I Became a Fortune Teller in a Game My Sister Made chapter 52

I Became a Fortune Teller in a Game My Sister Made 52

52 – 11. Black Consumer

Tit. tweet.


A semi-basement where sunlight does not enter properly.

Hwang Jin-woo opened his eyes in a place full of damp moldy smell and dampness.

He was dazed at the yellowed ceiling he always looked at, and picked up the alarm clock next to the blanket spread out.

“…5 O’clock.”

The time now is 5:00 in the morning.

Class is at 11:00, so you should start preparing now.

I got up, folded the blankets, and stepped into the small bathroom with the tired feeling that was always creeping in.

shoot it… …

‘It’s cold.’

The only thing in the bathroom, without a bathtub or sink, is a toilet and a hose.

Hwang Jin-woo turned on the faucet, squatted down in a familiar position, and washed his red hair with cold water.

It’s been a long time since I gave up on warm water, and it’s a good thing that the water comes out now.

After washing your face properly, spray deodorant on clothes that haven’t been washed yet.

‘I have to take it to the laundromat.’

All amenities at Romance Academy are luxurious.

Even the laundromat goes far beyond the budget while talking about dry cleaning.

So is the house right now. Even this semi-basement house was barely found at the edge of the outskirts of the outskirts, and even with the student discount, more than 200 went out per month.

‘Even if there is no tuition fee… … .’

Romance Academy is unique in that you do not have to pay tuition. However, students have to go to the academy and get everything they need on their own.

And compared to the Korean Empire where he originally lived, high prices made Hwang Jin-woo even more stressed out.

It’s only been a little over a month now. I have to endure for the next 4 years.

All kinds of troubles and worries come to mind.

“…Let’s go out.”

I open the mini-fridge and take out the potatoes I boiled in advance.

around 5:10 in the morning. Because it is a floating city, the sun rises quickly.

It wasn’t long before Hwang Jin-woo, who hurriedly ran with a bite of boiled potatoes, arrived at the nearby airport.

The largest of the airports in this aerial city, the airport operated by the imperial family of the unified Korean Empire.

However, he was heading not to the inside of the fancy airport, but to the dark place behind it, still hidden by buildings.

Accepting work clothes with familiarity, he greeted the middle-aged man who worked with me from early in the morning.

“Hello, Work Supervisor!”

“Oh, student Jinwoo. You always have a lot of hardships. Today’s amount is from there to there.”


As if it was not a waste of time to delay, he immediately ran to the piled up luggage.

Not only people but also all kinds of supplies and parcels gather at the airport of Romance Academy.

Hwang Jin-woo’s job was to deliver parcels and groceries among them.


If it was a combat job that uses the body, he would do it without any problems, but he is a job that uses his head instead of his body.

Sometimes I have the delusion that it would be much more comfortable if I had a job like <Martial Artist> or <Swordsman> rather than something like <Wizard>.

Even so, I ended my thoughts with gratitude for the fact that I am a ‘professional holder’ who can always be blessed compared to people in the same situation.

If he hadn’t been a job holder, he wouldn’t have been able to get the extra pay, get into the romance academy, or fulfill his dream of becoming rich.


“Ah, thank you.”

“It’s delivery…!”

“It’s a 5-story building, but you did a good job.”


“Student. The house is out of town now, so you’ll have to come back later.”

“……all right.”

from 5:30 to 10:00 in the morning.

They wander around non-stop, delivering parcels, delivering, and delivering again.

When hungry, bite into a boiled potato and quench your thirst with bottled water.

Hwang Jin-woo, who finished his quota with only a promise to study psychokinesis-type magic in a hurry, approached the foreman.

“Captain, it’s over.”

“As expected, even a student has a job. It’s an amount that normal people like us can’t even dare. This is first class today.”

“thank you!”

Two, three, five, ten, twenty, thirty.

Roughly 300,000 won for 5 hours of work. It is much more income than when doing the same loading and unloading outside.

Even so, the remaining money was the same as the cost increased due to the high price.

I couldn’t help the smile that leaked out every time I received money like this.

“Student Jinwoo, did you say you were aiming for a scholarship?”

“Yes. I will definitely take it.”

“You can do it. Oh, this is a bonus. I always wanted to work hard and give you more.”

“thank you!!”

A daily wage of 300,000 won and a bonus of 200,000 won… … !

If it was this, I thought it would be okay to buy chicken as a gift to myself after a long time.

──’You’re not without luck. It’s just hidden.’


“Student Jinwoo?”

“Oh, no. Thank you very much, Captain!”

“What. See you tomorrow.”


After receiving the bonus, I immediately thought of yesterday’s wealth luck, but I quickly erased it.

‘Wealth luck? hidden? It’s just nonsense.’

I was surprised to have matched his name and circumstances, but the fortuneteller’s words that fortune would come in the future were different.

Abandoned in the slums as an orphan, he did all sorts of menial jobs until the age of 20 to earn money, and he lived a life far removed from words such as luck or wealth.

The only thing he’s proud of is that he never touched a crime.

Even though I managed to enter the romance academy I wanted so much, I live in a semi-basement and go up and down.

‘After all, divination is just a scam.’

I’ve heard rumors about the fortune teller, Namgoong Min.

The first fortune teller student, special job class, outstanding leadership, fortune-telling to be brave, and acquaintance with influential people such as the princess and the rich.

No matter where you looked, a lower class like him could not be overlooked, and he had no interest in that.

Just because I’m from another world.

‘So this is… … It’s a chance.’

The same person who approached him while he was working as a delivery man as always.

‘To go to a fortune teller and threaten like a bully and spread bad reviews?’

You’re saying they’ll give you 10 million won for just that?

For Hwang Jin-woo, who didn’t even know that Namgoong-min was a fortune teller, and had never done anything like a bully, it was a sudden and dubious proposal.

However, when he saw the five million won that came in as an advance payment, he accepted it without hesitation, and even dyed his hair red so that he could look like a bully.

After that, I gathered two friends who were in a similar situation to him and studied what bullies were.

To be honest, I felt sorry for Namgoong-min without any malice or emotion, but you are rich and live well.

‘It’s my only chance.’

So be patient

It’s not like they’re really going to hit you, it’s just a matter of spreading bad comments about threats.

‘I’m being filmed because I talk nonsense like wealth luck.’

Okay, so I got a bonus today, so did I have any luck?

Hwang Jin-woo burst out laughing and headed to the semi-basement to wash his sweaty body.




A flyer blown in the wind suddenly catches my eye.

“Eggs and ramen are half price…!”

is this real Half price of eggs and ramen?

Even if you are a little late for class, you can’t miss this.

Looking around, there were exceptionally many flyers near him. I quickly picked up one of them and took a look.

When I hurried to the place indicated on the flyer, the mart was already crowded with people.

‘You must buy it!’

Hwang Jin-woo, who has made up his mind, steps into the mart.

phut! Papang!


“Congratulations! To our mart’s 10,000th customer, thank you very much!”

“Yes? Me?”

“Yes! We give you a gift certificate from Arthur’s department store!”

“Uh, huh!?”

Wow! congratulation!

A fanfare explodes as soon as you enter. Employees clapping around him. A gift certificate worth one million won placed in front of your eyes.

The guests around him also congratulate him on his good fortune.

And Hwang Jin-woo, the party.

“……thank you!”

I even shed tears at the luck that I feel like receiving for the first time in my life.

Having received a gift certificate from Arthur’s Department Store and a handful of eggs and ramen on sale today, he leaves the mart with a dumbfounded mind.

I thought it was a dream for a moment, but when I saw the shopping cart filled with both hands, I realized that it was reality.

‘I’m so lucky… … … Good luck.’

──’You’re not without luck. It’s just hidden.’

‘… … Ay, no way.’

Until recently, these words were dismissed as nonsense, but Namgoong Min’s fortune-telling little by little touches my heart.

Actually, you are not unlucky. say that you have good luck

Who would hate to hear such a thing? Of course, I wanted to believe that he was real.

It’s just that I couldn’t understand it because of the poor circumstances and reality so far.

‘Okay, let’s go to class first.’

I had hopes of wealth luck for nothing, but I didn’t want to lose even that.

Arrange ramen, eggs, and gift certificates in the semi-basement and prepare to go to class.

As I walked toward the academy with a used magic book and a worn-out bag, I was able to meet a friend in a similar situation.



Like Hwang Jin-woo, he walks the streets with Sasaki Kaede, who dyes his black hair blonde to look like a bully.

Kaede Sasaki, younger sister of the famous Japanese prosecutor Sasaki Ito.

However, due to a disagreement with the family, he left the house and lived separately, so he is in such a needy position.

“Jinwoo, are you going to go after class today…?”

“…That’s how it should be. I’m not comfortable with it either, but money is money.”

“Yeah… that’s right.”

Neither Hwang Jin-woo nor Sasaki Kaede like bullying. It also pricks my conscience that I am harassing Namgoong-min, whom I have no one to know.

But more than that, the reality was hard, so there was no option not to do it.

“Oh, there kite!”



After crossing the academy gate, a large male student who has been waiting for them joins them.

Kite Blackwood. He was tall and had a tough face, but he was timid and kind on the inside.

From noble mtl dot com

When he and Kaede, who live a poor life, get together, the poor trio they always go out with is complete.

The precious friends I made after entering the romance academy.

When he was with these friends, Hwang Jin-woo could forget the difficult reality and laugh.

“Ah, Jinwoo… congratulations.”

“Huh? What?”

“Scholarship…that’s it.”

“……Huh? Really?”

“Really!? Jinwoo! Congratulations!”

this again… … What are you talking about?

Kite took out a piece of paper from his pocket at the sight of him blinking.

Instructor Charles Teddy Bear’s signature was engraved on it, and it read ‘list of scholarship recipients’ in large letters.

“Lee Jin-woo……Park Jin-woo……Hwang Jin-woo! It’s real!”

“I-I didn’t get good grades…?”

“I heard… the donations from the church increased… the number of scholarship recipients increased… and more were selected from among those who failed…”

“ha ha ha!”

scholarship. The scholarship you’ve been longing for.

The reason I studied while sleeping less every day, and the reason I received a strange suggestion to bully Namgoong Min.

It’s not a lot of money, but it’s going to come in at 1 million won every month for the next half year.

With that alone, you can pay half of your monthly rent, so your life will be much more comfortable.

You can cut down on things like loading and unloading, part-time jobs, and folding boxes, and focus on studying… … !

“You’re lucky, Jinwoo!”

“I was lucky.”

“Luck, yes. Luck……”

──’You’re not without luck. It’s just hidden.’



Maybe that’s true.

His wealth luck, which had been hidden until now, may suddenly burst forth.

Bonuses, department store gift certificates, and even scholarships.

I keep thinking of Namgoong Min’s fortune telling, which I dismissed as just plain nonsense.

But now, more than that.

“Oh, I shoot today! It’s a chicken party!”

“Karaage! I like Karaage!”

“Sasaki, it’s not karaage, it’s chicken…”

“What does it matter! Jinwoo said he’d buy it!”


I just wanted to enjoy the joy.

My life is now solved. You will be rewarded for your efforts.

I will definitely graduate from this academy and become rich.

Today will be a step for him.

‘Namgoong Min… … A dragon fortune teller… … .’

The word ‘dragon fortune teller’ that could be heard every time I inquired about Namgoong Min.

What if the rumors about the near-prophecy were true? As if I had found out exactly what he was seeing for the first time, if the divination of fortune was true.

The first bonus may be a coincidence, but are all the department store gift certificates and scholarships a coincidence?

… … Let’s get it right today.

‘Not only me, but also Kaede and Kite… … .’

What a lamb? Spreading bad reviews?

I got the money, so I have to do it. I’m going to do it.

‘Isn’t it okay if I get some points?’

Hwang Jin-Woo clenched his fists.

In the afternoon after class, you can go to the fortune teller and get your fortune.

That fact alone gave me a little hope.

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  1. LuxX says:

    Scam but good.

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Instructor Teddy Bear and Arthur Department Store huh? This is a very elaborate scam.

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