How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain chapter 121

121 - Underwater (1)

121 – Underwater (1)

After three days of obtaining permission to leave and returning, I was finally able to step foot back into the academy’s main gate. Fortunately, there were no incidents where I was called to meet with the principal after my return.

Varion said he would handle any stories related to me. However, if there were people like Principal Tespirana who knew about the princess’s condition, they would naturally have suspicions.

Once news of the princess’s recovery after my visit spreads, even more attention will be focused on me.

The memories that I have recovered, in fear of unnecessary attention and information leakage, have not been shared with anyone until now. However, I can feel that the limits are gradually approaching.

If suspicion accumulates, it will be difficult to escape with just mere silence. I can only hope for trustworthy individuals to be by my side when the time comes to reveal the secret.

“Darren, School of Magic!”



The day after I returned to the academy. All the students gathered in the academy’s grand auditorium. Today was the day to announce the revised curriculum to the first-year students.

Upperclassmen stood on both sides of the grand auditorium. As the first-year students moved to their designated seats according to their names, cheers and applause erupted from each group.

“Ash Cryer, School of Combat!”

-Just by looking at him, you can tell he’s stupid! No wonder he chose the School of Combat!

-Shut up! You smell disgusting!

In the academy, first-year students receive integrated education for basic knowledge. Then, starting from the second year, they are divided into the School of Combat and the School of Magic based on their preferences.

And from the second year onwards, it was a time when the academy began to take shape. So if students had the same major, there was a more forgiving aspect towards each other. Although there were more specific specializations, the two main divisions were still prominent.

However, the revised curriculum, based on the recent chaos, significantly reduced the basic education time for first-year students. From the second semester, they were quickly admitted to their respective schools and allowed to carry weapons, increasing the practical aspect.

The professors even warned that the level of danger could reach a point where lives were at risk. But the students’ and school members’ resistance was surprisingly not significant.

There weren’t as many parents who doted on their children like chicks. On the contrary, they wished for their children to grow up faster in this era.

Still naive and full of ambition, the students were just captivated by glorified adventure tales and hero stories.

“This can’t be… Why me…”

“Phlos! Stop complaining! Seems like you’ve already forgotten your father’s letter from yesterday. ‘I know you always go through a lot because of your uselessness. I am delighted to hear the news of the changes in the academy. It’s more honorable to leave during education than just mooching off mealtimes…'”


-What is that!

However, not everyone easily accepted the current situation. Some openly complained, but when they heard the voices from the letter the professor read, their faces turned red with embarrassment and they left their seats.

Of course, there was no one who chose extreme measures like dropping out. Doing so would mean relinquishing the advantages that could be gained upon graduating from the academy with their own feet.

And at that point, they would truly be labeled as cowards.

“Yujin, School of Combat!”


However, for certain names, the cheers were barely audible. Even those who didn’t like him swallowed their inner resentment and remained silent.

After the last duel with me, Eugene experienced a significant decline in his stature. There seemed to be countless individuals not just mocking him but also eager to pick fights at every opportunity.

However, Eugene managed to salvage some semblance of dignity by winning all such battles. Curiously circulating rumors that invoked sympathy also contributed to his recovery.

Furthermore, neither the saint nor her supporters took any particular stance. To his followers, Eugene was the unfortunate hero who lost his betrothed.

Anyway, since the duel had taken place, encounters with him at the academy were expected to decrease, unless one intentionally sought him out. It was mutually beneficial for both parties.

“Edwin Reed, School of Magic!”

“Wow! Edwin! Welcome!”


“You do know it’s the probationary period for a week, right? Think again about coming in with no specialization!”


And when my name was called out. The reaction was explosively different than before. If there was any difference between Eugene and me, it was that both sides equally erupted in cheers and jeers.

The Grand Chancellor witnessed an instant uproar echoing through the hall. I made my way toward the School of Magic. It felt as though this commotion foreshadowed the challenging path ahead.


“Edwin. Today’s the last day for club enrollment. You haven’t forgotten, have you?”


Professor Erasmus let out a sigh and furrowed his brow lightly. Even though the class divisions had dissolved, the professors still kept an eye on the students.

“Tsk tsk. I just wanted to make sure… You’re the only freshman who hasn’t submitted an application.”

“…I’m… sorry…”

Certainly, my last recollection afforded me plenty of time. That’s why I had momentarily put off joining Epiphany’s reading club. However, amid significant events, time slipped away like the wind.

“Well then, do you have anything to apologize to me for? Go find a club to join quickly. Otherwise, I’ll have to randomly assign you to the least populated one…”

“I… I must join a club…”

“Engaging in club activities to find solace in daily life and cultivate oneself is a student’s obligation. It’s also a tradition of this academy for over a hundred years. But I don’t suppose you’d defy that.”

“In times like these…”

“Even during the advent of the Dark Lord, this tradition remained unbroken. Need I explain further?”


I couldn’t find any ground to counter his words. I started shuffling through the pile of parchment on Erasmus’s desk.

Honestly, club activities didn’t appeal to me at all. I had no hobbies, and I didn’t particularly need friendly senior students to guide me.

So, what I wanted was a suitable club where I could merely put my name down. In truth, a book club somewhat fit that criterion. Yet, Epiphany’s presence made it oddly awkward.

This feeling was separate from any intimacy between her and me. There were occasions, more than a few times, where being around her made me feel uneasy, like a mouse standing in front of a snake.

It’s not that I disliked Epiphany, but I didn’t want to get excessively close either.

Even after a considerable search, finding a suitable club proved challenging. Most were already full, leaving only clubs that demanded activities I wasn’t interested in. What should I do? Maybe just join the reading club…


In the midst of that, the name of a club caught my eye. Only one spot was left, and the name seemed to meet the conditions I desired.

‘Astrology Observation Club’


The Astrology Observation Club was situated in a shabby and worn-out remote stone tower. Approval from the club president was required for entry, and now there was only a little time left. I straightened my appearance and knocked on the door.

-Knock, knock, knock!


“For what reason… Edwin Reed?”

The person who opened the door was truly unexpected. A female student with pink hair looked at me with an arrogant expression.

“…Pamela Landis.”

The female student was Pamela, Iris’s unparalleled friend. We didn’t have a direct relationship, just a few times we sat together when I met Iris in the past.

But Pamela’s impression of me didn’t seem very favorable. It was only natural, considering I was the one who caused a lot of trouble for her friend.

She couldn’t recognize me with glasses on at the ball. But now the situation was different. Pamela spoke in a blunt voice.

“What’s up? What brought you here?”

“Of course, I came to apply for entry. I haven’t decided on a club yet.”

“What? What are you doing here… No, more importantly, entry?”

Pamela’s heavily wrinkled eyes widened in an instant. But she quickly composed herself and stared at me firmly.

“No. Absolutely not.”

“…? What right do you have? That’s the authority of the club president…”

“Anyway, it’s not allowed. Absolutely not. Go back. Go to any other place…”

“Pamela? What are you talking about? Go back where?”

Pamela, who was in the midst of a confrontation, was about to close the door. She stopped her actions, startled by a voice coming from somewhere.

Turning around, she saw a seemingly friendly couple walking towards us.

“It seemed like you were trying to drive away the entry applicant… Did I hear it wrong?”

“That…senior… It’s not that…”

Pamela, hearing the voice of the female student, interrupted her speech. The aggressive momentum from earlier disappeared instantly.

“Oh my! It’s Edwin Reed!”


As I turned away, the female student recognized me and a surprised expression appeared on her face. On her chest, a badge indicating the second year was attached.

“Wow. I see famous freshmen everywhere. I’m Karne Lynn. By the way, what brings you here?”

“You didn’t just say that. Hoping to join…”

“Goodness. What on earth is happening…”

“But it seems I’m not exactly welcome. I’ll just go elsewhere…”

Pamela was definitely as lively as someone holding a position as vice president in the church. I had seen it for myself. So, encountering Pamela here was truly unexpected.

In truth, I was quite awkward. I didn’t have any intention of actively participating, and there was no one comfortable to run into each time. Moreover, seeing Pamela naturally brought Iris’ thoughts along with her.

But going to the book club and becoming Epiphany’s rat wasn’t exactly appealing…

“What? That’s nonsense! Luno! Catch them over there!”


However, Senior Carné almost clung to me, dragging me along as if I were his personal burden. The male student who heard the command just gave an awkward laugh. There was a second-year badge on his chest too.


“Oh well. Don’t worry. You’re also captivated by the charm of constellations, right, junior? No need to worry about Pamela. I’ll take care of everything.”

From Noble mtl dot com


“It shouldn’t be like this, junior. Just wait a moment. I’ll quickly get the documents…”

*Bam! Thud!*


The moment Carné pushed aside Pamela and opened the observatory door, a noise like something collapsing echoed outside the observatory.

After making a strange expression while looking inside, Carné suddenly covered his mouth with one hand. Then, without saying a word, he nodded his head a couple of times. Carné quietly closed the door and returned to me.

“Um, there’s a bit of an issue inside. I’ll deliver your application to the professor. Could you come back tomorrow? I’ll introduce you to the club members then.”

“Alright. Then…”

“Oh! Senior! Really…”

“Quiet! What would have happened if I hadn’t come!”

I greeted them and turned away. In the background, I could hear Pamela and Carné shouting at each other. Anyway, is it resolved if Pamela said Carné would take care of it?


“Ah… hello…”

The next day. Back at the observatory of the constellation observation club. A small male student extended his hand to me. His hair and eyes had a gentle ash-brown hue.

The male student had soft features and a gentle voice. The hand he extended trembled as if it were affected by an illness.

“He… I’m Herty Nox.”

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  1. Lord kazuma says:

    Pamela is iris’friend..where there is pamela, there will definitely be iris

  2. Altaair says:

    Thanks for the updating this novel

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