I Became a Genius by Running Away From the Academy chapter 25

25 - Correlation between clubs, students and growth (2)

25 – Correlation between clubs, students and growth (2)

To be honest, I wasn’t particularly interested in theater or cosplay.

To the point where I can say with certainty that if it weren’t for that trait, I would never have joined a club like this.

So I didn’t know anything in particular, so I vaguely thought that both clubs would be easy to join.

‘But it wasn’t.’

It wasn’t easy to get into, it was rather difficult.

For example, I had to go through a barrage of questions to write three letters of my name on the application form to join the theater club just a moment ago.

-So, which one are you aspiring to? Music? Light? Prop? Costume?

Ah, just thinking about it makes my head hurt again.

As I said, clubs are not compulsory.

As a result, basically only people with interest and enthusiasm gather, and this tendency was more prominent in these hobbies and friendship clubs.

Under this situation, the two sentences, “No ability, no zeal, no zeal,” Were seen very clearly in the eyes of the person receiving the application.

‘I even looked at my ability because I might need it for stage production.’

I almost got eliminated once in this part, but fortunately, I was able to live my life by actively asserting that I wanted to get a job and that I came in because I wanted to study because I was interested in theater.

Anyway, because I was unexpectedly burned at the theater club, I came with the expectation that ‘it would be easier to join the cosplay club~’……

“Hey~ Are you really okay? I told you in advance, but our club is difficult? It’s not a joke enough to be able to go hoi-hoi.”

As expected, it seemed that my expectations were about to be shattered.

I was listening to the explanation about the cosplay club with Erio in the cosplay club room.

However, it made me feel bad when the light-haired girl explained while giving a strange smirk.

‘No, this isn’t it.’

The words came out in vain.

When I’ve only listened to explanations so far, it seemed rather difficult to enter the cosplay club.

‘There seems to be a lot more work than expected.’

There was a lot of work in the theater club, but there were a lot of members there, so I was able to share roles.

But there was no such thing as a cosplay club because the number of members was small.

‘Is this why small and medium-sized enterprises work more overtime than large corporations?’

I asked while pondering a trivial realization.

“Then am I disqualified due to lack of ability?”

“Well, you could say that.”

I let out a sigh at the firm answer.

This is the best answer I chose considering that I will encounter many of the main characters in the future.

‘But if I can’t join, I have no choice but to join another similar club.’

So after I neatly folded my mind, I thought I should find another club to replace.

I got up from my seat.

“But the truth is, I’m a very good person, so if you guys really want to, I might let you join our club…… “

“Stop going. I need to move quickly to choose a club for you and me to join.”


The woman with light green hair said something smirking, but both of them couldn’t hear it because her words overlapped.


“Huh? Hey guys, wait a minute? Why are you getting up all of a sudden?”

Realizing that something was wrong belatedly, she called out to the two with an awkward expression and trembling voice, but the two of them didn’t listen to her and had already gone to the door.

“Okay, I heard your explanation.”

“Uh, hey? Wait a minute! It shouldn’t be normally, but I’ll let you in specially! So don’t go!”

The moment the two of them tried to ignore her and leave in search of her new club.


“Hi, I’m here!”

A little sooner, the door to the club room opened and a cheerful-looking brown-haired woman appeared.

“Did you have a hard time watching the club alone? I bought a snack from a street vendor to eat you…… “

As she said that, she looked at me with a surprised expression and came towards me.

“Huh? What? Are you sure you are applying for admission?”

“Oh, yes. But I couldn’t pass the club acceptance standard, so I’m going to stop going back.”

“Huh? Club acceptance criteria?”

Hearing my words, she looked behind me with a puzzled expression.

“Ehehehe…… So, senior. Here’s everything…… “

She followed her and turned her head to see her light green haired schoolgirl, who had just a moment ago been laughing condescendingly and condescendingly, smiling at her awkwardly and wiggling her fingers.

“You bastard! What did you do to a newcomer who wanted to join our club!”

“Hee! No! It’s not a big deal, and I thought that I would finally be able to escape from the youngest, so I added a little seasoning to the club’s routine to show the dignity of a senior in advance…… “

“Did we almost lose our valuable newcomer over something like that?!”

The brown haired woman said that and bet her pro wrestling skills on the light green haired woman.

The rear naked choke went in really well.

‘What is this?’

While I was staring blankly at her because her head couldn’t keep up with the sudden situation, Erio, who was next to me, asked while pulling on my sleeve.

“If this is the case, what will happen to the club?”

“Uh…… “

At Erio’s words, I looked at the two of them once more.

“I’m sorry! Surrender! Hang Boo Ok!”

“Where! Argentinian backbreaker!”

“Later Profit!!!”

“…… Maybe I can go in?”

But looking at that scene, doubts about whether joining this club would be the right choice came to my mind.

◎ ◎ ◎


“Sorry, I didn’t know there would be a kid who would come to our club with an application form.”

She said that and put snacks and juice on her table.

“So I left the club room to my youngest, and this happened.”

The brown-haired woman, who introduced herself as her Memery, said that and smiled shyly before pressing the green-haired woman’s head next to her with her hand and forcing her to bow.


“Tan-tan, he’s not a bad kid, but sometimes he goes crazy like this in a strange direction. I will apologize again.”

“It’s okay, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

I’m not kidding, it was really good.

Compared to the territorial attitude I suffered in the army, that was at the level of being cute.

“Okay, then you came all the way here because you wanted to join our club, right? Do you both want to come in?”

“No, I am the only one interested.”

“In that case, a piece of paper would be enough.”

Mehri put down the paper and pen on her table as she said so.

After looking at the situation for a while to see if it would be okay to do it right away, as she signed the autograph, both Memeri and Tantan looked at the paper with a thrilled expression.

“Finally, there is a new member in our club…… “

“Finally, I also have a junior…… “


“What did you just say?”

“Oh, nothing!”

“I didn’t say anything!”

I felt like I had heard something quite ominous, but I had no way of knowing as the two were shaking their heads desperately.

“Yes, yes! Since you came after a long time, would you like to see our club activities? Since you said you don’t know much about cosplay, I’ll explain it to you as well.”

As I continued to look at it in puzzlement, Me Meri jumped up from her seat.

“Yes, thank you then.”

“Phew, first of all, we are a club that pursues complete cosplay, not partial cosplay.”

“A complete cosplay?”

I tilted my head because I didn’t know what kind of insect he was talking about.

“Ugh, should I show you an example?”

Me Meri frowned in thought as she spoke.

“Tantan, I’m sorry, but can you quickly prepare a cosplay?”

“Okay, then I’ll take the Sanobu from Demon’s Blade.”

“Okay, call me when you’re done.”

So Tan-tan went into the room next to him.

I was looking at Memeri with Erio because I wanted something, and she held out her device as if to look at this.

“What is this?”

“Is this a scene where an anime character uses a special move?”

Erio didn’t seem to know much about it, but I was familiar with the subculture, so I could roughly figure it out.

“Yeah, that’s right. And right now, in there, Memery is preparing to cosplay as this character.”

“I’m done.”

As they were chatting like that, Tantan called them and beckoned them to enter the room.

So when I entered the room, Tantan was wearing the same clothes and wig as the previous character.

“I didn’t wear makeup because I was doing it quickly.”

“Yes, I can’t help it, so let’s skip that part.”

So said Me Meri and she pulled out a camera that looked like something amazing.

“Okay, let me explain. Partial cosplay usually refers to mimicking only the appearance like this. And full cosplay…… “

When Me Meri gave the signal, Tantan lifted the spear next to her and lightly took a position, then swung it.


Then blue butterflies popped out around her in line with her movements.


“This is it.”

“…… Complete cosplay means imitating the scene itself in the anime?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Memery said, shaking the camera.

“We try to implement the special moves from the anime that are a little bigger, but we lack resources in various ways. I’m just taking it lightly.”

Actually, this wasn’t light either.

‘If that statement is true, then it means that I am researching new magic and developing my abilities every time simply for the sake of cosplay.’

I didn’t know whether to call this affection or tenacity.

‘It feels like seeing a person who has spent tens of millions of won on a mobile game.’

When you’re so curious.

“Then do you have any more questions?”

“Yes, speak comfortably! I will listen to you.”

The two people who finished their cosplay said that and approached me.

It felt quite familiar.

Looking at the movement that reminded me of the deceased’s newbie licking, it didn’t seem like he would let go easily.

“Thank you for your words, but I will listen to them later.”

So I desperately shook my head and pointed at Erio and said.

From noble mtl dot com

“I’m enjoying the festival with him right now.”

Well, on second thought, nothing could have been more perfect as an excuse to get out of here.


I looked to the side and Erio was looking at me with round eyes.

Anyway, he seemed surprised by my wit.

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  1. Sareza says:

    Yeah, I got that as well

  2. Munu says:

    Demon blade=Demon slayer?

  3. Owl-the-Sleepman says:

    He drop a bomb hahahahahahahahaha

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