I Became a Dark Knight the Empress Is Obsessed With chapter 49

49 - Mole Catch - (6)

49 – Mole Catch – (6)

Millia continued to manipulate the mighty mana flowing through her body. As a result, a torrent of great power swept through the waterway.

Milia struggled to lift her eyelids, in pain as if mana would ripple through her eyes.

The pain was considerable, probably because the circuit had been available for a long time. I was so confused that I was about to collapse.

grit your teeth and hold on

Originally, I didn’t want to use magic.

‘But, there is no way.’

It was as it was said.

The sword, which is no different from the pride of a knight, was stolen by Anden helplessly. This was the only move Millia could pull out.

Something has to be done. That was the path she was trying to follow recently.

No matter how much she turned into a knight, she was a talented person who received numerous educations from her family.

Above all, compared to her older sister, she was a genius, and on a general level, she was a wizard who had reached a considerable level.


Millia ejected a golden spear. The walls of the canal were stained with light and exploded with a brilliant light.

Anden hurriedly evaded and tried to wield the chain scythe, but each time it was bounced off the shield she deployed.

“I thought it was a cat, but it turned out to be a tiger.”

Anden rubbed his tanned red skin and said as if he was tired.

He softly wipes his parched lips and continues.

“I don’t have an answer.”

Even looking at it, I could see that he was perplexed.

He must have never thought that a knight could use magic to keep him in check from a distance.

In fact, the mana used by knights and the spells used by wizards are different. It uses the same nuclear power plant, but the way it is operated was different from the sky.

That’s why knights can’t use magic. Wizards cannot put mana on their bodies. that was the truth

However, Milia has both sides of her body polished. Even with the body of a knight, it was difficult to achieve a level of silent chanting.

From an objective point of view, Milia’s talent was one of the few in the world of magic, but she herself was completely unaware of it.



Anden rolled down the gutter again and evaded the spear. However, one arm is already tied. It was only natural that they would lose without a hitch if they went on like this.

Anden’s eyes moved like crazy. He seemed to be looking for a workaround.

Milia continued to attack without giving a chance.

Every time he used magic, the wounds that Anden’s chain scythe dug open widened and blood oozing out.

Anden, who was evading again, saw this and smiled in repentance. He seemed to think that if the war of attrition continued, Millia would run out of stamina first.

“It’s okay.”

However, Millia put her hand on the wound and concentrated her magic.

Then, the mana that spread in concentric circles rushed to the wound, and the blood stopped.

“Are you even using healing magic?! It’s against the rules, isn’t it!”

Anden cried out in resentment, but Millia responded by shooting a spear.

At the hot reply that passed by his ear, Anden repeatedly swung the scythe while swearing, but this too was helplessly blocked.

In the end, he had no choice but to take the last resort.


Anden held the chain attached to the scythe short. And it started to run towards Millia at a fierce speed.

Originally, the weapon he used was unfavorable in close combat. Using a long range, it was right to take a combat method that continues to gnaw at mid-to-long range.

However, the opponent is a wizard. Fighting at the same distance was inevitable. If that’s the case, I don’t give them a chance to use magic in close combat. It seemed like an action taken with such thoughts.

Anden no longer thought of Milia as a knight. Hey, you wouldn’t be able to find a single person besides Milia, a knight who shoots demonic spears with a silent chant.

Chae Chaeng!

Repelling the magic fired by Millia with the enchanted scythe, Anden reached her in an instant.

You can’t hit magic at this distance. Perhaps having made that decision, Anden smiled in triumph.

“It’s over.”

He swung the scythe in his hand toward her chest.


The skin was cut open and a large amount of blood was pouring out.

However, the owner of the blood was not Milia.

“… … Koo, cool.”

Anden grabbed his bloody neck and staggered back, then smacked his butt.

Unsure of the reason, the two eyes, stained with bewilderment, turned to Milia.

To be precise, she headed for the golden sword she was holding in her hand. A sword of light that seems to contain the sunlight as it is.

“… … What is that, cool.”

Anden asked while spitting out blood, and Milia answered with unfocused eyes.

“It’s a summoning weapon. It’s not that great.”

“… … I’m going crazy.”

Anden laughed as blood poured out.

The foreign press’s tattoos, which had been shining, had already turned black. In contrast to the pale white skin due to lack of blood, it creates a grotesque feeling.

“In elemental magic… … Cool, defense magic, healing magic, and summoning magic?”

“… … .”

“f*k. You just became a great wizard.”

Millia waved her hand. Then, the golden summoning weapon he was holding oxidized into a small light with a rustling sound.

Anden spoke quietly, trying to hold on to the dying life.

“What is the speed… … . Let’s use Magic Swordsman Milia… … .”

That was Anden’s will.

With his upper body bent forward, he was motionless.

Even the smallest spark of life was now extinguished.


Millia groaned and staggered from the belated pain and exhaustion.

He breathed heavily as he braced himself against the wall of the waterway.

After understanding the situation to some extent, I naturally thought of Lautrec and the girl named Yuria. The outer wall had been separated due to Anden’s attack.

what the outcome would have been

Milia hastily moved her steps.


Then, an explosion was heard, and a huge hole was opened in the outer wall opposite.

A person jumps out through the dark hole.

It was a white-skinned girl. The scarf around his neck was scorched, and his body was full of bruises.

Milia realized that the true identity was Yuria.

And a knight with blazing red hair came in after him.


Lautrec directed his sword blade at the fallen Yuria and exerted her strength, and a green gag appeared on her mouth as she was knocked down by spiritism.

As if the situation had come to an end, he sighed deeply and looked around, and when he met Milia’s eyes, he smiled helplessly.

“It looks like you’re done with that too?”

“How is it?”

“Well? Where is the sword?”

“… … Ahahahaha. Somehow… … .”

As Milia nodded, Lautrec saw dozens of holes in the wall. Only then did Lautrec, realizing what was going on, stretched his shoulders as if he was dumbfounded.

“yes. You should write everything you can.”

“… … Aren’t you going to kill this girl?”

“I was thinking of capturing him alive to hear the circumstances. It looks like he’s using the language.”


“The kind that works miracles through words. It’s an ancient spell. It was more difficult than I thought.”

Lautrec, of course, didn’t look tired at all when he said that.

Because there was no scratch on the body.

Millia looked up in admiration. A slight vibration continued to reverberate on the ground.

“It seems that the ground is gradually getting hotter.”

“… … Well, it should be fine since Sir Uriard is there. There is also Fried.”


Hearing that name, Milia felt somewhat relieved.

Soon after, he realized what he was thinking and his face flushed slightly.

“Let’s go too, we don’t have time.”


Millia relaxed her expression and followed Lautrec.

Of course, while dragging Yuria who was tied to a rope.


“No, that’s ridiculous!”

Meanwhile, Duke, a wizard in black robes hiding behind a huge tombstone at the back of the cemetery muttered.

He watched from a distance as the corpses he raised indiscriminately assaulted the mausoleum.

At first I was satisfied. Like a cemetery, there were numerous corpses, and it was very easy for Duke, who had dedicated his life to necromancy, to handle them.

It was my first time raising so many corpses, so I was a little nervous, but it wasn’t a big deal.

As Apostle Atral acknowledged, Duke was a very good necromancer.

As Atral said, at first, the Royal Guard were helpless against Duke’s undead. It was only urgent to block the attack.

But they are also the elite of the elite. The resistance was stronger than expected, and there was a limit to the weak zombies.

That’s why Duke raised the corpse giant even if it was a little too much. I was thinking of making a hole in the square with that massive body and inserting the death knights through it. If so, the camp would surely collapse.

In other words, it is to make a revolutionary contribution to the assassination of Irene. As a reward for this, you will be able to receive a good body from the apostle.


“Why did this happen?”

The Duke’s expectations were overshadowed by the situation.

The reason was the two knights who were playing with the corpse giant right in front of their eyes.

A purple-haired elf knight and an ashen man without armor.

They swung their swords while avoiding the corpse giant’s huge fist, and each time they did, the corpses clinging to the giant’s body fell off one by one.

Even if only one hit is allowed, it is the Nether Road. No matter how much a knight has a strong body using mana, he can’t block the corpse giant’s fist.

But they had no fear. A movement as if removing the scales of a solid dragon one by one. Mana of different colors was emitting light and hacking at the giant.

The army of zombies who were originally supposed to enter the mausoleum also drew attention to them, and the entire camp began to be disturbed.

Judging from her appearance, the female knight was most likely Eina, a mute knight from Harzfeld.

And the gray knight.

“Hogukkyung Iscobal… … .”

A guardian knight of the imperial family who killed Slaine brutally, and one of Ayren’s closest aides. Isn’t it Freed the fighting dog?

The apostle made a new request. He will surely kill himself, so never touch him.

But when I saw it, I realized. The fact that Duke couldn’t kill that fighting dog.

No matter how strong he is, who would think of breaking through these enormous waves of undead and fighting the corpse giant alone? His way of thinking was different from his own.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Duke’s chills rose. The essential fear of those two articles came over me.

“Damn it! If it goes like this… … .”

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Duke bit his lip hard enough to bleed.

However, he was more afraid of the punishment that Apostle Atral would give if he made a mistake than his fear of them.

He was terribly fond of his subordinates, but on the contrary, he was a terribly strict apostle. If he abandoned his mission and ran away like this, his head would run away.


In the end, Duke cried and raised his hand to eat mustard and prepared the witchcraft.

It was an intention to raise two more corpse giants.

From the ground Duke pointed at, corpses began to gather and form a gigantic human shape.

The corpse giant didn’t have good value for money. It felt like all the magic power left in my body was being sucked out. Duke felt dizzy and exhausted.

“Here you are, mouse.”

At that moment, a voice was heard right behind Duke.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Duke quickly turned around at the eerie voice that was grave but full of anger.


A white-haired old knight was looking down at the Duke in displeasure. A black bandage was wrapped around the sword in his hand.

I realized when I saw it there.

The head of the Royal Guard, the wise Yuriad.

Somehow, I heard that you can’t see nose plucking in the mausoleum, so maybe it was here.

“I hate necromancers. I hate summoners even more.”


Uriad raised his sword, and Duke hurriedly raised his mana.


However, in the blink of an eye, his sword decapitated the Duke.

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  1. LexusMaximus says:

    Yuriad managing to get through the hordes of undead without being noticed more or less and then doing a sneaky attack, chopping the head (literally) of the source of the undead. Mad respect.

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