I Entered a Gacha Game That Had Been Abandoned for 10 Years chapter 151

I Entered a Gacha Game That Had Been Abandoned for 10 Years 151

151 – Return (3)

Unlike Merrillda, who shattered with a cracking sound, the mind of the Monarch of Darkness was flooded with a variety of complex emotions.

It was only natural. It was true that he was excited at the news of Kim Hyun-woo calling for him, but he had no idea what the conversation would be about.

…Of course, the Monarch of Darkness had some expectations.

It would be a lie to say he didn’t.

After all, Rin had witnessed the Hero King being accepted by Kim Hyun-woo right before her eyes.

So, although she definitely had some expectations, Rin was also a little scared to meet Kim Hyun-woo.

After all, Rin had been coldly rejected by him a few weeks ago.

Of course, she now knew that it was because of external factors like the Golden Rule, but that didn’t mean the blow she had suffered at that time had completely disappeared. So, she spoke to Shasha with a look in her eyes that was a fair mixture of joy, confusion, slight fear, and hope.

“Tell him I can go right now!”

[Ah, um- First of all, the Monarch of Darkness is in the Kingdom of Callan… Should I say that he’s nearby and can go right away?]

“T, Tell him that-! Ah, no, wait, this isn’t right…?”

Seeing Rin biting her tongue as she spoke in a hurry and then looking confused as if something was wrong, Loriel sighed lightly and said,

“Master, for now, let’s say that you’re coincidentally nearby, but I think it would be better to wait a day or so.”

“T, That’s fine.”

Rin nodded at Loriel’s words as she thought about it with a confused mind.

“Then, first of all-”

Looking at her, Loriel thought for a moment and began to think of a situation that would seem natural at the moment.

Just then.





Girard looked at the boss who had been miserably crushed before he could even make a move and made a pitiful expression.

Merrillda, who was looking at the castle with a pitiful expression while holding back tears, looked just like a puppy that had been abandoned by its owner.

However, that didn’t mean Girard could do anything for her right now, so he opened his mouth to take care of Merrillda, who had lost her mind.

“…Boss, first of all, I think it would be better to calm down and think clearly.”


Of course, even if Girard tried to comfort her, it wouldn’t heal Merrillda’s broken heart…

And at that moment.

Having confirmed that the Hero King had entered the castle with Merrillda and Rin earlier and that he had entered the territory of Lartania as a hero with them, Adria remained silent.

More precisely.

[I, I want to go,]

“No, Your Majesty, you still have a few more months.”

[I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go-]


Inside, she was doing her best to calm down the red dragon.

“No, Your Majesty, you said it was okay to just watch from a distance this time…!?”

Adria said.

[I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go-]

But she let out a deep sigh at the sight of the muttering dragon, as if her words were already unheard.

Just as Loriel, Giral, and Adria were each diligently taking care of their superiors.

On the side of the United Clan in the east of the continent-

“Are the preparations done?”

“They are all done.”

“Is that so?”

– Lawton listened to his secretary’s words, smiled, and got up from his seat and moved towards the terrace.

As he moved towards the terrace, the scenery below was so mystical that any believer would have exclaimed, “Ah.”

Right now, outside the terrace Lawton was looking at, it was full of angels.

To be more precise, an army of angels was in Lawton’s territory.

Behind them were angels with holy wings, scattering holy light as if to prove to the world that they had been chosen by God.


Lawton, who was looking at them, soon said with a faint smile.

“What about the army besides the angels?”

“They are also ready. We will move as soon as you give the order, my lord.”

The secretary said while bowing his head.

Satisfied with his appearance, he nodded and turned his gaze back to the terrace and looked at the angels flying in the sky.

“Then let’s move right now.”

He said with a faint smile.

“Everything is only for one person-“

He muttered those words quietly.

And a day after that.

The angels began to fly towards the Rartania territory.



Rin looked at the castle with a nervous expression.

Even though she had been to the castle quite a few times, she had never been formally invited like this, so Rin was very nervous and was strengthening her will by taking several deep breaths.

About 30 minutes passed as she wandered around the castle in a strange way, strengthening her will, and finally she was able to enter the castle with a determined look.

“Are you here?”

“Ah, well… I happened to be in the neighborhood…”

As soon as she met Kim Hyun-woo, Rin gasped and ran into the terrace and began to seriously think about dying.

“Sit down first.”

However, Kim Hyun-woo showed consideration for her and naturally offered her a seat without saying a word about Rin biting her tongue.

“Ah, I understand.”

Rin, very grateful for Kim Hyun-woo’s consideration, sat down.



Neither of them said anything as they sat down.

Rin just kept watching Kim Hyun-woo’s expression and reciting the manual that she had thought up with Loriel in case he said anything.

Kim Hyun-woo kept humming as if he was thinking deeply about something.

And then, the one who spoke first in that situation was…


It was Kim Hyun-woo.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, as if he was about to say something difficult, and then looked at Rin and said,

“Actually, before I talk about why I called you today, there’s something else I’d like to talk about separately. I’ve been thinking about it. I think it would be better to talk about this first.”

“Wh, what is it?”

Kim Hyun-woo made a subtle noise, “Hmm,” as he looked at Rin, who had a slightly nervous expression, and then cleared his throat again, “Ahem.”

“Well, remember that time? When you came to see me that night.”


The Ruler of Darkness froze as soon as those words came out of Kim Hyun-woo’s mouth.

It was no wonder. From Rin’s point of view, that night was like a traumatic event.

“Th, that…”

Of course, she had prepared a half-baked excuse in case something like this happened, but when she actually tried to say it, she felt like she was choking and her brain stopped working.


“…That time of the month didn’t come because of the seal. Don’t misunderstand.”

Rin’s expression turned blank at Kim Hyun-woo’s next words.

“I just said it because I thought you might worry about it.”

Kim Hyun-woo, who was now free from the seal – no, even before the seal was broken, he knew why Rin had come to see him that night, and he could guess why she had run away (?) in the end.

And he was fully aware that the situation at that time could have been traumatic for her, so Kim Hyun-woo wanted to clear things up properly before he started talking about anything else.

That was why Kim Hyun-woo brought it up, even though it was a bit awkward and embarrassing.

And the Ruler of Darkness, who was listening to him,

“Th, then-”


“C, can I… check?”

I don’t know why, but I blurted it out instinctively.

“Ch… check?”

At Kim Hyun-woo’s bewildered expression, Rin realized that she had made another ridiculous mistake.

The Ruler of Darkness tried to open her mouth to quickly cover up her words, but


She quickly closed her mouth.

She knew very well that it was a mistake, that it was ridiculous to ask to check.

But funnily enough, even though she knew it was ridiculous, she really wanted to check.

That night, Rin had really suffered a severe trauma of her own, not getting her period (?) and seeing Kim Hyun-woo like that.

That’s why.

“I, if it’s okay… I mean… I’d like to… check.”

The Ruler of Darkness turned her head away with a blush on her face and spoke, and Kim Hyun-woo made a very troubled expression.

“…If you want to.”

He eventually muttered, looking very troubled.

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  1. Rinrin says:

    checking WHAT

  2. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    something is wrong here

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