I Became the Husband of a Gender-Reversed World Idol chapter 4

I Became the Husband of a Gender-Reversed World Idol 4

4 – Graduation Ceremony

Ara and the Queens members finally entered the broadcasting station amidst the cheers of the fans.

The atmosphere inside the broadcasting station was calm as there were only journalists, broadcasting staff, and our male classmates, but there was a slight dispute about who would propose a toast first.

Nevertheless, Ara and the members responded to the interview without any hesitation.

They truly have a different air about them.


Ara truly is Ara.

Even during the interview, she looks in our direction.

“Are you preparing well for this world tour?”

“Yes, the songs we couldn’t perform last time due to our busy schedule…”

People who come to see Queens’ concert not only enjoy the group’s songs but also enjoy each member’s solo songs.

That’s why their concerts have a slightly different form from the typical ones, which can be called their identity.

“So, what would you like to do after this world tour?”

“I… would like to go on a quiet trip with my husband.”

“Come to think of it, Ara was the first idol to have a passionate and heated romance despite her young age, eventually leading to marriage.

Although there is almost no news about Ara’s husband yet, in fact…”

“Well, tomorrow, my husband will finally graduate.”

“Oh… Congratulations on that.”

Cold sweat dripped down in responses like these.

Dropping hints like that.

If it were revealed who Ara’s husband was, I couldn’t even imagine what would happen.

It would be fortunate if he didn’t face fan backlash.

“I heard Song Ara’s husband is graduating tomorrow?”

“There’s only our school around here graduating tomorrow.”

“Ah, don’t tell me Song Ara’s husband is from our school? If it were me, I’d be bragging all around the neighborhood.”

“For real, lol.”

Of all things, it seemed that the only school having a graduation ceremony nearby was ours.

Unaware of the turmoil within me, the reporter continued questioning Ara.

“Could you tell us what your husband looks like and what attracted you to him?”

“Well… that’s a private question, and it’s hard to answer that…”

“We can exclude this comment from the interview. How about that?”

Ara, with a contemplative expression, turned towards me.

“Could it be that one of us has an ideal type?”

“We should say something that makes sense.”

“If it were you, Song Ara, you could charm any guy you want. Do you like ordinary guys, though?”

“Well, except for Sung-ho, everyone is pretty ordinary.”

“Are you committing suicide?”

“Well, technically, yeah.”

Regardless of what the guys next to us were saying, I shook my head, looking at Ara.


Ara chuckled.

That expression was her way of revving up for mischief.

This is crazy.

Ara, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, walked towards me.

The guys were momentarily taken aback by Ara’s sudden approach, but with a hint of curiosity, their faces turned as red as tomatoes.

Then she stood in front of me, flashing a smile once again.

I pretended not to care, as if she had nothing to do with me, but Ara embraced my arm, pulled me close, and playfully punched me.

“This guy here is my ideal type.”

“hahahaha, he sure is handsome. But isn’t this behavior a bit risky right now?”


Even though Ara, a woman, was hugging a male fan, it could lead to rumors of harassment in this unpredictable world.

Yes, it’s still okay.

He just said I was his ideal type.

I haven’t revealed my true identity, and it seems that I’m quite likable in this world, so people might just think it’s a behavior based on looks.

“Huh? It’s okay. This person is my husband.”

Of course, my expectations were shattered in less than 10 seconds.


“Ara, what if you say that!!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll be done hiding it tomorrow anyway.”

“It’s different from coming to school without disguise and doing interviews…”

“You didn’t like it…?”

Tears welled up in Ara’s eyes.

Was I too harsh?

“No… I don’t dislike it…”

“So it’s okay then?”

“Sigh… Yes, yes, do as you please, Nuna.”


Since I’m graduating tomorrow, even if the kids at school find out, it’s only a headache for a day.

As long as I endure that, it’ll be fine.

From Noble mtl dot com

I took off my school uniform and hung it on the hanger, one piece at a time.

Come to think of it, tomorrow will be the last day I wear this school uniform.

“Seonghwan, could you do me a favor?”

“Of course. Is there something specific you want to eat?”

It’s the first time Ara has directly asked for anything since the incident with the jam lid.

Sitting on the bed, I loosened my tie and looked at Ara sympathetically.

“Today… could you wear the school uniform for me?”


“I mean, today is your last day as a true student, right? Tomorrow is graduation, so…”

So Ara seems to want to play with the school uniform now.

Hmm… perhaps it’s because we’re a couple that she’s asking to get intimate.

Wait, does that mean I sympathize mentally but not physically?

This is… not just a case of being a virgin…

Ara’s eyes intensified, and her breathing became rough.

Those are the eyes of a woman longing for a man.

I’m not very experienced in this area, being a bit of a loner, but I can guess from the predatory look in her eyes.

“O… Okay, just wait a moment. I haven’t even showered yet…”

“I’d actually prefer that.”

“But I don’t. And we haven’t even had dinner yet.”

“I’ll take care of that.”

What exactly am I taking responsibility for?

Nevertheless, it seems like my body doesn’t mind.

There, protruding like the head of a hypertensive patient about to burst any moment, it was creating a folding tent in my school uniform pants.

“Seong-ho seems excited too?”

“W-Well, you made it like this, sister.”

“Does saying that make you happy?”

Ara, who began unbuttoning my shirt one by one to dissect me, not only took off the upper part but also discarded every layer of clothing down to the skirt.

And then, Ara, who was also wearing a blouse, discarded layer by layer of clothes…


015B’s ‘Goodbye for Now’ echoes through the graduation ceremony.

Strangely, it had a quite different atmosphere from the middle school graduation ceremony.

If the middle school graduation was about parting ways during the process of moving up to high school, was the high school graduation more like the farewell of baby birds venturing into society?

Even though it was a music I often heard, my heart felt heavy.

There were students crying, and there were those trying hard to hold back tears until the end.

That’s probably because they were devoted to their high school life.

And most of them will probably never meet again in their lifetime.

That’s what becoming an adult is all about.

“Did you not get the attendance award or model student award after all?”

I’ve never received it even once because of frequent early leave and absences.

Even though I heard you could get an award once a year even without studying, it seems I couldn’t get it despite studying hard.

When I was young, I used to be a little mischievous.

The farewell speech from the graduating class representative had ended, and the tearful words from our grade head teacher, who had been with us since our first year, had also come to an end.

“I will never forget you who have troubled me until my retirement,” said the tearful grade head teacher, and the students in the class he was in charge of became a sea of tears.

Even the students from other classes, who had no such connection, were shedding tears. How could they not, in this situation?

After all the formalities were over, the homeroom teacher and all the students gathered to take a picture, and as I looked at it on my phone, I almost shed tears as well.

No matter how much they say this place is a different world,

the three years I spent here and the three years I sent from over there were almost the same, you see.

But then, that emotional moment was shattered in an instant.

After the graduation ceremony, while taking pictures with the guardians, Ara appeared there.

“Hey, what are the ‘Queens’ members doing here? Do they have family here?”

“This is my first time seeing an idol in person… Can I take a picture? It’s a graduation, so it should be okay, right?”

“I don’t know, man. Ask her directly.”


Moreover, Ara didn’t come alone; all the members except one came together.

By the way, since I met them for the first time yesterday, I don’t know what relationship they have with me.

Seeing Ara walking towards me with a bouquet, I felt both happy and sad at the thought of someone giving me flowers, as an orphan.

Ara stood in front of me and extended the bouquet to me.

Then, with a very kind face, she spoke.

“Seonghwan, congratulations on your graduation.”

Unable to contain the emotions welling up at those words, Ara found herself embracing him.

Although she was simply stroking my head, the surroundings were in an uproar.

“Wow… What’s going on? What’s happening?”

“Hey… Could it be that Song Ara’s husband is Yoo Seonghwan…?”

“Insane… If that’s the case, then I understand why she’s been so guarded until now…”

Those were the only kinds of comments I could hear around me.

It’s already surprising that an idol appeared in the middle of a graduation ceremony, let alone coming to her husband’s graduation.

To be honest, even as the person involved, it’s such a nonsensical thing that I feel like I’m hearing gibberish.

“Congratulations on your graduation.”

“Thank you.”

And the other members behind her also handed me flowers, but let’s save their stories for later.

Right now, I just wanted to bury myself in the sentiment of graduating and act a little childish in Ara’s embrace.

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  1. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    Its honestly hard to believe this MC made the FMC fall in love with him when he acts like this.

    I mean genuinely apparently he talked to her when she was feeling mega sad, but its hard to believe that when he acts sooooo unsure of himself during the interview.

    Honestly hopefully he improves otherwise I can’t help but to drop this since its not fun reading indecisive characters who merely gets pushed or pulled by what the story wants to happen.

    1. D1Grandmaster says:

      Well this is a pure love story and gender reversal so Mc is bound to be wimpy

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