Extra in a Romance Fantasy chapter 36

Extra in a Romance Fantasy 36

36 – Homecoming

If we exclude the fact that time seemed to slip away, our journey was remarkably smooth.

There were no significant dangers, and no particular incidents occurred.

Of course, there were minor occurrences along the way, such as encountering bandits or facing the threat of those living a lawless life trying to ambush our group.

However, they never posed a real threat to us.

Estelle’s guards had dealt with most of those situations beforehand, and for those that seemed a bit untimely, I took care of them myself.

Anyway, after more than ten days of such peaceful days, the journey came to an end.

A long and arduous one.

Undoubtedly, it was indeed lengthy, but the sense of the journey being even longer finally reached its conclusion.

At last, we arrived in the city of Raykinwood, the home of the Blunoa family.

In the distance, the familiar walls of Raykinwood stretched endlessly before me.


Mary’s voice rang out from the carriage beside me.

It’s only natural to feel excited seeing one’s hometown after a long time.

However, it wasn’t just Mary who showed such a mood.

The members in this carriage, including Rachel, Ayla, and Estelle, each seemed to harbor anticipation in their eyes.

Rather than feeling contentment at their excitement, I felt a slight sense of concern.

Could I truly meet their expectations, I wondered.

Raykinwood may be called a city, but compared to where they lived before, it might seem humble and perhaps even shabby.

Hoping that their expectations wouldn’t turn into disappointment, I gazed once again at the approaching walls of Raykinwood.

Unexpectedly, I too began to feel a surge of emotion.

As the longing for gentleness brushed past my heart, it seemed that Raykinwood, too, was becoming my hometown.

And so, Mary and I returned to our hometown after half a year.


Easily passing through Raykinwood’s inspection, the carriage finally entered without stopping.

Passing the entrance, the bustling streets, and the rural areas, a large building became distinct in the distance.

And the gate leading to that entrance.

The carriage, slowing down gradually, came to a stop in front of that gate.

However, the stop itself was brief, and the carriage soon moved forward again.

The soldiers guarding the gate exchanged a few words upon seeing Carlson’s face, swiftly opening the door for him.

The carriage thus passed through the gate and entered into an orderly arranged garden, finally coming to a halt in front of the mansion.

As the carriage came to a complete stop, the companions began disembarking one by one.

It was right about the time when everyone had stepped off the carriage.

A large door befitting the size of the mansion swung open, and a few people walked out from within.

To me, they were very familiar faces.

Suddenly, someone from our group dashed towards them.

“Father! Mother!”

Then, extending both arms, they rushed towards the man and woman standing in front of the mansion’s door.

The man and woman seemed a bit taken aback, yet they soon softened, embracing their daughter Mary affectionately.

“It’s been a while!”

She said while smiling.

“It has indeed.”

Brunoa Jasak and his wife welcomed their daughter with a smile strikingly resembling hers.

“Mary, you shouldn’t dash like that, especially in front of guests.”

Of course, it wasn’t all just greetings; they gently scolded their daughter’s impulsive behavior.

“Sorry, hehehe.”

With a completely unapologetic smile, Mary giggled, and I took a step forward.

“It’s been a while since we last met.”

I courteously greeted Jasak and his wife.

“Long time no see, Wade.”

“Have you been well?”

Jasak and his wife directed a gentle smile toward me, reminiscent of Mary’s soft and bright smile.

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“You seem to have grown in that time.”


Jasak and his wife appraised me with a once-over.

Whether it was a customary remark or if I had actually grown taller… I wasn’t quite sure.

Although I might still be at an age where I’d grow, I didn’t anticipate such a dramatic change.

While I was a bit concerned about the truth behind it, as there wasn’t a situation to delve deeper into that mystery, I promptly took a step back.

Naturally, so as to not draw attention from the others.

“Welcome, please come in.”

Brunoah’s Lord welcomed the party with an attitude that exuded the dignity befitting the head of a lineage.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

Each member of the party politely greeted the Lord in response.

The Brunoah lineage wasn’t a particularly influential or wealthy one.

Though they held their own place in history, frankly, given the backgrounds of the party members, there was no need to overly observe etiquette.

If anything, it should have been the Lord who felt a bit out of place.

However, in reality, that wasn’t the case.

Because the party had concealed their identities.

Before departing, I had gathered the party and suggested it.

To conceal their status while at the Brunoah estate.

It was as clear as daylight that individuals with backgrounds like theirs revealing their status without restraint would undoubtedly elicit reactions from Lord Brunoah and his household, as well as the Brunoah servants.

Fortunately, the party readily accepted my proposal, and here we are now.

For that reason, except for the individuals involved and myself, and Mary, nobody knows the true identities of the party.

They are simply seen as noble acquaintances of Mary, forming friendships from the academy.

Neither Lord Brunoah nor his wife were the kind to discriminate based on status or background, so I was confident this situation wouldn’t pose a problem.

…Yet that doesn’t mean there was absolutely no cause for concern.

There was one person who weighed heavily on my mind, to be frank, someone I was greatly worried about.

That person, needless to say, was Estelle.

While she did agree to my proposal without much fuss, I couldn’t help but worry.

She, who had never been in the company of high-ranking individuals since birth, I wondered if she could truly manage to speak politely or appropriately.

However, in the end, it was needless worry.

Although she lacked a certain stiffness, Estelle was still engaging in proper etiquette, exchanging greetings with Lord Brunoah and his wife.

As I heaved a sigh of relief watching her behave normally, someone entered my field of vision.

A figure stood behind Lord Brunoah and his wife, upright and composed, silently gazing in our direction.

Neatly arranged hair and a suit without a single wrinkle.

Uncommonly black hair and dark eyes that left an impression.

Yet simultaneously, a stoic and unyielding expression that emitted an inexplicable sense of pressure.

At first glance, someone who didn’t seem particularly approachable. To me, however, this individual with an impression that lacked softness seemed oddly familiar.

The steward managing the affairs of the Blunoa family and assisting the head of the household, Lord Blunoa.

Lawrence Heblon.

My father.


How should I greet in this situation?

I don’t have the courage to run up like Mary and exchange friendly greetings.

Above all, trying such a thing as a grown man would only make it awkward.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I opted to simply nod my head in greeting.

In response, my father faintly nodded his head.

During this awkward moment, I found myself awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

“And this is Lawrence. The steward of the Blunoa family.”

Lord Blunoa suddenly introduced my father to the group.

Whether it was planned or not, a moment of confusion briefly flickered in my father’s eyes.

However, that moment was short-lived, and my father immediately extended a courteous greeting to the group.

“I am Lawrence Heblon, the steward of the Blunoa family.”

Despite the abrupt situation, there was no flaw in his attitude and behavior.

Feeling a slight sense of relief, I nodded my head while observing his demeanor.

“Heblon… you say?”

“Well, that’s the family name of Mr. Wade….”

The group showed a more surprised reaction than expected.

They widened their eyes and stared intently at my father’s face.

Then, their gaze shifted awkwardly to my face, standing behind.


“… He resembles you.”

Alexis and Cedric nodded their heads.

Well, he is my father.

…Well, he’s wealthy, at least.

Anyway, it wasn’t planned, but it worked out.

Although these individuals weren’t unkind enough to mistreat anyone, knowing that he was my father would probably make them handle things a bit more smoothly, no matter what happens.

That’s how I was organizing my thoughts.

With eyes wide open, Estelle and I exchanged glances, alternating between each other and my father.

Then, soon enough, a smile graced her face.

The playful, mischievous smile I always knew.

“…No way.”

It couldn’t be.


I sent a fervent gaze her way, but despite catching that look, her smile deepened on her face.

And then, she started walking. Toward none other than my father.

With dignified steps, Estelle approached my father, offering a polite greeting.

“I am Estelle Einfield.”

A flawless greeting, impeccable in etiquette and overflowing with grace.

It might have been too much for a mere servant to express, but up to that point, it was fine.

If she were simply known as a courteous noble lady, everyone would have let it slide.


“Nice to meet you, Father.”

Following those words, the banquet hall fell silent as if a bomb had dropped.


In the silence, you could almost hear the sound of ants crawling.

The frozen expressions of Rachel and Ayla, the icy glares from the lord and lady, the servants, and my father.

Looking at them all, I felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of injustice.

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  1. Ayato says:

    Estelle is smart she planning to get his father permission first because mc is dense

  2. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    Estelle is so wild hahaha

  3. Owl-the-Sleepman says:

    Hahaha 🤣

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