I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols chapter 99

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols 99

99 – Achievement Accomplished

I headed to Jeil Entertainment headquarters.

… It’s been a while since I exchanged greetings with Yeom Seon-jeong’s father – Yeom Chang-ho, CEO of Jeil Entertainment.

GZW52 I also vaguely asked about the dating rumors with Yukinawa, but I answered correctly that they were nonsense.

Then, even if he didn’t say it in words, he looked very relieved.

-Next in order is Yellow Cow.

Unlike Lucky Seven Entertainment, Jeil Entertainment did not have a long distance between the idols being tested and the executives evaluating them.

Because it was a system where results were given immediately, there was no separate waiting room.

Just wait around the stage and when called, go up on stage and perform.

The executives went through the documents and checked the profile and plan for Yellow Cow.

“Oh, it’s a Produce project.”

“It’s a s*xy concept…. First of all, the visuals are all good, but I wonder if it will be okay even if it is Im Producer…….”

Yellow Cow members were connecting instruments to cables with the help of stage staff.

The reaction was really different from when I was called a fire producer at Lucky Seven Entertainment.

However, since the concept is just a concept, I was half excited and half concerned.

Stage costumes, even if they have a s*xy concept, must comply with broadcast review standards, so costumes that reveal a lot of exposure were not selected.

She wore a top with a small diamond-shaped cutout in the middle of the chest and a long skirt with a weak side slit on one leg, giving off a strange atmosphere.

Ready, Yellow Cow vocalist Hwang So-rin spoke into the microphone.

“Let’s start with participation number 3 Yellow Cow… !”

When CEO Yeom Chang-ho nodded, the youngest member in charge of vocals—Hwang So-jeong—began to move the hand holding the drumstick.

As soon as a small beat was laid, the second player in charge of bass – Hwang So-min, the third person in charge of guitar – Hwang So-jin, and the fourth person in charge of keyboard – Hwang So-young also played with their fingers.

An executive opened his eyes wide and muttered.

“Wow, for an idol band, they play really well. “All these instruments are live, right?”

“But actually, no matter how good you are at playing an instrument, almost all music broadcasts are hand synced….”

“I see.”

Of course, I knew that part too.

Idols, especially in Korea, have a large influence on TV, but in music broadcasts, which are the first stepping stone, only vocals are live, and the rest of the instruments are MR.

It was confirmed that ‘Music On’ is no exception.

So Yellow Cow planned to set up a live club periodically.

Because the members can play their instruments freely there.

Of course, there is a difference from terrestrial broadcasting or YouTube, so the costumes are a little more s*xy.

“Why are you hesitating? I’m no longer the girl you knew~♪”

First — Hwang So-rin placed her stand-up microphone in front of her and sang passionately, folding her fingers coquettishly.

The sensuality doubled as the eyes gazed deeply at the audience.

“You’re good at singing too…. “I wonder where Produce always gets talent like this.”

“To be honest, I was nervous when I heard that the company would be sold, but thanks to Im Produce, I am less worried.”

Jeil Entertainment executives laughed together.

Ever since Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho became the CEO of Jeil Entertainment, he seems to have chosen people as carefully as possible.

… It’s a bonus to complain that it was a bit difficult because there were quite a few executives who openly embezzled.

“Thank you… ! Participating number 3 was Yellow Cow… !!”

After finishing their debut song, the Yellow Cow members bowed and spoke.

Now all that’s left is for the executives to vote on pass/no pass.

As if it were some kind of entertainment program, the executives pressed the remote control buttons in their hands.


With a somewhat sci-fi sound effect, the voting results were immediately revealed.


““Ma, long live!!””

Yellow Cow members hugged each other, stood hand in hand, and shouted three cheers.

In fact, the number 1 and 2 participants in front of them both got [NON-PASS], So they must have been even more thrilled.

After the quintuplets quickly put away their instruments, they came running to me under the stage.

And suddenly he knelt on the floor,

I bowed.

“”Thank you, Vice President!””

Thank you very much.

I went around in circles a bit because of the s*xy concept, but it was still touching to see it like this.

Third — Ox Jin raised her head and looked at her sisters.

“Shall I bow once more?”

Hearing his younger brother’s words, the second child, Hwang So-min, shook his head.

“You bow twice to a dead person…” .”

“Oh, really?”

The quintuplets giggled and got up from the floor.

Since we were going to an after-party, I asked them to tell us what food they wanted.

“Beef, beef ribs….”

Hwang So-rin, the oldest person who likes meat, quietly suggested.

Her younger siblings also said, “Beef ribs are good!” He agreed.

You’re trying to eat something expensive.

But from now on, I have to manage my weight even more rigorously, and I’m busy with work, so even if I want to buy it, I won’t have time, so it’s okay.

“Song, can you find a Korean beef rib restaurant?”


Just as I was about to leave Jeil Entertainment headquarters,

Suddenly, something similar to a status window appeared in front of my eyes.

[You have achieved the achievement of debuting 5 idol groups.]

[Reward: Idol Aptitude Display]

Achievements… ?

No, there was an achievement system in the original ‘Idol Producing’ game, but did it apply here as well?

However, I have completed quite a few achievements and this is the first time I have received a reward like this.

I have seen and achieved the achievement of [Making 5 idol groups debut] In games, but

The reward was just normal goods that could be used in gacha.

What on earth does [Idol aptitude mark] Mean? .

If you think about it, one of the game achievements was definitely ‘making an idol group debut’.

Why did I skip that and suddenly become like this?


Secretary Jeong Song-i called loudly from the side.

“Uh, uh.”

“Is there a problem?”

“No, there is nothing.”

“No matter how many times I called, you didn’t answer….”

When I looked at the Yellow Cow members asking if that was the case, they all nodded.

It seemed like I was so preoccupied with achieving my achievements that I didn’t hear Secretary Jeong Song-i’s words.

“I’m sorry. “I was thinking about something else for a moment.”

“… ….”

Secretary Jeong Song-i lifted her heel and whispered in my ear.

“You were thinking of a woman, right?”

… It seemed like I had completely misunderstood something.

Well, looking at Secretary Jeong Song-i’s eyes, it wasn’t strange that she was so mistaken.

Originally, I was going to tell you tomorrow, but it looks like you’re a little upset, so I have to let you go.

Jeongsong put her mouth to her secretary’s ear and spoke softly.

“After meeting Sweets tomorrow afternoon, let’s look around real estate.”

“Real estate?”

“A house to live in together in Korea.”

Secretary Jeong Song-i’s ears turn red in an instant.

Each idol was scheduled to promote in Japan for 2 months,

Cursed Dolls ends in June, and Berries and Yeomseonjeong end in July.

Yellow Cow’s expansion into Japan is still a bit later, so it seemed like I would return to Korea in early August.

As a result of living with secretary Jeong Song-i in a Japanese hotel,

… There was nothing bad about it at all.

Even on holidays, he cooks all three meals for me, takes care of all the housework other than hotel services, and when I lie still, he takes care of my s*xual desires in the morning and evening.

It was actually more comfortable than when she lived alone, and I even heard her worry that I was putting too much of a burden on her.

“A home to live in for the rest of your life… ♡”

Secretary Jeong Song-i must have been quite happy, as she twisted her body and spoke quietly.

But I’m just going to look for monthly rent or a house for rent… ?


Secretary Jeong Song-i recognized her, and she went to a good beef rib restaurant nearby.

She went into the room just in case.

It just so happened that secretary Jeong Song-i was in charge of grilling meat, and the youngest child—Hwang So-jeong and the second child—Hwang So-min,

“Vice President, is it delicious?”

“Yes, yes. “Everyone, eat quickly.”

… She put the wrapped wrap directly into my mouth.

They quickly took up the seats to my left and right, and threw themselves into my arms.

[Name: Hwang So-jeong]

[Current thought: I have a fiancee, but since he cheated on me with his secretary, she’s just being lecherous without showing it, right?]

I think you’re a lecher, but why are you deliberately touching her breasts?

She even took off her coat, saying that the charcoal fire was hot, and wore a thin tank top with a V-shaped cut that showed her cleavage.

I really liked this soft texture, but I also felt anxious that the quintuplets might like me too.

There hasn’t been any affinity event with them so far?

Second – Hwang So-min said while looking at the menu.

“Would you like a drink?”


The Yellow Cow members are all 23 and adults, so it would be okay to drink together.

The second one turned his head towards the first one, Hwang So-rin.

“Sorin unni rolls wheat. “Her sister is really good at it.”

“Uh, yeah… !”

I’m usually a bit timid and introverted, but I’m good at making wheat.

For some reason, there was a slight gap and it looked cute.

First—Hwang So-rin called the waiter and specified the exact brands of beer and soju.

When her waiter quickly brought it to her, she lined up her beer glasses side by side first and poured her beer, as if she was used to it.

She then poured soju into the soju glasses placed between the beer glasses,

I hit the remaining soju glass next to me.

From noble mtl dot com

Soju glasses fell into the beer glasses, one by one, and the two alcohols were mixed.

… This was a technique that the manager showed off at a company dinner back when I was working at a small company.

Also known as Domino’s.

“Please eat here…” !”

First — Ox Lin politely held it with both her hands and handed over one of her glasses.

It was definitely not a skill that had been done once or twice.

“Thank you, it sounds delicious.”

Gulp, she passed the rolled wheat that the eldest brother had given her down her throat.

It was just regular Domino’s wine, but it tasted even better.

Is choosing a beer and soju brand an excellent result?

“Vice President, I have a question.”

After I emptied my glass, the second person, Hwang So-min, asked me.

“Which one?”

“Do you treat other idols with respect like that?”

“Yes? No, that’s not necessarily true….”

Rather, at this point, everyone except Yellow Cow and Nagano Setsuna was silent.

“Why don’t you talk to your close idol?”

“You and I are close friends.”

“It’s because I want to become closer. So, tell me.”

At the words of the most stubborn second child, Hwang So-min, I chuckled without realizing it.

I haven’t even gotten drunk yet.

“If it’s one shot, I’ll do it.”

“It’s true, right?”

The second child picked up a glass of somaek with his hand and immediately started drinking it.

… In the blink of an eye, there was not a single drop of alcohol left in the glass.

It turns out that these quintuplets are drunkards?


The second child with a red face.

Did you really get drunk from a glass of wheat?

He’s good at hitting one shots, but he’s actually weak at drinking….

“Now sing it loudly!”

Even the pronunciation is muffled.

The youngest next to me – Hwang So-jeong told me.

They are not good at alcohol, but they don’t suddenly fall asleep or cut out, so don’t worry.

“Okay, I’ll stop talking now. “Okay?”

“Joa! Sister Sorin, drink one more drink!!”

“Uh, yeah… !”

Afterwards, the quintuplets all drank alcohol, and they all got drunk after just one drink, and all of them got red-faced and slurred their speech.

I think pretty women are pretty even when they’re drunk,

… Secretary Jeong Song-i silently ate the grilled meat.

Originally, we were just going to sleep in our own rooms today.

I just thought we should sleep together tonight.

I need to console Jeong Song’s secretary….

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  1. kk77 says:

    I thought I was through…

    After a hundred chapters I thought I finally now knew

    Where I was at last, with this novel;

    but now,

    out of nowhere – not even with shadows at the fore –




    WHAT THE ^&%$

    WHAT THE ^&%$ GUYS

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