I Became a Time-Stopper at the Academy chapter 64

64 - Vampire Lord

64 – Vampire Lord

Benedetta muttered in disbelief at the reality before her eyes.

“Is Vampire Lord really true… ?”

The emaciated girl let out a small sigh.

“There was a time when they were called that. It’s all memories….”

I felt like a retired man looking back on the past.

As far as I know, the vampire lord lived the longest after the witch in the world of .

During the days of the previous demon king, he possessed a force comparable to that of the demon king.

Rando asked me, tilting his head.

“What do you mean my second lover Joel?”

It was the Vampire Lord who responded first to his voice.

“Is this voice a warrior?”

The girl ran quickly towards Lando.

The speed was so fast that no one could react even though he was starving.

Eliane said “Stomach, it’s dangerous… !” And opened her eyes wide.

“It’s okay.”

“Yes… ?”

Perhaps the handed down records say that the hero sealed the Vampire Lord.

So, the assumption that the vampire lord hates the hero is also written, and common sense makes it right.

“Hero! Did you finally call me?”

But the reality was different from common sense.

The Vampire Lord hugged Lando tightly as if meeting her lover whom she hadn’t seen in a long time.

While rubbing her face in his arms as if performing a charming act.

“I missed you, hero! Where did you go after leaving me? I’ve been waiting for the hero.”

It looked like dozens of question marks were written on Lando’s face.

Of course.

Because I’m not the hero Vampire Lord knows.

… They looked so alike that she couldn’t tell them apart.

“Hey, over there. Vampire Lord?”

“Is it so awkward to call you after a long time? Call me Amanda as usual!”

“Sorry, but I am not a warrior.”


Vampire Lord—Amanda escaped from Lando’s arms.

Then, I carefully examined him from head to toe.

“Is something a little different? He is 2 cm taller, and his hair color is a bit darker. Her skin is slightly whiter than that of the hero.”

It was the difference between the hero and the hero who couldn’t grasp it unless he looked really closely.

Anyway, Amanda has memorized every little thing like that.

I felt that her love for the warrior was really great.

I said to her, clearing her throat.

“Listen carefully. Amanda, you probably know the hero, but let me tell you about the hero.”

“Who are you, do you know the hero?”

“Don’t be surprised and listen calmly. The hero is a person who was active 500 years ago.”

“What was that about?”

She tilted her head.

Longevity races don’t have a good concept of time, but….

“No matter how long humans live, they only live 100 years.”

“… What?”

“The hero died 500 years ago.”

“… ….”

She didn’t say anything as she opened her mouth.

Instantly, tears flowed from her eyes.

Turning her head left and right.

“Are you lying? Are you trying to surprise me? It can’t be. The warrior said he would come again. The hero has never lied to me.”

Amanda continued, ‘The brave is—.’ She denied the reality.

Even I didn’t know why the hero abandoned the Vampire Lord.

However, judging from her portrayal of the game story, there was no choice but to leave her alone for some reason.

She had endured a whopping 500 years by trusting only the warrior’s words.

Stupidly hungry.

“Lando, give Amanda some blood.”

“… Yes.”

He put on a slightly dark expression.

If you didn’t know that it was a vampire lord, you could only see a skinny girl crying bitterly.

I must have felt a little pity.

Caitlyn lent him her porcelain dagger.

He took her dagger and cut his arm.

From noble mtl dot com

Blood dripped.

“Amanda, try this blood.”

“I, I don’t eat anything other than the warrior’s. Because you promised so Because I am the warrior’s vampire.”

“This blood is also the blood of a warrior. If you don’t feel that way, you can kill me.”

Luisa said “Mr. ?!” With a surprised expression.

Eliane, too,

“That goes too far. Please withdraw your remarks immediately, Joel.”

And stopped me.

Amanda shouted at me, frowning.

“If you say that, I will try just one drop!”

Lando turned his head towards me, bewildered.

Well, he hadn’t heard that he was the heir of the hero, so it was understandable.

But now is the right time for him to realize who he is.

Heroes do not prove their strength.

A hero proves himself with honor.

To do that, he has to face himself squarely.

Amanda opened her mouth under Lando’s arm.

She dripped a drop of blood into her mouth.

“What, what. Why, why is it really the blood of a warrior? Saying he died You said you weren’t a warrior.”

She seems confused.

She thrust her sharp fangs into Lando’s arm and sucked her blood.

“It’s the blood of a warrior, but it’s a little different. Really subtly different. So not a warrior. Then why does it taste like warrior blood? What the hell Who are you. What are you. Who are you that has the blood of a hero!!”

Amanda grabbed Lando by the collar.

Her hands trembled while holding her by the collar.

“Listen calmly, Lando.”


She turned her head towards her and spoke softly.

“Amanda. This man, Landau, is a descendant of the hero you know.”

“Descendants?! Descendant…. So the taste of the warrior’s blood…….”

As if she understood my explanation, she let go of Lando’s collar.

Then she sat down.

“Hero, warrior…. Why didn’t you come to tell me that you had a baby? …. Too much dear… ! I have only you, the hero…… !!”

Crying Amanda.

I waited 500 years for the man I liked, but the news of his death came back.

If you were like me, you would have cursed the dead hero.

Lando got down on one knee and held out her arm to her.

“Eat all of it. He said it’s similar to the hero’s blood, even if it’s not exactly the same, so eat it. Vampires eat blood, right?”

“You are a descendant, not a warrior. Therefore….”

“Don’t do that. Amanda, I will give you any amount of my blood, so can you help me?”

“… You want help?”

He replied with a grin.

“Yes. I’m still immature in many ways. We need the wisdom of Amanda, who was with the hero. And I’m also curious about the story of my ancestors.”

“… ….”

She seemed to be giving Amanda a reason to live her future life.

The only power that has endured starvation for 500 years is a hero.

Now that such a hero is dead, she won’t feel the value of her life from her point of view.

But Amanda seemed hesitant.

He is said to be a descendant of the hero, but he is different from the hero.

You must have mixed emotions.

I told her softly.

“Right now, very little is known about the hero. In a way, Lando may be the only thing left now.”


“Looking after Lando the hero left behind may be what the hero really asked you to do.”

She stopped crying little by little.

She then stared straight into Lando’s face.

He smiled and scratched his cheek with his index finger.

Even though he heard that he was the heir of the hero, he was not greatly disturbed.

Maybe I expected it myself.

“…… There is one condition, no, I have a request.”

Said Amanda, rising from her seat.

“Pretend to be a hero for a while.”

“Yes? I’m not a warrior….”

“Just treat me like a warrior! It’s okay if you treat me like a child!”

Escape from reality.

However, it was not easy to criticize.

Because now that I’m mentally weak, if I recklessly force myself to accept reality, it might end up driving me to suicide.

Landau moved closer to her.

Then she stroked her hair gently.

“Amanda, has it been difficult?”

“Yes, it was difficult.”

“Let’s stay together now. Eat something delicious.”

“Yes, hero!”

Amanda gave a small laugh.


After that, we took Amanda outside the hideout.

Unlike other vampires, she doesn’t die even in sunlight.

It’s just that my strength is getting weaker.

I reported this incident to the instructor.

I didn’t trust the instructors easily, but when I took them to the hideout, they trusted me.

All the instructors’ faces turned pale when I showed them the corpse fragments of the cadets that were used as sacrifices in the hidden room.

“Who is she… ?”

The instructor asked about Amanda.

Of course, you can’t answer with a vampire lord.

I made a false assumption that the vampires might be a girl brought from off the island to be used as a sacrifice.

Instructors who finished checking inside the hideout immediately set off yellow firecrackers in the air on the island.

It meant that the test was over.

Can the cadets continue the test when they are sacrificed by the vampires?

“Then I will return from now on.”

After checking the number of people at the southern beach, we boarded the ship.

I didn’t know exactly how many people died, but it seemed like 30 to 50 people died, similar to the last dungeon mutation.

Unlike when we arrived at the uninhabited island, there weren’t nearly as many people there.

… As soon as we left, Louisa started getting seasick again, so I lay down next to her.

Meanwhile, Amanda continued to cling to Lando.

As expected of her original harem heroine, she got along well with her.

“Then the hero is attending that academy right now?”

“Right. It hasn’t been long since she entered school yet.”

“I can’t believe that a hero is a student!”

Carr, she smiled brightly.

Someday I’ll have to face reality, but I’ll be fine for now.

First of all, you have to start by feeding them rice to get their condition back to normal.

That rice will become Lando’s blood.

Benedetta came to the side of the bed.

“Do you think Vampire Lord, or Amanda, really did not know that a human lifespan is 100 years at most?”

“I don’t think so. I must have forgotten on purpose. I don’t want to admit that the hero abandoned me.”

“… I came to think that longevity may not necessarily be a blessing.”

I said, turning my head towards Amanda and Lando.

“Still, since I live a long time, I wonder if an opportunity to sprout a new love has come.”

“That would be true too.”

One of the heroines of Amanda Do Landau.

From now on, she will be healed mentally by Lando just like the story of the game.

In the original game story, Amanda meets Lando after he graduates from the academy.

The beginning of her encounter is when her main character, Lando, stops her from trying to commit suicide because she is more devastated than she is now.

At that time, she already had a lot of self-injury, so her whole body was covered with scars, but now she is just skinny and shows no trauma.

“It is ironic that a woman who was abandoned by a hero is saved by a descendant of the hero.”

“Isn’t everything in the world like that?”

“Yes, indeed.”

While talking with Benedetta,

“Woo-wook… !! I think I’ll come out—. Whoops—!”

… Louisa was about to throw up, so she quickly held her black pouch to her mouth.

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  1. kk77 says:

    yeah we lost 50 more students one the field trip, no biggie. when you match the numbers going out and in and round it up a few times, really 50 is just error bars you know?

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