Extra in a Romance Fantasy chapter 33

Extra in a Romance Fantasy 33

33 – Vacation

After the grand fireworks marked the end of the festival and the Academy bid farewell, the atmosphere at the Academy, which should have returned to the normal calm and lively mood that suited its routine, was, in reality, not quite fitting.

Instead, there was a flow of vitality.

The reason for this peculiar phenomenon was clear.

It was because the vacation was just around the corner.


A time when students could take a break from their busy academic life, go back home, and meet the faces they missed.

Most students naturally welcomed the vacation, and as a result, the atmosphere at the Academy naturally became lively.

In this Academy, which had a completely different atmosphere from the festival, I… was leading a relatively peaceful life.

“Phew. Finally, it’s all over.”

Jack, who had been struggling with his luggage for a while, wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve, letting out a slight sigh.

“…Why do you have so much luggage?”

Jack’s bag was quite bulky for temporary luggage for someone returning home. It was at least the size of a normal ship, or so he thought.


“Is that all?”

“Once you start gathering things that catch your eye, it ends up like this. You know, there’s a lot to buy here, things that you can’t find in ordinary cities.”

Ferdion, due to its location and characteristics, gathered various items from different countries and regions.

Moreover, its development was outstanding, so they even sold things that couldn’t be found in ordinary cities.

Therefore, it was clear that it wouldn’t be too difficult to find gifts for those waiting back home, even if he only sold a few items.

…No matter how you look at it, though, it seems like too much.

“Oh well. Just thinking about the nagging already makes me tired.”

Jack, finished organizing his luggage, threw himself onto the bed with a light sigh.

Although he said it like that, there was no indication of him actually disliking it in his expression.

Perhaps, deep down, he didn’t dislike it that much.

Returning home, and meeting his parents.

“What are you going to do when you go back?”

“What am I going to do? Just rest and relax, I guess.”

It was the expected answer.

Enthusiasm and diligence didn’t suit Jack at all.

If he showed such a side, it would either be acting or he had gone crazy.

“What about you? What are you going to do?”

This time, Jack asked me.

Upon hearing his question, I pondered for a moment.

“Well… I guess there won’t be much difference between you and me.”

I thought about it from various angles, but it didn’t seem like there would be anything particularly busy for me.

Maybe, it would be a vacation that was close to ordinary.

The reason I expressed it as ‘close to ordinary’ instead of ‘ordinary’ was because there was already something on my mind at this point.

‘Alexis and Cedric will definitely come along.’

Alexis and Cedric, who had fallen head over heels for Mary, would follow her this vacation.

Since it was the same in the original work.

Even though I deviated significantly from the original story while rescuing Estelle, it probably didn’t affect those parts too much. Following them like Mary seems almost certain.

I’m naturally in a position to return with Mary, and since our living situations are practically the same, I’ll have to face those guys even if I don’t like it.

But, well, it’s okay.

In the first place, those two aren’t interested in me, and even though it might be frustrating, they’re not the type to cause big trouble.

I remember that there weren’t any significant problems in the original work.

There were minor incidents, but it was at a level where you could say it was peaceful enough.

So, I probably don’t need to worry too much.

I just need to rest comfortably in my hometown after a long time.

…Well, not that I have nothing to do at all.

“Hmm… Is that so?”

“…What’s with that reaction?”

Jack, who would usually dismiss my words without much interest, showed a subtle reaction.

To that unexpected response, I couldn’t help but inquire.

“No, it’s just something I’ve been thinking about lately.”

Jack looked at me silently.

“For someone who usually tries to avoid troublesome things, you seem to get involved in them quite frequently, and in that regard, it always feels like it doesn’t go as you expect, so this time─”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

I glared at Jack with cold eyes.

After all, words should be chosen carefully.

What nonsense is he talking about?

“…Why are you looking at me like that again? It’s just a joke.”

Although Jack avoided my gaze with a slightly uncomfortable expression, I didn’t stop sending him a stern look.

‘This break must not go wrong.’

The academy life that I didn’t want turned out to be more challenging and arduous than I thought.

Now, I wanted to rest too.

From Noble mtl dot com

And there’s no better time to rest than during the vacation.

So, this time, no incidents should occur.

Absolutely not.

Time passed, and finally, the academy welcomed the last day of the first semester.

From tomorrow onwards, students would begin leaving the academy, one by one.

Not everyone was leaving at once; some had personal reasons or were waiting for farewells and would depart in a few days.

However, it was true that a significant number of students would be leaving the academy tomorrow.

And in a matter of days, most students would have left the academy, and it would become quiet.

Of course, not every student was going back home.

Some, due to various circumstances, wouldn’t return home and would continue staying at the academy.

The academy didn’t pay much attention as long as they had properly applied in advance.

Well, such individuals were a minority, though.

“Let’s finish packing the luggage.”

Mary and I were leaving the academy the day after tomorrow.

And Jack would be heading home tomorrow.

Thinking that I should relax alone until then, I was on my way back to the dormitory.

“It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Wade.”


Someone recognized me and greeted me. It was none other than Rachel.

“Are you on your way back to the dormitory?”


In response to my concise answer, Rachel nodded lightly.

“And what about you, Rachel?”

“I was just about to head back too.”

Today, her eye-catching shiny hair fluttered gently in the wind as she smiled somewhat mysteriously.

It was an ordinary conversation, and she was a beauty to the point that any man would find it hard not to smile just from talking to her. However, I felt an uneasiness that didn’t quite fit.

Lately, I had noticed that her mood was somewhat uncomfortable.

No, rather than uncomfortable, it was more like she had become a bit sharper.

And it wasn’t just limited to her; even Ayla was the same.

They had both become like this not too long ago.

Perhaps it had started from the time Estelle began participating in the club as a gratitude.

When I observed that delicate moment, it wasn’t difficult to speculate that the changes in Rachel and Ayla were somehow related to Estelle.

Originally, both of them seemed indifferent to Estelle, so it might be a natural progression, in a way.

In truth, it’s not that I can’t comprehend it. Looking from the outside, Estelle might be the type of person with no particularly favorable reputation—perhaps someone one would naturally avoid.

I know the reality is different, but unless you have a proper conversation, you wouldn’t know.

“It would be nice if they became friends.”

Rachel and Ayla have amiable personalities, and while Estelle may seem a bit prickly, she’s not as sharp as she appears.

So, I think if they opened their hearts to each other in conversation, they could become quite friendly.

If that happens, the stifling atmosphere in the club for me might also disappear.

…Well, I only think about it; I don’t actually say it.

Human relationships aren’t something that should be formed by external intervention.

All I can do is wait, hoping that time will resolve things.

“You mentioned that you’ll be going back to your hometown during the vacation?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Well, I hope you have a joyful and relaxing vacation.”

“Thank you.”

I nodded approvingly at Rachel’s words.

Conversations must flow naturally.

Continuing, I asked Rachel, “What are your plans for the break?”

“Oh, I… I think I’ll stay at the academy.”

Her tone was light, but her expression was subtly dark.


I don’t know the details of what she’s going through.

Based on the original description and the conversation we had on the terrace when we first met, I can only guess that there might be some family issues.

Although she chose to stay at the academy contrary to the original storyline, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the problem has been perfectly resolved.

Perhaps not returning to her family during the vacation is related to that.

Looking at her expression and the atmosphere, it doesn’t seem to be an immediate serious situation, but that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned.

If things continue like this, she’ll be spending a long time alone in the seemingly empty academy.

Maybe it’s because I’ve let my imagination run wild with that image.

“If it’s alright, would you like to come down to my hometown with me?”

I blurted out those words without thinking.


Rachel’s eyes widened.

It was a face I rarely saw on her – not the usual composed and calm countenance.

Perhaps it was such an unexpected proposal.

Meeting her gaze, I continued speaking.

“I thought spending time alone at the academy might get too boring.”

Anyway, it’s a given that Cedric and Alexis will tag along somehow.

So, having one more guest there wouldn’t be a big deal.

Of course, inviting someone as a guest compared to Mary, the landlady, inviting someone is a different situation. But that can be explained to Mary.

Warm-hearted Mary would readily nod in agreement, and her adoptive parents would happily welcome a guest as well.

“Well, um, that’s… quite sudden, isn’t it…?”

For me, it was a casual suggestion, but it seemed different from the perspective of acceptance.

Rachel showed an unusual mix of confusion and not entirely positive reaction.

Maybe it was due to the mood; her cheeks seemed to turn slightly crimson.

Why was she reacting so strongly?

As I pondered the reason for her reaction for a moment…


I soon found the answer.

‘That’s why.’

“No need to worry. Since my childhood friend Mary and other companions will be there. The place you’d stay would be Mary’s estate.”

Rachel might have expected such a reaction.

It might have sounded like a stranger asking abruptly to accompany them to their hometown.

“…Ah, I see.”

Rachel’s response was subtle.

No, it went beyond that; it seemed more like outright disappointment.

…Hmm. Must be the mood, right?

“…Okay. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to come along.”

However, that state of mind didn’t last long.

Rachel eventually accepted my proposal with a determined look on her face.

And so, our group grew by one.

It wasn’t originally planned, but I didn’t mind.

Since I was the one who made the suggestion, and Rachel would have been on my mind if I had just left her behind.

One more person wouldn’t make much of a difference.

I’ll have to pay some attention since she’s a guest I personally invited, but Rachel isn’t the type to be too difficult, so it should be fine.

With these thoughts in mind, I changed the direction of my steps.

I needed to inform Mary that I had invited Rachel.

I went to Mary’s dormitory to explain the situation, and Mary nodded without hesitation.

With that settled, time passed once again.

And finally, the day came when we were leaving the academy.

“Hmm, a trip to another country. It’s quite exciting, isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes, I’m counting on you…”

I sensed that something was wrong.

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  1. Danoc says:

    You idiot

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