Elves Have Migrated to My Planter chapter 223

Elves Have Migrated to My Planter 223

223 – The Profane (3)

Chapter 223 – The Profane (3)

“Commander! There might even be an ambush of them ahead! The number of enemies that have appeared so far is too small!”

“No, nothing. Stop talking nonsense and come after me.”

Despite the adjutant’s urgent cry, he smirked and did not slow down. Nor was he a baseless rush. In fact, there was no sign of anything other than the escaping manned unit in his senses.

If there were enough troops in ambush to attack them, it would have been normal if the presence was already felt.

‘Even if there is an ambush, what does it matter? I will crush the entire ambush force!’

In the first place, he was willing to accept even if there was an ambush. He was prepared to become crippled and thought that if he was running rampant with his mana, he would be able to push through any obstacles in front of him.

“Damn it! Can not help it. Speed up everyone Stay in line!”

His troops had no choice but to obey his will. Hundreds or thousands of people who had to pass through the narrow underground passage passed through the passage without knowing where they were or what was in front of them.

“What if I get attacked at the entrance? You can’t even step back.”

“…The Commander must have known that and went forward himself.”

One of the knights turned around and spoke anxiously to his colleague next to him. The allies packed behind them were reassuring, but it was obvious that they would become an obstacle to retreat in case of emergency.

“It is light. Exit!”

Still, their uneasiness quickly dissipated.

Blinded by revenge, Barus finally reached the ground by digging his own path.

It was also the moment when the enemy’s military boots trampled on the soil of Eden, which no one had ever invaded.

“Nonsense. We must have entered through a gap in the cliff.”

“Was there ever a place like this on the cliff? No way!”

As if ants were pouring out, the soldiers of Barten Kingdom poured from the entrance of the tunnel from the front. And looking around, I was shocked.

Because the deep and large lake as well as the houses and forests made by the elves were a sight never seen in the North Continent.

‘What is this place?’

Barus, who was invisible, also froze for a moment when he saw the scenery.

The mystery and miracle of a world that cannot be explained with words or theory. However, at most, the sudden change of the climate or environment was only a trivial thing here.

“Our attack on the city was a just punishment for you who betrayed and attacked our people. Can’t admit it and is trying to invade our sacred land like this?

“The Elf Queen…!”

And in front of them so embarrassed, Serenian, who had sent the defeated manned troops behind him, was greeting them ‘alone’.

As soon as she saw her, Varus threw away all other thoughts and grabbed her sword while gnashing his teeth.

“Betrayal? It was providence For the world to move in a better direction!”

“If it is the providence you claim that the weak be preyed on by the strong, then I can tell you the same. It is also the providence that you are defeated and killed here today.”

When he laughed at Serenian with a grin, Serenian instead clicked his tongue and scolded him.

In the meantime, the Kingdom Army continued to come up to the ground and fill their positions. Now, a thousand or so people are tightly packed.

They fiddled with their weapons while watching the war of nerves between Serenian and Varus, who were standing alone.

‘What is your intention? Where are the others?!’

Unlike Serenian, who looked at them with unwavering eyes, he moved his eyes in all directions without rest in the helmet.

The potted plants by the lakeside that Serenian neatly emptied are desolate. Unlike the outside world, this desolation unique to the world inside the pot, where there are very few living species, is enough to bring a sense of difference to those who are not familiar with it.

Besides, Serenian wasn’t even wearing armor like he saw last time. Dressed in casual clothes unique to the cool forest clan, he was holding a hunter’s bow he received in the past in his hand.

“Where are all the soldiers of Daesurim who captured the capital and surrendered a kingdom in just a few days? The terrifying monstrous ant cavalry.”

“They are not here.”

“No? If so, you will regret it. At this moment, your land will be trampled on by us!”

He grinned at her Serenian’s words and aimed at her with the blade of her waldo. Even though she faced her army alone, her unconcerned behavior was suspicious, but no matter how much she looked around or used her detection magic, nothing caught her.

If you back down because you are so defenseless, it’s obvious that you will become an object of ridicule.

“Even if you surrender, you will not be welcomed. Let alone destroying this land like I destroyed the snowy mountain elven village, I will tear four years apart.”

“You speak well. A disrespectful person.”

As he warned him while looking at himself, Serenian’s face stiffened. He could pass off the provocation to harm and violate him, but he was greatly enraged at the word that he dared to break this land.

“If you don’t have an army, how are you going to defend this place?”

Of course, to Varus, her anger was just funny. Because emotions alone do not move the world. If that were the case, there would have been no great war and no chaos.

“Don’t get me wrong. The wrath you deserve is not my wrath.”

“… Huh?”

But at that moment. In an instant, the sky began to darken. Seeing this, Serenian smiled faintly and looked up at the sky.

Dark clouds do not simply block the sun. Literally, the light of the afternoon sun, which had been floating well, disappeared from the sky in an instant.

“When the sun disappears and darkness comes. Then heaven will punish the invaders.”

Serenian had already heard about the plan from Seunghyeon. Hitting the blackout curtains installed on the veranda was a kind of signal to announce the start of the plan.

From Noble mtl dot com

“This is Japanese food?!”

“The sun is gone!”

A solar eclipse has been regarded as an ominous omen since ancient times. This is because the sun was generally regarded as a sacred thing that always shines.

A solar eclipse that makes the sunlight disappear was a symbol of ominousness. It was only natural that there would be a lot of chatter among the soldiers.

“Dong, don’t panic. It’s just a coincidence! Wizard!”

“The detection magic is still the same. Nothing!”

Varus hurried to calm her men. The magician who was using the detection magic also shouted with confidence that there was no mana effect in this area.

“It’s like an evil witch. How dare you now mock us with chance and tongue!”

“This is the land the sky is watching over!”

Her enraged woman, he rushed at her, and Serenian yelled at him at the same time.

Obviously, if he, who is betting everything on himself right now, faces Serenian head-on, even Serenian will not be able to handle it alone.

“Don’t talk nonsense. The sky is just…”

However, his moon sword could not be swung. It was because the moment she swung her weapon at her, a multicolored light suddenly burst out on her dark ground as if it was night for her.


No one could help but look at the sky. The members of Eden who had already seen it also looked blankly at the sky.

Brilliant lights incomparable to the aurora in the polar region embroidered the sky here and there, dazzling the eyes.


Something twinkled between those lights that were about to pour. Right over his head.

The moment he blurted out a word while looking at the sky.


“Oh my God, light!”

An intense red beam of light that cut through the darkness shot from the sky and hit his body. A strong knight, a runaway mana, a hero of the past. All of those formulas were completely burned by the thick beam of light that endlessly pours out tremendous energy at that moment.


Serenian and the kingdom army could barely hear his dying words as he was burned alive with shocked eyes.

He raised his mana and struggled against the energy contained in the laser, but the laser chased him and burned him relentlessly as if it were going to kill him.

If he had been weaker he would have been instantly killed in one blow, but resisting with all his might made for a more terrifying spectacle.

“Oh come! Come!”

“The light came here…”

Even when the laser burned Varus to death, it did not disappear. Burning everything on the ground, they split the kingdom army that had gathered at a tremendous speed.

As if erasing it with an eraser, it repeatedly moved back and forth, sweeping through all the enemies who were trying to scream and run away.


No matter how much it is, it is unimaginable that countless kingdom troops are devastated in an instant.

Sitting on the floor, Serenian stared blankly at the sight and shuddered at the true judgment that was incomparable to the previous punishments.

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  1. nverthles says:


    – minos prime

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