How the Shadow of the Marquis Lives chapter 115

How the Shadow of the Marquis Lives 115

Chapter 115

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Just now.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Joined by Erze, who sent the letter to both dormitories, Xian and the others left the academy.

The knight standing guard at the main gate looked suspiciously at him, but he had no right to stop Xian.

Because Roderick gave permission for the students of the Empire to return whenever they wanted.

After entering the downtown area, the party headed outside the manor.

“Is there a chance of winning?”

On the way, Hector asked in a light tone.

Xian glanced at him.

“How do you see it?”


“Have you ever fought a giant?”

“I’ve never had a fight before.”

Hector scratched his nose and replied.

“I’ve never seen you fight. They’re not kidding, they’re violent.”

be violent

The only giant Xian met was Atlanta. The guy who died helplessly wrapped in chains of regret.

When I think of him, I can’t imagine that he’s a violent race, but he’s probably something special.

‘If it was a meek race, there would be no way to trample on other races and cause a war.’

While the two were talking about the giant they would be fighting from now on, Allen and Erze were talking in the back.

“Erge, are you really okay? The tomb of the giants is a dangerous place.”

“I know.”

“There is no reason for you to follow me in the first place.”

Allen looked at her in disbelief.

Allen couldn’t even guess why Erze was following him.

He wants to find the warlock and the giant, so he heads there. I want to find and kill him.

Xi’an was no different. He said he was going to find the Giant King.

But Ergé had no reason to look for them.

“There is a reason.”

“there is? What is the profit?”

Erze looked ahead. The back of Xian walking side by side with Hector.

She replied smiling at Allen.

“it is a secret.”

Allen frowned. Far from solving the question, it was an answer that went deeper.

after that for some time.

Four people, including Xian, were able to come out of the territory.

“It’s closer than you think.”

He saw a wall of fire surrounding the meadow ahead of him.

In the meantime, a huge figure made of red flame is visible.

The flame giant Querndel.

As the group approached, Querndel slowly opened his eyes.

“What. you.”


Querndel’s eyes twitched. Did it bother him that people he had never seen knew his name?

However, his vision had no intention of understanding his feelings.

“It is absurd that a race that once sought supremacy on the continent now appears as a dog of the Empire.”

Then Querndel showed his teeth and growled.

“upstart. Don’t talk if you don’t know.”

A face full of anger. I was able to guess to some extent just from that reaction.

It doesn’t seem like they’re voluntarily helping.

‘Is there any way to manipulate it by force?’

For example, like Cyan using Ravi’s shackles to pamper Hector.

It seems that the giants are being manipulated by warlocks and emperors.

Well, in the border war, the empire is said to be using giants as weapons of war.

I’m sure you won’t betray me, so you can use it that way.

“I don’t know what is holding you back.”

Xian raised his right arm. The energy of the night was released from the imprint there and landed in Xian’s hand.

When the Querendel flinched and sparked.

“I will free you now.”

Xian sharply raised his sword.

The sword strike that went up cut Querndel’s shoulder and the arm fell to the ground.

* * *

“You have to stand. Can I really trust him?”


Yu Seol nodded without hesitation at her sister’s question, which was unusually sharp in her eyes.

Yui’s face twitched.

A letter from Xi’an in her hand.

It was very annoying to see Yoo Seol believing in it without a doubt.


That is that and this is this. This is not the time to prioritize personal feelings.

she looked around

Half-fairy compatriots from the same hometown.

Those imprisoned by Roderick’s hand gathered together.

I believe in this one letter.

“I plan to defeat the fire giant, so take advantage of the opportunity to escape.”

It was a very blunt letter.

But that letter was their only hope.

Escape from the current situation imprisoned by the knights of the empire.

She looked at the huge fire giant visible through the window of the dorm.

The guy was still alive.

“okay. If you see something unusual about that giant, let’s leave right away.”

Yu-seol and the other half-fairies nodded nervously at Yu-yeon’s words.

At the same time, something similar was also happening in the beastmen’s dormitory.

“As expected, I knew that Cian was different from Damian!”

Kurgan grinned and looked out the window. He was also watching the movement of the flame giant.

“of course! Master is not the kind of person who discriminates against a prisoner!”

“… … .”

Ran and her younger brother Shan, whose expression doesn’t change what they’re thinking.

Besides them, there were many prisoners in the dormitory.

They, too, were gathered like this on a single letter from Xian.

Ran looked at the letter again.

Speaking of letters, it reminded me of things from the past.

When I just entered school, I received two letters from Xian in the medical office.

‘It hasn’t even been that long.’

At least half a year ago.

But for some reason, I felt very nostalgic.

So, a lot has happened in this half year.

“If a giant is attacked, even the knights will be embarrassed. then run away Even if you stay here, you’re just a hostage.”



At Kurgan’s words, the beastmen of the Beast Guild responded vigorously. Other prisoners who were not members of the guild also nodded in agreement.

They looked at the giant outside the window.

and soon.

I saw the giant’s arm fall.

* * *


Querndel screamed and swung his remaining arm.

Xian dodged his fist and burrowed inside. At the same time, his sword cut through his ankle.


Querendell, who lost his balance and lost his posture.

Hector grinned and fired a thunderbolt through the boy’s knee.

“These small fish!”

Querndel let out a roar of anger. A huge flame emanated from the guy’s mouth and headed towards Xian and the others.

Xian switched swords.

Geomryeong, Changhae.

The sword of water swirled and scattered all the flames emitted.

Steam rose and began to cover the son-in-law.

“Hector, be careful not to get electrocuted on our side.”


Hector ran amok like a horned colt. Curiously, in this fog-filled battlefield, not a single ray came to our side.

Xian looked at the other party members as well.

Allen raises blue flames and swallows his flames intact.

I never thought Altima would have such talent.

And Erze was hiding, so he couldn’t be seen.

He must be aiming for a single chance to fatally wound Querndel in the black line.

‘Speaking of fatal wounds.’

After all, it’s only there.


Even giants have hearts, and when they break, they die. It was something I had already confirmed in Atlanta.


At that moment, sparks wriggled from his severed right shoulder, and in an instant his arm came out again.

The arm ambush Allen, who was positioned to his right.

Allen was greatly taken aback by the sudden attack.

Cheer up!

Xian’s spear shot out, wrapped around his forearm, and cut it off again.

“This little boy!!”

Enraged at having his arm cut off twice, Querndel created a third arm again.

Xian’s eyes narrowed.

The boy’s body had shrunk a little.

‘It doesn’t seem to play indefinitely.’

which would be normal If it can be reproduced infinitely, it means that it will not die.

Although giants are a powerful race, they are not immortal races.

“Thanks Xian!”

Allen shouted loudly and charged at him again.

After taking a look at him, Xian opened the curtain of the night.

The elixir, the energy of the black magician, the energy of the demons, and even the mana of Atlanta.

Xian possessed far more mana than others, and the curtain he spread with that mana was large enough to cover the entire Querendel.

「No way!」

Querndel, too, was not standing still with both eyes open.

The guy randomly wielded the flame and burned Xian’s aura.

But soon the boy’s eyes opened wide.

Isn’t the human aura, which seemed to burn easily, wrapped around his body while holding the flame instead of burning?


With the aura of the entwined night hanging from him, he swung his arms and trampled the ground, trying to shake Xian’s party off.

There were only three of them at most, and Querndel couldn’t come to his senses from those three.

In the meantime.

When Querendel’s eyes were all on Xian, Hector, and Allen on the ground, Erze kicked off a tree and jumped up.

Her new model, which had risen upside down, fell with its back to the moon, cutting Querndel’s chest with a large cut.

Querndel was greatly taken aback by the unexpected surprise attack.

The hard giant’s heart was visible between his open chest.

“That’s it!”

“It’s mine!”

The group did not miss that moment. Allen snapped his fingers and fired sparks, and Hector threw a spear of lightning sharpened and refined.

Papa papapat!

Blue flames and purple lightning were fired at Querndel’s heart.

But there was something shooting between the two.

The sword created by Xian’s sword was an aura.

Sweet baby!

Using Atlanta’s mana, the solid-like sword energy shot through the wind and slashed Querndel’s heart before anyone else.

Allen’s flame and Hector’s lightning arrived a little too late, leaving only the remains of his heart.

Sheesh, Hector clicks his tongue and Allen exhales. and cyan.

Querndel looked at Xian with wide eyes.

“Chehehehe… … ! Yes man, how can I get this mana… … !”

The moment his heart split, Querndel could feel it.

The fact that the mana that made up the black aura that Xian shot was not a human’s, but a giant’s like himself.

How does that little guy have his brother’s mana?

But he did not have time to answer the question.


The flames of Querendel crumbling along with the fragmented heart.

The light disappeared from his eyes, and at the same time the wall of flame surrounding Everwhale began to fade.

-Who is there!

At the same time, a commotion was felt from behind. Xian looked at him.

I saw smoke rising from all over the city, and I saw quite a few knights riding this way.

“good. Let’s run away.”

At Xian’s words, the party quickly headed to the place where the horses were tied up in advance.

The moment I was about to pull the rope that tied the horse out of the tree and climb it.


The necks of all four horses fell at the same time.

“What is this, Confucius Xi’an?”

Hearing the voice, Xian crumpled his face and turned around.


“I don’t understand why you’re complaining about it.”

There was a general who swept a sword.

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Aw man. Guess the Principals gonna join the fray.
    Best girl Erze only has one reason why she joined.

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