Childhood Friend of the Zenith chapter 36

36 - Finding remarks. (4)

36 – Finding remarks. (4)

Finding Remarks (4)

The snake was looking down at us with its coils radiating pure white light.

“Oh, what a big snake… !”

I bit my lip at Wi Seol-ah’s words.

It was the worst.

‘…A monster?’

There was no way to explain a snake of that size unless it was a monster.

If talking to that snake is right… . A monster with intelligence?

I had never heard of such a thing.

Even more so with monsters of that size.

What should I do? You won’t be able to make a single scratch with your current body.

At least, even if it’s a weakling, you have to escape.

So how do you get attention…?

The snake said if it had read my thoughts.

-Reap your strength child, I’m not hungry right now.

Does that mean there is no hostility?

At that, I asked while hiding my cold sweat.

“…can you understand the words?”

– So it’s like having a conversation.

“How can a monster speak human language?”

-It’s a monster… . That’s funny.

A snake flicks its tongue.

Even that supple tongue seemed bigger than me.

-Now, the era of being called that has come.

It was a somewhat bittersweet voice.

There seemed to be no hostility, but I couldn’t trust monsters, so I didn’t reap the bet.

The snake flashed its golden eyes and asked me.

-…I’m curious, child.

“Love song… ?”

Are you talking about the natural price of gold?

“…Natural gold disappeared hundreds of years ago.”

The snake’s eyes widened at my words.

Then slowly close your eyes.


The snake curled up its huge body even more.

It only moved very little, but the room seemed to shake because of its size.

-…That’s how it happened. It was also unavoidable.

The huge head he was holding slowly descended to the ground.

-But, I’m still curious, even if my power is fading, it’s not something I can easily find. How were you able to come this far?

‘…Speaking of strength, is this monster’s strength the strategy behind Vigo?’

A monster with such unbelievable power.

It was such a scary story.

How should I answer the monster’s question?

In fact, there was not much to say because Wiseol-ah came in alone by beating drums, playing janggu, searching, breaking, and tearing.

“…I just found it and it worked.”


The snake spits out an absurd voice and then pauses. The snake’s gaze went somewhere.

The guy was clearly looking at Weiseolah.

The gold inside of the snake that was watching Wi Seol-ah shone slightly.

It was a face that made me afraid because of its size.

Weiseolah also burrows into my back a little more, perhaps frightened by the gaze.

The snake’s head, which had been watching it, widened its distance behind it a little.

-I see… . It was like that.

what? Why do you understand alone?

– Hey, what did you come here for?

Then the snake asked me.

I hesitated at the snake’s question.

If snakes are related to gold naturalists, will they leave us alone to rob Vigo?

“It just happened to come in.”

Unknowingly, the honorific word came out naturally.

At that, the snake sticks out its tongue.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but somehow he seemed to be laughing.

said the snake.

-Unfortunately, there are no items left for you to covet here.

…F*ck, I noticed you came to rob Vigo.

Thanks to that, my back was getting wet with cold sweat.

The snake speaks slowly.

-My lifeline is not long, so the day when this place will appear again in the world will not be long.

‘ long?’

The snake’s words made me realize a little bit about how Tang Wen was able to find this place.

If that statement is true, Tang Mun would have just accidentally discovered this place where the truth was solved.

‘Somehow it didn’t make sense that I couldn’t find a white maple tree for so long.’

Is it really that there is nothing?

Then, what did Gyecheon Munju get from this place?

– Hey.


I responded nervously to the snake’s call.

It was not the time to worry about hurting one’s self-esteem by already saying honorifics.

-What do you think fate is?

“Let’s ask what kind of bullshit… . Are you?”

The original way of speaking came out without me realizing it at such an absurd story.

You crazy bastard, you shouldn’t be doing this under these circumstances.

-Ha ha ha ha ha!

The snake burst into laughter at my answer.

Laughing so much with that gigantic body made my hamstrings tingle.

-That’s right… . You asked me something very strange.

Fortunately, the snake didn’t seem to be in a bad mood.

I wanted to ask why do you keep asking me? I held on tight.

This was not a situation that could be rectified by calming down.

The snake slowly unraveled its crouching body.

-…For what did they endure that would eventually disappear?

It didn’t seem like he was talking to me.

Who are you talking to? After speaking, the snake’s body suddenly glows brightly.

It wasn’t the white light that shone softly, but the golden light like the eyes.

Just when I was wondering if I should jump out with Weiseolah right away, something spits out from the snake’s mouth.

It was a golden bead.

I picked up the orb that rolled forward.

Then the snake speaks.

– Take it.

“…What is this?”

-It’s the price you matched with this nogoe, so there won’t be much left to get into someone else’s hands anyway, so it would be better to give it to you who came into contact with it… .

Compared to what came out of the snake’s body, there was no saliva or other foreign matter on it.

To put it bluntly, it looked similar to a magic stone, but there was no ominous feeling felt when looking at a magic stone.

On the contrary, it feels bright and noble.

Should I go further and call it holy?

-If you have such a thing in your heart, you will probably accept it more easily than others.

‘Have you? What… … ?’

Scary to ask such a question, suddenly a hot energy came like crazy into my body.

“…Turn it off!”

Unable to withstand the sudden excruciating pain, he collapsed.

This time, too, it was because the magic punch hole was arbitrarily activated.

I wonder if the magic stone was right because I was careless because there was no ominous thing.

The strange thing is that I didn’t feel any magic for it to be a magic stone.

The problem was that the amount of incoming energy was too great.

I couldn’t stand it and was reluctant to do so, so I felt Wi Seol-ah’s hand caressing my back.

Then, to my surprise, the energy that pushes me violently changes direction and quietly flows in.

The energy that sailed around the whole body eventually penetrates into the danteon that was scared and trembling at once.

It whirls inside the body, mixed with the bets of the Guyeomhwarunkong, which was quietly generating heat inside.

“Ouch… !”

It made me feel like I was about to die.

Could it be that the snake actually tried to kill me with pain? If you’re going to kill me, I’ll just swallow you in one bite…!

slowly. then quickly


All I could hear was my moaning, but somehow I heard a sound like something exploding inside my head.

Is it an illusion caused by the intense pain?

Energy and energy interlocked, and what swirled for a long time soon merged into a single stem.

Eventually, things connected by a single point.

Regardless of my will, it spreads throughout my body.

As if something exploded.

It reached the point where I couldn’t bear it with my sanity.

I couldn’t stand it and finally gave up.


Right after Gu Yang-chun passed out, unable to hold on to his energy.

In the room, only the snake and Weiseolah were left. Snake looked at it and laughed.

– It must have been too much to bear.

It is the jewel of an existence that wanted to become a dragon, or was on the verge of becoming a dragon.

It’s because it’s not swallowing it directly, but sucking it.

He must have taken more complete energy than others.

Wi Seol-ah placed Gu Yang-cheon’s head on her lap and slowly brushed his back.

The snake looked at such a fool and asked.

-Are you satisfied with that?

Wiseolah raised her head at the snake’s question.

Instead of the usual obsidian-like black eyes, Wiseolah’s eyes were colored gold.

Weiseolah said.

“It’s not something I dare to do without being satisfied.”

Not a single bit of his usual savage tone remained.

The snake looked at it and said in a sad voice.

– I must have twisted too many things. is that your choice?

“why? You don’t think you understand?”

-No, on the contrary, I understand it so much that it hurts and regrets it even more.

The snake slowly lay down on the ground.

The brightly shining scales are gradually losing their light.

Wi Seol-ah asked while still sweeping Gu Yang-cheon’s back.

“You, why did you give me the jewel you cherished so much? Even to a person I see for the first time today.”

-It’s just a whim. There’s nothing more lonely than waiting for someone who won’t come. I also let go

A blond young man with a bright smile passed by in the snake’s head.

It was something I would never see again.

-…Fate is such a fleeting thing.

The scales gradually fall to the ground. As soon as it touched the ground, the scales crumbled.

Like a maple leaf on the ground.

Perhaps sooner or later the snake will disappear without leaving a trace.

Such was the end of the spirit creature who handed over the jewel.

Wei Seol-ah carefully stroked Gu Yang-chen’s head.

“Even in the midst of this, the only thing I thought about was protecting me, really… . He is a fool.”


Water droplets fall on Gu Yangchen’s face.

I wish I could just run away.

Gu Yangchun trembled at the sight of the snake, but never gave up.

still stupid what do you say

What was the self who had only resentment and contempt without knowing anything?

It reminded me of the person who didn’t open his mouth for himself, not for anyone, until the last moment.

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Contemptible I was resentful and wanted to kill him.

Read at

Nobody but myself.

[…Give it back now.]

I hear a voice in my ear

Wei Seol-ah wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“Sorry, I’ll borrow you a little more.”

Not yet.

It’s still dangerous.

just a little bit more

Wei Seol-ah carefully laid Gu Yang-cheon’s head on the ground and then slowly got up.

Although I wanted to enjoy stroking it a little more.

It was a luxury that didn’t fit the subject, and it was a selfish mind that ignored guilt.

Wisulah slowly warmed up.

It was a very young and fragile body, but since the bowl was so large, there would be no difficulty in moving it as desired.

After relaxing her body moderately, Wi Seol-ah looked at the door she came in and said.

“Don’t look there, come out.”

It is a voice as sharp as an awl and as cold as frost.

Soon after, a man with a surprised face appeared from the door.

“…how, when did you notice?”

“I can’t hide it if I have to hide it with such poor skills.”

The man is none other than Ma-cheol.

He was the man who escorted Namgung Cheonjun at the Tang Gate.

from scratch.

From the time Oo Yang-cheon left the Tang Gate until now, Wei Xue-ah knew who had been following him and Yang-tian.

Even if Gu Yangchun has past achievements.

With my current body, I would not have been able to notice the peak level of unmanned people following me.

“…I just wanted to end it quietly.”

Ma Chul sighed as if he couldn’t help it.

Before anyone knew it, Ma-cheol had a sword drawn in his hand.

“You have a good sense of humor. Since you have nothing to do, I was going to quietly take care of Gu Gongja, but things got messed up.”

“Is this the meaning of Namgung?”

Wi Seol-ah’s question narrows the gap between Ma-cheol’s forehead.

“dare! He is not something that four years old can talk about!”

Despite Ma-cheol’s screams, Wi Seol-ah’s expression remained expressionless.

Wisulah quietly took out a small dagger from her bosom and pulled it out.

Ma-Cheol saw it and clicked his tongue briefly.

“What are you going to do with it?”

Wisulah didn’t answer.

Ma-cheol changed his mind after seeing Wi Seol-ah.


It’s really nice.

He still looks young, but if he’s that handsome, it seemed better to take care of only the son of the Gu family than to kill him.

This bigo, that girl, and the neck of Gu Gongja.

It was a very good harvest.

With that thought over, Ma-cheol asked Wi Seol-ah.

“Or, how about if you don’t resist, I won’t even touch you with your fingertips.”

If he struggled to protect his master, he could have hurt that precious face.

That would not please its owner.

Wisul-ah doesn’t answer either.

I just slowly drew the dagger from its scabbard.

Seeing that, Ma-cheol sighed as if he was sorry.

“Yeah, if you want to do that, there’s nothing you can do about it. If that’s the case… .”


“Well… ?”

Ma-cheol made a stupid noise.

It was because there was a sound of something falling nearby.

A feeling of alienation that is felt soon after.

Ma-cheol stroked his left shoulder with a trembling hand.

Cold sweat runs down Ma-cheol’s cheeks.

There was no

He didn’t have his left arm where it should have been.

Looking down at the floor, it was none other than his own arm that had fallen.

‘When the hell… ?’

Ma-cheol didn’t even see Wi Seol-ah wield it.


The voice of Wiseol-ah that pierces your ears.

It was only then that Ma-cheol felt that something was wrong.

Wi Seol-ah takes one step closer to Ma-cheol.

Ma Cheol’s breathing was disrupted by the feeling of intimidation that weighed down his body for a moment.

“…Don’t open your mouth recklessly, because I can’t wake up when I’m sleeping well.”

As Wiseol-ah said that, her hair began to turn golden.

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  1. Forgotten one says:

    I want to know full backstory of her and MC’s..

  2. Forgotten one says:

    Why did she protect MC even after acquiring her memory back…
    She had a fiancee right??
    That’s why she torture MC to get the address but why she is obsessed with him now??

    1. simplethrone says:

      She’s not the one who tortured him. MC were already being tortured by others, she worked to convince MC to gave information so that he could be spared. She’s indeed searching for the info but “seeking her fiance” is MC’s assumption.

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