I Became a Framed Villain chapter 58

58 - Pursuit (6)

Episode 58 – Pursuit (6)

“…Oh, I can’t hear you anyway.”

The trauma he murmured while looking down at the girl in front of him coldly. He quickly smiles and grabs her by the neck.

“By the way, it’s strange. Does your hair never come back?”


Then, the trauma that started observing around the girl with her head in her head.

“…the wounds remain the same. Seeing that the hair does not grow back, when the song ends, it seems that it is limited to the body parts and clothes created by the ability?”


“Even if the missing part is due to ability, it cannot be restored. It’s a pretty unique penalty.”

“What… did you do?”

As he continued to mutter while grabbing her, a voice suffocated by evil came out of the girl’s mouth.

“…if I tell you, can you hear me?”


But the trauma of looking at her coldly and throwing her to the ground.

“I’ve discovered a new aspect of my powers, but I still feel like my eardrums are the only ones at my helm.”


“I should have asked for your name earlier.”

Then, he pulls out a pistol from his bosom.

“Well, it can’t be helped.”

The corners of his mouth, which had been hardened, went up awkwardly.

“Until I hear the declaration of ‘defeat’, I have no choice but to fix it.’

and the next moment.

“for a moment…”

– Bang!!


A bullet from trauma that once again penetrated the leg that had already been shot.


– Bang! reasonable!! bang!!!


The scream of the girl who was holding her legs and trembling, echoed in all directions along with the sound of a series of gunshots.

– Shreuk… Shh…

After a while, the trauma of holding the smartphone to a girl who is trembling on the floor.

[Tell me your name]

She stared blankly at the commands written on the screen, then smiled and spit.

“You don’t know the official language?”

“…fuck it.”

“No, I don’t think it’s because I’ve been talking well since a while ago.”

The trauma of tilting her head for a moment at the sight, and then pointing the gun again in response to the common language heard in a low voice.

“Kill… just…”

“…I’m sorry, but I made a contract a long time ago that you shouldn’t kill people.”

The girl looked up at him with venomous eyes and muttered, but the trauma only made her eyes gleam and she held out her gun.

“I have no choice but to put my life on hold.”

– Tang!!


And the next moment, a powerless scream echoed with a flash of light.

“…that bastard, what are you doing without killing me?”

“You seem to have the same personality as me.”

“Heh heh, I don’t know which personality you’re talking about!”

Except for Pandora, who was trembling with her face down next to him, the rest of the executives were watching it calmly.

It was because he was so accustomed to such a thing that he would not even blink an eye at the splash of blood and flesh.

– Clap, clap…

how much time has passed like that


The trauma of scratching the head and looking around the gun.

“The bullet is out.”

Saying that, he threw the gun aside and walked towards the girl who was wriggling on the floor.

– Kuk…


The trauma of stepping on her wounded area.


The girl who was staring at him as if to kill him starts to laugh when she sees a message on her smartphone.

“I thought it was a fellow, but it wasn’t.”


“You can see it in your eyes.”

And then, she muttered in a low voice.

“Your identity didn’t really matter.”


“I envy you. How can a person reach that point?”


“What kind of experience did you have? What kind of situation were you in? What choices did you make?”

Then, Trauma, who had been quietly listening to her voice, which began to rise, muttered while glancing at Pandora from the side of her eyes.

“…why do all the media addicts keep saying things they can’t understand?”

“Sorry, I can’t hear the answer because I can’t hear the sound.”

On the other hand, the girl’s eyes gradually began to be colored by something.

“What you answered must have been what I was looking for all my life.”

“…surrender quickly.”

“Aww… but I mean.”

Her eyes, which had been shining quietly even as she was being trampled on by the trauma, were slowly turning dark.

“I think I’ll find out soon.”

right at that moment.

– Parzing…!!!


A huge flash of light covered the trauma and the executives behind.

“What was the answer I had to arrive at.”

“…Damn it, were you hiding micro-stun grenades?”

“Hehe, are you trying to run away like this?”

> We have to stop it somehow! He knows the identity of Kang Ha-neul!

As her passionate voice resounded in the midst of it, the executives began to talk nervously.


In the midst of the commotion, the trauma that quietly activated the color-recognition ability built into the mask frowned and took a step back.


She, who was covered in blood from gunshot wounds all over her body, stood up and stared at him.

Looking at it, it seemed that he had no intention of escaping.

“Hey… I don’t know what you touched on me…”

But as long as her hearing was sealed, she was no different than an ordinary person, so when the trauma walked towards her with her eyes shining.

“…if I touched the eardrum, would I regret it?”

She caresses the headset and smiles with blood.

“Even so, it’s a concept of music… Of course, you have a plan for damage to the eardrum?”


Inside her broken headset, something resembling earphones pops out.

“…have you ever heard of ‘bone conduction’?”

She puts it on the temple next to her ear and smiles with a creepy smile.


“People can’t hear sounds only through the vibration of the eardrum…”

Soon, her appearance begins to change.

“With a little bit of equipment, you can hear enough sounds even with the vibrations of bones and flesh!!!”

Suddenly, wearing a black suit and holding a violin in her hand, she was floating in the air, looking at the dominating hands with mad eyes.

– Tzuzuzuzuzu…

And the next moment.


“Damn it, host.”

> Why is that now…?

Long tentacles protruding from her back.

“Heh heh… he certainly wasn’t a monster…”

“It must have been so small that we couldn’t even tell…”

> But then it’s impossible to suddenly pop out like that.

“…if there’s something explosive about it, it’s not impossible.”

As the tentacles begin to penetrate her body, the officers start preparing for battle with a troubled expression on their faces.

“What song are you listening to…”

> Analyzing the awakening state, even at the minimum, it is first-class. There is a strong possibility that the awakening will probably end with an off-topic grade.

“If you attack right now, you’ll definitely run rampant? But you can’t just stand still.

“Heh heh, don’t lose your strength right now! Make sure you prepare for battle!”

However, Pandora, who was chatting quietly watching the situation from behind, shakes her head from side to side.

> no

> No need to.

> The situation is already over.

When the executives’ eyes are focused on her in response, she sends a triumphant emoticon and explains the deputy.

> It was a little difficult because it was old, but I just succeeded in hacking the guy’s mp3. Remotely deleted all songs inside.

Silence flows around for a while.

> Applause, too. The main contributor to this battle is…


> Why then?

Heart puts his hand to his mouth as he hurriedly cuts off Pandora’s mechanical sound that resonated in the stillness.

“…That sound.”

– ♩♪♫

In the quiet surroundings, the sound of a violin resonated.

“I don’t know how they hacked my MP3… What about this?”

> I hope…

“I’m sorry, but this bone conduction device also has the ability to automatically transmit ambient sound to the bone.”

The girl, still floating in the air, shouts as she plays the violin created in the costume with her dazzling skills.

“Even if the MP3 breaks down, it’s okay if I play it myself.”

The next moment, the sound of the violin began to resound even louder.

“That song…”

“Hey, that’s a big deal.”

“If the song we listen to really becomes our ability… we’re all over.”

Everyone, except for Pandora, who has a puzzled expression on her face, starts to sweat.

– ♩♪♫♪♩

“…where have I heard it a lot?”

“Schubert’s Demon King. It’s composed based on Goethe’s poetry.”

“Is it counted as the best German song? I learned it in music class at the national school… My memory is hazy. Heh heh.”

Behind the girl floating in front of them, a huge figure of shadow appeared.







It was at that moment that a smile fell on the corner of the trauma’s lips, who had been standing still until then.

“You’ve got a pretty good head.”

Trauma started to walk forward, leaving behind the officers who were preparing for battle with a lot of tension.

“The vibration of the eardrum is not recognized, so I can’t imagine using bone conduction.”


In an instant, the larger shadow of the boat starts reaching out to him with a creepy smile.

“Moreover, to express the identity they eventually found through music that has been heard by people for centuries and accumulated power. It’s an enemy, but it’s commendable.”

However, the trauma of just continuing to speak calmly and moving forward.

“…if only I hadn’t made one major mistake.”


At those words, the girl who was playing the violin quietly tilted her head, and Trauma brought a smile to her lips.

“This song ends with a tragedy in which the father, who was being chased by the demon king, ends up taking his son’s life, right?”

At that very moment, something pokes its head out of his arms.

“…But among you and me, who has the real demon lord?”

– What?

Kyureuk, who had been tilting his head, began to shine his eyes when he saw the shadow and tentacles of the girl floating in the air.

“…Kyureuk-ah, let’s eat.”


The end of the long chase was in sight.

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  1. G says:

    The plot armour is crazy here.
    “Oh no! She has an ability that makes her immortal to all attacks that dont immitate a bullet hell protagonist!”
    Alright, we managed to improvise something with some drones and a gun.

    “Oh no! She was actually able to change her weakness depending on what song she listens to, and now she is just plain immortal with god like psychic powers!”
    Alright, we used our own psychic attacks to make her not able to hear anymore.

    “Oh no! She brought a backup headphone set with bone cunduction to counter that exact attack!”
    Okay, well, we have hacked her ipod and deleted all her music.

    “Oh no! Her ipod was specifically built to turn ambient noise into music in case someone hacked it! She can now only be killed by a demon king!”

    How far does the author have to reach on some nameless extra’s plot armour to give the crappy sister a chance to shine? This is absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, with this amount of extra lives, this lady should be able to tank hundreds of the monster that killed Justia.

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