I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols chapter 56

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols 56

56 – Finding YouTubers (1)

After a sudden call from composer Jeong Byeong-seo, the weekly sick leave was eventually reduced to three days.

As soon as I got to work the next day, I headed to composer Jeong Byeong-seo’s studio.

… It seemed like manager Jeong Song-i woke Yeom Seon-jeong up in the morning instead of me for three days.

“Hi… !”

When Yeom Seon-jeon saw me, she immediately jumped into my arms.

And she started crying.

“Now, the composer is scolding me…” !!”

… Yeom Seon-jeong is telling me off.

I raised my head and looked at composer Jeong Byeong-seo.

He also seemed to have a lot to say, so he shouted, “I’m not scolding you!!”

“Teacher, what exactly do you mean by the fact that Seon Seon’s vocals have changed to look like mass-produced ones?”

“Literally! “Unlike when I first heard it, Mr. Seon Seon’s vocals lost their individuality and seemed like a manufactured product from a factory!”

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Vocal: 78 → 81]

Considering the fact that less than 15 days have passed since Yeom Seon-seon began her vocal training at Lucky Seven Entertainment headquarters,

Her abilities grew smoothly.

From noble mtl dot com

What is the problem?

“Mr. Seonjeong.”

“Well, my only fault is that I practiced hard…” !!”

“Of course, I know better that you worked hard.”

“Really… ? Well, then please praise me more… !!”

Is it okay to say that my child is doing well? .

“Mr. Seonjeong is doing well.” He carefully caressed her hair.

“Please speak informally…” !”

“… Okay. “He is the best than any of our selectees.”


After soothing it as if it were a baby, Yeom Seon-jeon stopped her crying.

No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed like her mental age had dropped due to dieting too quickly….

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Current thought: As expected, I can’t live without a producer! I will continue to be a parasite in the future.]

What on earth are you planning on becoming a parasite?

Anyway, since that wasn’t the important thing right now, she asked Yeom Seon-jeon to sing her song.

Not only the song I specified, but also the song I always use when gauging an idol’s vocal skills.

“Why did you meet me~♪”

Composer Jeong Byeong-seo quietly came next to me and quietly boasted to me, “I wrote that song too.”

I didn’t know that this song was also his work….

Considering the setting here, this song was a song close to a legend that almost everyone in the country knew.

I listened carefully to Yeomseonjeong’s singing voice.

I just sing it well….

If I were to be specific, I became similar to Cursed Dolls member Choi Joo-yoon.

“It just messes with my heart~♪”

Wait a minute.

Becoming similar to Choi Joo-yoon means,

It was said that although she sings well like her, she somehow lacks charm.

I thought it was just her vocal characteristics, so I strengthened the visual elements other than her vocals and made up for her shortcomings by making the concept clear.

“Seonjeong, stop for a moment.”

“Look, I’m a professional! “I’m right?!”

“… “Sir, could you please stay still for a moment?”

Composer Jeong Byeong-seo seemed a little offended by my words and just sat in his seat and watched us.

Yeom Seon-eun looked a little uneasy when I suddenly stopped her singing.

“Producer, has my song become strange… ? This is strange, I’m training harder than before….”

“You’re working harder than before?”

“Yes, yes…” ! Well, my trainer told me before that my vocals were a bit too soft and only floated lightly, but I didn’t really listen at the time…. But now I think I can only get ahead if I listen carefully….”

We accepted the trainer’s point that our vocals were too light and are trying to improve our shortcomings.

After hearing this, composer Jeong Byeong-seo jumped up and ran wild.

“Those Lucky Seven trainers tried to kill the vocalist again?! “They teach like a textbook that the correct answer is in certain vocals!!”

If we summarize the words of composer Jeong Byeong-seo and Yeom Seon-jeong,

Lucky Seven Entertainment’s vocal trainers seemed to kill the singer’s individuality and give uniform guidance.

I thought that vocal trainers tend to avoid unique vocalizations, which are like gambling, because they train vocal trainers to produce voices that are acceptable in the market.

If it is an idol group, as in the case of Choi Joo-yoon, it does not matter much due to the contrasting effect with other members,

Yeom Seon-jeong is a solo idol.

If the vocals, which were my specialty, were boring, there was no doubt that I would not be well-received in the market.

“Seonjeong, forget everything you learned from the trainer and just sing whatever you want. “I just thought of singing happily at karaoke.”

“No, I’ve never been to a karaoke bar in a while….”

“… Just sing it happily.”

Yeom Seon-jeon cleared her throat again and sang the same song as before.

Unlike when she sang just a moment ago, her vocals were closer to the feeling of floating like clouds.

The vocal trainer probably pointed this out and corrected me to sing a little more heavily.

“Yes! This is it!!”

… Next to him, composer Jeong Byeong-seo applauded, even shedding tears.

Yeom Seon-jung, believing only in her singing ability, moved from Jeil Entertainment to Lucky Seven, but suddenly her singing voice changed, so even in that position, she must have been just absurd.

She approached Yeom Seon-jeon, who had finished singing, and grabbed her cute cheeks and stretched them out.


“I named you the wrong trainer, I’m sorry.”


My cheeks were like glutinous rice cakes, so it felt better to touch them than I expected.

Perhaps because she took care of her skin to prevent as much damage as possible from rapid dieting, her skin tone itself became fairer.

After letting go of her cheeks, Yeom Seon-jeon stroked her cheeks with his hands.

“For the time being, practice as you normally do at home.”

“Well, that’s okay…” ?”

“That doesn’t mean you can do it, you have to do it now.”

“Oh, I understand… !”

However, she couldn’t avoid having a vocal trainer at all.

Someone needs to give you feedback to help you improve your skills.

The problem is that Lucky Seven Entertainment’s in-house vocal trainer is not suitable for Yeom Seon-jeong.

This time after her songwriter, she had to find her vocal trainer who was right for her….


I visited each and every one of them to see if there was a good vocal trainer within Lucky Seven Entertainment.

As expected, the teaching method and direction were all the same.

I looked into famous academies and Jeil Entertainment, but there was no one suitable for Yeom Seon-jeong.

She ended up wasting only two weeks.

Yeom Seon-jeong’s production really didn’t follow the [Idol Producing] Game from start to finish.

In the game she just had to press the training menu and touch the button to start vocal training.

She didn’t know that choosing which teacher would be such a big problem.

[Idol Producing] Was there not a single character in the game who had the job of vocal trainer?

Her head rolled and rolled again.

She hoped that she would come up with even a small clue.

“Huh? Wait for a sec….”

Memories of her hints flashed through her brain.

It was an event story about Cursed Dolls member—Choi Joo-yoon.

Since it is now November, there was an incident that occurred about 5 months later.

The producer, the main character in the game, continued to show Choi Joo-yoon’s vocal skills on Unflow.

The video of a YouTuber who raised a question went viral.

The YouTuber claims that Choi Joo-yoon’s singing voice is nothing more than an empty song produced by Lucky Seven Entertainment.

It is said that the sound is as if human vocal cords were used as virtual instruments.

So, it became a joke among game users that it was the so-called Choi Joo-yoon Vocaloid Suspicion Event.

The game took this YouTuber’s words as just an absurd and ridiculous claim, but

In the end, this claim was similar to what composer Byeong-seo Jeong said when he called me in the middle of the night.

This means that the songs of Lucky Seven Entertainment singers and idols are overly uniform.

‘But I don’t know who this YouTuber is….’

The core of Choi Joo-yoon’s vocaloid suspicion event was to prove her singing skills.

So her solution was to prove it by appearing on a popular music entertainment program called [Blind Singer].

… It was a show that felt like a mixture of [King of Masked Singer] And [Hidden Singer], Which I occasionally watched before I became a producer.

We do not know the identity of the YouTuber who first raised questions about Choi Joo-yoon’s vocals.

It was only mentioned briefly in the epilogue.

This YouTuber actually runs a small practical music academy in a local area, but as the case was resolved, he could not bear the criticism from those around him and closed down the business.

‘Where are you?’ .’

Including small ones, the number of practical music academies across the country is absolutely not small.

I didn’t even know if it was the metropolitan area, Yeongnam area, Honam area, Yeongdong area, or Chungcheong area.

It doesn’t seem to be a metropolitan area because it is a province, but I didn’t know that Incheon and Gyeonggi-do can also be expressed as provinces.

“Professor Lim, is there any progress?”

Producer Cho Hyun-ho asked as he entered office 302.

There has been a ring on his left ring finger since the day before yesterday.

Fortunately, he said that he followed the advice I gave him earlier and things went well with producer Jeon Geun-young.

“I thought of a hint to find, but I’m a bit lost on how to find it.”


“I thought it would be a good idea to find a trainer like composer Jeong Byeong-seo who criticizes the vocal training that Lucky Seven is currently doing.”

“Ah! I definitely think that method would be fine. Then, how about inquiring with the new monitoring team that was just created?”

“Yes? “Monitoring team?”

I heard from Producer Cho Hyun-ho about the new monitoring team at Lucky Seven Entertainment.

Until now, each producer was in charge of checking Internet public opinion and media trends.

The story was that a dedicated team was created because of Oh Jung-jun’s Berryz s*xual assault incident.

Just as producer Cho Hyun-ho said, it seemed like the work would be easier with the help of the monitoring team.

I went straight to the office of the new department, the monitoring team.

“Team leader…. “Is it far to get lunch?”

“It’s ten o’clock now….”

“You can’t give me more work, I don’t have much to do….”

“I’m doing this because I don’t have anything else to do, so bear with me…” .”

There were only two people.

Can this be called a department? .

Even so, the man called team leader is playing baduk on the company computer.

The only female team member was clipping her fingernails.

“Hey, this is the monitoring team, right?”

“Ouch, it hurts!!”

When I spoke, a female team member seemed so surprised that she put her fingernail clippers deep inside.

Blood flowed from her fingertips.

I thought she was hurt because of me, so I hurriedly approached her teammate.

“Are you okay…?” ?”

“Gwae, it’s okay. “Aren’t you Lim Boo-gil, a famous senior producer in the company these days?”

“That’s right.”

As expected, my recognition also increased because there were only a few senior producers.

Now, it seems that few people call me a fire producer.

The team leader gave a piece of ointment to a female team member and then came towards me.

“What’s going on, producer?”

“Oh, it’s no different. “I have something I would like to ask you of.”

A female team member said, “Work?!” And a blush appeared on her face.

… How much would I be happy about working if there was no work?

I thought they would be busy with work since they were part of the monitoring team.

“So what’s going on?”

Even the team leader’s eyes sparkled.

They say that if a person has too little to do, their soul dies….

If the monitoring team seemed too busy, it would have been a burden for me as the requester.

Fortunately, it seemed to be leisurely, so I asked without hesitation.

The team leader and team members listened to me.

“That’s really the right thing to do, team leader!”

“So…. “I wondered if I could continue like this.”

“Me too.”

If you feel like you’re just visiting the company every day, you’ll be worried that you’re only building your career.

… I, too, have had similar concerns before while going to hell.

“But why isn’t there any work?”

I think it would be convenient because I could entrust some of the producer duties separately.

Or did you all, like me, not know that a monitoring team had been launched?

“Oh, that’s….”

The team leader whispered to me carefully, as if he was watching the female team member’s thoughts.

“This person is the CEO’s daughter, and she is a parachute…” . I came in without much, but because of that, the other employees became very dissatisfied, so they deliberately stopped giving us work… “Yes, that’s it.”

“… ….”

If I ask the monitoring team like this, won’t I be ostracized again?

But the female team member has already started doing what I asked.

“It’s work, it’s work~”

A parachute team member named the CEO’s daughter who hums and plays with a computer.

I just hoped this woman was capable.

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  1. Bro is going after everyones daughter.

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not work with dark mode