I Became the Golden Sun That Steals the Academy’s Aircraft chapter 44

044. Ian Tigris Linebarrel

044. Ian Tigris Linebarrel

The resistance suppression operation ended successfully. Most resistance members were killed, and some were captured.

However, despite Gilbert’s efforts, the key figure, the Resistance Chairman, was eventually lost. I searched the entire Banneret Forest like a tooth, but he had already disappeared.

It was painful to not be able to capture key figures, but it was quite encouraging to see that the resistance was completely defeated without any damage to the punitive force. As for damage from the punitive force, there was no damage except for a few minor injuries.

In that respect, no matter how much we called it the Resistance, we could not deny the fact that it was ultimately an untrained irregular force. The punitive force was made up of talented people from Demeia Academy and the Imperial Knights, which the empire had ordered, so even if they had found the Giant God Soldier in the ancient ruins, the gap was wide.

In addition, Brianna and Seraphina were in the punitive force. The combination of the command of Seraphina, known as a woman of fortune, and Brianna, who had extensive experience on the battlefield, was not at a level that the irregular Resistance army could handle.

However, the person who performed the most outstanding performance was definitely Gilbert. Gilbert, supported by CT-777, literally flew around the battlefield. In particular, it is safe to say that he had almost reached the level of art when he struck down five giant soldiers in one go and cut off the giant soldier’s legs in order to capture the chairman of the Resistance.

To top it all off, even the Imperial Knights who came out to volunteer asked Seraphina about Gilbert’s identity. That’s how impressive and unconventional Gilbert’s performance was.

Meanwhile, the empire rewarded the punitive force that eliminated the resistance at an early stage. Although it was not as extraordinary as the knighthood that Gilbert received, it was still a satisfactory award.

At Demeia Academy, the cadets who participated in the punitive force as cadets were awarded the Distinguished Service Order badge. He was awarded with the intention of raising the status of the Academy. The cadets who participated in the punitive force had smiles on their faces at the unexpected reward.

However, Gilbert, who had made a great contribution in the battle to subdue the Resistance, did not look good. Although receiving the award was a welcome event from his perspective, he was deeply troubled by the change in the chairman of the Resistance.

Through information obtained while interrogating a captured resistance member, we learned that the chairman of the resistance was a man named Van Dyck. This information was passed on to all the personnel who participated in the subjugation, and when Gilbert heard the name Bandai for the first time, his face could not help but harden.

The chairman of the resistance he knew was Brecht. I’ve been playing Tactical Combat for a long time, but I’ve never seen the name Van Dyke. Since there was a battle going on during the subjugation war, people wondered if Brecht had made the realistic choice of running away, but in reality, a completely different person was sitting in the chairman’s chair.

According to interrogation information, Brecht and a man named Van Dyck founded the Resistance together, and Van Dyck became the chairman upon Brecht’s recommendation. It is said that Brecht ended his life after falling into a trap of the imperial army while participating in resistance activities.

Gilbert, who was organizing the contents of the interrogation in his head, sighed. He felt a little frustrated as things started to change with his game. The best weapon he had was information about this world. Even though he was the great sage Horizon, unknown knowledge existed in his head.

From noble mtl dot com

I thought that if I took it out and used it in a timely manner, I would be able to survive well in this cruel world, but as things started to go wrong from the beginning, I felt uneasy.

But he soon shook his head and shook off his negative feelings.

In the beginning, didn’t he promise to just use the information he knew for reference?

You should not assume that game knowledge is always correct. My thoughts could become narrow-minded and I could develop unnecessary stubbornness.

Okay. Well then, next problem.

Then it was time to consider where the leader of the resistance had disappeared to. The mere fact that he disappeared through the search nets and search magic spread across Banneret was enough to raise alarm.

Even though the Imperial Knights took part, they ended up missing a key figure in the resistance. It was amazing that he avoided the search magic and broke through the search team’s search net.

I was suspicious of whether there was an outside helper.

Or an internal helper.

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. Considering the level of the punitive force, it was not at all easy to avoid the search magic or the search net of the search team. This was something that even Tactical Combat’s rotten bastard, Gilbert, could not easily accomplish.

The reason he did not mention that it was impossible was because his physical abilities were at the level of a superhuman. When I checked after the entrance mock battle, his physical ability was 90. Most first-class knights had physical abilities below 90, and a swordsman like Brianna was in the mid to late 90s.

Furthermore, as a result of continuing training with the award badge I recently received and the buff from the beginning of the academy, my physical ability level has risen to 91, so it might be possible to break through this siege and escape.

Then, does Van Dyke, the chairman of the Resistance, really have that level of ability?

Actually, it wasn’t meaningful to question that. Because it might actually be possible, or it might be impossible.

However, it was more important to consider whether the escape route was opened by an external helper or whether it was possible to escape with the help of an internal helper. If there were external or internal helpers, it meant that the resistance had not been completely eradicated yet.

Especially if you think of it as an internal helper, the story becomes more complicated.

‘It’s a pain in the ass.’

I came up with several hypotheses and compared them, but they were literally just hypotheses. From the beginning, there was nothing precise about whether it was an external helper, an internal helper, or a self-escape.

In the end, all he could do was train like he had done so far and proceed with the main story that was to come. He was most likely to be tied to the main story, whether as an internal or external helper. That might be a variable, but I was used to responding to variables anyway.

It was also something he was confident about.

With a lighter mind, Gilbert roughly took care of the parchment he had been organizing and put it in a drawer. While I was talking, I felt like I needed to start training today.


Ian was thinking about Gilbert, who once again surpassed him in performance. It was not the same way of expressing anger as before. Rather, it was anger like a cold flame burning from within.

‘Hmm, that’s a good expression?’

Ian wrote the words ‘anger like a burning cold flame’ on a piece of parchment. The purpose was to write a quote that would one day be used when one came to the fore as a protagonist.

The protagonist had to have dignity in his words and actions. So I often wrote down expressions that I thought were cool on parchment, referenced appropriate situations, and practiced them over and over again.

There were several sayings that I had in mind during this subjugation battle.

‘Do not show generosity to your enemies. ‘That’s just our hypocrisy.’ Or something.

‘Fear death. There is nothing more dishonorable than dying without being able to protect it.’ Or something.

‘I will be the sharpest spear of the punitive force. ‘All troops follow me’ or something like that.

There were dozens of variations in mind, but he was only able to compete as a non-commissioned officer and was reduced to having to listen to Gilbert’s orders. He was so embarrassed that his face turned red with anger, but he had no choice but to endure it.

‘They say crouching is the way to be a hero… But it’s getting more and more annoying.’

I acknowledged that Gilbert was my rival, and I humbly accepted that this was a trial for a hero named Ian. However, because Ian is also a human being, he did not want to suffer forever.

He no longer wanted to look like the main character, and he naturally thought that now was the time for him to shine.

Like Hastelzia, which stays in flower buds for a long time and then fully blooms with the morning sunlight.

‘First of all, write this down.’

He also wrote down a good expression on parchment and was able to immediately think of the time when he should use it.

Competition between cadets is a long-standing tradition of Demeia Academy.

The first start was next week.

The story line was also very good.

He, who has quietly watched and endured the growth of his rivals until now, is blooming as the first place in the competitive game with the morning sunlight.

Ian Tigris line barrels like Hastelgia are in full bloom.

What a sweet tone this is.

You will be able to blow away all the adversity and hardships you have endured in just that one time.

He grinned, roughly took the parchment he had scribbled on, and put it in a drawer. While I was talking, I felt like I needed to start training today.

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  1. Warrior says:

    This guy has read too many novel. I’m just happy they were not romance novels with teachers or princesses. If it had been I don’t know what kind of jealousy he would have shown

  2. Rone says:

    At this point the author just be clowning Ian here lmao

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