I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols chapter 53

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols 53

53 – Producer Kidnapping (1)

The story goes that Cursed Dolls member Choi Joo-yoon and his manager Jeong Song-i had a huge fight.

It gradually spread among Lucky Seven Entertainment employees and celebrities.

However, few people still know the exact reason.

In the meantime, the rumor reached the ears of Berryz members.

“I guess they fought over the producer, right?”

“I guess so.”

I was guessing why Yang Hae-in and Joo Do-yeon and Choi Joo-yoon and Jeong Song-i fought.

Jin Hae-sol and Go Na-kyung just quietly listened to the conversation next to the two.

Then Yang Hae-in nudged her Go Na-gyeong’s shoulder and said,

“Na-kyung likes the producer the most out of all of us, so why are you acting like it’s someone else’s business?”

“… Haein, you like the producer more than me.”

“What are you talking about? Just by looking at it, you like me more.”

“What are you talking about…?” .”

Yang Hae-in and Go Na-kyung get into a petty argument over who likes producer Im Boo-gil more.

The basis of this argument was that you should try to seduce him first.

The Berries members could not push forward any stronger than the Cursed Dolls or Afternoon Sweets.

The crime of abandoning producer Lim Boo-gil.

Unlike the Cursed Dolls and Afternoon Sweets, who completely trusted him from the beginning, they betrayed him.

After throwing it away, when the situation got worse, I shamelessly asked for help again.

Even when he said he would help them, Joo Joo-yeon and Go Na-kyung did not believe him until the end, making the matter even bigger.

“Let’s give up, just…” .”

Jin Hae-sol muttered softly.

He just wants to succeed as an idol, and he is not in a position to wish for anything more.

She was afraid that she might try something else and lose her current position.

“In the future, if the producer has a hard time, I will step forward and help him, but now I am just an idol who listens well, okay?”

Joo Do-yeon and the late Na-kyung nodded her heads at Jinhae Sol’s words.

But Haein Yang continued, shouting, “No!”

“I’ll confess even if it’s just me!”

“Hey, Haein…” ! So what do you do if you get rejected? .”

“Even if I get rejected, the producer can still see me as a woman at least a little bit! “First of all, we need to start by making people feel like women!!”

“But, at least for now, it’s too hasty…” .”

“Considering the producer’s age, I don’t know when he will get married! “I’ll do it myself, so don’t worry!!”

Yang Hae-in put on his outerwear and left the lodgings.

Jin Hae-sol said, “Hae, Hae-in… !!” She tried to follow Yang Hae-in, but

Joo Do-yeon grabbed Jin Hae-sol’s shoulder.

“Something must be broken once to understand it.”


“When Haein comes back, let’s comfort him well.”

“…… Okay.”

All Berryz members knew that once Yang Hae-in made up her mind, she would not stop.

So we agreed that she would order her favorite pizza for dinner tonight.

“Producer, it’s a holiday today, so you’ll be home, right?”

It is a 5-minute walk from Lucky Seven Entertainment’s lodgings to Producer Lim Boo-gil’s living room.

The address of the producer in charge will be carefully provided if you ask a human resources employee to provide it with an appropriate reason.

If a problem arises due to not informing the employee, it will be the responsibility of the human resources staff.

Visiting producer Im Boo-gil’s house for the first time, Yang Hae-in’s heart pounded.

It was certainly true that she and her Berries members had wronged him,

If she apologized with that much sincerity, he would fully accept it.

Even if things go well and they start dating, she should act for him rather than for herself and only according to his mood.

She thought.

“Are we here?”

An old one-room building.

As I was about to enter the entrance, I saw a silhouette that I had seen many times in the distance.

Im Boo-gil was the producer.

It seemed like he had gone out somewhere because it was a holiday today.

Have you ever dated another woman?

Seeing him in casual clothes instead of a suit, I instantly felt excited but also jealous.

‘No, no. ‘What right do I have to be jealous?’

Yang Hae-in had one small hope for the future.

After 6 years, if the contract is not renewed and Berries is disbanded,

How about working as producer Lim Boo-gil’s secretary?

It seemed like he wasn’t the type of person who would stay in a senior position.

If you watch movies, there is always a beautiful secretary next to a capable man.

I heard that in the entertainment industry, there are many cases where former trainees or idols clash with high-ranking people in their agency and end up helping them.

Moreover, Yang Hae-in is now seventeen and will be twenty-two when the contract ends.

It was close to the secret that men instinctively like it.

‘I have to say hello first!’

Yang Hae-in seems to be relieved from fatigue just by looking at the silhouette of producer Lim Boo-gil.

Just as I was about to approach with light steps,

“Hey, are you pregnant?”

Ten sturdy men surrounded him.

Yang Hae-in immediately stopped.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t deal with ten strong men.

If those men take him hostage, things will get worse.

I hid in the flower bed in front of the one-room building and watched the situation.

“Yes, that’s right. What’s going on… ?”

“I think they looked down on us because we were a little gentle, but we can’t stand being looked down on.”

“So what’s going on?”

“Wow, look at this guy. Let’s see how far that cheesy thing goes. Hey, do it.”


Nine men, excluding the man who gave the order, grabbed Producer Lim Boo-gil’s arms and legs.

Then he placed a white cloth bag over his head and fastened it tightly with a rubber band.


As if the timing was right, an old van stopped next to the sidewalk.

The strong men tied Producer Im Boo-gil’s arms and legs with rope,

He was thrown into the van.

‘Uh, uh, uh, what should I do, what should I do! ‘We’re in big trouble!!’

It was an incident that occurred in less than 10 seconds, no, less than 5 seconds.

Once Yang Hae-in usually did when he was embarrassed, he took a deep breath.

At the same time, I thought deeply about who they were who kidnapped Producer Lim Boo-gil.

Octopus Tangtangipa.

They were the only ones.

Recently, Producer Lim Boo-gil caused Jeil Entertainment to be greatly shaken by the Afternoon Sweets incident.

He caused the disbandment of Breeze, a boy group that was in crisis from the beginning.

What’s more, this time, Jeil Entertainment recruited Jeil Byeong-seo, a composer who is said to be the best in the industry.

In other words, it was filmed in the first place in some way.

I had to see it that way.

“Tae, taxi!!”

Yang Hae-in hurriedly ran out onto the road.

From a three-lane road to two lanes.

Her taxi saw her suddenly jump out and slammed on her brakes.

“Hey you b*tch!! “Are you crazy because you want to die?!”

Yang Hae-in ignored the taxi driver’s curse and immediately got into the passenger seat.

And then he pointed with his hand at the van that had gone ahead, presumed to be a gangster.

“Please follow that car!”

“Oh, no, what happened…?” .”

“A person was kidnapped!!”

“I was kidnapped?! Ah Okay!”

The taxi accelerated quickly, the wheels slipping.


“Mr. Haein, please speak slowly. “What happened to Professional Lim?”

Jeon Geun-young, the producer in charge of Berries, suddenly received a call from Hae-in Yang.

He was crying and shouting so rapidly that I couldn’t understand him.

-Producer Lim Boo-gil was kidnapped by gangsters!!

Producer Jeon Geun-young pinched her cheek once.

Because it was so movie-like.

But I soon realized that it was reality.

From noble mtl dot com

“What are you doing now, Mr. Haein?”

-I’m taking a taxi and chasing it with the driver!

“Okay, just follow along. “We will respond quickly.”

-Hurry!! If something goes wrong with the producer…….

“It’s okay, Haein is following along well now. Nothing will happen.”


After hanging up the phone, producer Jeon Geun-young immediately ran out of office room 302.

Probably the gangster Yang Hae-in mentioned is Octopus Tangtang, who is closely related to Jeil Entertainment.

Even if it wasn’t, rescuing Producer Lim Boo-gil was the top priority right now.

If something happens to Producer Lim Boo-gil’s body,

There were more than one idol who encountered difficulties.

Cursed Dolls, Berries, Afternoon Sweets, Yeomseonjeong.

Not just in a business sense,

Even in an emotional sense.

No one was sane after hearing the sad news that a loved one had died.

I was thinking of heading to the manager’s office, but I turned to the general manager’s office.

Producer Lim Boo-gil has recently become relatively close to Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho due to producing Yeom Seon-jeong.

It is related to my daughter’s future, and the company cannot afford to let go of the person who is currently producing the highest performance in vain.


Managing Director Yeom Chang-ho flinched as if startled by the suddenly opened door.

Producer Jeon Geun-young walked towards him with long strides.

“W-what’s going on?”

“Director, Pro Lim has been kidnapped by gangsters.”

“…… What? Gangster? Oh, really, that best one?”

“Yes, Mr. Beriz Hain is tracking him now.”

Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho said, “f*ck….” He gritted his teeth.

“First report it to the police.”


“But obviously, the police will be one beat behind…” . “You said you were kidnapped by car, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“…… Do you know if any of our employees have a Class 1 large-sized license?”

“I have a type 1 formation. “I picked it up a while ago because I thought it would help me get a job.”

“Okay…. There is an old bus in the underground parking lot. “You know what I mean, right?”

Producer Jeon Geun-young nodded.

“That bastard, Han Dae-yeop, do you think we can’t do rough things so we won’t do anything? “It fell apart today.”

After giving the bus key to producer Jeon Geun-young, Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho put on a suit jacket and left the general manager’s office together.

She and he both went down to the underground parking lot.

He started driving a car and she started driving a bus.


CEO Dae-yeop Han raised his eyebrows when he was informed that producer Boo-gil Lim had been safely kidnapped.

Can you bear it after being hit in the back of the head three times?

He who despises himself, as he always has,

He planned to make you regret it in the ground.

“Uh, Dad, I’m going home early today. Should I get you something?”

CEO Dae-yeop Han, who was cool on the inside, called his daughter.

It was his only refuge in a situation where the parent company was struggling and subordinates were not performing well.

-Tteokbokki and sundae!

“Okay, okay. “Can I just buy it from the place where I eat it every day?”


I went directly to a snack bar near Jeil Entertainment and packed tteokbokki and sundae for two people.

With the packaged food in the passenger seat, he turned the steering wheel, thinking of his daughter’s happy face.

I was proud of my daughter who didn’t complain at all even though she was home alone because her wife ran away.

Ding ding ding—.

I entered the password into the electronic door lock and unlocked it.

“Dad is here!”


The young daughter ran to CEO Dae-yeop Han.

He squatted on his knees and then stroked her daughter’s head.

“How was your day?”

“Yes! Ah, Dad’s guest is here!”

“Huh? “My guest?”

Who is it?

There was no prior contact.

CEO Dae-yeop Han felt doubtful and put down the packaged food on the kitchen table.

He headed to the living room.

“Hello, CEO Han.”

A stranger was sitting on the sofa.

He was a grim-looking middle-aged man.

CEO Dae-yeop Han hurriedly hid his daughter behind his back.

The anger hidden in the smiling face.

His old intuition sounded the alarm.

“Who are you?”

“I am the head of Lucky Seven’s idol business division.”

I came because of producer Lim Boo-gil.

Even without saying it out loud, CEO Dae-yeop Han noticed it.

The protest visit itself could have been so.

But why go to home instead of work?

This was not an official visit.

“For some reason, the manager of Lucky Seven came to my house….”

“I guess you don’t like our professional Lim very much?”

“hehehe, the general manager is right too. “There’s no way I could have feelings like that for just one employee.”

“CEO Han, your only connections are gangsters, so it’s a bit…. “Aren’t you talking to me?”

“What…?” ?”

What great connections do you have?

The manager’s attitude was simply ridiculous.

A middle-aged man got up from the sofa.

And then he slowly approached CEO Han Dae-yeop,


He handed a lollipop to his daughter behind him.

“Thank you, mister!”

“Okay, eat well. “I heard that Gia likes cola-flavored candies best.”

“Well, anyway—.”

CEO Dae-yeop Han realized something while he was speaking.

It is not very common for a child to like cola-flavored candy the most.

The general manager knew that in advance,

He gave his daughter a cola-flavored candy.

“No matter how rampant gangsters are in our country, when the military and police step in, they are nothing more than rats.”

“… “What do you want to say?”

“Who do you think will be able to ultimately move the army?”

Who can finally move the army?

Of course, there is only the president, who is the supreme commander-in-chief of the military.

Wait a minute….

You have connections to the president?

At the very least, it was said that he was acquainted with a politician who had influence over the President.

“We have never been subject to a tax audit in the past 40 years.”

“No way, Lucky Seven is related to the political world…” ?”

“You can think freely. “The father of Ji-ah Han, attendance number 7, class 2, 5th grade, Gangnam Geumbit Elementary School.”

“… !!”

The head of headquarters threatened in two ways.

CEO Dae-yeop Han and Jeil Entertainment can be shaken with political power.

Since her daughter’s whereabouts have been investigated, she can touch her daughter whenever she wants.

“I hope you keep in mind that the number one position in the industry is not something that is just created.”

“…… Yes.”

The head of the headquarters left CEO Dae-yeop Han’s house on his own.

At the house where the head of headquarters left,

Only CEO Han Dae-yeop, his daughter, and the blown-up tteokbokki remain.

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