How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain chapter 123

123 - Underwater (3)

123 – Underwater (3)


A carriage came to a stop in front of the square. There was only one horse, and the carriage itself was small and quite shabby.

The person who emerged from the carriage, after opening its door, was a high school girl in worn-out uniform. Her brown hair fluttered in the wind, and her emerald-green eyes sparkled like jewels.

Now, the girl’s name was Ellie once again.

“You came?”


Ellie, looking at me, broke into a shy laugh as if to escort me. Ellie, who had stepped out of the carriage, turned to the coachman and said,

“Eda, thank you for your hard work. See you later?”

“…I’ll step back. Confucius, please take good care of the master.”

The coachman nodded at me and Ellie with a slight bow. As he cracked his whip, the carriage vanished beyond the square in an instant.

“…He was definitely a man, right? He even had a beard…”

“It’s just a simple disguise. Did you notice if you looked closely? If a woman drives the carriage, it can cause unnecessary trouble…”

Ellie and I walked toward the academy. Throughout our conversation, Ellie stayed so close to me that there was barely any space between us.

Through our touching shoulders, a lukewarm body temperature was thoroughly transmitted. Just by looking at the current situation, Ellie’s future actions could be easily anticipated.

“…Turns out there was a gentle side… So now, really, it’s completely…! If I say that, your reputation might improve a bit, right? How about it? Doesn’t it sound like a good idea…?”

As if peering into my troublesome inner thoughts, Ellie said. Although there was a hint of excuse in her words, Ellie’s statement was convincing.

But now, such a problem seemed to be a blessing in disguise. The situation had changed drastically from when Ellie and I first teamed up. Ironically, the issue I was contemplating now was something entirely different.


As the first-year students were quickly assigned to their respective departments, not all students in the same class could attend classes together as before.

Each student received their own schedule, and accordingly, they moved from one classroom to another for classes. Hence, the time we could attend classes together was inevitably limited to the overlapping time slots in our schedules.

Today was the last biology class before the final practical session. In the open field in the forest where the biology lecture took place, dozens of box-like structures covered with thick cloth were stacked high.

From inside, sounds of animals howling and chilling noises, like the sharp scraping of something, incessantly leaked out.

Before the lecture began, students gathered in groups of three or five, discussing the upcoming practical session. And our first encounter as a trio also took place here.

“…Ellie. Here is Cel… No, Yu…”

“…Just call me Celen. It’s more comfortable for me too. I’ll keep using it anyway… Well…”

I briefly paused to let Selen take over the introductions. Somehow, she seemed to emphasize the word ‘continue’ in a peculiar way…

“…Got it. This is Selen. Selen, meet Eli. First time talking directly, huh?”



Once my introduction was over, the two also exchanged greetings. Despite the slight awkwardness, their gazes constantly assessed each other.

But the atmosphere wasn’t as bad as I expected. Rather, it seemed like neither of them had much interest in each other.

Anyway, I was in a position where I had to continue working with both of them. Neither side would want to be left out. Not only for this practical training but also in the future.

So, buttoning up the first encounter was crucial. Considering the personalities I’ve observed so far, it could have led to a more complicated situation. But this wasn’t bad at all.

Not bad at all…

“Is everyone here? Shall we begin?”

As the clock struck, Professor Priscilla, our biology instructor, revealed herself. With a clap of her hands, the thick cloth covering the boxes was smoothly pulled away.



The identity of the boxes turned out to be iron bars containing numerous creatures. Creatures of various kinds emitted looks of hatred towards the outside. Priscilla casually continued her explanation while looking around at the students.

“We’ve captured some of the creatures inhabiting the northern forest. You’ll be facing these guys in the field a few days from now.”

“Professor, but these creatures seem a bit strange. Red eyes… and it looks like drool is coming out of their mouths. Are they infected with some kind of disease?”

“They’ve been given a potion that drives them into a frenzy. It’s to simulate extreme conditions. It’s quite convenient. Rytar, you’re up first. Come on out.”


The student who asked the question to Priscilla stood up with a distressed expression. The training that started with small animals in the first semester had escalated to low-level creatures. When Priscilla called, students had to come forward and face the creatures.


“Tsk. Valera. Can you handle it well? The creatures in the northern forest are quite nasty. Next.”

In front of a fallen male student, the decapitated head of a canine-like creature writhed. Watching this, Priscilla lightly flicked her tongue twice.

Valera, flustered by the rushing creature, made a casting mistake with his tongue twisted. If Professor Priscilla hadn’t used a cutting spell, he would have suffered significant injuries.

“Edwin Reed. Come forward.”

After going through several turns, it was finally my turn. The creature I had to face was the adult form of the swamp lizard Latris.

Its body was covered with hard, black scales, and every time it breathed out, flames flickered. As Priscilla broke the lock on the cage, a six-legged, giant lizard immediately charged at me.

The weakness I learned about Latris was under its jaw, where there were no scales. While freezing its legs, I took advantage of the opening to easily pierce its jaw.

The creature, now collapsed on the ground, did not move at all in a limp position.

“Excellent. You mentioned having experience in punitive actions, right? You certainly seem familiar with this level. Next!”

Priscilla nodded in satisfaction, seemingly pleased. The training continued, with Ellie and Celen each successfully dealing with the creatures.

Ellie, having received teachings from the Archmage Kisha, had exceptional skills from the start. Celen, on the other hand, had gained valuable practical experience during the vacation, facing corrupted spirits.

This practical training in the northern forest was also preparation for future external missions. Reports on creature disturbances were increasing from various regions, and students needed to learn how to protect themselves and their surroundings.

And the academy was the optimal place for such preparation. The academy, overseeing vast lands comparable to the Northern Grand Commander’s jurisdiction, had pristine ancient forests preserved throughout.

The northern forest, designated as the location for this practical session, was an area managed by the academy and served as a habitat for lower-tier creatures. Originally accessible from the second year onwards, due to the recent reorganization, first-year students set foot there for the first time.


The secluded stone tower in an unexpected location turned out to be a surprisingly comforting and reassuring place. Contrary to the initial thought of just trying it out, I found myself coming here several times a week.

Perhaps someone like Pamela, who seemed indifferent to constellations, had a similar reason for being here. For those who didn’t prioritize networking or acquiring knowledge, it was undoubtedly not a bad place.

A few members, including the club leader, Karn, genuinely seemed to enjoy observing constellations, but…

“Edwin. Here.”

“Thanks. I’ll enjoy it.”

“…Um, yeah.”

The stone tower of the constellation club. Herti approached me on the rooftop and offered a small cup. The cup contained warm tea with a sweet aroma.

“…It’s flower tea, right? I really like this tea.”

“…Y-yeah…? I also like this tea… Glad to hear that.”

Herti breathed a sigh of relief as she observed my expression. Herti had a comforting aspect that eased people’s hearts. Talking with her made the burden of worries a bit lighter.

Even our small preferences, like the type of tea we enjoyed, were similar. In the past few days, Herti and I had quickly become close. Pamela, who had initially resisted, had long since given up.

Before I knew it, Herti had become a welcome presence, like a refreshing rain in the drought, for me, who had few male friends apart from Senior Luno.

“But it’s strange. I’ve never seen you around the academy. Maybe it’s because there are so many students…?”

“…Probably. And our class assignments might have been different.”

“That could be it. I must have left my seat quite often…”


Herti responded with an awkward laugh to my self-deprecating remark.

“Herti, by the way, which family does Nox belong to? Is it okay to ask now?”

“U-uh… Nox is from the… Degres family…”


Herti, hearing my question, visibly showed signs of confusion. It took a while for the timid demeanor from the first day to reappear.

Degres was below Milten, the territory of the Iris family. If Nox was beneath them, it was likely a vassal family or at least in a sturdy cooperative relationship.

If that’s the case, it’s quite understandable that Herti’s reaction toward me would be somewhat comprehensible.

“…Alright. The connection with Lobinet is already over, so what’s the big deal? You don’t need to react so strongly, especially since I’m not that concerned…”


Contrary to the response, Herti’s expression was still not good. It seemed as if the darkness around him had deepened even more. It was necessary to admit the mistake and quickly change the subject.

“But Herti, who are you partnering with for this practical training?”

“Huh? Oh… I haven’t decided yet…”

From Noble mtl dot com

“Really? I thought you had already formed a team with Pamela. They seem quite friendly, so…”

“…Well… Pamela already has friends she decided to work with… that’s why…”

“Herti, then would you like to join our team?”


Herti, who heard my words, momentarily had a blank expression. It was a moment of hesitation, considering there was just one person short from the minimum four-member requirement.

Of course, if the team wasn’t properly formed, professors would assign members arbitrarily. But having some say in it was better than leaving it to chance.

And in the short time, I had become quite friendly with Herti.

“It happens that we have exactly one spot open. What do you think?”

“Huh… well…”

“Oh, I’m just suggesting, so if you’re not interested…”

“I… I’ll do it!”

Before I could finish speaking, Herti jumped up in excitement. His face seemed to be flushed, as if recalling something embarrassing. Even I was a little surprised by his intense reaction.

“…Alright. Thanks. So, is it settled? Then let’s go to Professor Priscilla and…”

“Huh? Huh? Wait a minute!!”

As the deadline for submitting the list was approaching, I was about to head straight to Priscilla. However, Herti suddenly stood in my way.


“I… I’ll go to the professor… There’s no need for the team leader to go; I happen to have something to check anyway…”

“Oh? Okay, got it. Then I’ll ask a favor.”

Only then did Herti let me go. And suddenly, as if he remembered something, he turned his head and asked me.

“But Edwin, who are the other two…?”

“Um… well… they’re close friends of mine…”

“Oh, I see…”

I had already given the club members a somewhat appropriate explanation of the relationship between me, Ellie, and Celen. Still, I didn’t want to blush my face with such rumors among those I was close to. Herti seemed to understand my words immediately.

“…But neither of them is from the Department of Magic, right…? We’re in the Department of Magic, and the balance seems a bit off… I wonder if the professor will allow it…”

Forming a team was said to be based on each individual’s capabilities, so it should be fine. Besides, I can take care of the vanguard if needed, so don’t worry too much. It’s just monsters from the northern forest, after all…

“I see… got it…”

Herity nodded as if finally convinced.

“Well then, I’ll go see the professor. Take your time coming down…”

“Yeah, I’ll leave it to you.”

Herity’s waving hand gradually disappeared down the stairs.

“…Lewd… protect… can do…”

I turned my head again, hearing a faint voice. It had been a while since Herity left, and all that remained was the sound of the strong wind blowing.

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  1. Luis says:

    La ex prometida xD

  2. Extra Extra says:

    It’s definitely her.

  3. Chaos Dwarf says:

    ….Herti is Iris isn’t she xD

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