Extra in a Romance Fantasy chapter 38

Extra in a Romance Fantasy 38

38 – Outing


The second day of the vacation, welcomed from his hometown.

Wade had been feeling a strange atmosphere since morning.

However, since he didn’t know where this strange atmosphere was coming from, he looked around to figure out the cause.

“Good morning!”

The usual Mary.

No, that’s not it.

“Mary, good morning.”

Alexis, whose expression loosened noticeably.

Not here either.

“…Good morning.”

Cedric, offering a morning greeting that Wade likely never heard from Mary during her lifetime.

But it wasn’t her.

Then who on earth could it be?

The answer was not difficult to find.

“Good morning, Mr. Wade,” said Rachel, offering a gentle smile with her greeting.

And a lively greeting from Jo, more spirited than usual.

Wade sensed a peculiar change in the two of them.

It was hard to describe what it was exactly, but something had definitely changed.

“Oh? Everyone’s already up.”

At that moment, Estelle descended from above.

And in that moment.



Once again, the atmosphere between Rachel and Jo shifted.


Wade heard a hallucination.

As if sparks were flying before his eyes.


In the rising tension, Wade swallowed dryly.

Fortunately, that state did not last long.

“…Well, I’ll excuse myself.”

“I’ll, I’ll see you later….”

Rachel and Jo, who had been staring at Estelle with intense gazes, soon left their seats.

The tense atmosphere that had been palpable quickly returned to tranquility.

“…What did you do?”

With a somewhat bewildered expression, Wade alternately looked at the departing two women and asked Estelle.

“Why are you asking me about that?”

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Estelle replied with a gruff expression.

“…No, it seems like there’s some connection with conveying a feeling.”

Wade responded to Estelle’s question with a slightly awkward expression.

“Hmm… Well.”

Estelle, looking at Wade with eyes that hinted a bit of disappointment in his answer, turned her head in the direction where Rachel and Ayla had disappeared.

Then, with a calm expression, she opened her mouth.

“Maybe a fire started, who knows.”


“Nothing. Anyway, I’m hungry.”

Passing by Wade, who still had a bewildered face, Estelle walked towards the dining room.

“…What was that?”

In the end, only Wade, who didn’t understand English, was left in that place.


Arriving at the destination, my hometown, was great, but it didn’t mean that the vacation I had originally expected had begun.

Resting all day long, liberated from studies and training? That’s impossible.

Because there are guests.

Two of them are Mary’s guests, but the remaining three are my guests.

Even if two of them are guests I didn’t invite, as long as they are guests who have come here, it’s impossible to just shut them out and stay locked in the room.

It’s not only a matter of the honor of the Blunoa family but also a matter of courtesy.

If I were to do such a thing, it would be as certain as my father getting angry as if seeing a clear flame.

In the end, I had to entertain the guests whether I liked it or not.

It would be convenient if the guests could entertain themselves, but it seemed unlikely when I glanced around, so in the end, I had no choice but to provide them with some entertainment.

And the first thing that came to my mind as entertainment was…

“Let’s go to the downtown.”

Naturally, it was an outing.

The Blunoa family mansion is reasonably large, but still, it has its limits in size.

You can’t spend time exploring like a castle somewhere or an academy that’s unnecessarily vast.

However, it’s not like the companions are the type to enjoy a quiet tea time and spend a peaceful time, so it was natural to divert their attention outward.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you see it, the reaction of the group was positive.

Rachel, Ayla, and Estelle each showed interest, while Alexis and Cedric didn’t even consider anyone other than Mary from the start, declaring that they would follow her even into the abyss.

In any case, we left the mansion and headed to the bustling street of Lakeenwood.

Of course, by carriage.

For a while, I surrendered my body to the swaying motion, with the sound of hooves hitting the well-maintained road serving as background music.

Our party descended into Lakeenwood’s lively district.

“It’s so lively here.”

Observing the scene of the bustling district, Rachel expressed her sentiment.

To that sentiment, I nodded in silent agreement.

Lakeenwood is indeed a lively place.

Of course, which city isn’t, but Lakeenwood gives off a livelier vibe compared to other cities of similar size.

The reason might be that people’s expressions here are brighter.

Lakeenwood is not an exceptionally busy city.

Even if it’s well-kept, it’s not a place that stands out beyond the ordinary.

However, despite being such an ordinary city, the faces of people walking down the streets are filled with smiles.

Perhaps, this difference is what creates this liveliness.

Moreover, I think the credit for this brightness goes to the Blue Noah family, who practically govern the city.

It’s hard to say that the head of the Blue Noah family is an exceptionally skilled person, but personally, I think he is beyond reproach in terms of character.

Despite being born as nobility, he treats everyone equally regardless of status.

He doesn’t harbor greed for the accumulation of wealth and shares with others if there’s something left.

A city run by such a person is undoubtedly warmer than other places.


People with bright expressions and the streets serving as their backdrop.

This scene is familiar to me.

Born here, raised here, spending a whopping 18 years in this place, it’s impossible for me not to be familiar with it.

Normally, I wouldn’t have felt any emotions toward this familiar scenery. However, perhaps due to seeing it again after half a year, this familiar view seemed a bit unfamiliar and emotionally overwhelming today.

And so, amidst these unexpected feelings, I found myself gazing at the lively scenery of the district.

“Wade oppa?”

The voice calling my name reached my ears.


“Huh? Sera?”

A girl with chestnut-colored hair cascading down to her shoulders, appearing to be around sixteen, made an impression. With eyes sharp like a cat, she approached Wade, widening them in surprise.

“Are you really Wade oppa?”

“Well, who else would it be? Long time no see.”

In an unusual display, Wade responded with a rare smile, spreading warmth and clarity.

“You’re really back now?!”

“As if. I just came down for the break.”

“Ah, come on. I got excited for nothing.”

The girl and Wade gradually engaged in conversation, their interaction seemingly familiar, as if they had known each other for a long time.


Observing this, Rachel, Ayla, and Estelle exchanged slightly astonished glances. It was indeed unusual to see Wade in such a friendly manner.

Wade Heblon.

While not devoid of emotions, he rarely exhibited such behavior at the academy. Normally, he kept to himself, and even when interacting with acquaintances, his expression seldom relaxed to this extent.

Seeing him like this was naturally surprising.

Simultaneously, another emotion stirred within the hearts of the three women.

It was wariness.

The reason was evident.

The emotions reflected in Sera’s eyes, directed towards Wade, seemed no different from what they harbored.

However, their wariness soon subsided.

Upon closer observation, it seemed unnecessary to be on guard.

Although he displayed an unusual demeanor, there was no indication that he held any special feelings towards the other party. It was likely just a reaction to the joy of meeting after a long time.

While it was clear that Sera harbored affection for Wade, the three women didn’t pay much attention. They judged that, being still young and not a formidable competitor, she wasn’t worth worrying about.

Having calmly assessed the situation, they regained their composure.


That leisure didn’t last long before it began to waver once again.

“Hey, Wade?”

A demure-looking woman who seemed to work at a general store.

“It’s Wade, right?”

A woman with a slightly rough demeanor, her hair cut short.

“Mr. Wade!”

A girl with an appearance that could unwittingly occupy the position of a young boy’s first love, appealing to protective instincts.

Truly endless, and it was all because of the appearance of women who approached Wade, seemingly oblivious to the end, and even then, it didn’t stop there.

“Oh my, Wade… you’ve become even more dignified.”

A married woman or perhaps a widow, judging by her appearance, sent him a meaningful glance.

“Wade, hyung…!”

There was even a boy running towards him, cheeks flushed.

And so, Wade found himself surrounded by a diverse array of people in an instant.

In that absurd spectacle, the tranquility in the hearts of those women disappeared without a trace.

Come to think of it, it wasn’t so strange.

Who was Wade Heblon, after all?

Even if it wasn’t his business, even if it had nothing to do with him, he was the owner of an uncanny sense of meddling, jumping to the aid of anyone in trouble, and the extent of it was immeasurable.

They were a perfect example.

Not having a particularly deep relationship, and even being avoided, he risked his life to rush in and awkwardly saved them.

But that was him.

Possessing an impudence even wider than the vast grounds of the seemingly unnecessary academy.

Had he just stayed quiet in his hometown of Lakeinwood for the 18 long years he lived there?

The answer was known to everyone.

‘It’s absolutely impossible,’ one would say.

During the time he stayed here, he would not have rested, delving into all sorts of matters without getting tired.

And he probably helped solve the worries of many.

Naturally, when someone helps you in times of crisis, you tend to develop a liking for them.

But if that person happens to be Wade?

If a man is talented, kind, and even has exceptional looks.

Can one not have special feelings towards such a person?


Rachel, Ira, and Estelle looked at each other.

They didn’t exchange any special words, but they understood.

That the other person shares the same thoughts.

That there are far more competitors than they anticipated.

And as long as that man continues his insolence, those competitors will only increase.

There is no room for complacency.



As she watched Wade, surrounded by women, with trembling eyes, Del felt a small sense of sympathy.

Del was already aware of the emotions that these women hold towards Wade.

That’s why she sympathized with them.

It’s not because Wade is a bad man.

Objectively speaking, Wade is a decent… no, he’s a considerably decent man.

With exceptional skills to easily enter the academy, a kind personality, and a handsome appearance.

He is such a good man that it would be difficult to find one in this rural area.

However, he becomes too infatuated with women.

He unintentionally moves his body out of goodwill, but as a result, his actions incur the favor of women.

To the point where even the residents of Leightonwood, who’ve fallen for his charm, can’t count on their fingers and toes.

With so many people being swept away, it’s inevitable for rumors to spread.

Because of that, the people of Bluenoa Manor were well aware of that aspect of Wade.

There was a reason why everyone looked at Wade with tired eyes when Estelle greeted Lawrence.

With such a provocative subject that incessantly stirs the hearts of women, there is no peace of mind for those who have their sights set on him.

Therefore, Del sympathized with the three women.

Because she knew that their path to achieving their goals would not be smooth.

However, that didn’t mean she was rooting for them.

The reason is…

Del’s gaze turned to her.

Standing there was her owner, Mary, watching the scene with a smiling face.

The smile on her face was Mary’s unique bright and vibrant smile, which made anyone feel better just by looking at it, and everyone in Raywood knew it.

But to Del, who had been watching Mary for a long time, that smile did not appear as bright as it seemed.

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  1. Bro even attracted a guy

  2. Story Reader14 says:

    isn’t that why Mary forced MC to enter the academy so that there would be less competition

  3. Story Reader14 says:

    High level solid MC. the whole hometown loves him and he doesn’t realize it

  4. ACYNED says:

    I’ve been wondering about Mary…

  5. Komaru s Komaru s says:

    I actually thought Mary didn’t like him as she was still making her harem but we are never shown her pov and she’s always smiling.

  6. Extra Extra says:

    Pulling pretty much most women in his hometown, the Trio, and even Mary too eh?

    My hats off to him. That dense mofo 😅

  7. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    damn my boi is a giga chad also…. wtf is wrong with Ayla or whatever her name is. She has the most name in this novel lol Its Aya, Ayla, Ira, Jo etc etc.

  8. Le Fae Le Fae says:

    Give us Mary’s POV!!!

  9. simplethrone says:

    LMAO no wonder. He did it to other people even without any story compulsion.

    1. simplethrone says:

      Also everyone knows that he’s that kind of guy.

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