How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain chapter 80

80 - Wings (11)

80 – Wings (11)

“This is the last time. I apologize. For daring to show me that kind of attitude.”

“…I don’t like it. What did I do wrong…”

Despite the threats made to her, Eugenia fights back without giving in. Her face was still red. Her courage with alcohol seems unbreakable.

“Ha… I said I was his friend, so I tried to resolve it with good words…”

At Eugenia’s refusal, the red-haired female student snorted. Then, in an instant, his expression changed to a straight face.

Needless to say, the identity of the red female student appears to be Claudia Acelus.

Even though his back was turned, you could never go wrong with Acelus’ unique bright red hair. As for that arrogant tone of voice.

Even though the target is not me, it has the power to make me feel irritated the moment I hear that voice.

Claudia glared at Eugenia and walked very close. Then he raised his arm and attempted to cup Eugenia’s cheek.

Seeing that action, even the proud Eugenia shrinks a little. When Claudia’s hand fell, she flinched and closed her eyes tightly.

“Asellus. What are you doing to someone else’s partner?”

“What are you…why don’t you let go of this…? How dare you mess with someone’s body…! Ugh…! It hurts…!”

I barely got close and grabbed Claudia’s wrist. Claudia’s arm, which was falling, loses its speed without any strength.

At the unexpected interruption, a moment of confusion flashed across Claudia’s face. But soon he came to his senses, looked at me and started screaming in anger.


And only then did Eugenia recognize me. His eyes widen, he tries to call my name but covers his mouth with both hands.

When I turned my head, I saw two women still shivering in the corner. These are the maids who helped Eugenia into the inner room earlier.

“You go quickly and report this situation. Make sure no one comes near.”

“yes yes…!”

The maids who heard me left the room in an instant. Until they bring the guard, I have to do something to deal with the woman in front of me.

Claudia is still trying hard to shake me off.

“It hurts! Let go! Let go!! Ugh…!”

Claudia Acelus.

A prim beauty with intensely colored hair that burns like a flame, and eyes of the same color. Eugene’s second woman.

Her family, Acelus, is a prestigious magic clan and is renowned for having developed a variety of unique and powerful magic.

And although not as strong as Scylla, Acelus is also another powerful family that formed an independent force.

Against that background, it was difficult to find a match for her talent, so even at the academy, Claudia consistently maintained a noble and arrogant attitude towards others.

Her only interest was in achieving higher levels of magic, and she had no hesitation in despising those who fell below her standards.

Even if it’s the same noble family.

Her skills were also outstanding, so it was almost impossible to find anyone among the students who would dare to challenge her attitude.

But then one day, it was practical time in magic class.

Due to her overconfident casting mistake, the direction of the magic ends up being fixed in the direction where the students are concentrated.

A catastrophe could have occurred, but Eugene used his wits to change the direction, and fortunately, the incident ended without any casualties.

Claudia was full of confidence and arrogance, but after receiving severe punishment for this incident, she fell into a slump so deep that it was difficult to see her previous self.

Afterwards, Claudia coincidentally reunites with Eugene and, inspired by his passing words, eventually completes Acellus’ secret wish, the Blue Flame.

Through this incident, Claudia regains her confidence and gradually becomes closer to Eugene.

And as she realizes that there are many fun things to do in the world besides magic, her personality begins to change little by little.

Claudia becomes increasingly infatuated with Eugene, but conscious of her position, she maintains a close distance from him externally in the name of support.

And even after Eugene was selected as a warrior, I naturally joined his party based on his skills.

What Claudia symbolized in her relationship with Eugene was edification.

The sight of a noble noblewoman falling in love with a commoner and giving her heart away, and then looking at him with single-mindedness, was quite entertaining to the viewers.

However, looking at how she treats Eugenia in such a high-handed manner, it seems that she is only limited to Eugene alone.

Come to think of it, she didn’t get along very well with Patricia either. Their factions were different and their ideologies were completely opposite, so I remember that the fight between the two was quite serious, even considering that they were rivals.

In addition, although Patricia acted with common sense, it is impossible to predict where this woman will end up.

I originally didn’t like that side of Claudia, but seeing it from the perspective of people around me made me feel it even more clearly.

I don’t know how she and Eugenia ran into each other here, but if you listen to the conversation, it seems like Claudia is taking issue with Eugenia’s attitude earlier.

Eugenia may have a legitimate reason, but Claudia is not the type of person who would care about such things.

If things had gone the way they were, the two would have now attended the prom with Eugene and would have known each other only by face.

And after Eugenia announced that she was a spiritist, they did not despise her as openly as they do now, fearing that she was a rival. Claudia treated generously those who recognized her skills.

But wouldn’t the two of them have the worst impression of each other right now?

Unlike the princess, Claudia has no idea who I am right now, so directing her anger onto an imaginary target might be a better option.

Anyway, the two of them will have to play a big role together in the future.

“Let go…! Let go…!!”

Claudia continues to struggle and scream, but there is still no confidence in freeing her.

He has a very unique mental world and even has excellent magic skills, so if he takes off the bracelet and casts magic on us, there will be no way to turn back.

I turned to Eugenia.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Yeah…it’s okay…hi…”

Eugenia answers my question in a shy tone.

“If it’s okay, can you explain what this is?”

“I don’t know… I just came to my senses and there was that person… But he apologized profusely to me… I kept saying no…”

Eugenia made a pouting expression.

When I turned my head again, I saw Claudia looking very upset and uncomfortable.

“Asellus. Let’s stop at this point, right? As you can see, my partner’s condition is not that good. Even if we decide whether to fight right or wrong, after he comes to his senses…”


Claudia doesn’t answer me. He just looked at the bracelet and kept muttering something.

And as she mumbles more, the bracelet that fit her wrist gradually regains its original size.

“Ugh…it hurts…! It hurts…! You…!”

But when I tightened my grip, she stopped reciting the spell and glared at me with a pained expression.

I never thought he would actually try to take off the bracelet.

If you voluntarily remove the bracelet that suppresses mana in a place like this, it would be difficult to avoid punishment, no matter how much you are Acelus.

I tried to talk to her just in case, but it seems like it was impossible to persuade her. Perhaps the only person who can control Claudia now is Eugene.

If the bracelet really comes off like this, then there is no way to stop her from exercising her skills.

If it doesn’t work out, even if it means damaging your wrist…

“What are you doing…! Get away!”

However, just as I was about to apply more force to my grip, someone grabbed my arm from behind and forcibly removed it from Claudia.

A blond-haired, blue-eyed man glares at me with eyes full of hostility.


Did you come this far while looking for Claudia? Or maybe he was the unlucky one the maids ran into earlier. Now, encounters like this aren’t that surprising.

And although it’s annoying, it seems like maybe his appearance will make things a little easier this time.

“Claudia…are you okay…? What about your wrist?”

“…are you okay.”

Eugene pulled away from me and went straight to Claudia and looked at her. Claudia’s face turned so red that it was indistinguishable from her hair.

Eugene, who was relieved to see Claudia, looked at me again and made a grim expression.

“…You’re going to have to explain what the hell this is, or else…”

“…Don’t say anything to him. He was just protecting me.”


At the sudden familiar voice, Eugene’s spirit died in an instant. It was only then that I became aware of the presence of the light green girl hidden behind me.

“Eugenia? Why are you here…”

“…He tried to hit me, uh…my partner stopped him. This person did nothing wrong.”

“You tried to hit me…?”

After hearing Eugenia’s words, Eugene brought his gaze back to Claudia.


Claudia is silent. Maybe he doesn’t want to show the same side of himself in front of Eugene?

Looking at that scene, Eugenia continued her words.

Although he was full of tears and resentment, he did not leave out anything he wanted to say.

“…I asked you to apologize for my attitude earlier…so I said no…but is it so wrong…? that you even tried to slap me…? It’s true that you left me alone because you were only hanging out with those people…! What did I do wrong…”

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  1. MC just did it the proper way

    Eugenia was being harassed
    Edwin held the attacker and had the maids call for the guards
    Edwin held on to her till the guards came
    and here we have Eugene who is said to be a genius that can absorb anything he learns but never learns to investigate and always immediately confronts

    dunno why some people expect for MC to just attack her when he could’ve done it better like just now

  2. Noice says:

    The MC is so lame fam. Eugenia has got more balls than MC god damnit!

    1. if she did then why didn’t she german suplex her at the start eh

  3. Wiee says:

    I don’t like both mc but I can’t stop watching .

  4. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    this eugene needs to so sit tf down lol looking at the villain pov, its no wonder villain gets mad at mc syndrome lol it is irritating.

  5. Sigh. I am annoyed. I wany a daring and different new mc.

    1. Cero says:

      X2 this mc is bullied by everyone 😪.

  6. Gahar says:

    I’m wondering why Eugene is allowed to act so rude and carefree in this novel. I’m aware that some kind of leeway is needed to create this harem environment for an academy novel but…. He is a nobody from sticks who is placed in class C.

    Nobody aside of MC knows that he is descent to become a hero, but he is allowed to frame aristocrat son and is praised for it even when Edwins’s “victim” was found guilty of genuine crimes and sentenced to death penalty!

    In a country with class system this commoner guy is allowed to rampage in school with 3-4 high ranking women in tow as if he is owning this place. His harems members families are completely silent when their daughters are literally disgracing themselves in front of other nobles. In a country without a harem system.

    But Eugene, a genuine aristocrat is constantly attacked and insulted left and right even when academy’s staff knows that he is innocent. They do not inform even the council members about it and are allowing them to harass Edwin.

    1. Cero says:

      This is something very common in this type of academic novels. The power of the world ( or the script) Will always benefit the ori Mc after being the Hero/chosen one, which triggers any commoner to insult ( men) and seduce( women) of high degrees and being op.

      But in this case It is as you emphasize, Eugine has not shown a damn to be so shameless( beyond being talented), just messing with Edwin is cause for observation, and if you add to that the girls’ they would have lynched him if he were any other commoner.

    2. okita says:

      so the academy not clearing Edwin name is most likely Ellie faults, but the rest is kind of true but this is just how Koreans used to write this kind of characters thnk good they are into this side character villain era.

      1. Gahar says:

        I was thinking more about the original commotion when Edwin was suspended. Now everyone should know that the guy rescued by Eugene was a criminal. And Eugene was somehow connected to him. And everybody is still fine with the outcome. Eugene is still a hero for helping the guy.

        Nobody in the academy is reprimanding student council for lazy investigation which lead to suspension of a student and in long run almost killed many students in the summoning incident.

        I do understand that we need such jerk as Eugene but at this point academy teachers are ridiculously incompetent.
        At this point Eugene looks more like an aggressive puppy who is doted by his harem members and is using their protection to bark on and bite everyone he doesn’t like.

    3. Capid says:

      He’s the original MC, reality bends backwards to accommodate him, look at how MC got an earful about how polygamy isn’t allowed, meanwhile Eugene was parading with a harem that includes noble girls, being a commoner, and people were discussing his promising future, rather than wondering why is he still alive.

      Technically Eugene is harassing MC, but there is little he can do about it, since one of the waifus is the student council president, so she would target MC was before punishing Eugene.

      That being said, the harem is becoming brittle.

  7. Extra Extra says:

    Caught up. This feeling always sucks ☠

    Looking forward to more chapters

  8. Wikka says:

    it’s kind of interesting that Edwin and Eugene is like proxy battle between the jealously of heroines

  9. Jabs says:

    When are there more chapters?

  10. Cero says:

    The MC attitude so far does not convince me, he makes me very submissive at the moment 🤨.

  11. I’m mad. Hopefully Mc is friends with the demon King.

    1. It was the last released chapter. I didn’t notice. Thanks for the update!

      1. Cero says:

        Thit novel is good for a cat figth 😳.

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