I Entered a Gacha Game That Had Been Abandoned for 10 Years chapter 177

I Entered a Gacha Game That Had Been Abandoned for 10 Years 177

177 – Mutation (2)

As the huge body of Archangel Metatron crashed to the ground, the angels screamed.


As the huge greatsword pierced Metatron’s heart as he lay there, Metatron’s form began to turn into light.


[I see, so that’s how it is- This is the power of the Outer Stars-]

Looking at Merilda who had thrown him to the ground, Metatron muttered quietly, as if he understood but also as if he found it unreasonable.

And just like when he first appeared, Metatron turned into pure white light and disappeared from that place.


“Ugh- uwaaah!!”

“Run away!”

The general slaughter of the undead began.

Of course, even if Metatron disappeared, the angels’ power did not disappear with him.

In fact, Metatron had not actually been destroyed.

Even if an angel born in this intermediate world met their end, they would only lose their power permanently, and their body would return to heaven.

However, even though all the angels knew this, they could not maintain their reason.

For them, the defeat of Metatron, their strongest angel, was effectively the same as concluding that they could not win this war.

That was why the battle, which had been at a standstill until now, began to tilt sharply after Metatron fell.

From Noble mtl dot com

Before long, Lartania was able to claim victory over the angels’ army.



“Wow- it’s really useless.”

In the darkness where there was nothing, Roria, who had been watching the battle of Lartania, shook her head with a disgusted expression.

“I thought it would at least be able to inflict a fatal wound on one of the heroes… Why is it so weak?… No, in this case, is the problem not Metatron but Kim Hyun-woo?”

Roria muttered to herself and tilted her head as if thinking about something. Before long, she seemed to come to a conclusion.

‘If it was only this strong, it wouldn’t have been able to do anything even if I had shared my power with it.’

As Roria was blankly looking outside with such thoughts in her mind.

[How long do you intend to stay like this?]

In the abyss where no one should have been, Roria turned her gaze with a smile at the voice she heard.

“Hm? What is it?”

[Literally. How long do you plan to keep this up?]

“When you put it like that, it sounds like I’m just goofing off. I’m working hard in my own way.”

At her words, the armored man standing behind her spoke.

[Is that work?]

“Of course it’s work. It’s very important work to grasp the enemy’s fighting strength.”

[I suppose killing outsiders is the objective.]

“That’s right, but – it’s the same for you, isn’t it?”

At Roria’s words, the man said nothing and quietly observed her.

As if trying to understand her intentions.


[…No matter how much I think about it, I can’t understand it.]

“What part?”

[Why on earth are you… joining hands with us? No matter how I think about it, with the power you possess, even the territory I see before me…]

“Up to there-”

Roria cut off the man’s words.

When he looked ahead with a look of doubt,


He looked at Roria with a slightly surprised expression.

It was only natural, because the appearance of Roria before the man’s eyes was terribly distorted.

Half of her beautiful face was mercilessly furrowed, while the other half of her face had an expression that seemed to say, ‘Oh, I’ve done it now.’

Similarly, her body was twisted at an angle that was impossible for a human to twist, unlike before when she had been relaxed.

And Roria, who confirmed that her body was returning to normal as soon as the man stopped talking, opened her mouth.

“I didn’t intend to show you, but I think this is enough of an answer. What do you think?”


“It’s really unfortunate that this is the kind of contract it is.”

[So that’s why you joined hands with us?]

“Didn’t I tell you? Since our objectives are the same, let’s help each other.”

Roria said as she stood up from the abyss where she had been sitting until a moment ago and spoke.

“Well then, that’s the end of the talk. The angels are dead after all, so shouldn’t we get moving?”

[Preparations are complete.]

“That’s good. Then let’s get started right away.”


“The otherworlding of the Middle World.”

With those words, Roria smiled with a hint of madness and turned around to walk into the dark abyss.

“And I’ll bring you some additional weapons that you need. They’re perfect for removing those pesky things that stick to the Outsiders-”

With that, Roria completely disappeared into the dark abyss.


On the night when the angels’ legions that had invaded Rartania collapsed at the heroes’ correction rate of 120%.

“Everyone, you’ve worked hard.”

“This is nothing, Master.”

“It really is nothing.”

“…If only we had artifacts, we could have done a little better.”

“Tsk! This much is a piece of cake!”

Kim Hyun-woo smiled as he watched the heroes respond individually.

“No, it’s a great achievement just to have stopped that horde that suddenly appeared to this extent. I can’t thank you enough.”

In fact, Kim Hyun-woo was grateful to the heroes, not just in words.

If they hadn’t been in Lartania, both Lartania and Kim Hyun-woo would have met their end with this attack by the angels.

That’s why Kim Hyun-woo, speaking with a smile, looked around at them all.

“First of all, you must be tired today, so get some rest. I’ve already asked three of you to do me a favor, so it might sound like an empty promise if I say this again, but if you have any favors you want me to do, come and ask. I’ll grant you anything.”

-He finished speaking and gave the heroes their rewards.

And then.

The four heroes who left Kim Hyun-woo’s office returned to their rooms as if nothing had happened.

“Wait a minute.”




At Merilda’s words, they looked back at her.

“Let’s decide the order.”

At Merilda’s following words, Charles spoke.

“…What order are you talking about?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. All the heroes here know how each other will use their favors, don’t they?”

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to use it for s*x!”

“We’re going to do that too.”


Aria, who seemed to have no idea what was going on, exclaimed confidently at Merilda’s words. Merilda, who was looking at her with a slightly pitiful expression, soon looked at Charles and said.

“You’re going to use it too, right? For ‘that’.”

“Yes? W-well, that is-“

Charles blushed instantly at her blunt words, as if he were embarrassed.


“That’s right, isn’t it?”

“…Yes, that’s right…”

At her following words, Charles nodded his head and replied. Merilda glanced at them and said.

“If you’re going to do it anyway, wouldn’t it be better to decide on the order so that you don’t overlap?”

“…That’s not wrong. I don’t like it, but it’s true.”

Merilda replied to Lynn’s answer.

“I don’t like it either. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll be the first one anyway.”

“…What are you talking about?”

“So you’re saying that… no matter how much the master gets intimate with others, I’ll be the winner in the end? So it doesn’t matter right now.”


Merilda’s overly confident words left Set speechless.

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about?!”

“She’s right. What the hell are you saying…!”

“It’s not nonsense.”

“What’s your basis!?”

“I don’t know. But I’m confident I can charm the master. After all, the master-“


“Loves tails.”



The moment Merilda spoke while wagging her tail slightly, Rin and Shall reacted.

They wore faint smiles as if to say, ‘You guys have never tried anything like this, have you?’ while wagging their tails, and the others looked as if they had encountered a formidable enemy.

In particular, Rin, who had cosplayed before, had a bad expression on her face because she knew to some extent what Kim Hyun-woo’s tastes were…


“Hmph, I can do well with my lord even without that.”

Rin somehow retorted to her words.

“…I’m not there yet.”

“Me neither…”

The other two, who had never tried it, sank right in.

…But a little while later.

In the end, the four heroes gathered at the round table began to decide on the order.


“You go first.”

“No, I don’t mind going later, so you go.”

“Me first?! …Ah, no, I’ll go later.”

“…I don’t mind if someone else goes first.”

-No one wanted to go first.

Of course, they all desperately wanted to be the first to enjoy a relationship with the one they truly loved, but unfortunately, the four gathered here knew about the existence of the proposal ring that had come up in the fight between Rin and Merilda, and that there wasn’t much time left.

The proposal ring that Kim Hyun-woo only had one of.

And for them, who knew that there wasn’t much time left, this opportunity wasn’t just a chance to fulfill their own desires.

For them, this opportunity was essentially the last chance to appeal to Kim Hyun-woo before the proposal ring was used.

In addition, for them, who didn’t know if this proposal ring would be the first or the last, this was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.




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Including Aria, who didn’t usually think things through, even Merilda, who had been so confident, was racking her brain.

…The order was not decided until dawn.

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    all those quarel and then playing chicken game, this is ridiculous

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not work with dark mode