I Became a Dark Knight the Empress Is Obsessed With chapter 6

6 - National Foundation Day - (complete)

6 – National Foundation Day – (complete)

Walk straight along the road. The enemy was invisible. It was thanks to Lautrec’s cleanup.

They were scheduled to arrive at the imperial palace soon. Even though I was limping, I did not lose my guard.

“Sir Fried!”

Then it stopped, and I fell over.

It’s because of the weakness in the legs. There was no feeling in the lower body. I tried to stand up again, but every time I did, I crawled helplessly to the floor.

Lincia hurriedly came and helped. She laid me down on nearby rubble and undid my gaiter. The bare calves were discolored to dark red. In particular, the part hit by the arrow had already coagulated blood sticking to it like paper. It was grotesque.

Lynchia looked at the condition of my leg and put on a distressed expression.

“How on earth were you walking in this state?”

“Because there was no rush.”

Lyncia put on a resentful expression as if it were her own pain.

However, he shook his head and grabbed the hem of his dress with one hand and tore it apart. The clear skin was exposed in the wind, but he didn’t seem to care. Before long, she untied the hairpin that was twisting her hair. His long, platinum-blonde hair reached down to his waist.

After wrapping the cloth in the form of wrapping the hamstrings, I took out a hairpin, tied it like a loop, and pulled it. Dead blood gushed out from the wound.

Turn it a few turns and fix it.

For a tourniquet made in an instant, the performance wasn’t bad.

“You’re good at it.”

“I was hurt a lot when I was young. Maybe that’s why the lady-in-waiting informed me. It seems that I was a tomboy.”

Lyncia jumped up and sat down next to me.

“Let’s rest for a bit. If you work too hard here, you’ll be unable to use your legs forever.”

With so much persuasion, I had nothing to say.

sudden break.

When I looked at Lyncia, she was looking at me.

“No way, I didn’t know that the princess was a tomboy.”

I was embarrassed, so I spoke first.

“Is it strange? I broke a vase once a day. I used to hide in the closet and make fun of the young maid.”

When she said that, Lyncia’s expression contained the innocence of her age.

When I see it, I feel very happy. The affection for her, which was formed after playing the game for nearly 500 hours, was quite deep.

“Aren’t you the age to be playing in full swing?”

Lyncia smiled bitterly.

“Then, when I was six years old, I once hurt my older brother a little. A piece of broken glass scratched my palm. That evening, I was dragged away by my father and beaten to the point of death. He said he hurt the crown prince.”

She showed the inside of the brush with an embarrassed expression. There were red, scarred whip marks.

“I was locked up in a warehouse and not fed for over a week. The lady-in-waiting brought me a little bit of bread. After that, I’ve been quiet. My father told me not to do anything, so I sat in my room and stayed still.”

“… you crazy bastard.”



No, no matter how much it makes sense to beat my daughter like that.

From the point of view of modern Korea, this is incomprehensible.

“As expected, isn’t it strange? The royal family, who should be an example, get into trouble.”

“No. It’s not strange at all. Rather, it’s reassuring.”


I saw an unexpected side.

In the game, Lynchia always looked shrunken or terrified. Maybe it’s natural as the situation around you is the situation.

This world had even a figure that could not be seen in the game. It was so terribly realistic that it made my head thump.

“Sir Fried, what kind of person was he as a child?”

Lynchia asked an obvious question.


I couldn’t answer

The only information I had about Fried was the fact that it was a taciturn article. A strange figure who loyally assists the empress without a single line, and suddenly stabs her in the back.

Raising Empress was not a story game, but a training simulation game. The narrative about the individual characters was not properly dealt with.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Didn’t he even know the past of the main character, Lincia?

“……Ah, sorry if I’ve offended you. I didn’t think much of it.”

As I kept my mouth shut, Lyncia panicked.

“It’s okay. It’s not even something I would say to anyone.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Dumbfounded, I shook my head and got up.

Perhaps thanks to Lincia’s first aid, the sensation in her legs had returned. I could walk enough now.

“We’re leaving.”


There was not a single soldier at the gateway to the imperial palace.

I thought there would be at least one guard, but seeing that there wasn’t even one, it was easy to guess how weak the current empire was.

Several corpses were visible beyond the gate. Most of them were bodyguards.

As we went a little further, there was a huge garden, where a quarrel was unfolding.

Several scorched wagons were parked. In the meantime, the nobles raised their voices. The bureaucrats deal with them while sweating.

Those who were caught in the explosion groaned in pain, and soldiers and priests were busy carrying them on stretchers or treating them.

Everyone in the garden was bewildered by the sudden terror.


As I was standing there with Lincia, one of the administrators who recognized me waddled up. He was wearing a luxurious red suit and a hat puffed up like bread. It was a fat man with an impressive seagull mustache.

“Fried! You’re alive! Where the hell have you been!”

As soon as he came running, the administrative officer shouted and poured out his words with a rapid-fire gun without hearing an answer.

“The situation is the worst! The Emperor has passed away! The Crown Prince is the same! Oh, didn’t I mention the Princes? Anyway, it’s a piece of sh*t. I’ll have to write a will. You too, hurry up and get ready to commit seppuku.”

He was a very negative administrator.

Should I be cold?

“It’s the same with the Royal Guard. According to Lautrec, half of the Guardian Knights are dead! They say the Guard is also destroyed.”

“There is still hope.”

The magistrate snorted and put a finger in my face.

“Hah! Hope? What hope! Terror has happened! Probably the work of the cult. The empire is over. Half of the administration is dead. The same goes for the senate. Most of all, the royal line has been cut off. The emperor’s power will be inherited. There are no people! We are all…”

I cut him off.

“Not all.”


“Not all are dead.”

I slowly stepped aside.

Then, the figure of Lyncia appeared behind me.


As soon as the administrator saw Lincia, he raised his glasses with trembling hands.

His seagull mustache and three folds of neck quivered.

He soon regained his composure and spoke in a serious tone.

“Frid, wait here. I’ll call an emergency meeting.”


I let out a deep sigh as I watched the magistrate waddle and run inside the palace.

I somehow got to the imperial palace. It was as if the prelude was over.

Looking to the side, Lincia also had an expression that she didn’t know if this was a dream or real life.

“Princess, are you feeling well?”

“Yes, yes.”

I bent my knees and looked at Lyncia. There were bruises all over the body, but no major injuries.

Lynchia’s face was covered with soot, but it was in a very messed up state because she had shed tears over it.

He took a finger and rubbed it under his eyes. However, my hands were also stained with blood and dirty, which made my condition worse.

I laughed at that ridiculous appearance, and Lynthia sat down as if that was a signal.

It was because of the tension.


Lynchia, with a dejected expression, looked up at the sky, which gradually regained its blue color.

“Sir Fried, what will I become now?”

Lyncia struggled to speak.

All of his family died in one morning, and all the burden was placed on himself, the only survivor. The emperor, who had told Lyncia not to do anything, was unable to keep his word.

Looking at Lincia’s quivering lower eyelids, I realized how great the burden she was carrying was.

Lyncia will have to overcome tremendous adversity in the future.

To ascend the throne at a young age without a guardian was tantamount to walking down a thorny path.

In the process, you will have to see countless deaths.

Even from my point of view, who accompanied me on the voyage of death, the future was so far away that I couldn’t dare to decide.

“……I do not know.”

Still, she answered with the most reassuring words.

“But if there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s the fact that I’ll be by your side no matter which path the princess takes.”

she was speechless

He seemed to be in deep thought.

belt ring.

Soon, a familiar sound was heard.

[Prelude – National Foundation Day]

> clear

> Survival Point +3

“ha ha ha…….”

Seeing that notification, I let out a silly laugh.

finished. The relief that came from there pulled the trigger.

It feels as if the thread on the top of my head has finally been cut.

The nosebleed dripped. I felt as though my limbs had gone numb, and I collapsed backwards from my standing position.

My mind is confused. It was because too much blood had been spilled.

“Sir Fried!”

In my fading consciousness, the last thing I saw was Lynthia hurriedly approaching me and screaming.

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  1. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Rather, do they even know exactly the type of power the family will inherit. Who knows, maybe they kept a tight-lipped about the kind of power it is and the cult knows only because the family’s power is the one standing in the way of their goal.

    That sure would explain why the OG Freed says that he killed her to save the world when instead it will eliminate the last hope this world had to avert destruction. Maybe some disguised cult member trick him or he found some pieces of information that he misinterpreted and let him mistakenly believe that to prevent the invaders from coming into their world it requires a royal blood’s sacrifice or something.

  2. G says:

    I am guessing it is due to incompetence and greed by former royalty. They had something in their blood with supernatural powers that was necessary for the world to go on, but there were so few relatives that they were able to be wiped out in a morning.

    I am guessing they squandered whatever power was given to them to protect the world, carefully controlled its spread, and used it to abuse the rest of the world rather than protect it.

    Consider the capabilities of the death cult for evidence of this. You would have to step really far out of line to make the strongest members of society with great prospects and enough common soldiers to overwhelm a capital’s defences all unite in a suicide pact just to get back at you.

    We also have some character evidence of them locking up their children for a week and not giving them food. I don’t think they were good people.

  3. Drakensji says:

    For someone who supposedly is necessary to keep the world safe from destruction, she seems to not have many allies in the game

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