Extra in a Romance Fantasy chapter 9

Extra in a Romance Fantasy 9

9 – Ayla Librion (1) (Revised)

The beginning of everything started in one liberal arts lecture.

The lecture, titled ‘Nature and Indigenous Beliefs,’ with an undoubtedly boring name, was relatively acceptable due to the lack of significant assignments. The professor’s talk, which became somewhat interesting as I continued listening, made me secretly satisfied with my choice of this lecture.

However, that satisfaction came to an end today.

To be precise, the moment the professor assigned a group project, the evaluation was concluded.

In reality, the group project itself wasn’t a big problem, just annoying. Moreover, with only two members per group this time, even if it became a villainous group, as long as I endured a bit of annoyance, I could manage it alone.

The problem was, she was my teammate.

“Alright, I’m counting on you…”

Becoming a part of her group only left me with resentment towards our professor.

“Of all people…”

I ended up in the very group I wanted to avoid the most.

If only there had been more teammates, I could have minimized our interaction. But with just the two of us in the group, that wasn’t possible.

“…I’m counting on you.”

I held back the immediate urge to flee and let out a sigh inwardly.


Contrary to my worries, working with the girl went smoother than expected.

Well, maybe that was to be expected. After all, the reason I hadn’t sought contact with her wasn’t because of her personality.

“It can’t be helped.”

Since it turned out this way, I decided to swiftly finish the assignment and let our connection become merely a momentary alliance between group members.

Of course, collaborating on the assignment meant inevitable encounters, but I resolved to compress those moments as dryly as possible.

“Um, I brought the research materials…”

“Then, this part should be handled like this…”

“Then I’ll take care of the next section…”

Fortunately, every time we met, the girl seemed tense but cooperated diligently on the assignment. Thanks to her, progress was quicker than anticipated.

Despite visibly finding me challenging, her actions were consistently sincere.

As a noble herself, she always addressed me politely and with utmost respect.

Just considering this aspect, she was an innocuous girl through and through.

While her notably passive nature could be seen as a flaw, when combined with her cute, small-animal-like appearance, it seemed trivial to label it as a disadvantage.

In this way, even though she lacked any apparent flaws, why did I hesitate to get involved with her?

The reason was simple.

She, Ira Livreion, was the first antagonist character in the original ‘Ferdian Academy,’ a novel series.


Ira Livreion.

A girl possessing an indisputable top-tier skill among the combat departments where the continent’s prodigies gathered.

That alone would’ve made her famous among the academy’s students, but she had an even greater reputation compared to her skill.

Not because of her own merit, but because of her father.

About ten years ago, during the height of the war between humanity and demons.

While most battles raged on the front lines, a group of demons decided to break away from the front and move south.

It was a common occurrence, but the scale of this particular group was different from the usual. It included a calamity-level demon that could shake a nation on its own.

At that time, most of humanity’s forces were tied to the front lines, leaving no one in a position to stop the advance of this group.

Brave individuals tried to stand in their way, but it only resulted in more casualties.

During this time of increasing damage from the demon group, a man suddenly appeared, defeated the calamity-level demon, and dispersed the group.

In exchange for his life, the man became a hero, and the people bestowed upon him the title of ‘Guardian Knight.’

And that Guardian Knight’s daughter is none other than Ira Librion.

Can the daughter of such a hero go unnoticed when she enrolls in the academy?

Many had high expectations for Ira’s abilities, and she confidently rose to the top ranks of the combat class, meeting the expectations placed upon her.

With exceptional background, outstanding skills, a beautiful appearance, and a somewhat shy but diligent and kind personality, Ira Librion became widely known among the students of the combat class.

Perhaps there are more people who know her than those who don’t, even if one were to search the entire academy.

In this way, she became a perfect character that one might expect to appear in a story, but sadly, she was not the protagonist of the novel.

In the original work, she didn’t appear as the main character but rather as an enemy.

Her first appearance in the novel is during the tournament in the middle of the first semester.

There, Ira Librion, who first appeared, is defeated by Cedric, one of the disciples of the Sword Master.

Since there is almost no description of her after that, she seems like an extra character who doesn’t appear again, but she does reappear shortly afterward.

Infested by a parasitic demon, the ‘Dark Blade.’

Under the influence of the Dark Blade’s power, Ira, a student of the academy, turns one of the academy buildings into a dungeon, trapping many inside, including the protagonist, Mary.

Mary, along with Alexis and Cedric, who were present at the scene, proceeds through the dungeon, facing numerous hardships, and eventually subdues Ira, dominated by the Dark Blade, ending the disturbance.

During this process, Cedric develops a fondness for Mary.

This is the reason I decided to avoid any contact with her.

She is the first to appear as an enemy in the original work, creating the foundation for a new episode.

Although I have intervened in the past to rescue Rachel, the situation with Rachel and Ira is different.

Rachel was initially an extra character in the original work, not even properly named.

“This time, I really shouldn’t get involved.”

This time, I vowed to stay quiet. I decided that I would refrain from intervening.

And a few more days passed.

“Today, we will have a combat session.”

The voice of Combat and Tactics professor, Wurt, resonated throughout the training hall.

The students’ reactions, however, were surprisingly calm.

After spending a considerable amount of time since enrollment, they had grown accustomed to life in the academy.

Due to the curriculum’s emphasis on combat sessions, frequent sparring matches were no longer a novelty to them.

“Then, I will announce the matchups.”

While observing their opponents, they began to warm up their bodies, knowing they would have to adjust accordingly.

“Cedric Allenhart and Ayla Librion.”

As soon as Wurt’s words echoed, my movements came to a halt.

Simultaneously, the atmosphere in the room grew tense.

The names that were announced this time drew attention from all around.

Cedric Allenhart, a disciple of swordsmanship who had shown overwhelming talent since his enrollment.

And Ayla Librion, a warrior known not to fall behind in swordsmanship, the daughter of a renowned knight and recipient of high praise comparable to Cedric.

According to the rumors circulating in the Combat and Tactics department, it was inevitable for the two rivals to face each other in combat, attracting an undeniable amount of attention.

However, my surprise was not solely due to that reason.

‘…The future has changed…’

In the original work, the duel between the two of them took place later than it does now.

And as mentioned then, it was their first duel.

In other words, this deviated from the original storyline.

“Why is that?”

One immediate cause that came to mind was my intervention during the previous training session.

“No, that can’t be it.”

Certainly, Rachel’s fate had changed from the original story, but her existence shouldn’t have such an impact. She had no relevance to the Combat and Tactics department.

“I can’t know the exact reason. But…”

I couldn’t help but think that it was highly likely to be related to me.

Nothing else had changed except for me.

“There are also parts that can be inferred…”

While combat sessions were typically conducted in a rotational manner, there were certain criteria for selecting the matchups.

The presence there must have somehow influenced things.

Just thinking about it, a presence that wasn’t in the original suddenly appeared.

“Still, this should be fine.”

Though not at ease due to the emergence of variables, he forced himself to calm down.

It wasn’t a significant variable, and the confrontation between the two was bound to happen someday.

“…Is both sides ready?”



Cedric responded calmly to Professor Wurt’s confirmation, while Ayla nodded with a tense expression.

Wurt, confirming their reactions, took a step back.

“Well then, let’s begin.”

And as Wurt’s signal dropped,


Cedric swiftly leaped forward.


Ayla, composed, predicted Cedric’s movement path and swung her sword.

The prediction seemed quite fitting; it appeared as if Cedric would be effortlessly cut down by Ayla’s sword if he continued on this path.

However, that didn’t happen.


A piercing metallic sound echoed as Ayla’s sword was forcefully knocked outward.


Ayla hurriedly adjusted her posture, deflecting Cedric’s sword that was thrust toward her, a move she had anticipated since the shock had been absorbed beforehand.

Yet Cedric wasn’t just watching passively.


Cedric changed the trajectory of his sword midway, maintaining the same attacking momentum, aiming fiercely at Ayla, who had just avoided the attack.

Ayla widened her eyes at this peculiar trajectory, but she wasn’t merely taking the hit.

Unnoticed, she wielded the shock-absorbed sword with full force.

Whether it was the posture or the momentum, it seemed like an attack filled with abundant magical power, one that Cedric would find difficult to casually deflect.



Cedric skillfully blocked Aiira’s full-powered attack.

Not stopping there, he reversed the momentum and launched an assault towards Aiira.

Aiira retaliated in kind, but Cedric held the upper hand.

The exchange evolved beyond a typical fight, far surpassing the students’ usual standards.


Cedric’s sword loomed before Aiira’s neck.


“Enough. The victory in this duel belongs to Cedric Alenhart.”

Ultimately, Cedric emerged victorious.


Sheathing his sword, Cedric returned to his place with an indifferent expression.

Not a hint of joy was visible on his face.


Aiira, momentarily stunned, gazed at her sword before collecting it and leaving the dueling grounds.

“Wow… That was no joke. I wonder if I could have lasted even five seconds.”

“But it ended easier than expected, didn’t it? Guess Aiira’s no match for Cedric after all?”

Murmurs among the students hinted at Aiira’s presence.

Her expression remained usual, but her gaze seemed less radiant than before.

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  1. Ayato says:

    First Mc still think they as novel characters even he posses from child until now, second he still not realize his existence is variable itself and already changed the story, well after read lot of this kind stories with better mindset mc this make mc annoying to me

  2. Arcus101 says:

    And that’s why trying to preserve variables when you are someone that aren’t supposed to be there is silly, anything that is decided using random matchups will inevitably get impacted and relationships among people will then be impacted and it all just snowballs from there.

    Also MC, you always said this is for her sake and what not, but you never explain what it is that will happen and why she even needs some kind of reverse harem. Because MC, if she doesn’t really need a reverse harem for her future because of some world endangering thing or something, it is kinda weird for you to go and hoped she will make a reverse harem for herself, not gonna lie. Just ship her with one of them and be done with it instead of creating pointless drama for her to experience why don’t you. So I hope there is a proper reason for you to go get her chased after by various dudes.

  3. Canele says:

    You saved one person on the rollcall and didn’t think nothing would happen? LMAO

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