I Became a Villain’s Hero chapter 13

13 - Fall Accident (3)

13 – Fall Accident (3)

Even on weekends, Song Soo-yeon now visits his store.

She asked, eating lunch at his shop on Saturday.

“mister. Do you have a lot of money, uncle?”

Uncle was watching the news.

“….yes? Why is that all of a sudden?”

He answers without taking his eyes off the TV.

Song Soo-yeon wondered if she felt comfortable seeing him like that.

Other men stare at him whenever they get a chance to look at his appearance, but he seemed to prioritize his work.

Soo-yeon Song answered in a comfortable mood.

“…No…Since they keep giving out free food like this, I did something.”

“…Are you worried about that after coming over for lunch on the weekend?”

“…is it a burden?”


The man looked at Song Soo-yeon as if he was surprised. In fact, Song Soo-yeon pretended not to be, but had a somewhat caring personality.

“Where is the person who always harshly cursed at me and did the angel who worries about my financial situation come out?”


“Kuk-kuk. It’s a joke, don’t worry. No burden.”

“……Then you say you have a lot of money?”

“no. Not much money.”

Song Soo-yeon, who vaguely expected him to be rich, is surprised by the unexpected answer.

“…Then why are you doing this?”


“Why are you giving away rice for free?”

“Well…it’s self-satisfaction.”

He seemed to be annoyed, gave a rough answer, and continued to stare at the TV again.

Listening to his answer, Song Soo-yeon suddenly has a question.

It was a rather disturbing question.


When Song Soo-yeon was unable to continue her meal due to the worry, the man took his eyes off the TV and asked,

“why. Why are you doing this?”

Seeing him take care of herself again, Song Soo-yeon felt warm again. I wouldn’t admit it though.


She cautiously opened her mouth.

“…So, what happens to the store when the money runs out?”

It was only then that Song Soo-yeon realized that she was more attached to this place than expected.

My heart beat a little faster thinking that this place where I felt comfortable would disappear.

However, he dismissed her anxiety with a smile.

“Oh, don’t worry. I still have spare money left. I saved a lot of money when I opened the store… and there are fewer customers than expected.”


“And you can earn money separately.”

“…make money? To stay here?”



It was his mindset that Song Soo-yeon couldn’t understand, but he didn’t bother to tackle it. She wanted to stay here too.

Why are you doing such a stupid thing to him? It’s because he can’t be persuaded.

Song Soo-yeon stood up from her seat. It was time to go make money.

“…well done, mister.”

She has also begun to express her gratitude.


Because he smiled so brightly when I said thank you. There is a strange addiction to that expression, so recently Song Soo-yeon did not forget to say that she had a good meal or that she was grateful.


late night. part time job is over

Upon finishing, she wonders if the shop is still open.

But the time was already pointing at 10, and I felt it was too late for that.

….I didn’t think of that question because I was hungry. It just seemed to come to mind as a place to feel comfortable.

I didn’t want to go into the house as much as possible, so I thought there was a place to kill a little time.

“I’ll send the money to your account, so I know.”

The president who gave the leaflet to Song Soo-yeon, who was wearing a mask, says.

The mask was like a minimal camouflage to keep one’s appearance invisible.

There were not one or two men who showed their faces for no reason and then approached me asking if I would make more money.

I didn’t even have to hear what methods they would suggest.

Because I heard their dirty thoughts in my head.

Now, Song Soo-yeon gradually began to believe in those hallucinations. It’s not that you’re crazy, it’s that the other person’s idea is right.

It was hard to be sure as I had no friends to confirm.

Song Soo-yeon nodded briefly at the president’s words and turned around.

Even though her face was covered, Song Soo-yeon could feel the gaze from behind her looking at her back.

Suppressing disgust, Song Soo-yeon moved on.

Sometimes I get used to the uncle and forget what kind of guys they were. Reflecting on that fact, Song Soo-yeon moved on.

Her destination was home. Now that this happened, it seemed like I had to check if the money had come in properly.





“…Yai-ssi… bitch, why are you coming in now?”

As soon as Song Soo-yeon entered the house, she felt her heart sink coldly.

A thick male voice came from the darkness.

was the father He, who was not at home, seemed to have returned today.


She pondered for a while on what to do, then headed for the room, ignoring his fire.

“…Look at that bitch.”

Fortunately, his reaction was not violent. Was it because he was drunk, or was it a bit different this time at the gambling house? My father didn’t seem to be in a bad mood.

If it had been like this, something left in the house would have been smashed again, or he would have had to endure the screams and screams.

Fortunately, I was able to pass today.

Soo-yeon Song calms her beating heart because she is not used to it, and enters the room.

First of all, it seemed that I wouldn’t be able to be in this corner of the house anymore.

It’s something you don’t know if you’re still and sparks will fly.

Another lucky thing is that my mother seems to have fallen asleep drunk. If the two of them had been awake, the house would have been turned upside down once more.

Song Soo-yeon was thinking of only taking care of her bankbook.

I felt like I had to go outside for a while. You can come back and rest when your father is asleep.

Song Soo-yeon immediately raised her hand to the top of the high bookshelf.


But the box didn’t stick. I wondered if I had misplaced my hand, so I lifted the tip of my toe, but nothing came into my hand.

I tried to step back and look at the top of the bookshelf, but I couldn’t easily see anything in the house where the lights were not on.

“…are you looking for this?”

Turning her head, she saw her father through the crack in the door.

He leaned his head against the threshold and held Song Soo-yeon’s bankbook and card with a cold expression.

I was able to confirm that fact by the moonlight coming into the house.

She experienced a feeling like her blood was curdling.

“…..Give me.”

Have the courage to say it. I can’t hand it over.

It was money earned through hard work every day for years.

There is no place to work part-time, working much cheaper than the minimum wage. Even if it is hit by the Iljins, it will not be taken away. It was money saved by starving or eating cheap food every day. I couldn’t hand it over.


A snowball fight with him begins.

It’s been years since I stopped thinking of him as my father, but for some reason, I still seem to be weighed down by his momentum.

In fact, it is for everyone. There aren’t many people that Song Soo-yeon has ever won. Losing to the Iljins. lose to parents

The only opponent who can win… is that old man I met recently. Because it feels like a gourd.

Song Soo-yeon accidentally thought of the old man.

And I also remembered the image of that man who was like a goblin, who had the courage to do it for himself.

Song Soo-yeon chewed her lips and opened her eyes even more. There is no way you can’t do that yourself.

The father and she have a snowball fight for a long time… It ends with Song Soo-yeon’s victory.

He snorted and threw his bankbook and card at Song Soo-yeon.

“….Your fucking eyes resemble my mother’s.”

As soon as Song Soo-yeon felt her breathing catch up, she grabbed her credit card and bankbook and ran away.





“ha…! ha….!”

She was still running, unable to calm her heart.

It’s as if you can run away from this situation if you do this.

She had to find a new place to hide her bankbook and cards.

Before, there was no other place besides the house, so there was no choice but now there was a new place.


If it’s from the old man, maybe I can ask for it.

She walks and arrives in sight of his shop.


However, the lights in the store were already off. Again, it seemed that business hours were over.

As she paused, lost, thoughts overtook her.


sudden anxiety.

My hands start shaking right away.

The fear was so great that I couldn’t even hold my strength.

She moved her trembling legs.

After a few minutes, she arrived at the ATM.

Ignoring the machine’s words to come in, I shoved my bankbook into the machine.

Her fingers repeatedly hit the ‘Clean Up Bankbook’ button.


Mechanical sound that flows like an eternity.

This money wasn’t just money. It was like her hope to escape this hellish place.

Waiting for this money to reach 5 million won, he endured all the pain.

It was a symbol.


At the end of the announcement that everything has been sorted out, she receives the bankbook again.


The strength in her legs gave way, and Song Soo-yeon collapsed in place.

Balance: 0 won.

I forgot about it for a while, but her world has always been like this.

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  1. Lku says:

    That f*ker isn’t her father

  2. This fuking bastrd, what kind of father is he?!?

  3. Gustavo says:

    Como podes sacarle el dinero a tu hija… maldito perdedor HDP!

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