I Became a Dark Knight the Empress Is Obsessed With chapter 26

26 - Veil of Corruption - (5)

26 – Veil of Corruption – (5)


Black energy wraps around Arwen’s body. They began to pool in her open chest along her limbs, gently pushing Slaine’s curves away.

Arwen’s body squirms. It looks like a puppet controlled by a black thread hanging in the air.

Eventually, Arwen got up slowly with the help of Sepia.

Standing upright, she bent her neck at a right angle.

“Today is really the worst.”

After complaining like that, Arwen pouted and glared at me.

Black smoke escaped from between her pale lips.

“A wound like this will take at least a week to recover. What should I do with the blood that I managed?


“Okay, that’s over.”

Arwen’s eyes widened. The pupils were stained black.

“Who isn’t my dog?”

Arwen, looking very angry, dragged his torn sleeve and tapped his fingers. Behind her, Sepia, the size of a house, followed her every move like a mime play.

In the quiet stillness, only the wriggling and squishy sound of sepia resounded.

“It’s a monster, that’s it.”

Millia said in a tired voice.

I agree. A boss who survives even if his chest is pierced, how can he beat that?

“It’s f*ked.”

Really, I want to go home.

“Should we punish the bad boy?”

Arwen swung a clenched fist at me.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com


Sepia’s strike that flew in suddenly. Claws as tall as a man rushed towards me, scratching the floor.

I hugged Millia by the waist and jumped off. Underneath the leap, there was a deep, winding mark, as if a snake had run through it.

But this wasn’t the end. Arwen raised his fist. In line with this, Sepia raised her hand using the recoil of the attack, and a huge claw flew at me.

“… ugh.”

A cold sweat breaks out.

There are no more spellstones to use. There was no sword. I can’t even use mana. Above all, it is floating in the air, so it cannot be avoided. It is truly defenseless.

In the end, I chose the lesser evil. After tossing Millia back in his arms, he crouched down to protect his head.

Immediately after that, with a tremendous impact, I was thrown high into the sky and hit my head on the wall and slid.

The floor got closer and closer, followed by a sharp pain.

“Gagging! Huh Eok!”

The air that had entered the lungs suddenly escaped. It’s hard to breathe.

I struggled awkwardly with my limbs and finally got myself into a position.

As I groped, Sepia’s huge claw marks started at her waist and ran across her breastplate, splitting her shoulder blade in half.

Fortunately, there appeared to be no injuries. If I had been a span closer, my body would have split in half and died.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Did it barely pass?

Or, did you intentionally harm it?

“Iscobal, I’m really disappointed today.”

Arwen said with a blank expression.

Fortunately, Sepia shows no signs of attacking.

“No matter how much Irn tried to seduce you with sweet words, it’s not like you to go over and stab the owner.”

“Who is your dog…”

Either that or not, Arwen twisted his bent head and smiled wickedly.

“You know what? Dog dealers say that any dog that bites its owner will always be beaten to death. Even if that dog is a fighting dog, the same is true.”


“But I’m an open-minded, kind-hearted lady. I’m not that filthy bitch, and I’m not like the sleazy cult bastards.”

Arwen came in front of me. I hurriedly gave my body strength, but I couldn’t move a single fingertip. Before I knew it, the black stems that stretched between her feet were entangling my limbs.

“So I’m thinking of educating you.”


“For now, I’ll make you feel helpless. To show you what happens when you disobey me.”

Arwen grabbed my chin. At the same time, a long fingernail pierced the uvula.

“First of all, I’m going to kill Liantur’s girl. Of course, she’s your precious colleague, but she insulted me. Of course, I’ll have to tear her to shreds.”

In fact, in Act 4, Milia is killed by Arwen.

It is an event scene that cannot be prevented by any route or method.

Arwen continued to declare.

“Again, I’m going to kill Irn from now on. In the meantime, you won’t be able to do anything.”


“Oh, of course I’m not killing you. No matter how much I do, I have only one body. I’m not in good shape because you stabbed me.”

In fact, Arwen’s body has blue veins protruding over his pale skin. It seemed that the dying body was forcibly maintained by the black aura. Sepia’s momentum doesn’t look that strong either.

But even with her so weakened, there was no way I could win.

The corners of Arwen’s mouth went up wickedly.

“Instead of killing Irn myself, my men will kill me, and in a very terrifying way.”



The throat is compressed and the voice cannot come out properly.

Bukharani, are you talking about an insider?

can’t follow the story

I tightened my gripped neck and said stutteringly.

“……That’s Melina……that’s it.”

In Melina’s room, a spell stone that must have belonged to the Church was found, and even a drug to poison Lynchia was found.

However, the dead end by Melina had been avoided. Didn’t the system prove it?

What the hell is this woman talking about?

“Melina? Are you talking about that maid?”

Hearing my words, Arwen laughed happily.

“Iscobal is also naive. Did he really think that the lady-in-waiting was the spy I planted?”


“hahahaha. Don’t you think it’s strange?”

“what are you talking about.”

Arwen continued with a chuckle.

“How could I break through the layered protective barrier? Besides, a handmaid precisely aimed at the empress’s breast with magic? And even from a rooftop far away? Besides, he brought in a spell stone containing the cult’s magic without raising an alarm? I have to say yes.”


“There’s no way I pitched a curtain or shot a blade. You know, I’m a sucker for magic.”

My mind was dizzy and my brain couldn’t understand what she was saying.

But soon the thought became clearer and the alarm bells in my head began to ring.

And all the doubts and clues that hovered between consciousness started to run towards one person.

Barrier. Certainly, this conference hall was controlled through numerous protective barriers. That’s why the Empire’s powerful force, the spirit knight Lautrek, guarded the outside of the conference hall. It was because there could never have been an outsider’s intrusion into such a solid barrier.

But now, Arwen entered the conference hall as if it were natural and spread a curtain of foreign media. If someone had manipulated the barrier inside, it would have been obvious.

However, the traitor is someone who is more versed in magic than anyone else. It was to the extent that I fired a blade at my will and aimed at Lyncia.


What if the person who created the barrier in the first place is a traitor?

What if the spell stone found in Melina’s room was created inside the meeting room?

“……no way.”

“I can’t believe it.”

A few days before the first act began, I remembered the conversation I had with Millia at the training ground.

I heard that you can’t learn elemental magic, so I asked where I could get a spell stone.

Her answer was bleak. Spellstones aren’t easy to make unless you’re at the Mage level.

Then I said something like this.

as soon as.

“It’s impossible unless you’re at the level of an Imperial Torture Wizard.”

“Ding dong deng~!”

At my words, Arwen shook her head up and down proudly.

… … crazy.

“I’m just a lure to keep you tied up. It’s a diversion of sorts. Me against you? Rowan? Kill Irn!”

Arwen said, “How is it? Isn’t it perfect?” He grinned and clapped his hands.

It felt like I had been hit on the head hard.

“Damn it.”

The Imperial Torture Wizard, Rowan Cassiere.

I realized why he didn’t appear after the first act.




I wondered if the green and blue lights were twinkling, and countless blades made of mana swept through the hallway. A huge sword mark formed on the wall and a roar rang out. Caught in a torrent of blades, the monsters were shattered and soaked into the ground.

There were no more monsters to be seen in the corridors. The monsters were sorted out after a long, near-death struggle of tens of minutes.

“Whoa. I think I’m pretty much done with this.”

A man said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

His faded silver hair falls to his shoulders. Slightly wrinkled eyes and lips. But his stocky physique and upright posture told him that he was well-built for his age.

It was the torture wizard Rowan Cassiere who cleaned up the monsters by using magic.

The rest of the personnel evacuated while Rowan did his best to evacuate. The only ones left at the residence were Rowan and Lynchia.


Lyncia looked at his back and grabbed the blanket that Fried had covered her with.

Rowan looked around the hallway, sighing as if he had judged that there was no longer any danger, and turned to Lynthia.

“The monsters seem to have been sorted out.”


Rowan waved his hand. Then, mana spread in concentric circles and blocked all the open doors in the hallway. It’s all for your own protection.

“For now, it would be good for us to evacuate as well.”

The room was quiet because all the aisles were blocked. The candle was extinguished, and only Rowan’s bright blue eyes could be seen.

“Let’s go, Your Highness. It’s dangerous. We have to get out of here.”

“……Yes, yes.”

Rowan held out her hand and Lynchia placed her hand on top of the blanket.

Exactly, I was trying to upload it.


Lincia stopped her hand and spoke hastily.

“Hmm? What’s going on?”

“That, Sir Fried hasn’t returned yet.”

Fried Iscoval.

It was a knight who would become his own national guard. A little while ago, Fried ran out to save people. And still haven’t come back.

Up until just now, there had been several loud roars and vibrations that rang through the entire conference hall, but now there was only ominous silence.

It is said that the situation has reached a lull. And if it was the Fried that Lyncia knew, it would surely come back to her.

No, I had to come back.


At Lyncia’s words, Rowan couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

“I understand your highness’ concerns. But Lord Fried is a stronger knight than anyone else. He will surely survive on his own.”


“The ground has been weakened by several explosions. For now, the building is maintaining its shape, but it wouldn’t be strange if it collapsed right away. Although it has a strong protective magic, it cannot prevent it from collapsing.”

Rowan approached the hesitant Lyncia and knelt down.

“I understand your anxiety. You may still have a hard time believing it, but Melina, the maid of honor, has turned out to be a traitor. The trap she prepared may remain here.”


“Furthermore, Guardian Knights Fried and Millia are stepping out to deal with the situation. It’s time for Her Highness Lynchia to preserve herself for their hard work.”

Communicate the situation logically.

Rowan was right a hundred times.

“I trust that Your Highness will not render their sheer loyalty meaningless.”


I was still confused. Why did Melina betray, how did the church come here, why does everyone want to kill themselves, what is the meaning of being in the blood of the imperial family?

It is difficult to understand, and there are only a lot of situations that are difficult to understand.

I felt like I was about to burst into tears, but I gritted my teeth and held it in. Just hold on for now and everything will be fine. After he ascends the throne, he will have Fried by his side.

It reminds me of Fried’s eyes. Silver gray eyes shining like the light of the rising moon. A smile appeared on Lincia’s lips automatically.

After thinking, Lyncia raised her face.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

“Good idea.”

Lynchia took Rowan’s hand. Rowan’s wrinkled hands squeezed her fine ones.

Lynchia stood up from the threshold, and an ominous light reflected from the purple curtain shone into the room.

And Lynchia had no choice but to stop walking.

He opens his mouth in a trembling voice.

“Hey, Sir Rowan?”

“Yes. What are you doing?”

Respond calmly.

Lynchia was speechless and only looked at Rowan’s face.

“……why are you laughing?”

Thanks to the light coming in, Rowan’s face was clearly visible.

His face, which was directly illuminated by the purple light, was wearing a tear-jerking smile. The word bizarre is not enough, his laugh was strange and creepy.

Lyncia realized for the first time in her life that people could laugh so awkwardly.


Rowan didn’t know why at first, so he asked back, but then he patted his face with his hand.

Then he suffocates, exhaling exhaled breath mixed with laughter.

“Ah, stop because I’m so happy. I couldn’t manage my expression.”

Rowan spoke politely, but there was an indescribable madness in his voice.

“It seems that you were thrilled to be able to touch Your Highness’ body like this.”

“……What does that mean, ugh?”

At that moment, power came into Rowan’s hand that held Lynchia’s arm.

Strong hands tightened her white arms with terrifying strength.

“Oh, it hurts.”

“Is that so? Are you sick as well? Are you saying that even members of the royal family feel pain?”

The wrists were tightly gripped, and thread veins were bulging. Rowan licked her lips with her tongue and stabbed Lynchia’s arm with her long nails.

The hole was squeezed, and dark red blood flowed down the arm.

“Whoa. Whoa.”

Rowan let out a rough breath and ran a finger through the blood and brought it to his mouth. At that moment, he struggled with pain spreading all over his body.

His eyes shone ominously.

“This is Godblood. The lineage that protects the present world. As expected, it is in conflict with the foreign press itself.”

“……Rowan! What the hell are you doing!”

“I’ve had a hard time putting up with it. How annoying it was to have a defector presumptuously sticking by my side.”

Rowan yanked Lynchia’s arm.

great power. Lynchia was dragged away without even resisting and slammed her body against the doorway.

After grabbing Lynchia’s arms, Rowan grabbed her face. The small face came into Rowan’s grasp at once.

Rowan said while staring at Lyncia’s emerald eyes, which were wide open in bewilderment.

“Your Highness seems very surprised. Let’s introduce ourselves to lighten the mood.”

Inside his mouth, which was wide open to speak, his tongue, which was divided into two strands, curled up like a coiled snake.

“My name is Rowan Cassiere. My main job is an imperial torture wizard, but on the side I am a priest of the church. My main job is to protect the last remaining princess. And… my side job is to kill the last remaining princess.”


“Oh, is it the other way around?”

Rowan stuck out his tongue and giggled.

There was a lot of dark energy behind him.

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  1. LexusMaximus says:

    They keep saying that Freed is one of the strongest knights but right now his usefulness is quite limited. I wish that MC fully synchronized with Freed’s talent and skill so that he can finally use mana and actually be worth his reputation.

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Then again Harry’s only work for one person but her’s work for all that have connections to It. So it balances out.

  3. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Somehow, I suddenly reminded of Voldemort and Harry when he got hurt just by touching her blood. Well, Harry’s work without getting the blood out though.

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