I Became a Villain’s Hero chapter 90

90 - Where are you (5)

90 – Where are you (5)

The silence is broken by trinos.

He ran into Dyce again.

This time it was with Liquid.

Stingshot also finished preparations for sniping from behind.

Even though Trino’s eyes were burnt out, he didn’t think that they would gather together and lose.

Whether it was Solas or Sheikh, these are the three that did not lose.

No matter how talented he came, he had never been defeated.

There were times when I couldn’t break it, but I didn’t break it.

Stingshot pulled the trigger.


At the same time as the sound, the dice disappear like a mirage.

In the place where he was, only black smoke remained.

Trino and Liquid stop. When your opponent disappears, you can’t help but panic.

“What the f*ck…!”


Then, at the scream that echoed from behind, both of them rolled their eyes.

Stingshot’s arm was bent in a bizarre way, and he was collapsing.

The gun he was so proud of was also broken.

Dais was already standing behind him.

I don’t know when it moved.

“Did you pierce Solas’s instep?”

Dyce groaned and grabbed Stingshot by the head as he struggled in pain.

The sting shot went awry.

“Keuk… this… let go of this-“


Before he could finish his sentence, his head hit the floor.


It didn’t even stop once.


Blood gushed from the broken forehead. Stingshot’s screams quickly turned into moans.

He seemed to have lost the strength to speak.

He was suffering terribly.

The formation had already collapsed.

It was the first time it had been this fast.

No hero came, and nothing like this had ever happened.

The remaining Trino and Liquid froze for a moment at the unbelievable sight.

-Boom! Boom! Boom!

Stingshot’s head slammed into the floor endlessly.

It was a complete blowout.

It seemed as if he could end the life of the incapacitated Stingshot.

However, Dyce controlled his strength and tormented him within the range where the stingshot could feel pain.



“Do not stimulate…!”


“Don’t tell me…!”


“I warned you!!”


“Turn it off…”

Dyce looked down at the moaning Stingshot.

The anger still hasn’t been resolved, and the eyes shine red again.

At the end of his gaze, there was Stingshot’s finger.

The laser shot out and in an instant crushed Stingshot’s finger as he pulled the trigger.

“Ahh…! Ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

Stingshot, whom I thought was unconscious, screamed reflexively.

At that brutal figure and painful screams, Trino and Liquid, which had been hardened, move again.

“This…this bastard..!!”

Trino rushed again and tried to catch Dice, and Liquid turned her body into liquid to cover Dice.

– Shuuk.

Right before Trino’s fist touches. Dice disappeared again.

Soon he rose from the shadows behind the trino.


Trino’s body flew across the cargo hold.

He couldn’t figure out what had hit him.

Dyce’s eyes were now on the remaining liquid.

Liquid approaches by changing its body shape.

Dyce reached out and the liquid began to freeze.

A biting chill fills the cargo warehouse.

Liquid, perhaps taken aback, immediately released the change.

It returns to its original state from the liquid state.

But the frozen part didn’t come back.

Liquid’s left leg was still incomplete.

A strangely shaped piece of ice hung under his thigh.

He moaned in pain and looked for water.

“…Keugh…! water….! I need water…!”

He looked around, but all the gangsters were terrified.

Dice slowly approached the imminent Liquid.

“Why do you need water?”


Dyce reached out again.



Liquid’s frozen legs swayed as if being dragged by something. It was the telekinesis I had seen before.

“…Oh, no…!”

Liquid pleaded, but Dyce moved his arm without mercy.

Liquid’s legs, which were made of ice, separated from the body.

The bridge flies off and hits the wall, breaking.


Confused, Liquid looked at her body and at the broken ice bridge that hit the wall.

“What’s wrong?”

Dyce asked.

The sound of heavy breathing between his words signaled his anger.

Liquid couldn’t understand the lightning strike that had just struck.

I could see that the person with the ability in front of me was not a hero.

Heroes aren’t that cruel.

I don’t have this kind of poison.

This was… a villain.

A villain with overwhelming power.

A villain who can’t win even if he attacks hundreds of times.

In less than 3 minutes, all the capable people who faced him were crippled.

Where this monster came from, Liquid had no idea at all.




I stood tall at those words.

It felt like all the blood in my body was cold.

I heard a name I shouldn’t have heard.

I turn my head.

A woman I had never seen in a villain costume was shouting my name.


she called me again

“……Do you… know me?”

I asked.

She nodded.

“Dice, right…? Is that right…? Does Dice still have memories…?”

I couldn’t help but understand what the question of whether he had any memories left.

She is also of the same kind as me. He was a regressor like me.


A mischievous laugh came out.

learn new facts

Why did I think I would have returned? Why did you think I would come back?

In a way, it’s natural. I wouldn’t have been anything special.

Liem was seen approaching Liquid, terrified from behind. It looked like he was trying to take a sting shot next to him.

But I couldn’t even think of keeping them in check in shock.

I mean there are regressors…

“……Luna was also a regressor.”

I said.


It’s not what she said to hear.

I continued my thoughts.

Yeah, if you think about it…Song Soo-yeon approached me first.

He came to buy me some food.

It was she who came to the newly opened store later.

It was Luna who approached me every morning, whether at the store or in the studio.

Pretending to push away, she always came first.

…was it because he knew I was Dice?

Was it to use my power?

My heart ached again.


Tears flow from this sense of betrayal again.

It was in front of everyone, but… I can’t stand this pain at all.

These feelings are new to me, so I don’t know how to deal with them. couldn’t learn


I shook my head.

I hate to believe this fact.

this won’t be Song Soo-yeon is a regressor, it can’t be.

If she was a regressor, she wouldn’t have acted like that.

She couldn’t have appeared in front of the camera as Luna.

I’ll figure it out right away, unless you’re an idiot…


If you think about it… nothing is impossible.

If she didn’t know that I had regressed.

If you thought that she also returned alone.

Then another possibility.

Since I don’t know who has regressed and who is the standard of regress… I can’t stop thinking ominous thoughts.

While discouraged, Liem gathered his colleagues and held hands.

Trino staggered, and Liquid groaned. Stunning Stingshot.

Only one woman who knew my name is away from them.

The pain in my heart made me unable to move.

I said to the villains who were ready to teleport.

“……I will follow you from now on.”

I saw Liem’s frightened eyes.

“… run away.”

Running away anyway is a better way to vent your anger.

I hope you are terrified.

I wanted them to be more stressed out.

Hunting villains was familiar to me.

– Shook.

The villains hide.

I let go of my anger, digested the cold pain in my chest, and slowly approached the remaining villains.

He violently ripped off her mask.


“…Dice…I…remember me…? I… I’m Han Yu-jeong… Han Yu-jeong.”

I looked at her face and answered roughly.

In fact, the thing that filled my head right now was Song Soo-yeon… I couldn’t afford it.

“……Who are you?”

At the word that she did not know her, the woman who claimed to be Han Yu-jeong gradually lost life in her eyes.



He threw Han Yu-jeong into the iron cage.


She fell helplessly on the stone floor.

I didn’t mind.

just lock the cage

– Clap.

It wasn’t too difficult to find a dungeon to hold her in.

There are still a lot of villains and a lot of hideouts.

It wasn’t even a thing for me to take one of them away.

Once is hard, twice is easy.

I no longer hesitated to use my abilities.


Han Yu-jeong immediately got up and clung to the iron cage and called for me.


I answered.

I didn’t want to listen to her.

My head is too complicated. now that’s the limit

I slipped down in front of the iron cage and hugged my head.

The fact that there is another regressor, that it could be Luna, makes it difficult for me.

I don’t know what to believe and what not to believe.

Memories of being happy with Song Soo-yeon still clutter my head.

The smile she showed is still vivid.

When you pretended to care about me, how cute you looked.

How wonderful it was when you followed me to work in the warehouse.

when holding hands. when not in your arms. When handing over the wish bracelet.

If that’s all acting to fool me… I…


This woman I had never seen before suddenly began to comfort me.

I get annoyed with her

Wipe away the tears.

I got up from my seat and stood up to leave the dungeon.

I need to get some sleep.

After that fierce argument with Song Soo-yeon, to experience a battle after a long time.

It is very hard on the body and mind.

“……I will hand you over to the heroes.”

Before leaving the dungeon, he told Han Yu-jeong.

Actually, I haven’t thought about what to do with her yet.

Trino, Stingshot, and Liquid have been piled up, so there is a plan… but I don’t even know what this Han Yoo-jung did yet.

I didn’t even want to think about it now.


I closed the door and left the basement.

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  1. _ Izanami9 _ Izanami9 says:

    Aiyo this stella girls is the key to this fcking misunderstandings i presume..

  2. Extra says:

    Huh, I thought he’d recognize Stella. I guess not?

    We got confirmation that she’s a regressor. What I want to know is at what point in time did she regress.

    If she regressed after the MC’s death, then I’d be very curious to hear what happened to both Solas and Luna

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