired of travel fatigue.

“… What did you say?”

Yangcheng Gu asked with surprised eyes.

“Brother… .”

Talking to Gu Yangchun with a tearful face.

Surprisingly, it was the old age that should have returned to the volcano at this time.

“… Elder Lee… .”

“Don’t cry and speak the truth.”

Gu Ryeong-hwa bursts into tears at Gu Yang-cheon’s ferocious work.

Wi Seol-ah and Namgung-bia run to Gu Ryeong-hwa, who is shedding tears, and urgently hugs her.

Gu Yangchun could not relax his expression even when he saw such a guryeonghwa.

In my head, I hoped that what I just heard was wrong.

It was such a nonsensical thing to say.

Gu Ling-Hwa shed tears and said to Gu Yang-Cheon.

“I-Elder Lee… . I might die.”

It sounded like shit, but I heard it right.

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