Everyone Said They Were My Lover in a Dream chapter 7

Everyone Said They Were My Lover in a Dream 7

Is it a Dream?


Claudia sensed Sophia entering the restroom.

Since she had set up a barrier, they wouldn’t come face to face immediately, but Sophia’s power just now was equal to hers.

At the very least, she must have reached the level of a master.

If that’s the case, she might not have known that the barrier could be broken.

There’s no need to draw attention by revealing the existence of the barrier for no reason.

“I’ll retreat for today.”

Claudia turned around, her cloak fluttering.

“But next time, I won’t let you slip away. So wait for me.”

They made a promise, so she would trust Vist and wait while doing what she needed to do.

…But just in case, should she send that guy away?

And after casting a spell for a moment, she hid herself from Vist’s sight.

“…Did I survive for now?”

It’s like a bolt from the blue in a clear sky.

From Noble mtl dot com

He felt as if a storm had swept through him.



Sophia, who had entered the men’s restroom without thinking, came face to face with Beersus as she was leaving, having dispelled the barrier and returned to normal.

“Sophia, why are you here? This is the men’s restroom.”


Of course, she must have thought something was wrong and entered. But it was just a misunderstanding!

Finding herself in the men’s restroom without permission, Beersus might think she’s a crazy woman obsessed with men.

“I thought something had happened because you took so long! I-I didn’t come in here with any ulterior motives!”

On the other hand, Beersus was inwardly terrified.

If only he had come a little earlier, he could have run into the princess!

Or at least, at Sophia’s level, can’t she read traces of magic residue? I need to get out of here quickly.

“Ah… I took a bit too long, hehehe. Let’s hurry and go outside for now. This is the men’s restroom. We shouldn’t be in here.”

Beersus quickly led Sophia out.

* * *


After parting ways with Sophia, Beersus returned to his cozy room and collapsed onto the bed.

It had been a really long day.

Who would have thought he would meet the princess at the academy at this point in time?

First, I bought some time against the princess.

Although I’m not sure what it is, the princess has to compete with the crown prince for the succession. She probably won’t pay much attention to the academy.

Now the problem is Sophia and Arthuria.

Their obsession with me is stronger than I thought.

Arthuria, who suddenly came to me in the middle of the night, and Sophia, who clashed with the princess in the principal’s office.

It seemed like that dream had a greater impact on them than I expected.

It’s true that when a female friend appears in a dream in a past life, she feels more attractive, but….

It’s strange for them to be so obsessed.

It’s not just about having a dream, it’s something else.

The advancement of Claudia and Sophia’s abilities is also a factor.

Rather than a dream….


Yes. It felt like regression.

But that doesn’t make sense.

There was no regression in the original novel.

I haven’t done much, so is it reasonable for such a change to occur?

Jiik Jiik

Secretarys recorded the current situation in their notes.

…I can do it.

It’s actually better than the pitiful situation at first.

The heroines have actually become stronger, so if they can maintain their relationship well, they might have a better chance of surviving.

I… I will definitely survive.


Viceus put out the fire and closed his eyes.

Perhaps it was because of the events of the day, but he fell asleep immediately.



Chae-ang, Chae-ang.



Viceus realized that he was in the middle of a battlefield.

Is this… a dream?


In front of Viceus, a muscular mass of flesh blocked his path.

“hahahaha! I am Ton-Tonura, the commander of the Second Demon Corps of the Demon World!”

The demon, with its entire body covered in black muscles, raised a club larger than an adult male’s shoulder.

“Die, warrior Viceus!”

I’m going to die!

Although he was terrified by the club coming towards his head, Viceus…


Unlike his intentions, his body moved on its own and shattered his bat.

“My treasure personally bestowed upon me by the Demon King!”

Vissus’s body leaped up and sliced through the demon’s body with his powerful sword.

“What do you want?”

His mouth moved on its own, speaking the words.

Vissus realized that he couldn’t move his body freely.

He realized it was a dream, but it felt more like watching a first-person VR movie, unable to move as he pleased.

Vissus continued to roam the battlefield, slaughtering the demons.

No demon could withstand his attacks.

In every path he had taken, his allies had won and all the soldiers praised him.

Is this my power?

In this dream, his body was indeed Vissus’s own.

But that power was akin to the heroes from legends.

A weapon that could cleave any enemy with a single blow, like a legendary demon-slaying weapon.

Not the pitiful body of reality, but the body he desired.

How can I not bring this power to reality?

It was so frustrating that he could only use this mighty power in his dreams.

Or perhaps it would be more fitting to say that he was just an observer.

“Hero! Hero!”

At that moment, a messenger called out to him desperately as they ran towards him.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s, it’s Lady Sophia!”

“Take a deep breath and speak slowly. What’s happening to Lady Sophia?”

The soldier, who had regained his composure, spoke.

“Lady Sophia is single-handedly facing the massive army of demons that launched a surprise attack from the flank!”

As the secretary listened to the messenger’s words, his body immediately started running towards Sophia’s camp, pounding the ground with each step.

An unbelievable speed, as if the surrounding space was folding and shrinking.

And shortly after, Sophia, who was fending off countless demons, came into the secretary’s view.

There were already many corpses of demons slain by Sophia, but there were too many enemies, and Sophia’s body was covered in wounds.


The secretary swung his sword with great force.


A massive blade swept through, decimating the demons who were about to attack Sophia.


The secretary, out of breath, stood shoulder to shoulder with Sophia.

“You fool! Why are you facing such a large army alone! Do you want to die?”

“hahahaha. If this kind of force hits our flank, our main base will crumble. We would be defeated in this battle.”

“We could have sent some troops from the main force to support you! Why are you doing this alone?”

“If we do that, won’t the main force be at a disadvantage… We can’t let that happen.”

“Can I win alone? No need to worry! It’s better if you’re safe…!”

“But you came to save me. I believed in you.”


The two inspectors stood their ground and crushed the oncoming demon army.

Although they were exhausted from the large number of demons, they could see the end of the enemy forces.


The sound of a horn echoed in the distance.

“It seems our main forces have won.”

“We killed all the enemy commanders before they could attack.”

“Reinforcements will arrive soon.”

“Yes. Let’s hold on a little longer.”


Just as they were regaining their resolve, a demon revealed itself and shot a dagger.


It was an ambush by the demon army leader, who had been hiding.

A dagger enveloped in magic.

Vyse noticed that the tip of the demon commander’s dagger was aimed at Sophia.

And that he couldn’t block the attack even if he swung his sword.

Vyse threw himself in front of Sophia.



It was the sword that aimed for Sophia’s head, but Viceus blocked the attack.

“hehehehe. It wasn’t my intention, but I pierced the hero’s chest.”


In a brief moment, Sophia leaped over the wall and swung her sword.


And she cut down the commander and the remaining troops.

“Viceus! Are you okay?”

“Cough… It hurts like hell.”

“Don’t say that!”

“Well, do you think I’ll die from just this kind of injury?”

Sophia knelt down and carefully examined Viceus’s wound. Then she tore her clothes and gave him first aid.

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“Phew. Thankfully, the vital organs are untouched.”

“Cough! What did I just say?”

“Don’t talk, just stay still! We’ll take you to the priest right away.”

Sophia supported Viceus.

“…Thank you.”

Viceus was hanging on Sophia’s back, unable to see her face, but even without seeing it, he could tell that she was blushing.


The ceiling of their lodging appeared before Viceus’s eyes.

Awake… am I?

A dream.

What was it?

Perhaps just a simple dream.

Or maybe it was Sophia’s dream, or a memory from the previous chapter.

Bisarus, in a state of confusion, grabbed the handle of the bathroom to wash up.


And tore the handle off.


Was I always this strong?

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  1. It’s kind of like “Love letter from the future”. But i only read that one’s beginning

    1. amogustimestwo says:

      yeah ig so. that one gets boring at the end tho

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