I Became the Handyman That the Heroines Are Obsessed With chapter 57

I Became the Handyman That the Heroines Are Obsessed With 57

Episode 57 – Minor(?) Mistake

The weapon used by the Demon God, the first raid boss of Erasto Chronicle, ‘Corrupted Holy Sword’ Zebario.

From Noble mtl dot com

Anyone who has played this game will never forget this weapon.

As the 3rd chapter unfolds, an incident occurred in Aurelios, the capital of the Gelevrio Empire, where a riot by the Demonic Church broke out and part of the imperial palace was damaged.

In the process, news became known belatedly that something in the imperial basement had been stolen.

It became known that this was stolen from the Devil Church to give strength to an incompletely resurrected demon.

So, the story of Raid was that the continent’s strongest heroes gathered together to deal with an incompletely revived demon.

And the raid boss ‘Demon God’ came out with a difficulty level that far exceeded the highest combat power of users at the time.

All the users who participated in the raid were unable to reduce even a single drop of the Demon God’s stamina.

Even hackers who invested more than 10 million won into Erasto Chronicle each month participated in the raid.

At the launch of the raid, the hackers who entered the raid with the best combination of the strongest heroines and equipment that could be matched, also failed the raid.

When everyone was criticizing the game company for releasing a raid with such an insane difficulty level, a proof shot was uploaded showing that a non-paying user had successfully completed the raid.

There was a debate about the authenticity of the certification shot, but the developer officially stated that it was true that the user cleared the raid.

And the user posted a raid boss strategy, and everyone who saw the strategy at the time complained to the developer, asking, ‘Did it have to be like this?’

The core of the Demon God Raid.

It was to destroy the weapon held by the Demon God, the ‘Corrupted Holy Sword Zebario’.

As mentioned earlier, the resurrection of the Demon God was incomplete, so a medium was needed to maintain the Demon God’s body in the material world.

The medium was the corrupted holy sword Zebario.

So the Demon God Raid was not actually about attacking the Demon God, but rather destroying the corrupted holy sword Zebario in the Demon God’s hand.

If Zebario is destroyed, the Demon God will receive a huge debuff, and even the heroines’ basic attacks will weaken him to the point where several lines of blood are lost.

After this strategy came out, Demon God became just a neighborhood drum.

Because of this, Erasto Chronicle once became famous in various communities as a game that took care of details in unnecessary places.

‘That Zebario was right in the basement of the imperial palace? That’s why the Demon Church attacked the imperial palace!’

I was greatly embarrassed by the corrupted holy sword that appeared before my eyes.

I’ve seen a script in the in-game story that says something was stolen, but I never thought the object said to have been stolen was Zebario.

Then why on earth was Zebario sealed in the basement of the imperial palace?

“This item is not well known to the people of the Eastern Continent. It is the holy sword ‘Zebario’, which was used to defeat the ‘Demon God’ who almost brought destruction to the world.”

“Holy Sword Zebario…”

It is a weapon that defeated a demon.

But how did the Holy Sword become corrupted? Did you absorb the demon’s energy while defeating it?

“Zebario was the weapon used by the nameless ‘first hero’. That person was also from the Eastern Continent, and he became a hero by pulling out Zebario, which was stuck on the altar of a collapsed temple. That nameless hero “After going through all kinds of hardships and hardships, he was able to defeat the demon god, but he suffered a serious injury in the fight with the demon god and was unable to return.”

What came out of His Majesty’s mouth. It was the story of a nameless hero who was chosen by the Holy Sword.

I never thought there would be a story like this hidden in Zebario.

“Zebario, who was used to defeat the Demon God, created a seal on the spot where the nameless hero defeated the Demon God. The reason is to prevent the Demon God’s resurrection. Right now, this underground cave is “This is the place where the nameless hero fought the demon god.”

Eh? Wait a minute, this is your first time hearing this?

A nameless hero and a demon fought here?

“That’s why the founding emperor of the Zebario Empire built the imperial palace on this land. In other words, the imperial palace itself is a structure built with the purpose of strengthening the sealing formation created by Zebario himself and preventing it from being released again. It’s all right.”

Hmm, that’s why the Devil Church staged a terrorist attack on the imperial palace and destroyed part of it.

In this way, the sealing group will be weakened and the corrupted holy sword can be stolen.

It is highly likely that they targeted Zebario from the beginning and caused terrorism in the capital.

“The explanation was a bit rambling, but the church that serves the Great Goddess said that this Holy Sword, which has absorbed the energy of the Demon God, will soon become corrupted… When that happens, the corrupted Holy Sword will become a catalyst for the Demon God’s resurrection. So, we built the imperial palace to strengthen Zebario’s sealing camp, and if someone causes terrorism and destroys the imperial palace, we will believe that it is the work of forces seeking the resurrection of the demon god, and we will do our best to prevent the demon god’s resurrection. “A treaty has been signed to help.”

Wow, the explanation is a bit long.

So, to sum it up in one word, this imperial palace was built for the purpose of strengthening Zebario’s seal.

You are saying that the collapse of the imperial palace is related to the resurrection of the demon god.

Then, did His Majesty bring me here to make Zebario’s seal stronger?

“So, what do I have to do here?”

“Please fix the altar and the table on which Zebario is placed. As time has passed, the altar and the table have become increasingly deteriorated, so they need to be replaced…”

His Majesty the Emperor trailed off as he spoke, and I could roughly guess what he was trying to say.

The altar top and altar need to be replaced, but isn’t it possible to bring in workers to do the replacement work?

There is no plastic like the world I lived in, nor is there heavy machinery.

More than anything, the corrupted holy sword must be caught and removed, and in the process, there is no law preventing people from being possessed by the demonic energy contained in the corrupted holy sword.

‘So, I’m the only one who can do this.’

Would you like to set up a business that specializes in seal maintenance in the future?

Although there was already a repair shop, it was only open on weekends when people could go to the academy.

Currently, repair requests from academy students are given priority, so I think I will probably be able to work properly only after I graduate.

“I will follow your orders.”

“Oh, thank you so much. I will never forget your hard work.”

I did not ask the former Emperor for a definite answer about compensation.

Is it possible that a nobleman as tall as an emperor would not give me a pitiful reward?

I walked toward the altar, imagining what the emperor would give me.

As I got closer to the altar, the appearance of the altar, which had been abandoned for a long time, clearly caught my eye.

“There are more than one or two places that need repairs.”

The condition of the altar was very serious.

There were cracks here and there, as if it would collapse at the slightest touch, and the top plate on which Zebario was floating was dented near the center due to the pressure flowing from Zebario.

No, rather, it was truly amazing that an ordinary-looking stone could endure to this extent.

‘Let’s start with maintenance first.’

I stretched out my hand and imagined a hammer, and the bracelet I was wearing on my arm soon became a hammer in my hand.

I grabbed the hammer and was the first to swing it at the altar.

―Puff, puff, puff.

It was left unattended for so long that when I hit the altar with a hammer, pieces of stone fell from the area where I hit the hammer.

However, after three hammer blows, the altar was soon engulfed in a faint glow and returned to its previous grandeur.

Now that the altar has been repaired, all that remains is the table on which Zebario is placed.

I swung the hammer towards the top of the altar.

―Just, just right. Uji string

At that time, when the hammer was struck a couple of times, the top plate split in two and Zebario collided with the top plate.

After colliding with the deck, Zebario began to slowly shake and emit a terrifying energy.

‘Aye, Sipal. ‘f*cked!’

I instinctively realized that I was screwed and grabbed Zebario with my left hand.


As I held Zebario by hand, a searing pain began to creep up my arm.

I felt like Zebario couldn’t use his strength, perhaps due to the influence of the sealing group.


“What happened!”

His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister, who sensed something strange happening from afar, looked at me and shouted.


I picked up the hammer and struck it at Zebario in my left hand.

I felt a tremendous rebound, but I couldn’t stop.

“Get up!”

I swung the hammer at Zebario again.


When the hammer hit Zebario’s sword body, a strange sound was heard, as if something was crying.

I don’t know why, but I felt like I had to deal the final blow right now.

“I didn’t do it!”

I dealt the final blow to Zebario while answering questions from his Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister from afar.

And at the same time I felt something tremendous force pushing me, I was swept away by a tremendous shock wave and the film was cut off.

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  1. Supernoob789 says:

    So they didnt even think of using his hammer against the sword…..

    1. All Night says:

      Mc and others are still vastly underestimating his ability.

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not work with dark mode