I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy chapter 15

I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy 15


5. Dungeon Practice (2)

A few days have passed since the semester started in earnest.

If there is one thing I felt while attending Stellar, it was that high schools and universities in Korea were so tight that they couldn’t even be compared.

My stamina is not good at superhuman level

If I had, I might have collapsed right away.

“As you all know, 90% of the world’s population learns magic, but less than 20% of them can use offensive magic. You should never use this kind of attack magic unless you have a ‘certificate’, do you know why?”

“Isn’t that because attack magic is dangerous?”

“That’s right. It’s almost correct. If there’s one bigger problem, it’s that you don’t know where the magic will go.”

Magic is dangerous. To the extent that it can’t be compared to the possession of a firearm on Earth.

If the fire-based magic was used incorrectly, the entire building could be burned down. In some cases, the entire construction site collapsed due to the wrong manipulation of the water-based magic. The unfortunate accident in which the earth-based magic splashed on passersby and instantly killed them. there was also

“Attack magic needs to be manipulated more precisely than any other magic. That is why you must take this class, ‘Mana Orbital’.”

Professor Karl Aim of Mana Orbital Blackboard

I wrote three words in

“Attack magic is divided into three main categories.”

‘Shooting’ fired from the caster’s body.

A ‘target’ that creates magic by specifying coordinates.

“Air rear” that hits the entire area within a certain range.

“Each spell has its pros and cons. Shooting magic instantly traverses the trajectory

You can modify and quickly shoot at enemies, but they can see them and dodge or block them. Target magic can hit unconditionally if the enemy recognizes it late, but it has low power and is very difficult to coordinate, so the difficulty is high and casting is quite long. Then, what about the characteristics of the area?”

“By attacking the entire range, you can hit multiple people.”

“Yes. Instead, the efficiency of mana consumption is not very good, so wizards with a low total mana cannot use it well. Starting today, you can shoot and target for face-to-face matches.

I am going to learn orbital mainly. Did you study the formula until you were bored in middle school, didn’t you?”

They shouted ‘Yes!!’ all over the place. The formula meant that I wanted to stop studying and go into practice.

“Unfortunately, I have to memorize the orbital formula today.”

A sigh came out, but it couldn’t be helped. Professors also have to train students slowly by subtracting the curriculum.

“Then, shall we solve this formula?”

Professor Carl Aim wrote the problem on the blackboard.

[There is a evacuation running at a speed of 12.6¹% to the south at a distance of 760 m north. At this time, find the trajectory and expected observation distance required for Young-hee to prove the water-type magic ‘Water Air Force’ to Cheol-su.]

Yes. Orbital is mathematics.

“Where, is there a student who can come out and solve this problem?”

It’s not a different attribute, it’s a water flow system. The students’ eyes frowned.

Water flow system required formulas and fluid mechanics to explain flowing substances, but this study is notoriously difficult and difficult to the extent that all wizards are reluctant, so only basic knowledge is known, and only those who are not majors in water flow magic are hardly touched.

try solving it yourself That’s not a problem, it’s just annoying.


“I feel like throwing up just looking at the problem… …

“What kind of superman is that cheol-su? Person

How do you run 12m in 1 second? …

Most of the students turned their heads and looked away.

I stared blankly at the back of the professor.

‘The hairstyle is so amazing.’

Professor Karl-Aim had a distinctively bald, bald head, and its shape was close to a U-shape. To describe it more precisely, it was in the form of a y=ax² (a>0) graph.

It is a quadratic function graph in which the coefficients of the quadratic term are positive numbers.

How do you express your individuality?

He must have been born to do math.

“Student Baek Yu-seol?”

“Yes, yes?”

For a moment, I stuttered in surprise. Surely, Stella’s professors aren’t even using mind-reading, are they?

Fortunately, it was a concern, Karl Aim said as he patted the blackboard.

“The only person who made eye contact with me was a student. Come out and let go.”

“… … Yes.”

“… … Well, well done. It’s really easy to solve. Do you usually major in water flow?”


“How can you simplify the Ridier-Hibock equation so much? Very good.”


Baek Yu-seol solved the formula much more easily than expected.

However, Professor Carl Aim was visibly embarrassed and did not hide his exclamation because he solved it so quickly that he had almost done mental arithmetic.

Read at noblemtl.com

Certainly, it was a uniquely quick solution to the problem even in Stella, where geniuses gathered. At that point, it was almost like a college course, no, more than a professor.

“yes… like. Then, keep these problems as homework until next time.”

As soon as the lecture was over, Baek Yu-seol quickly left the classroom.

… … And Eisel, who was watching him silently from behind, followed him.


As a result of following and secretly watching for the past few days, I am convinced.

Although he was admitted as the last of his grade, he still has a bit of a headache. •••Maybe a little bit too much.

“excuse me.”


When he called Baek Yu-seol, he stopped walking in haste. Then he looked at himself and wrinkled his expression with an annoying tee.


“Do you get that expression when you look at my face?”

“How’s your face?”

“Every time I see my face, my stress is relieved.”

“I am stressed… …

Sure enough, Baek Yu-seol was under a lot of stress because he had been feeling Azel secretly chasing him for the past few days.

“It’s done. What are you going to attend the next lecture?”

On the contrary, when Azel came out shamelessly, the rumor of Baek Yoo became ridiculous.

“Why do you keep asking me that? Are you interested in me?”

“What is it? I feel bad.”

“I am worse.”

After saying that, as Baek Yu-seol started going his own way again, Eisel hurriedly blocked his way.

“ruler… Wait.”

“Why again?”

“that… ugh. The classes you take, I know some of them.”

“Until my background check? I’m not a fan of the reins like you.”

“… … Are you also in high school?”

I forgot. Baek Yu-seol, who recalled his shortcomings for a moment, did not answer and stood still, and Azel continued.

“Anyway, when I looked at the classes you took, they were all easy to get grades for.”

“uh. right.”

It takes less time, and you can get grades easily. It’s a white rumor that is spread out all over the place. Bonus skill level

He also took alchemy and magic engineering to raise .

“Where did you learn that strategy?”

“Where do you learn? that he knew mine Just listen to it like this.”

Then, Azel frowned and sighed.

“It doesn’t hurt you at all because it’s an A+ just by listening to something like the New Moon Study anyway… … If I take other courses, it will hurt you.”


Baek Yu-seol was a little surprised inside.

I have three noses right now, and I’m sitting here paying attention to the fact that other people’s grades are lowered by my intervention.

“Home, your grades are crawling on the floor, so should I intervene to use it?”

The idea of ••• was mature, but it was a problem for talking too much.

“Anyway, can’t you recommend that one lecture? It’s good for grades.”

“Yes, which one do you recommend?”

“I knew that, and I prepared the price.”

“cost… … ?”

Kids these days really like it. Where did you learn such a snobbish thing?

‘As far as I know, Azel in the early days must have been an empty beggar who had nothing… … ?’

Knowing his question, she hurriedly continued the story.

“Do you know the secret of the school’s ‘7th Main Tower Ghost Story’?”


However, a word I knew came out.

“Al… not long.”

“Oh, right? Very few people I know. It is now an abandoned building. In addition, the area where the building was located was barricaded, so it was impossible to even access it, but in fact… …

“for a moment.”

Thinking that this was not the case, Baek Yu-seol quickly stopped Azel.

As she said, this is really great information. Depending on the listener, it can be a huge benefit or it can be abused.

In the game, the full frame is based on this information to determine the affinity with the desired male protagonist.

It was to the extent that I was able to raise it tremendously.

In other words, what Full Frame knew is that Azel knew in the original ‘Ropan’.

Eisel must also hand over this valuable information to ‘Namju’. Not an extra like yourself.

“Is it scary? won’t you listen I don’t think it will be fun.”

“•••Isn’t that scary? Are you afraid of ghosts? You can’t pay for the night.”

“Okay, I’ll just tell you for free.”

So, don’t waste that valuable information in vain. Baek Yu-seol swallowed the back words.

In any case, the thought that Azel sincerely wanted to trade something was enough for Baek Yu-seol.

It is because Baek Yoo-seol knew best that she was essentially the best, just, and unhappy being in the world, even if there were some tinkling and annoying corners.

“Hmm, you acted like you weren’t going to tell me anything earlier. You suddenly changed your mind


“uh. Originally, I didn’t tell you, but I’m telling you because you’re pretty.”

“Are you saying it’s not pretty?”

“It’s just like that.”

“Huh, so what would you recommend?”

“It has nothing to do with grades, but it is very good for you now. Take ‘Meditation to the Abyss’ as a liberal arts course.”

Although it is not yet known, a magician in the bishop position that pours destructive magic into a wide area at once.

Meditation is very important for a Buddhist monk.

It is important to understand the formula and formula for accurate casting, but in the end it comes from the mind that moves the mana.

“meditation? Meditation as a liberal arts subject may not be very popular. I’ve been aware of it since I heard it as a hobby, but polishing is my hobby… .”

“no it’s not.”

At this point, the importance of meditation has not yet risen to the surface, so Azel’s reaction was natural.

However, even after a very short time, most bishops meditate for several hours a day. To that extent, meditation was an incredibly important culture for Bishop.

As he thought about it, Baek Yu-seol felt his head pounding.

‘Wait, come to think of it, am I a wizard too?’

Recently, Baek Yu-seol’s growth has been stalled. There were no episodes, and there were no monsters in the school, so there was no way to gain experience.

At least he is increasing his strength through training, but that’s the limit.

But, why didn’t you ever think of training like other wizards?

In the game, Baek Yu-seol is set in motion by training his constitution in which mana constantly travels back and forth between nature and the body, awakening the retardation of magic leakage and making a great achievement.

In the game, it was just content to get experience by burning a dive with ‘automatic training by pressing the beaten’ at the training ground… … .

Now that it’s a reality, this body

Read at noblemtl.com

Can’t you do this yourself?

In the game, the skill level goes up if you just play hard. But in reality, it was slow, and there was a serious lack of content that could acquire skill points.

If so, repeated training like this is the answer.

As soon as I thought about it, my mind felt clear.

I am also a wizard So, you need to train like a wizard. Baek Yu-seol thought that way and somehow felt better, so he said to Eisel.

“My master was in the bishop position, and through meditation he increased the power of magic many times. I also never tell anyone about this, but it’s you, so I’m telling you.”

“Um, Master. After all, people have to look pretty. Thank you. It’s a pity I didn’t hear about grades, but let’s apply. After all, there was only one culture left.”

When the talk was over, Azel disappeared somewhere.

‘It’s rewarding to teach, but… .’

How will the future be due to this action?

I was a little afraid when I thought about whether it would change. However, leaving a girl who was going to become unhappy in the future because she was afraid of changing the future also struck her conscience, so Baek Yu-seol did not regret her actions.

Besides, do you not know? I wonder what kind of expensive reward that young lady would really meditate on and attain enlightenment.


that’s not going to happen

‘He’s a beggar like me now.’

gave up quickly

After class, I returned to the dormitory and stared blankly at the empty room.

“The dormitory is very spacious.”

At Stellar Academy, all students live in a dormitory. This dormitory was also graded, divided from Class F to Class S.

This dormitory system was nothing more than content that felt like ‘decorating a girl’ to the players, but to me it was

It became the only house. It’s a setting that my home town is on fire, so there’s really no place to go back to.

There was no significant difference in the rooms used by Doban or S-Class. It was the same two-room structure of 20 pyeong, and the furniture and structure were almost the same.

However, Class F~E uses 4 people in one room, Class D~C uses 3 people, and Class B~A uses 2 people.

And the long-awaited S class uses a room alone and is assigned the highest floor.

Divide the ranks of wizards by the height of the floors

The system has already been implemented in schools.

‘It’s fortunate that I’m assigned to class S so I can use it alone, but it’s a bit lonely.’

Still, thanks to you, there are advantages.

As I sat cross-legged in the middle of the room, I was reminded of the previous story.

‘ meditation.’

Meditation is very important to wizards. And, even though I can only use one magic, the wizard was a wizard.

Why did I still think of blinking and magic leakage delay as simple skills?

It was possible to increase the ability by accumulating experience points by hunting or clearing episodes, but it was possible to raise stats and skills by training.

I have never exercised in real life, and this is the first time I use this ‘mana’. In other words, he had to become more accustomed to mana. This was not a problem that could be implemented as a skill level.

‘Simple stats are not important.

Since this is a reality, I have to adapt myself to my body.’

I still don’t know much about my body. Because you can’t know everything just by looking at the status numbers. I have to move and feel myself.

‘The blinking using a mouse and keyboard and the blinking in reality are very different.’

Likewise, additional skills that will be dealt with using ‘Magic Leakage Delay’ in the future will have to be controlled purely with my own senses.

I have a lot more than other ‘geniuses’

things are lagging behind

Because he couldn’t even handle magic, his abilities were close to the weakest, and even his control over mana was at the level of a newborn baby.

In the game, Baek Yu-seol was a genius who succeeded in realizing ‘sword energy’ by exploding that energy by taking advantage of the fact that his ‘magic leakage delay’ constantly circulates mana.

Although his genius did not stand out because of the lack of importance, the fact that he was the first ‘sword master’ to reach the ultimate sword in this world full of magic anyway

is something no one can deny.

And I have to walk the same path that another ‘I’ walked.

I can feel the mana coming into my body as I breathe and then out again.

The total amount of mana that comes in at one breath. And the total amount of mana that escapes again.

The circulation of mana was determined solely by my breathing.

In other words, breathing is a control that deals with mana.

He also played a similar role.

If you gradually increase the amount of mana you hold in one breath, one day you will be able to achieve high efficiency.

With each breath, the amount of mana, which was only a spoonful, gradually increased. A very small amount, indeed, the size of a grain of millet, but it was able to breathe more mana than before.

‘Skills do not go up simply by accumulating experience points.’

The more you use the skill, the more you use it, the higher the skill level.

Then, wouldn’t it be possible to ‘train’ the skills and raise them?

Even skipping dinner, I closed my eyes and focused on meditation, maximizing the sense of delayed magic leakage.

late morning… No, early morning.

As the sun began to rise, I opened my eyes and felt the new five senses.

‘Magic leakage retardation’ has a completely different sense from when it simply existed as a skill.

I must have lived my whole life accepting the magic leakage delay as my own since childhood.

The feeling that Baek Yuseol feels.

I was feeling it, at least in part, now.

[The skill level of ‘Magic Leakage Delay’ increases.]

[The skill level of ‘Flashing’ increases.]

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