I Became the Villain’s Childhood Friend chapter 10

10 - [1] Split

10 – [1] Split


“They said he knocked down the 2nd graders of Hunter Middle School over there. So, the police came in the morning and the two of us were called… … .”

“That’s where the hyungs came to visit elementary school. But Cheonmari pretends to hit him, and Kang Xian is openly angry.”

“I heard that it happened after school.”

“He did it proudly in front of everyone. Are you really crazy?”

On the way home from school, he met gangsters and won after a fierce fight.

I got hurt a little in the process, but I didn’t want to lose money or get hurt anyway.

But those bullies are in their second year of middle school?

“ah… … .”

Only then did yesterday’s work come together like a puzzle.

Kang Xian was just treating her after a rough day.

Even if he was a bad person, he would definitely have helped in the fight.

It wasn’t acceptable, I didn’t like it, it was just annoying, but it wasn’t that I couldn’t understand it.

The only problem was that he was of no help when Kangxian was in such a crisis.

What is the reason you are attending Hunter Academy now?

Didn’t he decide to go there to protect poor Kang Xian?

If this situation continues, I’d rather quit the academy… … .

“… … Is it really necessary?”

I don’t know.

I should have quit according to my original purpose, but I really didn’t want to quit.

I was happy every day like this, and even if I don’t pay attention to myself, I hope that Kang Xian himself will pay attention to himself.

Outrageous greed and nonsense.

As if to remind me of that, I felt a vibration in my pocket.

So, when I took out my cell phone and checked the messenger, two group chat rooms and several one-on-one chat rooms caught my eye.

A group chat room where academy peers gather and a group chat room where classmates from school gather.

And a one-on-one chat room where each member communicates with each other.

In terms of message rate, Kang Xian was at an absurdly low level.

No, I was pushed behind me.

It was a cross-section showing that friendships were crumbling, and it was a scene where her indifference was revealed.

If he had been a true friend, he would have sent me a text message of concern.

However, Hana Im stood idly by, watching only the changes in the messages.

“Guys! Chunmari and Kangxian fight again!”

I was in the middle of rationalizing that I would understand even if I paid less attention.

The same voice has always been heard, and at that time, the conclusions drawn through it were different.

‘Kang Xian and him won’t get close.’

Yeah, it never could have been.

Temporary alliance forever.

The two will never be friends.

Because he was weak, he was his own.

Hana Im made a firm decision.

That’s all you have to do for now.

* * *

Time passed again.

It was two years when the blades of grass gradually increased.

Bullet and sorcery marks on the roadside were covered up according to the new plan.

The remnants of the era flowed into history, and so did the deaths of people.

At the same time, new people headed beyond the gate to replace those who died beyond the gate.

And the space these people once would have been filled with others.

As the grades and schools went up, the immature children became immature, and on the contrary, the immature children turned immature as they entered puberty.

The latter was the story of Hana Im.

<Sangsan Hunter Middle School>

The end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school.

Im Hana headed to Hunter Middle School, a special purpose middle school, at the recommendation of the academy director and friends, despite strong opposition from her parents and Kang Xian.

Unfortunately, as is usually the case with middle schools like this, rumors were circulating that the kids couldn’t study.

It was a very uneasy choice for Im Hana’s parents, and she had no choice but to make a proposal to Kang Xian’s aunt, who lives next door.

“Yes? Xian went to Hunter Middle School?”

It was nothing different, it was a suggestion that Kang Xian should be sent to Hunter Middle School to provide the necessary funds and supplies for admission.

Such a suggestion to a child without Hunter’s talent!

Are you planning on doing some kind of water ghost operation?

It was a rather absurd suggestion that it would be better to enlist a child from the same middle school.

‘They say the kids can’t study there. I’m sure I can get a scholarship through this study.’

The person in question had a slightly different idea.

To put it bluntly, it treats a barrel of honey that came out of nowhere.

“Hunter Middle School? sounds fun! Yes, I will!”

It was delicious, so I immediately nodded and agreed vigorously.

When I added that I was confident in my grades, my aunt had nothing to say.

In this way, Hana Im’s parents were able to set up a safety device for their daughter, who recently did not listen to words to a ‘terrible level’.

Of course, that included being informed of her daughter’s whereabouts and guiding her to the right path.

“I’m sorry for making such an additional request.”

“Ah, no. As a parent, maybe. Anyway, I am also worried about one thing.”

The beginning of the semester full of plans.

Afterwards, Xian Kang followed Hana Lim to Hunter Middle School—

“No sh*t, hot pink stripes? Isn’t school uniform design crazy? Who the hell designed it?”

“I guess that’s really crazy.”

A regressor with nothing to do interrupted, saying it would be fun, but I was able to get into Hunter Middle School anyway.

Although Im Hana was very displeased with the fact that a thousand horses followed her.

‘Vona Mana Kangxian must have leaked the information. betrayer.’

However, even if I didn’t like it, it didn’t change the reality that had already happened.

In social life, even if you face a lot of people you don’t like, you have to endure it, so Hana Im generously persevered.

‘But I’ll step on your evil and spoiled bitch here.’

Of course, the look of contempt and hatred was maintained.

Hana Im firmly believed that a thousand horses would not be able to withstand her.

He studied intensively at Hunter Academy for more than three years, and it is clear that he learned only at the level of scratching the surface.

In an upcoming competition course, it would be possible to show what justice is.

That’s why I prayed and prayed for my own opportunity and turn.

“The curriculum has changed again this year.”

“1st grade subjects into 2nd grade? Has it changed a bit strangely?”

“That’s what the Ministry of Education does.”

If there is one unfortunate thing, the competition subject that Im Hana wanted was pushed back to the second year of middle school due to a change in the curriculum.

Rather, the first year of middle school was dominated by general subjects that were far from hunters.

“Guys, it’s Hunter Middle School, am I the only one who feels like going to a regular middle school?”

“That’s right, I’m only learning general middle school subjects.”


As it looked like this, the children who wanted physical education and hunter subjects were hit with a study bomb out of nowhere.

Naturally, among the chaotic children, Kang Xian was able to maintain very high grades.

“Mary, are you 100? Could you show me the test paper?”

“yes? Aren’t you also 100 points anyway?”

“Still, just in case you don’t know. Check it one more time.”

It was the same with thousands of horses.

However, if there were people who talked about it with high grades, there were, of course, people who talked about it with low grades.

’50 points… … No, 30 points… … .’

In elementary school, Lim Hana was able to receive high grades thanks to Kang Xian’s hard work.

After entering middle school, she refused help because she didn’t like Kang Xian’s meddling, and the result was despair itself.

‘No, this time I got this grade because I was careless. I’m sure you’ll be able to receive it well next time.’

If Kangxian and Cheonma heard it, it would be absurd.

Without proper effort, without going to an academy, how can I raise my grades?

Because of this attitude, the grades of the first semester of the first year finally hit the floor.

<1st semester grades>

– Average 35 points

“note… … is it one? Xian asked if he could study with you during vacation. He said he was hit all-back this time as well—”

“That’s Okay!”

As it was a period of stormy rage, wild emotional changes were not an incomprehensible factor.

It was only a problem that he ran out of the house saying that.

Kang Xian, who was hit by a stray bullet while sleeping with Im Ha-na’s family, had to wander around the neighborhood until late at night.


“No, what are you guys doing!”

The place where they ran away from their parents was a shabby playground.

However, he was not alone.

“Oh, hello. One and a half friends.”

“Hana school friend.”

“Me too, at the same school… … .”

The bad-looking kids, with cigarettes and strange leaves.

I knew some because they were in the same class, and some were not close because they were not in the same class.

Even though we weren’t close, we knew at least what kind of kids they were.

‘They’re the ones who run in groups around the rich kids at school.’

Friends who play pleasant Iljin from roughly 1st grade.

At some point, Hana Im started hanging out with those guys.

Of course, the speed of others burned as much as the cigarettes burning in their mouths.

She was very worried, and Kang Xian stopped her all vacation.

“Ah, I know! Why are you interfering with a weak subject?!”

“But parents and teachers are also worried, and if you hang out with those kids later—”

“Anyway, you’re a bitch other than me!”

“yes… … ? What a f*cking year? A thousand?”

“do not know! I’ll take care of it, so please get out of here!”


It didn’t work out, though.

At least, after eating all kinds of curses and holding on to it, I was able to stop it from escaping during the vacation.

‘What about the second semester? I really can’t handle it.’

If there’s a tragedy, it hasn’t really started yet.

A personality that gets worse with each passing day, a behavior that gradually distorts memories, and even magic that blindly shoots because of fluctuating emotions.

Seriously, I didn’t have the confidence to stop things from happening in the second semester.

“Oh, our Jiangshi, who is like a black soft cow, got all the swear words and ate them up. Can I help you?”

“Don’t make fun of me.”

“Originally, all kids of this age are like that~ cause trouble to others, play suicide, set themselves on fire, watch even if they get hit by a car and fly far away, see even if we fight all the time like we did~ cancer or cancer.”

Perhaps the bad-tempered and violent regressor began to look like a fairy.

No, it didn’t look like a fairy, but a real fairy.

This is because the conflict with her has decreased significantly since entering middle school.

I feel like I’ve changed from Wensu to less like an asshole.

“Of course, if it doesn’t work, knock it down and beat it up with excitement! It’s the best for people who don’t listen. Curry.”

“Ugh… … .”

Anyway, it didn’t help much.

In a desperate situation, Kang Xian had to hold on to his head.

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  1. Yeah I don’t really feel bad for her now.

  2. So she first neglected him, now hangs out with bad people. Not gonna be surprised if she becomes unhinged or psychotic with all her power

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